• Closed • Thievery and Heroism

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Thievery and Heroism

Funnily enough, Scalvoris town was a whole lot nicer than it was in the stories Flint’s father used to tell him. Once a haven for pirates, Scalvoris was a hub of criminal activity and danger, with merchants reluctant to come close to the place. Now, thanks to the work of The Elements, Scalvoris was thriving. Flint could really see that now, as he walked the streets. Students of the new university rushed by, gathering material or heading to classes. There were plenty of stalls around, selling food, jewellery and various other wares. The scent of fresh bread wafted through the door of a bakery that the young man passed by. Despite the persistent chill in the air, Flint was really enjoying his time in Scalvoris so far. The people seemed reasonably friendly, and he’d yet to encounter anyone he’d wronged in the past. The idea of starting on a clean slate here seemed promising.

He knew the place wasn’t perfect, though. Word travelled around quickly and discreetly; whispers in taverns about heists and muggings in the more dangerous parts of town. He also doubted the pirate threat had been fully eliminated. As much as he admired the Elements, he knew that the old lifestyle of Scalvoris town couldn’t be totally stamped out so easily. Even in a town as pleasant as Scalvoris, there were criminals. At the time, Flint had no idea he’d be encountering one in a few moments.
He was headed back to the tavern. Having done a bit of hunting, the man had been able to sell on some pelts and meat for his daily meal and bed fee. He was no great hunter, he just had a little skill with the bow, and a lot of luck. Despite his victory being down to luck alone, the young man eagerly awaited his triumphant meal. Perhaps the greatest part about his trip to Scalvoris was providing for himself, and doing so in an honest, legal way. And so, Flint traced town the cobbled road, a skip in his step and a fire in his heart. This fire died down to a flicker of light, hwever, when he saw the thief.

A small figure, perhaps a foot shorter than himself. She held a serrated blade in hand, her free palm reaching towards the pocket of an oblivious old woman whose pace was aided by a walking stick. Civilians passed by, most not noticing, the rest not bothering to make a move. Without hesitation, the ex-bandit hollered. "Stop, Thief!".
The thief snapped her vision to him, her face contorted with anger. She took off as a few guards approached, the ‘land’ badges clear on their cuirasses. Elements. The two soldiers sprinted for him, passing him before gaining on the thief. For her part, the thief halted abruptly, leaping backwards and swiping her dagger around blindly. Blood sprayed as one of the guards was caught by the blade, and he fell to the ground. The thief ran, and the Element crouched, aiding his friend.
Flint was unarmed, but he wasn’t going to let this woman get away. Stealing from an old woman was one thing, but slicing up a guard for doing his job? That didn’t sit well with Flint. He bounded towards the guards, looking to the unwounded one. "Go! You have to catch that woman. I’ll see to your friend.". The guard looked reluctant to leave, but nodded, taking off in the thief’s direction, blade in hand.
Flint assessed the situation. The guard was bleeding from the side. Badly. Onlookers screamed, and Flint looked to the victim, with no idea what he should have done. Then, he decided to call someone more qualified. "I need a medic, quickly. Go!". One of the civilians took off in a hurry, and Flint removed his scarf, wrapping the golden cloth around the man’s wound, in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "Hang in there soldier, not long now.".
word count: 668
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Thievery and Heroism

28th Vhalar, 717
Faith felt tired. Tired in her muscles and bones, tired in her back and front. Each and every part of her felt heavy and ached. She knew why, it was because of the pregnancy which they could no longer hide. Faith was just about to enter the second trimester of her pregnancy, which was a time when she would (she hoped) experience extra energy and a time of feeling very well. However, at the moment she was still feeling nauseous and having trouble sleeping. It would pass, she knew and it was more than worth it, yet it made doing everything she had to do a little bit more difficult. However, Faith was a determined and disciplined young woman and so she did not complain or let it slow her down. There was no point to the first and no way that she would allow the second.

Instead, she just got on with it and looked forward to welcoming to the world the child which grew within her.

On this particular trial, Faith had just finished her volunteer shift at the Order of the Adunih. Padraig wanted her to slow down a bit, Faith knew and soon she would. Not yet, though. Not yet. She had to admit that it was more tempting at the moment, but she had things to do and needed to get them done. Having completed her shift, Faith was on her way home and was wearing the cloak which identified her as a member of the Order of the Adunih. Making her way back to the house she shared with the man who would soon be her husband, Faith was walking when a young man, maybe in his twenties, ran up to her and explained that someone was injured. Faith nodded and bade him to show her the way.

They ran back and as Flint was kneeling there and trying his best to tend to the wounds of the fallen Element, a young woman ran up. She was short and petite in stature, scrawny even, but not the painfully thin she had once been. She looked to be in her late teens, maybe early twenties. Her skin was very pale and her hair jet black. What stood out though were her eyes which were a pale blue ~ so pale that they seemed to be almost silver. She wore a gold cloak from the Order, easily recognizable as a healer and she had a sword strapped to her waist.

With immediate concern, Faith knelt down next to the man Flint was tending. "My name is Faith, I'm a healer with the Order," she said, her voice quiet and calm. "Tell me what happened?" As she was asking him that, her hands were moving, placing a first aid kit on to the floor between them as she began to work. "Every detail please, it might be important." Her voice was soothing and gentle. It was all alright, that tone of voice said, even though her hands were immediately covered in blood.
word count: 507
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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