Mature The Show Must Go On...

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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The Show Must Go On...

Death &
The In-Between
40th Vhalar, 719
The Dust Quarter of Rharne

The last three mornings, they'd come in to find that the buildings had been broken into, vandalised. There was dissatisfaction among those who were working there, Faith knew, believing it to be too dangerous. But she wouldn't give in to that, she knew that the people here in the Dust Quarter were hurt and wounded by betrayal after betrayal. She'd seen it a hundred times as a slave when most of them were simply meek and obedient, but there was an undertone of rebellion, of hitting back. Of not believing a good thing because, almost certainly, it wasn't.

So, each morning Faith had come in and just got on with cleaning up.

Alissa, her bodyguard, had come close to despairing, but at the end of the trial, Faith was a grown up and more than that, Alissa knew first hand what an impact the diminutive former slave's determination had. So, she'd argued as much as she could, but then had helped clean up. Faith looked down at the biqaj woman who lay unconscious on the floor of the Soup Kitchen and she struggled in the arms of the two men who held her and Faith let out a rare sound of frustration. "There's no point to this, let me go!" She didn't care as the man trashed the carefully prepared crockery, the bowls and plates which had been so carefully placed and stacked just crashing to the floor. That didn't concern her at all; they were just things and things were not of importance. But what made her struggle was her friend. "She could be hurt, let me go!" She could hurt them, there was no doubt, but they weren't trying to hurt her, just hold her. So, being who she was, she didn't.

Then, the man who was ransacking the place moved to in front of her. Faith looked at him, attended to every detail even as she struggled to get out of the grasp of his goons. "Where's the money?" He asked in a raspy voice and she shook her head. "There isn't money here."

It had been a long time since anyone had struck her, but as Faith felt her head snap to the side and tasted blood in her mouth she saw stars. The man who had just backhanded her, hard, across the face smiled and said. "One more time, then I really hurt you. Where's the money?"

Faith ran her tongue over her lower lip, tasting the blood and she lifted her head to look at him. As her silver eyes glowed a deep red, he took a step back.

But it was too late.
word count: 467
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: The Show Must Go On...

Death &
The In-Between
40th Vhalar, 719
The Dust Quarter of Rharne

"What? No!" The man cried out as Faith's eyes began to glow a deep red and then, the one who was holding her let out a cry and let go as she simply switched on the "Burning Blood" ability granted to her by Famula. It lasted only for a few seconds, but it was enough to be uncomfortable and he jumped back, cursing. Faith's attention, however, was on the man in front of her and he scooted backwards at the tiny woman with the suddenly glowing red eyes.

It was not a reassuring look.

"One more time, and then you really hurt me?" Faith said, her voice low and angry. "Is that what you do? You hurt people? And yet, you do not want me to hurt you?" It was rare that Faith got 'ticked off' as she called it, but she was in this moment. "You come here, you attack from behind and you hurt my friend, and now, you ask me for mercy? What would you do if you were me?" He had backed away and his eyes were wide. He'd heard of her, of course, but he hadn't believed it. This tiny little woman, so friendly and polite when they'd come in here, when they'd watched. She'd been quiet, just picking up the remnants from their vandalism the last few trials, too. In short, she had victim written all over her and they'd come to the conclusion that the stories must be false. She couldn't have done the things they said, she was far too gentle and accommodating for it to be true.

Except, in this moment, he believed it completely. It was the glowing red eyes that did it, he'd tell himself later, but in truth, Faith had an air about her which was downright determined. Her small hands reached forward and, as he moved to grab her, she simply hit his arm out of the way. His companion was on the floor, having backed away and he let out a yelp as ~ as she swatted him away ~ her fingers closed around his arm. He let out a gasp, expecting pain or... something, but none came. Instead, the slender form of the short and pale woman stood in front of him and Faith looked at him with a calm and level gaze. She didn't know, in fairness, that her eyes were glowing red.

"Because I'm not going to do that." He frowned as she spoke, listening to her in some surprise. The look on his face suggested he thought she was going to do worse. "If either of you, any of your people, come here again to harm anyone, then I'm going to take action. But I'm not the enemy. I am here to help. Not to give hand outs, but hands up, so people are able to fend for themselves. Now you are going to help me with my friend. Do you understand?" Her lip was split and swollen already and her pale skin was bruising. Somehow, he thought, that made her a little bit more scary.

So, he nodded.
word count: 542
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: The Show Must Go On...

Death &
The In-Between
Two breaks later...

"I can't believe you," Alissa said, softly. Faith had checked her over a half-dozen times and the biqaj was fine. Mostly, as she said, she was embarrassed. She'd been hit over the back of her head having been caught unawares, and it had knocked her cold. However, Faith was clear that there was no lasting damage, not even in the short or medium term. However, Alissa was more than annoyed that the men who had done this were here. Not only, in fact, were they here, but they were also helping. Faith smiled at her. "We have to become part of this place," she said, softly. "If we are to do that, then we need to understand the people here, work with them. They have nothing, except their pride." Alissa looked at Faith and shook her head. "You mean it, don't you? You're forgiving of what they did?"

Faith smiled slightly and gestured around. "I understand it," she said, softly, "They are without any form of control in almost every way. We need to start from there." Alissa looked over at where the two would-be attackers were working with some of the other volunteers and then turned back to Faith, whose face was bruising. "Do you ever hold a grudge? Ever just.. not like someone?" Faith chuckled slightly and shook her head. "It isn't about what I like or don't like, is it? If this ever becomes about me, it's time to stop." Alissa rolled her eyes and said no more. Faith was, there was no doubt, impossible. Alissa was convinced of it.

"Alright, we can get back to it," Faith said, patting Alissa's arm. The "it" in question was getting the place cleaned up, which was more or less done, and then fixing the last of the storage shelves and cupboards in place. The two men in question were working, albeit in a rather sour and surly manner. It was a beginning, Faith knew ~ nothing more than that. But it was a positive beginning. As one of their usual volunteers made a joke and there was a general chuckle of laughter, she lifted her now-silver eyes and watched. Yes, they were all laughing together and that pleased her enormously. As the 'person in charge' Faith was beginning to understand that she had to ~ to an extent ~ stay out of the 'main' groups. She was the name behind this and they were the volunteers; when she joined in with them things were different. Not worse, but just more formal and different.

They continued to work throughout the trial, Faith fed them and made sure everyone was very much full of good and nutritious meals and snacks. When they closed up that evening, Alissa asked, softly. "Will that end the trouble, do you think?" Faith looked at her and smiled, shaking her head. "No. That's just a step. But a good one, I think. An important one." Sighing slightly, she turned and moved to the window, where she carefully and slowly started working on the latches. "You're tired." Alissa said, without hesitation and Faith nodded. "I am. But miles to go yet. Miles to go before we sleep."

This had been, she knew, an important step. But a step was all it was. Integrating into the Dust quarter, getting it to the point where people turned to them, believed them, saw them as their own? There was a long journey ahead. But that was fine. They'd manage it. Thus far, they always had.
word count: 604
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: The Show Must Go On...

Here's your stuff!

Name: Faith


Combat: Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Struggling to get out of a grip.
Intimidation: Glowing red eyes help.
Intimidation: Size does not matter.
Intimidation: Tone of voice.
Intimidation: Believe completely what you say.
Strength: Fighting someone holding you.


Split lip, bruised face etc.


Wealth Points:

Collaboration: Nope
Magic Experience?: No

Points: 10


I haven't read many Faith threads where there was much action, but you write it well and I enjoyed it. Now I need to see a Faith thread where she does Kung Fu Hustle or something similar.

Good job scaring off those sharks from the Dust Quarter. Enjoy your points and knowledge.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!

word count: 144

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