Auya's Metalworks

A local smithy run by Auya.

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

Moderators: Pig Boy , Basilisk Snek

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Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:28 am
Race: Prophet
Profession: Seeress
Renown: 1000
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 10





Auya's Metalworks

Auya's Metalworks
At the end of Winemoore Alley, sits a beat up, wooden door. It is large, heavy, and sits beneath a roughly handcarved sign, hanging from a well kept metal chain. The sign reads "Auya's Metalworks" and is one of the only forges in this neighborhood. The forge is in a rundown stone building in need of repair. It is two stories, with windows in the front wall. A ramp leads down from the alley to a basement door for the metalworks. Storage.

Inside is a large furnace that dominates the back wall. This was a forge purchased from the son of another blacksmith. The man had died, and his son unloaded it as quickly as possible, with all the tools included. The forge was purchased by the Aukari woman named Auya in Arc 716. The inside of the forge was cleaned up, some tools replaced, and soon Aeva's Metalworks opened for business.

Auya's forge became known for being cheaper than a lot of the nicer forges, though the quality was lower too. But the woman didn't turn anyone away, took orders on credit, and always completed her orders in a timely manner. Soon her shop was a staple in this part of town, Auya's became the go to for the local neighborhood. Anything that was needed, she made. Door hinges, lamps, low quality weapons, whatever people asked for, she made. People in the area came to know the forge.

There are no items on display in the forge to sell. Auya only makes items to order, she doesn't keep stock. As such, all business is negotiated before work begins. Beneath the forge is a larger, dusty storage area, where she keeps extra timber, coal, and ores, as well as other tools. It has a thin set of metal, spiral stairs in the corner. This leads up to the forge, as well as up to the second floor, where she lives in a small apartment. It is quaint, with a fireplace, a bed, and table, all in one room, overlooking the alley. There's a hatch that opens up to the roof.


All Prices are to be negotiated In Character. PM this PC to set it up.


Name: Laramy
Race: Human
DoB: Vhalar 14, 785
Title: Miner
Skills: Mining (50), Strength (50), Endurance (50), Axes & Bludgeons: Pickaxe (50)

Laramy is a man that lives near in Winemoore Alley. He's been a miner his whole life. When Auya's forge finally opened, he presented himself as a dedicated supplier. He liked working close to home, to spend more time with his wife and kids. He's a simple man, preferring to not talk much. He goes on mining expeditions for trials at a time, then takes trials long breaks. He works alone, drinks alone. On his trials off, he's seen playing in the alley with his kids, while his sickly wife recovers from having to watch them.
Credit: Auyaree
word count: 500
"Without the dark, we'd never see the stars"

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