• Information • [Scalvoris] Lore

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[Scalvoris] Lore

Phoenix Faction

Fast Faction Facts


Motto"Rising Again"
Main Location Almund
NumbersApproximately unknown
Status Secret
Symbol Phoenix
Link tbc


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The Phoenix Faction are a group who see the 'old ways' as rising from the ashes of the 'new order'. They wish for a return to the lawless ways of Scalvoris, using any means necessary. The Pirate Lords may be gone, but that doesn't mean that things have to change. This group will use any means they have to, including magic and even the most extreme of tactics in order to drive away those who are seeking to make Scalvoris something it is not and has never been.

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Faction created: January 2017
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Pilgrims' Promise

Fast Faction Facts


Motto"An Eternal Promise"
Main Location All over the island
NumbersApproximately 800
Status Open
Symbol Infinity
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A promise was made hundreds of arcs ago to the Immortals and the Pilgrims' Promise Faction are here to ensure that it is maintained. Every religion is represented here, on Immortals' Tongue their shrines are kept, after all. The Promise was simple, that the Immortals would always be welcome on Scalvoris, always be honoured. The Glass Temple, Immortals' Tongue and every religious individual on Scalvoris is welcome in this faction.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
This faction is open to new members.
This faction is open and can be contacted via the Glass Temple or Immortals' Tongue
There are secrets to discover about this faction and its members.
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There are general risks to joining this faction.


Faction created: January 2017
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[Scalvoris] Lore

The Seekers
A small number of Seekers came to Scalvoris with the opening of the Viden Academy. This faction may open up to further gameplay in the future, so I've included it here, but at the moment it is not anything more than a few people here as academics. Watch this space!
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[Scalvoris] Lore

The Monks of the Calm Waves
A group of religious and peaceful monks, the Calm Waves faction was created with the intention of protecting those who can not protect themselves - be it through shelter or self-defense. With a unique fighting style built entirely on the refusal to kill or maim, these monks are peaceful and welcoming of anyone willing to abide by their rules and follow their teachings.

The Calm Wave faction follows two primary branches - the Healers and the Practitioners. It is possible to follow both of these paths, as the Calm Wave doesn’t dictate what someone must learn and is solely there to assist them. However, both branches follow the same set of rules, primarily the inability to murder and to intervene should murder happen - no matter the intentions behind it. All criminals are to face fair justice and should not lose their life because of their crimes or actions, no matter how horrific they are or brutal they may be. However, the Monks do not try and impose these beliefs on others, just ask it of their own and should death be deemed necessary by a legal force the Monks will simply verbally protest it and leave it at that, not wanting to leave a bad name with any world authority or have their own members be incriminated.

As well as the physical practices, magic is considered a gift that may be shared through the Monks. That being said, the magic can not be one that tampers with the dead or living in a way that controls or alters them. This means that Necromancy, Becoming, Graft and Empathy are considered immoral and therefore not allowed. Immortals are another issue entirely, though none are strictly forbidden from worship, only a select few are encouraged and have shrines dedicated to them. Moseke, Ziell, Saiore and Ashan are the four chosen to have shrines, as they embody the many principles of the Monastery. Blessings, on the other hand, are treated differently to magic. All blessed are welcome at the Monastery, for fear of offending or disrespecting any of the Immortals.

Despite the acceptance of magic, however, it will not be handed out to people that are not trusted - nor will any secrets of the Monastery be shared readily. While there is no hierarchy, the Monks have Elders or long-standing members that are respected and treated as higher-up due to their wisdom and experience. That being said, some newer members have made a name for themselves and become respected quickly after showing enthusiasm and making a big impact.

Elder Marlo

Name: Hendrick Marlo
Race: Human
Age: 51st Ashan, 649
Title: Elder Monk
Skills: Meditation: Master, Discipline: Master, Unarmed: Expert, Instrument - Flute: Expert, Teaching: Expert, Medicine: Expert, Endurance: Competent
Other Information: The oldest monk in the Monastery, Elder Marlo is seen as the pinnacle of ability in the group, respected above all others for the wisdom he provides and the service he has given the monastery. With deep blue eyes, a warm smile and a shaved head - Marlo is warm to all who enter his monastery.

Important Links

Monastery of the Calm Waves - HERE

Unarmed Combat: Calm Hand - HERE

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Anyone may visit the Monastery of the Calm Waves, but please note, a trip to the Scaltoth Jungles requires moderator input
This faction is open to PCs joining it, but it must be RP'd and approved by a Scalv Mod
There is more to discover about this faction!


Credits to: Bao Bao
Submitted for Development: 01/02/2021
Developed by: Bao Bao
word count: 600
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Domain Magic
Magic isn't common, but nor is it unknown or taboo. Some of the Fire Troops in the Military have arcana and the Viden Academy in Scalvoris has opened up the institute of metaphysics. Some people resent it, and particularly if the practitioner uses it against Scalvorians on a regular basis they are liable to be lynched, but as a whole, if it's being used to bring money in to the town, or for the good or enjoyment of Scalvorians, they're in favour of it.

Therefore, for the purposes of this, the thoughts will be from Efah, the owner of The Bones in Almund. Like Hurk, she represents here a typical Scalvorian thought process.
ImageAberration : "Of all the magics, this is the one I trust the least. We all saw what happened in trial of that man, after all - the one called Volker? I mean, the result is awful and they say that it's addictive. What if I'm the only person available when the mage who is addicted to ripping out your soul needs another fix? No. I don't like it. I don't want that person near me, and I don't like them being on the island. We should ban that magic."
ImageAbrogation : "So, it's like they pull apart other magics? That works well and could be useful in defense of the island. I like the possibility of that, but how useful would it be in numbers? That might be something to talk about. They'd be useful in the Elements, especially if we ever get attacked by magic wielders."
ImageAttunement : "That's what people think I do, I know, but it's not. It's strange though, the idea that someone can use their magic to open up their mind, but that's what it does. My worry with it, though, is the fragile nature of that kind of thing. How much can we rely on what he sees with that there third eye? If it's like the bones, then it can be a bit tricky."
ImageBecoming : "What a useful magic! To be able to become other creatures and animals, that is just great. I wonder if they ever worry about getting hunted though? But still, I have to say of all the Domain Magic I've hard of this seems the most flexible and useful. Very interesting indeed. Though, I got told that, in order to be able to 'become' something, you've got to have it's blood or it's bone or something. I don't know, but that sounds a bit messy. Guess none of them are vegetarians, eh?"
ImageDefiance : "We need to get a whole troop of this lot into the Elements and quickly. We should start a training school or something, because they're just too useful to be honest. Mind you, I suppose the question comes of just how much it could damage the island itself. If there was one of them drawing on fire, would that send Faldrass into belching out more than smoke and the occasional grunt? Definitely worth to check, that. After the destruction of the Docks in Ashan 718, it's easy to see how dangerous this is"
ImageEmpathy : "Oh, this one I don't know about. I like it, but I don't like the idea of it being used on me. The inner working of an individual, their very thoughts and feelings? It feels like it's a step too far and I don't trust it. How do you know that you're feeling what you're feeling, not what they want you to feel?"
ImageGraft : "Well, this is just a perfect example, isn't it, of magic being a tool in the hands of the practitioner. This is a potentially life saving magic, but it's also a vile and icky one. Depends on the magus, not the magic, I'd say. Especially this one! The question then comes how do we make laws and rules about magic like this?
ImageHone : "Just too useful for me to think it's bad, but still I'm not sure of it. I see its use, there's not a doubt. It could be functional in many circumstances, not just military ones. But point it over there, would you? Hmmmm."
ImageNecromancy : "Well, now, why would you get yourself involved in a magic that directly irritates specific Immortals? Especially ones that we're all going to meet? Seems to me like it's just all a bit unnecessarily gooey, to be honest, but it's up to them. I've got no issue with it, but it's a case for burning your dead."
ImageRupturing : "We need to be teaching this magic here, now. Of all places, here at the back end of the middle of nowhere, we could make a real difference to Scalvoris with this. If there is one Domain magic which we should be getting on this island, it's this one. It's win win and we need to be on this carriage now."
ImageTransmutation : "Useful, although again more of a planning magic, I think. Not to say it's of no use in combat but I wonder if this kind of thing could help us to produce more goods, more quickly? Certainly something to think about. Would be a useful magic to have in Egilrun, maybe, but there would be wider uses too. What about the Menagerie? The Elements generally, come to that? Needs a clever mind to use it, though."
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Magic Practices
ImageAlchemy : "Oh, they're teaching this at the Academy now, and there's all sorts of uses for it. I've met a few alchemy students now and again, this very much seems like it's the kind of thing that is a tool for the individual. Very flexible, though, very useful and as you progress you can specialise more and more. Bottom line is it's useful. We need more."
ImageEnsorcelling : "Much like alchemy, I think this is a great and flexible thing to have on the island. Useful, practical and accessible to everyone which is a win-win-win situation as far as I can see. Yes, we'll have more of this."
word count: 118
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[Scalvoris] Lore

Please refer to the Guide to Slavery in Idalos

Slavery on Scalvoris is tricky. It is, as of Arc 718, illegal. Completely. All existing slaves were freed and owners recompensed. Those who had been slaves were offered homes in Beacon, the Social Enterprise on Scalvoris which is funded by Cally's Restaurant. So, this means - of course - that slavery has gone underground. There is a thriving black market in slaves on Scalvoris if you know where to look.

The table below identifies attitude towards slavery in that area of Scalvoris, including former slaves and the black market:
RegionRegion Flag Attitude
Almund: ImageSlaves in Almund are fairly common, although they will be posing as "companions" or "servants" and not well cared for. Mistreatment of slaves is commonplace and they are considered to be more or less animals, or certainly treated as such. There are a number of black market slave markets in Almund with a wide variety of slaves on offer
Darbyton: ImageIn Darbyton, when slavery became illegal, they stopped trading in them and freed all their existing slaves without hesitation. People here are measured by their usefulness to the society, and so now former slaves are treated just like anyone else.
Egilrun: Image Slaves were a common sight in Egilrun, working in the furnaces and forges, mills and so on. They have what the locals call the 'slave pen', which is barracks-style accommodation for workers who can not afford their own property in Egilrun, and there is still some trade in slaves here.
Faldrass: ImageThere used to be slaves on Faldrass - iin the resort and kept as pleasure slaves for the guests who require such. Now, those people are given a very minimum wage. Due to the nature of the place, the slaves there are kept clean and presented well, if somewhat scantily clad. Unless, of course, the guest wishes otherwise. Whatever the guest wants, the guest gets is the philosophy of the resort and if the guest wishes something cruel or sadistic, something painful or just so out of the ordinary that the usual staff would not do it; there are "staff" who will do so. To those in the know, Faldrass is the place slaves dread to be sent / sold to.
Gunvorton: ImageThere are no slaves in Gunvorton. Shania, the woman who runs the place, does not allow them and her word there is final. If someone brings a slave into Gunvorton... well, it's never happened twice.
Havardr: ImageHavardr has no slaves, as per the law.
Scalvoris Town: ImageThere are no slaves visible in Scalvoris Town although, of course, there are individuals who continue to own them illegally.
*NB: No one lives on Ishallr or Immortals Tongue, so they have no specific attitude to slaves.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Lore

Race Relations
Scalvorians do not care in the least what race you are, though Biqaj and Mer are the most common. Half-breeds are likewise extremely common and welcomed here. People are measured solely on their own actions and accomplishments. That said, Ithecal have a reputation as being sticks in the mud and tend to get some eye-rolls sent their way and Avriel who let their pride carry them away without skill to back it up rarely last.

Due to the nature of Scalvoris and the way it reacts to strangers, what follows here is a representation of what Hurk, the owner of Little Korlasir would think about the race in question should he meet one in the streets.
Image Aukari: "I wonder if they get uncomfortable in all this cold? I bet they do. Wonder why they'd be here that being the case. Though, there's a volcano, so go figure. Probably best be a bit cautious, I heard they like.. combust... if they get annoyed enough."
ImageAvriel: "See, whatever way you look at it, he's a big bird. Who'd have thought that big birds could be so arrogant about stuff? Wonder if he's any good with that there sword or if he's just walking round like he owns the place cos he's a big bird. He is, though. That's a big bird."
ImageBiqaj: "Hey, there's a Biqaj. Wonder if they want to go for a drink or quick spin round the island. All good here. Funny how their eyes change colour though, and they've got that weird silver blood. Still, they seem alright"
Image Eídisi: "That's one of those funny blue folks. Didn't see many of them around here before that Academy came along. They seem alright, though, but they fit better in Scalvoris Town than Almund, that's for sure."
ImageEllune: "Look at that one, she looks colder than me. Hah. Must be sad, though, spending all your life worshipping a dead Immortal. I wonder if there's a shrine to Treid on Immortals' Tongue. Maybe I'll ask her, bet she knows....."
Image Humans: "Hey, look, it's Jim!"
ImageIthecal: "That's one of those snake-folks. I wonder if they shed their skin. And you know, I was talking to one of Nellie's girls and she said that those are well proportioned fellas. Must be. Anyhow, yeah, I don't know, I'm not sure how I feel about them, really. I mean, they look like a walking advertisement for skin products, you know?"
ImageLotharro: "Well, he's a big fella. Looks a bit snarly, too, but he seems ok. Oh, he's one of those Lotharro chaps. Are there any female ones of them, I wonder? I must ask..."
Image Mer: "See, that's just wicked cool, that is. They can swim in the water, walk on the land, breathe here and there. Plus, they reckon there's something going on with them and someone on the island now that the Pirate Lords have gone. I bet you, I know who that is, that's that....."
Image Mixed Race: "It must be nice to get the best of both races, but if you get the worst of both you're a bit stuffed, aren't you? I suppose that's the same whether your parents were the same race or not, mind. Look at Jim."
Image Naerikk: "She's beautiful, she really is. I mean, she's dangerous too, I reckon. But that's part of it isn't it? She's just...I mean look at her. Stop it, Hurk. Just.... stop it. You think I'd have learnt by my age, but no. Haven't I gotten into enough trouble with women in my life? Still, she looks like she might just be worth it."
Image Qi'ora: "Oh that's one of those Qi'ora folk. Don't see many of them, tend to keep themselves to themselves. Seem nice enough though and they're damn fine glassblowers. That reminds me, I must stop and get a new paperweight...."
Image Sev'ryn: "I know they say that it's a different race and all, but he bloody well looks human to me and that whole familiar that no one else can see gives me the wiggins. I reckon they're a sect of mad humans who all have imaginary friends. That's what it is, I bet."
Image Tunäwä: "Oh, look, it's one of those little Tunawa things. They're so cute. Shame they don't really come into the forge much, but then, if I was made outta wood, I'd avoid hot places. They're sweet though and so small. How do they carry money?"
ImageWisps: "A ghost!! AHHHH!!! RUN!!!!"
Image Yludih: "So, Jim tells me that fella over there can shapeshift. Jim might have been in his cups, but it's a bit weird if not. I mean, whatever, but what if he pretended to be me. Mind you, I could always use another pair of hands round the shop....
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Re: [Scalvoris] Lore

The Widow's Lament

The Widow's Lament is a semi-legal mercenary group operating out of Almund. They offer armsmen and warriors for hire for all walks of life, with the very skilled commanding decent wages for their services, while those of lesser discipline and skill offer affordable contracts to those of lesser means.

The Widow's Lament also offers services of slightly dubious legality. Some of their members have been known to run protection rings that border on racketeering and harassment. Nevertheless, the decentralized nature of the Company ensures that the leadership often and always keeps its nose clean. Meanwhile, they often support their members with legal help to those lesser members who run afoul of the law. They've been known to hire outside lawyers and defenders when their members find themselves in trouble. That all depends on the nature of the trouble, of course. Murdering in cold-blood and stealing are frowned upon, and not offered the same degree of support, should their lesser members be accused.

They operate loosely out of Bel Alley in Almund, but are not entirely centralized in structure, preferring to give out contracts on an individual or group basis for those who wish to work as mercenaries together. Often the rougher taverns have one or two members who can introduce one to their leader, Gulliver Kull, who will then give them a short interview and make sure they're not a wanted criminal. While those who become criminals after the fact aren't necessarily drummed out of the Company, the Company has no interest in inviting trouble with the Elements by harboring fugitives and the like.


The Widow's Lament believes that even the lowest among society deserve protection, and tend to cater to the under-served populations. That said, there are one or two elite warriors among them that may offer their bodyguarding services to more affluent patrons.


Name: Gulliver Kull
Race: Human
Age: Zi'Da 71st 669
Title: Commander of The Widow's Lament
Skills: Combat: Blades (2h): 60, Tactics: 60, Intimidation: 80, Leadership: 60, Strength: 40, Endurance: 40, Politics: 40, Etiquette: 40, Socialization: 30.
Other Information: A dirty mercenary type, if ever one presented himself as such. His long wavy hair puffs out over his shoulders, unkempt. His nose is flattened by numerous fights, and his skin tanned from so much time spent in battlefields abroad as well as in Scalvoris itself. He wears simple brigandine armor usually when expecting a fight, otherwise wears heavy clothing with his sleeves bare. He carries a large embersteel greatsword, taking it almost everywhere he goes, even into taverns. He refuses to be disarmed at any time, and so rarely goes anywhere he's expected to surrender his arms.

He runs his company with an iron fist, strictly dealing with stragglers who step out of line. While he allows his men to engage in their own activities, he always expects a cut of their earnings.

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 ! Message from: Avalon
This faction is open to PCs joining it, but it must be RP'd and approved by a Scalv Mod
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Credits to: Genuvah
Submitted for Development: August 2021
Approved: October 2021
Added to Factions on Calendar: February 2022
Developed by: Genuvah
word count: 555
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