• Closed • [Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

109th of Vhalar 718

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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[Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

For my dear Marina - 109th Vhalar, 718


He could count the days he’d visited the Glass Quarter on one hand, yet he knew his way around as though he’d lived there his entire life. He’d developed an eye for recognizing which streets would grant the quickest escape should he need to run. Even now, two seasons since he had arrived in the city, he still discovered weathered old faces resembling Mr. Tagley amid the bustle of pedestrians, watching him, waiting for the opportune moment to strike and reclaim him. Better to stick to the main streets. Not even Vuda’s lapdogs would strike in broad daylight amid carts and carriages wheeling up and down the cobblestone roads.

He idly rolled his shoulder. A stiffness had settled in his arm from guiding a borrowed horse all the way up to the Glass Quarter. Along the way he’d considered several reasons why a wealthy merchant had left a horse at the Harpy Inn stables. Pleasing though it was to think that his and his mentor Brimtattle’s work was becoming well-known throughout the city, the likelier reason was that the owner of the horse had a secret lover in the lower parts of town. As a stable hand he was privy to just how many of the noble lords had drinking, gambling and other alternative hobbies that they hid as much from their wives as from each other. Brimtattle scoffed about it on occasion, but never minded taking bribes from the very same people when they sought assurance against rumours spreading.

Tap… tap….

Finn slowed his pace.


Not five feet behind him an old man carrying a walking stick, dressed in the fashion from two decades ago and smelling of mothballs was edging along the road like a demented turtle. His cheeks glowed red from exertion and his raspy breath caused a few heads to turn and lift their noses in disgust at the sweaty odor that surrounded the geezer.

He’s gonna fall over any moment now. Finn thought to himself. He watched a little longer as the man leaned heavily on his walking stick and looked around him, squeezing his eyes in an attempt to read the signs of the various shops along the road.

...any moment now…

Glistening sweat pooled in the deep wrinkles forming on the man’s aged forehead as he frowned and fished an old-fashioned handkerchief from his innermost pocket. Finn saw the danger as the man moved to wipe the sweat of his brow with a trembling hand and shot up to his side just as the man’s balance started to tip and-

“-goodness me!” the ancient face croaked, his stiff old legs stumbling to find support as Finn helped keep him upright.

“Are you alright?”

No response.

“Are you alright, mister?” he tried again, a little louder this time.

“Yes, yes, quite alright but I ehm-” he sweapt the ‘chief across his forehead and scratched the side of his head for a moment as he tried to remember what he’d intended to say again. “My eyes ain’t what they were,” he concluded with a heavy sigh. “I’m looking for a dresser’s.” Another frown marred his face and the weight of a lifetime of concerns etched into his features.

Finn repositioned himself to better support the old fellow who would undoubtedly collapse into a miserable pile of limbs the moment he stepped away.

“What’s she say again, what’s she say again…” the senior muttered. “Gosh I don’t know! I don’t know! Why don’t I know?!”

Finn flinched at the sudden outburst. “What’s the matter?”

“The name. The name of the shop it’s… it’s slipped my mind.”

“You said it was a dresser’s…”

“Yes. A dresser’s, yes… that’s right. Puff sleeves. She wanted puff sleeves.”

“What are puff sleeves?”

“Haven’t the faintest idea.”

“But you know you can get them at a dre-”

“Augustine! That was it! Augustine’s puff sleeves!”

Finn offered the man a friendly if somewhat bewildered smile. “Augustine’s Boutique you mean?” He’d come across the shop a few times in passing. It was difficult to miss, not in the least because the owner was practically a celebrity. He’d wondered once or twice how Ilaren would take to finding out that someone matching her renown had settled in town. Then again, he was beginning to question that Ilaren really made her home in the Cathedral. He’d never once seen her. Maybe he’d scared her off…

“The boutique, yes! Good lad!” The senior exclaimed excitedly. “It can’t be much further…”

“It isn’t,” Finn said as he dipped his chin toward the storefront on whose porch they were standing.

“That’s Augustine’s.”

The man began to move again, leaning heavily on him as they closed the distance to the door. Part of him wanted to leave the man there and head back home, but he didn’t have the heart to do it.

“Mind your step,” he noted duly as they entered the shop. They were greeted by a wall of fresh, cool air, a faint scent of flowers and racks upon racks of fine clothes as far as the eye could see. Finn spotted a small wooden bench under the front windows where a posh lady was trying very hard to pretend that the boy who reeked of hay and the man who’d come waddling out of some antique closet didn’t exist, and step by step lead the man to the resting spot.

“Why don’t you take a moment to catch your breath, and I’ll ask for assistance in the front, alright?”

“I- I couldn’t ask of you-”

Finn dismissed the protests with a wave and skipped to the counter with a light bounce in his step. How had he not been here before? This place was unbelievable!

His excitement was somewhat diminished as he noticed an elderly couple smothered in perfume and jewels, and an immaculate family of two with portrait perfect children staring coldly at him, wondering just how low the standards of the appraised shop had sunk if they let common boys stroll around!

None too perturbed, Finn came up to the counter and fortified himself as he rang the bell positioned there.

“Ms. Augustine?” he called. "Have you got puffing sleeves?"

He thought he heard the daughter of the family gasp in horror behind him.
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Re: [Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

It was a busy trial, which Faith was pleased about - because it meant that the trial moved by in a flash and they made a lot of people feel happy about themselves, about how they looked and in doing that, they funded a lot of good work for Isonomia. Each trial, she reminded herself of that and it made her grateful for the opportunities she had been given.

But really, she thought, this trial that bell above the door might just ring itself off the hook it swung on and she, on the other hand, might be a whole inch shorter she'd been that run off her feet this trial. Might there be smoke under her flat and sensible shoes, Faith wondered and she concluded that, if there was going to be, totrial would be the trial there was. Still it delighted her that there was so much to do and she had to admit that she enjoyed being busy.

Busy was very much good for the former slave. Busy was where she lived and thrived; although Padraig would have her slow down a little, Faith had found the balance she wanted and needed. She worked here for half a trial. She worked in the Order for the other half of the trial and she was home in the evenings. Every evening, thus far, she had made it home and spent time with her husband and children. It was working, she was getting things done and soon she'd be able to leave the shop here for a whole trial and not worry overly about things.

Faith had just finished a transaction with a young woman who was buying a dress for a forthcoming Ball or Gala or some such thing. She knew that there were those - those in the Merchants' Guild, in fact, who felt that she should be attending these things, but Faith couldn't bring herself to want to. Such decadence, finery and frippery, whole evenings spent feeling uncomfortable in shoes which were not foot-shaped and corsets which were too tight. All of that money, which could have been spent so much better and she didn't want to be part of it, not at all.

Still, she was broken out of her reverie by a pair of men-folk one elderly and one much younger. The younger one deposited the elder in a place where he could sit and Faith watched the older man. He didn't look entirely well, the young medic thought and she more or less ignored Finn as she moved over to the man after he'd left. There, she crouched down next to him and was chatting.

So, when Finn called, a reply came - but from behind him. "Yes, I have," said the young woman who was crouched on her heels next to the elderly man he'd brought in. She had his hand in hers and he looked... better. Clearer. "I'm Faith Augustin," she said, patting the elderly man's hand and standing to move over to Finn, where she offered her hand to shake and a cheery smile. The young woman was pale with long dark hair and pale silver eyes with flecks of deep ruby through them. The nails on the proffered hand were black and there was a delicate black lace tattoo around her wrist which was matched around her neck. They both looked rather incongruous with her own rather modest and slightly conservative dress. "Welcome to my shop. How can I help you both?"

If she was in the slightest bit concerned about the smell of hay, or the state of dress or any such, she hid it damn well.
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Re: [Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

For my dear Marina - 109th Vhalar, 718


Finn spun around, more alarmed than he had any right to be and let out a relieved sigh. It hadn't escaped his notice that the old-timer looked revivified, as though the burden of old age had been momentarily lifted. "Ah, well..." he scratched the back of his head, "it's just 'im that needs helpin'. I just... came along and," he motioned toward the old fellow, assuming she'd be capable of filling in the blanks herself. He was on the verge of announcing his departure when a handshake was offered and reluctantly taken. "I'm- well, doesn't matter. I should be off..."

"What's the hurry?" the old fellow croaked, shaking his head. "You young folk are always in such a hurry to get from here to there that you never spend any time arriving and... well, nevermind an old fool's ramblings! If you ought to go, you to ought to go. Now, Ms. Augustin," the man continued as he turned towards her. "I'd like to purchase some puff sleeves for my grandchild. She says they're all the rage. Is that so? It's for the ball you see..."

Finn scarcely heard what the old man had to say as he left him and the shopowner to their business. His eyes roved over silks, velvets, linen, and on more than one ocassion wondered who in their right mind would spend such enormous amounts of money on utterly impractical clothes.

Girls, his mind answered flatly.

"-her name's Marina and she's about the boy's age, I'd say," he heard the old man finish. Finn wasn't sure what Ms. Augustin had done to the senior, but the man's voice had brightened a great deal and a glimmer of liveliness showed in his eyes. "I confess all of this makes me long back... I bet you're going too, aren't you?"

Finn stared sheepishly at the two before he understood he was being adressed. "Me? Go where?"

"Well, to the ball of course!"

Finn's face split into a rare smile there. "Nah, I'm fine."

"A missed opportunity my lad," the old fellow said as he tapped his cane for emphasis. "A missed opportunity! You won't be young forever and when you're old, stiff and wrinkled like myself, you'll come to regret it. You really will."

Finn shrugged. "I'm probably not invited. Besides, it'd seem hardly fashionable to go like this," he added as he gestured toward himself. "And I can't afford anything new anyway."

"That's a shame. You'd look quite dapper something from Ms. Augstin's hand, I'm sure..."
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Re: [Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

"Puff sleeves are very popular, sir, yes," Faith said with a soft smile. She looked at him and wondered - what had he been like as a young man? Handsome, she thought, with a twinkle of mischief. Too often people saw the elderly and forgot they were ever young; it was understandable, it circumvented the awful realization that there were two possibilities in life - grow old or die young. Neither of those were something the young wanted to consider and she looked at the man with compassionate eyes. How long ago had the woman who stood behind him died, Faith wondered? How many arcs had she stood with him, walked with him and observed his life? A while, the young priestess of Famula thought, judging by the way she looked, the hollow nature of her. Yet, here she stayed. Did he even know, she wondered? Did the soul of who Faith assumed to be his wife visit him in dreams?

His wife reached out and touched him, stroking his cheek gently and he reached up to scratch it. Faith looked up and smiled gently at the wife who turned and smiled right back. Sometimes, she knew, there was just no point trying to get a ghost to move over. When he died, they both would. "What would your grand-daughter like?" Faith asked, and then he spoke to the young man who had brought him in. In fairness, Faith thought, the old gentleman was very kind and she turned to look at the young man in question. She grinned at him as she saw the expression on his face. It was a smile of almost camaraderie between them. Faith was certainly much closer to Finn's age than the elderly man. At least, physically. There was an argument that she was old way, way before her time.

"I could make something I think you'd like," Faith said quietly. Her tone was polite and friendly, "Everyone is invited, as long as you meet the dress code. Which I could make sure you do." With a slight shrug, she added, "It would be my pleasure, if you'd like?"

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Re: [Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

For my dear Marina - 109th Vhalar, 718


The old man scratched the itch on his cheek and smiled faintly as his thoughts wandered back to easier days. "I don't know much about the latest fads, madam," he spoke gently. "But I do know she is rather keen on deep blues for her dresses, so anything that would go well with that would be a sensible purchase, I say." He leaned forward on the bench, his old bones creaking from the motion. "Could madam stich her initials into the sleeve? Marina is rather a great admirer of you, and I think she would be delighted to own such a special item, if it isn't too much to ask? For that matter, maybe the young fellow might be persuaded into purchase if he could own such an exclusive item himself?"

The age-worn weight of crinkled eyes lingered on Finn who picked his nails and searched for an escape. The old man's encouragements didn't sway him much, though he imagined there was some truth to it. But a signature stitched into whatever the woman would tailor for him would certainly also make it exceedingly expensive. He made a face caught somewhere between annoyance and fluster. "Well, I don't know!" he sighed. "Meanin' no offense," he added quickly. "I jus' never had something made special an' the like. An' never by someone famous neither." Shrugging had never been harder in the presence of what had to be the most famous dresser in all the land. The sound of the doorbell ringing was a most terrible noise, announcing the arrival of a new customer, forcing him to make his decision sooner rather than later.

"Well it's..." he started, lowering his voice to a near whisper. "I'd like to, but I ain't sure I can afford it, an' I don't know nothing about fashion or balls or sleeves or anything. Besides, I don't have anyone to go to the ball wiv anyway. Maybe..." his voice faltered a little. "Maybe we can just try somethings and decide later? But I wouldn't even know where ta' start or what goes with what..." He gestured toward the near endless racks of clothes, "I can't even tell ya what half of this is."

A serious look washed over his features and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"What's a dresscode?"
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Re: [Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

The ghostly wife of the elderly man was anchored to him, firmly. Faith kept one eye on her, subtly making sure that the anchor was firm (which it was) and the ghost was not descending into one of the Empty or Hollow ghosts, which was where bother happened ~ but there was no issue with either and Faith nodded slightly, pleased to see that there wasn't going to be an issue. To the elderly man, Faith nodded. "I'll make sure of it, sir." If she could do something so simple and make sure that the young girl in question ~ and her grandfather ~ were happy, then Faith would be happy to help.

To Finn, though, Faith turned her gaze and she listened to what he said in response. Nodding her head, she could more than understand his viewpoint. Frankly, she thought that events like this one provoked much more anxiety than they needed to. For all concerned, but there it was. It certainly wasn't something she could argue with even if, frankly, she had an idea of who to argue with ~ which she didn't. "I think that's a fine idea," she said, softly, as he suggested that they try something and decide later. "Before you worry about it, though, payment could be you working for the charity this place funds. I'm always happy to take that. So, as long as you're willing to put in some work, you can afford the clothes." Should Finn need to be reassured of that, Faith had a number of leaflets around the place.

In terms of his question, she answered him with a serious expression. "A dress code is the minimum requirements for the level of formal you need to wear. It lays out what is acceptable and, by definition, what is not." But yes, she was very happy to help him. There were by far and away a large majority of the things in here, she said to him, which he really didn't need to know about. In terms of what he'd need, she said, it was trousers and shirt, obviously, a waistcoat and jacket. So, that meant that there were two things to consider, Faith told him. Color, and cut.

"Usually, we'll have a sort of collection of three colors that look good together," she explained. Showing him a small 'book' of fabrics, bound together, she showed him what she meant. "See, here we have a dark blue main shade, with a green accent and a burnt orange trim. These are called swatches and they allow us to see fabrics and colors together before we start."

Faith had no intention of spooking the boy and so she made sure to include both him and the elderly man. Talk for a moment to Finn about his outfit, then about Marina's and so on and so forth. Once they had colors chosen, then it was cut and Faith explained that as being simply about shape. Different things suited different body shapes, after all and she looked at Finn and then pulled a few example jackets for him to try. It had to be said, she was completely relaxed ~ at least partly because she knew that any tension on her part would be the cause of Finn being the same. As they talked and chose and worked, Faith's hands moved as she began to sketch out the design for the pieces.

A visual would help, she was sure and, once he had made some decisions, she was able to show him some very rough sketches.

"Like this? What do you think?"
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Re: [Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

For my dear Marina - 109th Vhalar, 718


Finn groaned inwardly. Each time Faith addressed the old man his eyes searched for an escape. Maybe he could duck under the racks, shoot across the shop and make a run for the door, maybe he could hide in one of the changing cabinets at the back of the shop or excuse himself and simply never return… but just when a plan popped into his head, she’d turn her attention back to him and would root him to the spot with those eyes. Somehow he’d imagined that the famed Faith Augustin would stand a little taller, speak a little louder and would certainly not be wasting her precious time on him. Despite her best efforts, he shuffled and fidgeted throughout the long and torturous process of color picking, measuring, and swapping out his fraying tunic for something so delicate looking he feared he'd contaminated it just from staring at it.

Meanwhile the old fellow was browsing through a selection that had been put on a rack for him, trying to decide what cut and color Marina would like. Oh what Finn wouldn't give to swap places with the old coot. The fellow wasn't getting hoisted into some tight, uncomfortable outfit far above his pay grade.

He thought he heard a giggle from the back of the shop when he was done picking colors and decided there and then that he’d have no more of this nonsense. Who exactly was he going through the trouble for? Certainly not for the old man, and not for Ms. Augustin either, celebrity or not. “Looks brilliant,” he said in a hollow voice. “But… I’m fine, thanks.” Without further ado he pushed the color swatch back into Faith’s hands with an apologetic look. “I should go, I’ve got to… “ he bit his lips. “Well I just got to!” He ducked under one of the racks, emerged on the other side and strode toward the exit with the last remains of his pride intact.

“What about the ball?” The old man’s voice sounded.

He stopped then, his hand hovering over the door handle and shot a truly horrified look in the man’s direction. “What do I care about a bloody ball? I’ll look like a right puff in any of that!” he gestured toward the shop’s offerings. “Besides, dancing’s the worst.”

His eyes flicked over to Faith and lingered for a moment. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again and pushed through the door instead, leaving only the ringing of the bell above the door in his wake.

The old man sat up, with his final purchasing decision in hand and smiled. "Ah, puberty," he said with a knowing smile.
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Re: [Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

[Augustine's Boutique] For my dear Marina

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

Points awarded: 15 for both participants

- Fin: +5 for getting fancy for an important event in Rharne

Notes: This was cute, and well written on both parts. I especially love the way fin is played true to a child of that age, curious and full of energy.

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