Unholy War I: From the start of life.

2nd of Ymiden 719

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Unholy War I: From the start of life.

2nd Ymiden, 719
Unholy War
From the start of life

The garden.

As Faith knelt and pulled weeds from the ground around her herb garden, she did so without much in the way of thought or lucid consideration. After all, she'd done this a hundred hundred times before. She was a keen gardener and she enjoyed the almost-science, wrapped up in mystery of putting a seed into the ground. These trials, she had an excellent garden and she tended it with love. As she knelt there, Faith recalled the time, in Scalvoris, where they'd been kneeling in the garden together like this, planting. Padraig had been squinting against the light and it was right at the beginning of what she thought was Lightbane. It hadn't been, of course, not at all. Faith sighed, her hands moving to pull up more weeds and her mind wandering. Leaning back so that she was sitting on her heels, her eyes surveyed the scene.

She'd always had a tendency to take the blame for things, she knew this. To not argue, to go along and accept responsibility. It was very much her way of being in the world, and always had been. But now, she found herself in a unique situation. The War General of an Immortal, engaged in what she could only describe as an Unholy War. Or war against the unholy, certainly. Looking up at the sky, she smiled slightly and realised just how small and insignificant she felt. Too small, certainly, for any kind of responsibility, too tiny and insignificant to be of any use in this endeavour. As she lifted her head, Faith realised just what she was feeling and she found it a little strange, all things considered.

In that moment, she wanted her mother.

Yet, Faith had no mother. Not in any way which counted. The woman who had given birth to her had, within a break, sold her. That woman wasn't a mother, not in any way at all and, somehow, as Faith remembered her ~ with perfect, clear memory which came from Vri's blessing ~ still she wondered what it was that had meant she wasn't good enough. Not enough for the woman who should love her unconditionally, yet had traded her for a bag of coin. Even that thought didn't stop the sting of tears which threatened to spill from her eyes, though she blinked back and shook her head. There was no time for tears and she would not shed them. Yet, her children had no grandparents, no notion of their family history because of the actions of her parents.

It was all too much and she looked down at the herb garden and wanted, in that moment, to fling herself on to it, to shout and shake her fist at the world or to sob into the ground. "Well, I'm glad we're not feeling melodramatic," she muttered to herself as she realised that. Breathing in, she calmed herself and considered what it was that she was feeling here. As she did that, she examined her emotions with a calm, almost dispassionate expression on her face. She was overwhelmed with emotion, tired, and she wanted her mother.

Lifting her hand to her chest where the tattoo of a willow tree marked her as Moseke's Adored, Faith smiled. She wanted her mother and she knew who her true mother was.
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Re: Unholy War I: From the start of life.

2nd Ymiden, 719

There should be temples, Faith thought. More of them. More places where people could go and worship, go and pray; yet the idea of a temple was a rather strange one. She recalled the conversation she'd had with Kali, about how much of an antithesis temples were to her. The Sev'ryn woman had been quite adamant and that had caused Faith to smile slightly at the time, as it did now. She had been equally sure of herself, of course and in that moment Faith had to wonder whether those people she had known then - so many lifetimes ago - had changed as much as she had. Her thoughts ticked over as she stood up from the ground where she had been kneeling and Faith casually and calmly stepped out of her shoes. Her emotions were calming as she moved over to the tree in the garden and she sat on the cool stone which was next to it. Here was where she came to pray to Moseke, generally. It was where Faith felt closest to the Immortal of Life and where she often sat and thought about ways to cure different illnesses, or how to treat a specific patient, for example. It was, it had always been, a place where Faith felt calm.

"I was so afraid, when I was pregnant with Rose," Faith whispered in a soft prayer to Moseke. "I don't know how to be a good mother. I don't even really know how to be a bad one. I suppose that's true of most people, though, I've realised." Touching the small daisy-like flowers growing in clumps at the base of the tree, Faith hummed a tune to encourage them to grow. "Have faith, you told me. It was so long ago, when you stepped down to speak to us in Ne'haer, just before we went through to Oscillus. Have faith, you said and you stroked my cheek." Her fingers moved gently over the petals and leaves as she unconsciously mirrored the movement Moseke had made.

"It's so big. I'm trying to focus on everything, but it's so big. Holy Moseke, I need to focus on saving lives. Life, the earth of Rharne and all the places we are going to end up," all the fights, conflicts and bloodshed. All the violence and early graves. Faith hated the idea of it, but recognised that the Coven had to be stopped. There was no alternative, after all.

Lifting up a small piece of wood, a carving of the Immortal which Faith had been working on, she continued to work the wood as she spoke in prayer. "In your name, I will try my best to be as strong as the stone, as fertile of mind as the soil. Holy Moseke, your gifts to me have been so many," Faith's hands worked, slowly and carefully carving the shape of the Immortal ~ she had seen Moseke last on the trial that Faith and Padraig had wed; Moseke had been there, as had Famula, Vri and Qylios. It bordered on overwhelming, Faith thought, because it was so very humbling. "There is no greater gift than hope, and that was what you gave me, the first time we met." In Ne'haer, a gentle stroke of the cheek and Faith had felt the hope that they would succeed.

What was difficult, she considered, was capturing the awe-inspiring nature of the Immortals. In the form of a mortal, when face to face with them there was very obviously nothing at all mortal about them and that was a tough essence to catch. Faith was used to working with fine instruments, and that was what she used now; her chisel was tiny, a real precision instrument and she was using it to very, very carefully carve tiny details.

"And I must ask your help again, Holy Moseke, in a war."
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Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: Unholy War I: From the start of life.

2nd Ymiden, 719

And so, Faith prayed. Her prayers were whispered, as she carved the wooden figure. The prayer seemed to give her hands the confidence to move, and as she didn't focus on the minute detail, but rather on the big picture. Flowing lines representing Moseke's hair were what she was working on as she spoke her whispered pray. "It's so big. Mother Moseke, there will be blood in the earth, I know it. And every order that I give, every command as Famula's War General, it will have consequences." Faith would live with them, she did not mind that at all. Better that she did than someone else. Lifting her hands, she looked down at them and sighed. "I'm sure that it's the right thing, but we have to do it the best we can." People, so many people, depended on her making the best judgements that she could, Faith knew.

"Your healing, the boons you grant. Holy Moseke, I come to you and ask for your help in this war. I am, and will always be, your servant, but I have to do the best I can. That means asking for help." Faith didn't like to bother the Immortals, if she was honest - she thought it was her job to help them, not theirs to help her. "Because we need all the help that we can get and I have a duty to make sure that as few people die as possible." It wasn't for herself, but the half a million Zuuda ~ a number which still scared the living daylights out of her ~ the five thousand Wisps, the Elements, the Lightning Knights, Thunder Priestesses and members of the Order of the Adunih and Isonomia. It was Gennadiya, Hart, Kesindir ... people she barely knew who had stepped up to help. It was Maxine, Sephira, those who had no need, but who still came.

It was her sister. Her husband. Her children. Half a million people, twins born from her, and all the people in between. "We meet in the mausoleum. Please, Holy Moseke, your humble servant asks for your help. If it is possible, and in service to you."

The small statue finished, Faith knelt forward and put it at the base of the tree. "In your name. Unto my final breath, and beyond," she whispered.

Plea made, she knelt in the earth at the foot of the tree and prayed to the Immortal who had taken away her scars. Quietly contemplating the life she had lived, Faith pledged herself to the Immortal, whether Moseke helped or not.

But she couldn't deny that she really hoped she did.
word count: 449
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: Unholy War I: From the start of life.

Thread Review
From the ground, near to where Faith knelt, a small plant began to grow. It grew more rapidly than a plant normally would. A single stem grew, swirling black and green, leaves and thorns popping out to match. It grew to roughly a foot tall, when a deep blood red bud formed. The bud split open, growing into a blood red rose, with some black petals mixed in. It grew full and vibrant and stopped there, at its prime. It radiated love and other emotions, but they radiated in a manner that would be familiar to Faith. They radiated like a heartbeat. A heartbeat that Faith knew more intimately than anyone else in the world ever could.

It was Rose's heartbeat and it was strong.

Word Count: 1,726
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Faith Augustin
  • Skill Points - 10
  • Renown - 0
  • Skill Knowledges
    1. Gardening: Tending to a garden is a full time job.
    2. Woodworking: Using wavy lines to show motion.
    3. Woodworking: Using a chisel to sculpt details.
    4. Woodworking: Trying to capture the essence of an immortal is hard.
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards
    1. Rose's Rose - A black and red rose growing on Faith's property. This rose is a gift from Moseke, as it is connected to Faith's daughter, Rose. The plant will radiate the emotions Rose is feeling at any given time, and it pulsates to the beat of Rose's own heartbeat.
Player 2
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Final Notes

If you have any questions, please PM me.

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