The Next World.

And we'll always carry on. In this world, or...

29th of Saun 718

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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The Next World.

29th of Saun, 718.

Saun's heat had never scorched like this before, surely. Not even a cloud to temper the burn; even in the wake of last season's disaster, Faldrun's wrath still blanketed Rharne, Nir'wei thought grimly as he quickened his pace, then cursed loudly as one of his toes brushed the boiling cobblestones. Just one touch, and it felt like he'd stuck it with a fiery poker! As he sought immediate shade under the striped silk canopy of a nearby vendor to soothe the smouldering toe, he felt smug laughter ringing in his skull. "Don't worry, at least where you're going, someone will be able to bandage that." Even while mentally cursing the crude jibe, a broad smile cracked his sun-dried face. It wasn't his fault! He couldn't help it!

Ever since Greyhide's sudden announcement that he could smell wolves in the city, Nir had been excited. To hear they had a very distinct and young scent to them had confused him for a while... until the wolf had explained a little more. It wasn't just an odd scent, it was an oddly familiar one. Faith was back. Faith was back!

He just wished he'd come back sooner. His growing entourage meant he could no longer sleep in the city's inns, even those that claimed to be animal-friendly or offered him the use of their stables. His unique relationships didn't extend to the cattle of others, and his wolves had only grown more protective with time. Not to mention with the amount of mouths to feed, he had to donate a healthy portion of his time finding a suitable place with plenty of access to food and water, even if they could be trusted to take care of the rest... and even then, he could only count on most of them doing that right too. That was only part of why he'd left them all behind, save Greyhide, while he went on this special visit.

"Come on, it's just up the alley and then around the bend." He already knew where they were heading and it didn't surprise him in the least. The Order of the Adunih Outpost. One of the reasons he'd returned to Rharne in the first place. Honestly, he'd still not joined properly, as he'd intended to countless seasons ago when he'd worried about his nearing death. Now he had Isonomia to focus on instead... and even that, admittedly, he'd neglected. The land back in Rynmere, still unused. Maybe he could find somewhere in Rharne to adopt as his own? Or had she already bought a place here and beaten him to the punch? He wouldn't put it past her. Damnit, he needed to stop jumping to conclusions before he jumped straight off a cliff!

Finally stumbling through the door and catching the doorframe to pant for breath, he realised at some point he'd broken into a run without thinking about it. "Where is she?" he asked between gulps of air, flagging down the nearest blue cloak he could find with a concentrated burst of uncoordinated flailing. "I need to see--"

"She's through there, turn left, up the stairs." Of course. Everyone worth their salt knew of her now, it seemed... and, well, having spent a good few seasons of his time locked away in one of their "cozy" little treatment rooms with an now-cured incurable disease, he wasn't exactly surprised to know a choice few still knew of him too. A quick flail of thanks and he pushed onwards, quickly smoothing his dirt and sweat-stained shirt on the way before practically bursting through the nearest door and throwing a little prayer together in the hopes this was the right one. Maybe it was the heat. Dehydration? Sure, that sounded like a good excuse. "FAITH!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "FAITH, I MISSED YOU SO MU--!" He didn't even want to think why someone would want to put their hand in there, if it was a medical procedure or they just really liked each-other, but he really wasn't about to start asking questions. "Wrong room, sorry, sorry," he muttered as he backed out and slammed the door shut.
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Re: The Next World.

Faith was sitting in her office and had her head lowered over some paperwork. It wasn't an aspect of the job she enjoyed but, since she had taken on the role asked of her by Valyr, she had a lot to consider. There were reports which she had to read and there were all sorts of things to do. The alliance between the Order and Isonomia was such that it gave them both extra strength and also, come to that, the grouping with the Lightning Knights, Thunder Priestesses and Merchants Guild didn't harm one bit.

But still, it meant that she spent more time behind the desk than she'd like. It was what was needed, though, and she was striking a balance which was good. So, Faith had her head lowered and was concentrating when she heard the noises of a scuffle. Lifting her head, the young woman frowned slightly and glanced at Alissa, her friend and bodyguard. Given Alissa's preferences, Faith would spend the rest of her life hidden in a castle somewhere. Somewhere very safe. Standing, Faith moved to the door and Alissa moved with her.

At the sound of the voice, though, Faith's face broke into a beaming smile and she moved quickly. "Nir'wei!" came the familiar voice from down the corridor and then, there was an ex-slave in his arms as Faith flung herself at him and hugged her friend. "Nir'wei! Is it ... oh, it is SO good to see you!" Faith was, quite obviously, delighted to see him and didn't care at all about the people who had stopped to look.

There were a few things about Faith which he might noticed had changed since last time he saw her. The cloak she wore, denoting her rank in the Order of the Adunih, was white. She looked well, happy and healthy and otherwise absolutely fine. There was a strange glow to her hair, though, almost as though there was a light shining behind her and, of course, her silver eyes were tinged with ruby red. But her delight was evident in every bit of her and the biqaj woman who was with her seemed to be both amused and rather confused. "Nir'wei, this is Alissa. Alissa, this is Nir'wei. Alissa is my friend and bodyguard. Nir'wei is... well, he's my brother in every way but blood."

Grabbing hold of Nir'wei's hand she tugged at him. "Come up to my office, we can have a chat. How long are you here? You're well, aren't you?" A sudden frown marred her face at that worry, but she glanced at him and noted that he looked well, not how he had when the Rot had him in its grip. Assuming he went with her, she led him to the large, pleasant office which he might remember as being where the head of the Order in Rharne worked. There were comfortable chairs in there as well as the desk and it was to them that she led him. "Tell me, tell me everything! How are you? How are you all?" Him and his menagerie of animals, which had probably grown in the time since she'd seen him last. "Tell me everything!"

Alissa, meanwhile, interjected with. "Here you go," and put down two glasses of water.
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Turning to the sound of yelling, a bright cheesy grin spread over his face. There she was, bright and healthy and wonderful as ever, charging down the corridor at full speed. "FAITH!" he repeated at the top of his lungs as he spread his arms wide and caught her in a crushing grip. "How could you not tell me you were around!? I didn't get any letters from you, Greyhide just--" The mere mention of the wolf was like a trigger. All in a moment the big wolf was there too, materialising out o thin air and jumping around on his hind-legs, licking at her hands and whatever else he could reach. "Hey, come on, ease up!" This was supposed to be a sterile place! Not to mention it must have been more than a little confusing for her new friend, hovering in the background. Oh who cares, he was just so happy to see Faith again!

After a hug that seemed incredibly long and ridiculously short, he pulled back and held her by the shoulders to get a real look. So much had changed! That had to be a new cloak, which wasn't that much of a surprise, though he couldn't remember which one was better anymore - was white the best, or gold? "Y'know, I can see you're going for a new look here, but the red eyes just look a tad too menacing for my tastes." Oh, he was joking. She'd never looked better, all regal and proud and very much where she belonged. It seemed like she'd finally taken his advice, too, and started taking on some staff. His eyes swept quickly over the bodyguard and Greyhide gave her hand a few cautious sniffs as well. "Bodyguard, huh? Must say I'm a little relieved, but still disappointed there's only the one. And no assistants either?" That time, he was only half-joking.

Before he could properly take in his bearings she started whisking him away again, into a very cosy office with big overstuffed chairs that he felt he could almost melt into. "Oh, I'm here... honestly I might be here for a while. Things haven't gone down too well in Rynmere, I'm afraid. While I made a good few friends, the climate... all of it was growing too much for me, in all honesty. I felt like I was going to be forced to pick one side or the other, and for the life of me, I couldn't. I had to leave while I still could. Even the Skye Verath Lodge no longer felt safe." Not when they were all under the spell of those damn eyes watching every move he made. Just thinking about it sent shivers down his spine again, thoughts of Greyhide and Cold barking into the night as rustling and footsteps faded away. "But I'm good. Healthy and alive, barring a few fresh scars and minor heartache."

He couldn't remember if she'd ever seen the new additions - but he was more interested in those eyes, the office... her bodyguard, for Karem's sake! "I'm fine, we're all fine, I'll give you a tour sometime of our campsite out in the Stormlands, but first things first, I think a proper introduction to your friend would be nice... and of course, I'd love to hear why you're now walking around with a bodyguard. Does Padraig have some too, and the kids? ... It's nothing to do with the Circle, is it?"
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Re: The Next World.

As Nir'wei wrapped her in a hug and then, Greyhide appeared, Faith let out a laugh of genuine delight and she beamed at him. Greyhide, of course, got a lot of fuss and she looked at Nir'wei with tears of delight in her eyes. Holding on to her friend, Faith felt just incredibly grateful for him and she gave a prayer to Famula, Vri, Moseke and Ymiden for the man who was so like a brother to her. "Oh, Immortals, it's so good to see you, Nir'wei!" The pair of them had laughed hysterically while trying to men a wagon, had stood together and fought a disease considered incurable and... so many things. Nir'wei knew her as a slave, before she had been a free woman and he was her friend then. He was still, of course, her friend now.

He took hold of her shoulders and looked at her, Faith returning his gaze and she chuckled at his words. Shaking her head, she gestured to them with a wry expression. "They are part of my blessing from Famula," Nir'wei knew about that; after all the Immortal had turned up at Faith and Padraig's wedding, where Nir'wei had been a guest. He teased her about Alissa and Faith pulled a face at his suggestion of "assistants", rolling her eyes and grinning at the same time. He was dreadful and her gaze told him so. "I have assistants. More than I know what to do with," she said, softly, tugging him with her to the office.

Where, in fairness, he was cagey, but alright. He wanted to hear about Alissa and what was happening. "I didn't advertise for a bodyguard. Alissa just insisted," the biqaj in question grinned and nodded. "I did. I do. She was working to abolish slavery on Scalvoris. There were people who didn't take kindly to that." Faith glanced at her companion and almost looked exasperated, except she looked fond. Alissa, for her part, was obviously entirely unrepentant. Having put the drinks down, Alissa glanced at Nir'wei and shrugged, just slightly. Faith then continued to speak. "We did it," she said, softly. "Slavery on Scalvoris is illegal. All former slaves have been offered a place to stay, education and training and their former owners have been recompensed for their loss." Faith's face showed her delight. "We did it." Alissa rolled her eyes. "She did it," she said and Faith shook her head.

Ignoring it any further than that, Faith gestured around. "And, this is why I have some assistants. I'm the head of the Order here in Rharne. We've set up a collaboration with the Thunder Priestesses and Lightning Knights, the Order and Isonomia. It worked on Scalvoris, with Cally's, I'm going to do it here, too." She had that fanatical look that she got, one that he knew well. Her determination was that Rharne would have no poverty, a basic level of living, for each and every citizen.

It didn't seem too much, to be honest.

"Padraig and the children are fine, better than fine. He loves it here, there are some great points of interest for him. The babies are.. nearly an arc old. They're so beautiful." Her expression darkened slightly, though, at the mention of the Circle. "You mean the ring? I know them, know of them. We're investigating them, trying to work out if we can find them." Faith wasn't having any argument in that, though Alissa thought it a less than sterling idea. So her expression told, anyhow.

"Come on, I've told you all my news. Or lots of it. What about you?" Faith asked, grinning widely.

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Re: The Next World.


He frowned, eyebrows drawing close. He must have missed that during the ceremony, but then he hadn't snagged a close look at them. Bright red was a shade more eye-catching than his own inhuman ghostly blue, so at least he wasn't the only one struggling to blend into a crowd. It didn't matter, there were more important things to talk about! "I can see that, you seem to have so many that none of them are here assisting you," he remarked pointedly with a mostly-flat stare, broken only slightly by the big beaming smile that he just could not get rid of. Damnit all, there was only one person on Idalos that could make him this happy just by being in the same room as him. Even Greyhide was beside himself at the fuss, one step short of rolling onto his back to demand belly-rubs. Nir'wei couldn't find it in his heart to reign him in either, even as the wolf started looking to Alissa for attention as well.

"Yes, I remember all of that," he muttered, glancing to the bodyguard for a wry comment at her explanation. "You know I told her, even back then, there was going to be trouble at the mention of it." She'd been reluctant of course, he remembered fondly. Even Karem's intervention hadn't seemed to budge her much. Either their drilling had at least weakened something in her to allow some added security, or this one had a silver tongue hidden somewhere under all the clipped sentences.

Though... it sounded like that wasn't going to be an issue any longer. "You're joking." She had to be, but when he snapped back to her, she looked dead pleased with herself. "... You're not joking." Shock overrode everything else. Of course she'd said she was going to do it, and once she said something like that, you knew she damn well meant it; the last time she'd made a proclamation like that was right here in Rharne, while he sat in a hospital bed rotting from inside his own skull. Even knowing that, it was still incredibly jarring to know that she'd actually done it. A whole city, all of its people. How many islands, how many millions? "I just..." He couldn't even find the energy to move on to the here and now, his mind just kept cycling back. "It's completely gone?!" His next hug was much more firm, threatening to lift her into the air, though he didn't have any of the strength for it. "You... are something else, you know that right? Sometimes I need to physically remind myself that you're a mortal being like the rest of us."

Eventually, he got over it, like a fog lifting from his mind, and he nodded firmly. Of course Scalvoris would just be the beginning. "Let me know what I can do to help. I, err... I actually just tried to sign on with the Knights. Initiate Nir'wei, at your service." He tried a little mock bow and failed horribly. "I wanna see them. I've got a few others for you to meet too, actually. Honestly, I can't even explain all of it, really." Traveller had been a lesson - and it was why it was just him and Greyhide for the moment. Don't bring other animals to big public spaces for shows of affection. "And, uhh. Yeah, I'll have to let you in on some stuff about the Ring, too. I think. Maybe. Everything about that whole thing is... really too much of a story to be done right now." There were far, far too many unanswered questions to even contemplate. "Wait." He paused, brows furrowing once again. "Oh crap! How's Malice? I haven't seen or heard about him in forever, you think, uhh... you think you could send a note on my behalf to your place in Scalvoris?"
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Re: The Next World.

His jibe at her lack of assistants actually assisting her caused a bark of laughter to escape from Faith. Alissa raised an eyebrow at that, a rare thing to see from the usually shy and reserved young woman who Alissa was determined to protect. But for Faith, there was no one in the world like Nir'wei. He and Aeon were the brothers she did not have ~ or know she had at that point. They had seen her at her most vulnerable whilst still owned by Jamal, the cruel and sadistic undertaker who had brought her to Andaris. It was in Rynmere that she and Nir'wei had met, outside Venora when his carriage had given up completely on ever managing to move. It had been old and falling apart and the pair of them had fixed it. More or less.

"Well, I need no assistance in hugging you, do I?" Faith quipped back and she showed him through into her office. When he looked at her, Faith nodded and agreed that yes, they had managed to abolish slavery on Scalvoris. "Yes, really," she said with a grin. "each person who was a slave at the time has been given somewhere to live, education, food and a chance to learn a trade. Medical care, of course, and their previous owners have been fully recompensed. We managed it." Just for a moment she stood and looked at Nir'wei and Faith seemed to be just the young woman, barely more than a girl, that she was. She had felt the weight of such an enormous responsibility, and now that she was here, every now and then Faith realized that she had many more responsibilities. In charge of the Order of the Adunih in Rharne, trying her best to ensure that the alliance of the Order of the Adunih with the Thunder Priestesses and Lightning Knights, the Merchants' Guild and Isonomia.

As he hugged her Faith hugged him back, feeling her own tension recede, but at his words her response was a very fervent shake of her head. "Don't be silly, you. I've just been lucky and found myself in places where I'm able to help, that's all." She firmly believed that and she told him so in no uncertain terms. Faith got a particular expression on her face when she was being what her father-in-law had dubbed 'stubborn and determined' But her eyes lit in surprise when he spoke about the Ring. "I would very much appreciate it if you'd tell me everything," she said with a frown. "We are investigating them. I'm going to find out what's happening. But yes, yes, there is a lot you can do. The faction is here. I'll take you to the HQ, we can put notes together. I've met with the heads of the Priestesses and the Knights, and I've spoken with Ilaren," she said, as casually speaking about the Immortal as she did the others.

But Malice? Faith shook her head. "We brought the animals. Malice is here," she said. "Padraig and I have a house, just on the shores of the Lake," she didn't bother saying which lake, there really was only one in Rharne. "We're in a lot of land, we brought all the animals." With a smile, Faith tugged at his sleeve. "Want to come and see?" Come to that, Faith thought, "where are you staying? We have five acres if you want somewhere to live. It's beautiful."
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Nir'wei had to purse his lips to stop his own mirth from pouring out in such a spectacle - oh, he was quite aware of the first impressions he was making here, and he'd rather not fry the poor girl's circuits. Any more surprises and her eyes might start rolling like billiard balls. "I don't know, do you?" he asked back, avoiding eye contact and looking up to the ceiling like the perfect little angel he absolutely wasn't. "Your arms must be so tired carrying the weight of whole cities single-handedly." His voice might not have shown it, but there was a slight hint of actual concern there. She was going to end up burning herself out if she jumped from city to city like this. She probably would. Maybe. That's what happened to normal people. Normal people also wouldn't be able to do a fifth of what Faith did on her off-days though, so really he had no clue.

"And I'm guessing you've got someone around to make sure it doesn't relapse again now that you've left? Just because they've been reimbursed for their so-called 'loss' doesn't mean they might not choose to take on a few more afterwards, whether legal or otherwise." He'd hate to see all that she'd accomplished be torn down once it was out from under her thumb. "And there's something there to control the influx of slaves from other non-liberated cities too, right? Prevent trafficking and the like. The Council, the Elements, they're all on board and working to keep measures in place? They won't try to repeal them or suddenly decide that they're better off slipping back into old habits, just because they're 'traditional' or some crap?" Concern slowly gave way to anger, but he pulled himself back before he became too heated. Damn it all, he'd never been a slave or known slavery himself, but Faith's concern was contagious. Not to mention, he still remembered those days when he'd first met her. Quiet and reserved. Practically mute. The years of freedom had changed her into a different woman entirely. How many more people were stuck under a boot? How long had they been trapped there?

It felt strange, holding the embrace, feeling that unseen tension in her shoulders turn slack as his own wore away. It was such a huge relief to have her back, and she clearly felt the same. Just a few short seasons and now it seemed like a lifetime. "Wherever you go becomes a place you can help," he chuckled. "It's time I started getting into that mindset, too. As soon as we get to somewhere I can really sit down and go over it, I'll tell you it all. Whatever I can dig up from lower down in the Knights, I'll share with you..." He paused, a slight twinkle in his eye as he met her gaze. "But you're introducing me to Ilaren next time. Possibly the head of the Knights as well. You do that, I promise my next meeting with Karem, I'll ask if you can join us." Oh yes, he went there.

And so did she, apparently. "Wait, HERE?!" Of course she had a lot of land, he didn't doubt she could buy half the damn Glass Quarter if she felt like it. Honestly it almost felt intimidating, being reminded just how much she held in the palm of one hand. "I gotta go see. Malice... man. I haven't seen him in forever. He still the grumpy old ass I left? You've been feeding him regularly right, checking the hooves? He hasn't bitten anyone again, right? Oh Karem, he's not kicked them surely?" Why was he getting so worked up over a horse that undeniably, absolutely hated his guts? Even he couldn't rightly say. "I gotta see, but... uhm. I don't know." He grimaced at his own words and how poor they sounded. "My, err. Wow, I guess there's no other word for it. My pack just keeps on growing. It's becoming harder and harder to stay indoors at all, even today. I'd love to set up camp nearby, if you're close to some open field or woodland, but a bed and four walls, I, uhm, don't really know if... if that's going to be for me, for long."
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Re: The Next World.

"It was voted in by the Council, I was the Council Member for Welfare. The faction is now in Kura's hands, Beacon has nearly two hundred people living there and the former slaves who had no jobs have all been given training and such as a member of the Elements, so they as a whole are better able to enforce the laws. All of them, including that one." Faith replied, primly. "Good luck to anyone wanting to set up an illegal operation when the military are half made up of former slaves, well trained, well fed, and not one bit amused." She resisted the urge to stick her tongue out to Nir'wei, but only just. Of course she'd thought of it, her grin said. But their shared embrace said a lot more and Faith physically relaxed in his arms. "I have missed you so much," she whispered and smiled at him.

Next time she was introducing him to Ilaren? Faith grinned and nodded. The head of the Lightning Knights too? "You'd like him. No discernible sense of humour. Very dour. " It didn't surprise her, really, the man had been a slave in Athart, the same as her. She didn't say that to Nir'wei, though, it was not her story to tell.

She shook her head, though, "Malice has been absolutely fine. He is as miserable and cantankerous as ever, but he and Padraig's grandfather have this strange understanding." No one had been bitten, kicked or anything such, she assured her friend. Then, she chuckled at his next words. "Nir'wei," she said, softly. "We live in five acres of land. You and your pack are welcome there. There is a waterfall, a small lake, underground tunnels and an abandoned mine. Of course. There is also cooking, a warm bath and home comforts should you want them. We can set you up with a structure to protect against the worst of the weather, whatever you want." He was her friend, what she had was his, it was as simple as that.

"Why don't you come back with me, now? I'll show you, and we can meet Malice. And we have a few new additions of our own." Faith grinned. There were the babies, of course, but there were animals too, which Nir'wei would be almost as excited by. Faith couldn't quite help herself though. As the pair of them started to walk, she slipped her arm into her friend's. "There are two additions to the family I think you'll be interested in. Remember when we met Karem and she marked you?" did he remember, Faith wondered and grinned a little ruefully.

"The twins were born in something of a fuss," she said. Her voice was quiet and calm and understated, of course. But equally, Faith was who she was and she was quite serious about it being significant. "There was a lich who had decided that he really didn't like me. Kidnapped me, then tried to have me kidnapped again, which ended up with me going into labour in a runaway carriage, with Padraig fighting for his life on the roof of the carriage while the people inside tried to turn the babies into thralls while still inside me, to eat their way out," calmly, Faith spoke and she shot him a slight glance. "But, we were victorious. Turns out, when Karem touched my stomach that trial, she gave the children a gift."

She didn't say anything else for a moment or two, but then Faith couldn't help herself. "Have you ever seen Velduris puppies?" She smiled, well aware that Nir'wei would be delighted at the prospect of them. "Because you're about to meet twin ones. Come on, I need to feed you up, you're all skin and bone."

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Re: The Next World.


Mentioning Beacon and Kura brought a slight pause, though he tried not to let it show. Gods, he should have done more to help her back in Scalvoris; he'd barely managed to grab more than a light meal with her between all the Menagerie shifts and the like. Seemed like work always got in the way of pleasure. "Good to hear that they have all the tools and means to defend themselves, like I'd mentioned." Yes, he still remembered that conversation. "I'm sure Kura will do a wonderful job up there, keeping everything running as-is." Not that the same could be said for her sister, most likely, but still. Now wasn't really the time for quips. He squeezed her a tad tighter as she slumped in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder to let the moment last as long as possible. "I have as well. Gods, have I." Deaths, betrayal, murder, secrets. Would any of it had ever happened if she'd been in Desnind for just a few trials more? He'd never know, but he could wonder.

No! No bad thoughts. "Pfff, oh yes, he sounds like a delight," Nir said with a very exaggerated roll of his eyes and a mocking gesture of wrapping a noose around his neck and pulling it tight. "I thought all the Lightning Knights were supposed to be party animals? What happened to drinking all the time, getting into fights and then drinking some more?" Honestly, that was practically all anyone could talk about when he visited the bars. "Wait, does he have a long face? Flowing locks? Buck teeth? You sure you didn't accidentally mistake him for Malice? It happens, you know." How he could actually miss something that actively tried to bite his face off every time he drew close, he'd never really understand, but he honestly did. Good to know that he was being treated well. Oh, who was he kidding, the old git was probably living in the lap of luxury if he was travelling with Faith all the way here.

"I... I mean, let me think on it? I'd love to come and see the place, and yeah, see Malice too, and... oh." He could only stare, nodding and shaking his head where he thought it was appropriate. He'd never heard of Velduris puppies, but he did vividly remember their last meeting with Karem, touching Faith's stomach and doing... something. He didn't think he'd ever understood the importance, even then; he'd hardly known she was pregnant until the kids had been announced. So much had happened, for both of them. Lifetimes seemed to pass in a blur. "Glad to hear everything worked out well... not that I really doubted it, but y'know. Heh, but, uhm, I can't right now! I'll get back to you about it, I promise, I really do." He squeezed her again, much tighter than before, almost lifting her off her feet in the heat of the moment, held back only by the fact that he didn't have anywhere near the strength for it. "We'll eat and catch up and I'll train your puppies to jump through hoops, I promise... and you'll tell me all about these horrible people and exactly where they are so I can hunt them down and turn them into wolf chow." He pulled back and pushed a brotherly kiss to her forehead to silence any of her objections. "However... I've already left the new troupe alone for far too long, and I'm actually growing worried that if I don't get back to them, your office is about to be filled by a lot of injured people complaining about a stampede of animals. You remember Traveller?" Surely she must, the damn thing had tried to crawl through Padraig's office head-first. "They're about fifty times worse."

That should convince her, he was sure, but just to be certain he gave her another placating squeeze before breaking their embrace and smiling sadly. "I'm always in the woods, I'll make sure to pop in for a proper chat later, and I'm definitely coming around your house, if you don't have cakes made for me I'm gonna cry loudly and snottily. Okay really gotta go, love yah!" Turning and making a cheeky hat-tipping gesture to Faith's bodyguard he dashed straight out of the door with Greyhide already bouncing in tow, earning plenty more stares from doctors and nurses as they rushed back through the crowded foyer.

"They're on their way right now, aren't they?" he asked with a mixture between a cringe and a sigh.

The wolf didn't even need to answer. He'd barely made it out the door before he heard the yells of pedestrians being knocked off their feet as the stampede approached. "Oh bloody hell..." On the bright side, they'd managed almost two breaks. A new record...
word count: 846
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Prophet of Old
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Re: The Next World.

Thread Review
Aww the wolf pack is reunited. This was a fun, cute thread of friends coming back together. I quite enjoyed it. Made my morning better and I'm smiling.
  • Skill Points - 15
  • Renown - 0
  • Skill Knowledges
    1. Investigation: Locating and identifying people based on their scent.
    2. Navigation: Using alleyways to cut down on distance travel.
    3. Rhetoric: Smothering potential arguments with affection.
    4. Strength: Lift with your knees! Especially when hugging dear friends.
    5. Detection: Noticing which door leads to the most important room by the elaborate designs on it.
    6. Persuasion: Pleading for gifts with puppy dog eyes.
    7. Politics: Backing changes in legislature with a personal army.
    8. Politics: Always think about the bigger picture.
    9. Discipline: Resisting the urge to hang out with friends over your duty to your companions.
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards
  • Skill Points - 15
  • Renown - 0
  • Skill Knowledges
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards

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