Unholy War V: It's a Bloody Fight

Faith decides that she's going to fight a little bit dirty.

4th of Ymiden 719

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Unholy War V: It's a Bloody Fight

4th Ymiden, 719
Unholy War
From the start of life
To my dying day
In the dark of night
And the burning light of day
It's a Bloody Fight

The Order of the Adunih in Rharne was the HQ of the Order, now, across Idalos. Faith knew that there were a lot of things which might be useful here in the war to come, and she also considered carefully whether she should make use of her access to the resources. It was important that she considered it, reflected on it, and then having done so she had decided that yes, of course she was going to. Because this war was going to create casualties. And so, the first thing that she did was to write a letter. To each of the Order Outposts in Idalos. Scalvoris, Ne'haer, Desnind, everywhere.

Because forewarned was forearmed and Ellasin had powers in the shadows. So, Faith was going to take the fight out into the light.

Also, Faith knew that this was intelligence, potentially. Ellasin needed to have nowhere to hide. Nowhere at all. It was predictable, it was very much what Faith would do and so, she did it. They had secrets - and many of them, ut Faith knew that if she was going to keep Ellasin on her toes, then Faith would need to be being seen to do the predictable things, those things she would always do, whilst doing something quite different in the background.

And so, she began to write.

All Order of the Adunih Outposts,
Isonomia Members,
Councils of Scalvoris, Rharne, Viden, Ne'haer and Desnind (and all cities where there is an Adunih Outpost).

It is my unfortunate responsibility to inform you that we have become aware of a large group of necromancers who are plaguing Idalos. Run by a Lich named Ellasin, this group (known as the Coven). This group, as far as we are able to tell, are spread throughout Idalos and have openly attacked my home with over a hundred undead. At the moment, I am gathering as much information as I can and I will pass that information on to you. It seems to me most likely that this is the beginning of something large, and therefore, I am increasing stocks to all Outposts and I would urge every council to consider defences against necromancy.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Faith Augustin.
She didn't let them know that, should they need to get to see her, they should merely find a marked of Famula, that would give far too much away. However, she made sure to write a quick note to put up in Zuudaria, and Faith then got to work. Because, she had a plan.

She was going to find out what differences there were between the blood of a mage and the blood of a marked and the blood of someone with neither of those situations. She was going to find out, so that she could damn well target Ellasin and the Coven, having made sure that those on their own side were protected against whatever it was she created. But yes, she knew, the Spark changed the soul and the blood.

And she was going to find out how. She had, after all, all the data she could need. Her Charter studies, the Ember Plague and everything that she'd been doing in her Licentiate up till now. All about blood. She was going to find out the difference, and she was going to use it. So, she got to her books, her notes and her focus complete.
Example Links
There are more - but I've picked a few from each thing.
* Diploma of Science in Medicine from Scalvoris Campus
Thread One - she begins to study blood - and the differences in biqaj blood to others
* Charter of Science in Medicine from Scalvoris Campus
Thread Two - more focus on blood - and links to three other threads leading up to it in there.
Thread Three - more blood stuffies
Moderated Thread - with Maltruism
* Licentiate
Thread four where she starts looking at the big picture of impact of disease etc on other organs.
*Ember Plague:
here = it's all about the blood. :)
I've also got a few job threads etc, where she examines blood and the differences in types etc.

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Re: Unholy War V: It's a Bloody Fight

4th Ymiden, 719
The magnifier was a real blessing from the Immortals, and Faith was incredibly pleased with the invention which would - and already had - revolutionise medicine, she was sure. Now, she was able to really examine blood in ways she hadn't been able to before. It allowed her to look at the blood of mages in comparison to those of non-mages and, just with that piece of equipment, she could see immediately that there was a difference. That was good - it was important to know these sorts of things, after all. She didn't fully understand just what she was seeing though, and so she needed to make sense of it.

Which meant, inevitably, that Faith needed to get to the books. Lifting her head from the magnifier, she moved over to the books and started her research. It was strange, she considered. Thanks to Vri's blessing, Faith had a perfect memory, but still she made sure to check her facts. It felt important ~ her memory might be perfect, but she was far from the same and it felt very irresponsible to do anything other than check and double check. And so, she looked back and fact-checked.

"I think it's ether. It must be, surely?" That, she said to Mattieus - he was working with her on this and the two of them were cataloguing the findings together. "I'd say so, Faith, yes." The Ithecal was an old friend - he'd delivered Rose, after all, and all the chaos that went with that birth. Two births, now, three children and neither experience had been anything but chaos. They did not live like most people, Faith considered most seriously. "There are different amounts in these samples. It doesn't seem consistent. Unless, do we have the information on how powerful the mages in question are?" Mattieus nodded and went to the notes. When she compared them, it made sense. "Alright, so there's more ether in the blood if the mage is more powerful. That's good. And there seems to be a time limit, but it's not set. I guess there are too many other factors, but it does dissipate. Alright. That's all good information."

Mattieus had known Faith far too long for him to think that this was the end of it, so he said nothing, simply looked at her and tried not to grin. He was ithecal - and that meant that humans often mistook his facial expressions, but it was more than that. He and Faith had always had a teasing relationship, but he knew from her expression just how much stress she was under. So, he avoided tormenting her too much. But, true enough, he didn't have long to wait until she spoke in earnest tones, proving him right. "Alright, this is a good beginning. I want to document it fully. But it's just a start. It's far too ... " she waved a hand as though dismissing something, "loose and open to be used against good people. I need specifics, not a mage war." Mattieus looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "I thought Famula hated all mages?"

Faith looked rather surprised when he said that and she tried to explain. "It is forbidden that one of her chosen should learn magic, certainly. But Necromancy is the magic she actively pursues. I would not become a mage, but then I wouldn't become an alcoholic or a member of the military, but I don't think we should start designing weapons targeting them." He considered her words and nodded. "Alright, that makes sense. You think of it just now?" Faith pulled a face at him. "No, I did not. I think a lot. A lot of the time. It's always very noisy in my head." As she grinned at him, she added. "And you are a mean boy. Are we ready for the next step?"

Mattieus nodded, apparently entirely seriously. "That we are. Always."
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Re: Unholy War V: It's a Bloody Fight

4th Ymiden, 719

"So," Mattieus said with a cheery grin. "What's next?"

Faith pursed her lips together as she considered that question. "We have to proceed with focus and caution. I want something which can harm or stop necromancers, but only those. Preferably, only those who are using their Necromancy by animating thralls." Mattieus' expression showed his surprise at that. "Do you think that's taking caution too far?" Faith shook her head, stubbornness evident in every aspect of her. "People are forcibly initiated, or make a choice and then realise that they've made a mistake and want to change. This is about choices having consequences. I wish to ensure that we only give consequences to people making the choice to harm others." Mattieus sighed slightly.

"While I understand that, this is going to be much more difficult to achieve, isn't it?" Faith nodded, obviously that was not an argument which held any sway with her. "Yes. So. We need to start. What I want to do is find out if there's a difference here between different types of mage. That will be vital."

In the end, it was Rupturing which did it. The ether for that seemed to almost vibrate and Faith considered it with a sudden realisation of just what was happening. "Look! Oh, that's ... how bizarre." The ether behaved like the magic it was part of and so, she was able to begin what she needed to do. To identify specific mage using types from their blood. That was a first step, but it was a vital one Faith knew. This fight was going to get nasty and they needed every resource available to them - this included. But she had to be able to use this with a clear conscience. "Alright, so, we're getting somewhere now."

Turning her gaze to Mattieus, Faith smiled. "This will have major implications for medicine, you know. Mages and, I suspect, blessed individuals have a different biological make-up. They change at a blood level - which might mean that we see them being more, or less, susceptible to specific diseases and more, or less, resistant to particular cures. This opens up a whole world of possibility." Mattieus nodded. "It does. Alright, shall we get some people on it?"

Faith nodded. The sooner, frankly, the better.
word count: 389
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: Unholy War V: It's a Bloody Fight

Thread Rewards



I had already read this thread so it was the second time now. It’s an intriguing and complex story you are writing and I keep following it thread for thread at the pace you complete them. Ether in the blood! This is great, though as a mage player I’m grateful that Faith is attempting to only take out necromancers, preferably only those who animate thralls. I guess we will see ... I really enjoyed the thread ... and you “have me in thrall”.






Renown: 5 for innovative medicine research




Research: Check your facts, make sure that it's always what you think it is.
Research: Start with the basics and build up.
Surgery: Ensure that you observe a number of different types when examining blood
Surgery: Ether changes blood for a limited time
Surgery: Different ether types have different impacts on blood. e our facts, make sure that it's always what you think it is.
Research: Start with the basics and build up.
Surgery: Ensure that you observe a number of different types when examining blood
Surgery: Ether changes blood for a limited time
Surgery: Different ether types have different impacts on blood.

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