
5th of Vhalar 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Faith Augustin Champion
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5th Vhalar 717
There had been a time when she simply would not have been able to consider doing this, she realised as she handed out the last of the papers she'd graded. There were twenty students in her class, she stood in front of them and she spoke. Actual words which actually, mostly, kind of made sense. They seemed to be learning things, at the very least. Judging by the papers she had just handed back out, they had learned quite well, too, and Faith was pleased with them. "Alright, settle down, we've got a lot to get through to-trial," she said and the group stopped the muttering and whispering back and forth to each other, the shuffling of writing equipment and turned to look at her.

"There's detailed feedback on each individual script," there always was. Faith very much felt that she had a moral duty to give her students the best chance to improve. However, having done this for a while now, there were things which Faith knew. "Cover your papers over, please. Yes, that's right. All covered." She smiled at them and then sat, perching on the front of her desk. "How many of you can tell me the grade you got?" All twenty students put their hands up. Faith nodded her head, not at all surprised. "Now then, how many of you can tell me what the first annotated point is on your feedback?" They knew by now how she wrote feedback. On their papers she wrote numbers on the side of their writing, then wrote a list which corresponded with those annotations.

Not one of them put up their hands. Faith was unsurprised by this turn of events.

"Sacha. Why do I write feedback?" Sacha, a mixed race young woman looked at Faith with a confused expression. "Do I write it for my benefit or yours?" Faith smiled at Sacha and she nodded her encouragement. "You write it for us," Sacha replied and Faith nodded.

Motioning to the whole class, Faith gestured for them to turn the paper over. "For some of you, many of you in fact, I have written the same feedback on the last two, three or even four papers. We are going to use the feedback I've given you to-trial and we are going to turn it into feed-forward."

Moving to behind her desk, Faith reached into the bag which had been a birth trial gift from Padraig. "I have here your previous papers, with my feedback on them. So, what you are going to do now is to look at each one. Any feedback point which I have made more than once, you are going to transfer into a list. The more often you get the same feedback, the more you need to prioritise it, so make a prioritised list. Begin." They all started to work, lowering their heads to see what they were doing. There were comments around the room, one young man looked up and grinned.

"You've written the same thing, almost word for word, on each of these." Faith nodded. Samuel was a good student, but he had something of a tendency to leave his reports and essays to the last moment. She spoke her feedback as he read it and, indeed, word for word. "Better planning will allow you time to proof read. Proof reading will negate minor errors which detract from academic style." He laughed and shook his head. "The thing is, Prof," Samuel, and quite a few of them called her that and Faith had found that she quite liked it. "I get you. I do. I'll try."

A number of them had comments which were repeated time and again and Faith moved around the class, discussing the lists with them. When they'd done that, she took the papers back in. "Alright, so now, you've got your list. That's fine, you know what you have to do. Pick the top two and work out a plan of action for how you could improve that with the last paper in a ten-trial period. Begin." Again, there was discussion, tips for improving different aspects, questions and comments. Faith had no wish to have a quiet classroom, it wasn't her way.

When they all had their plans, she gave them back the papers she'd returned to them at the beginning of the class. "Now, you implement. You have ten trials to improve that grade by at least ten. Any question?" There was a groan around the room, but it was good natured. However, Faith addressed it. "We are not theoretical physicists. We are not students of language or history. We are not philosophers or geographers. We do not have the luxuries that they have. If we are not prepared to constantly review and revise, revisit our work and improve it, then people will die." She looked around and smiled. "Besides. The second mark is the one which will count in your final scores." That, there was no doubting, was a good thing to the people in the room. Faith nodded and turned back to get on with the rest of the class.

These were all things that she would have to do, she knew. She had to prepare them for when they were writing without her. Practicing medicine, yes, but as students when she finished work because of the pregnancy she had told no one about yet. In a very real sense she was feeding forward.
word count: 926
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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As the door closed behind the last of them, once the class was over, Faith let out a sigh and sank down into the chair behind her desk. The more that she experienced real pregnancy, the more that she realised how her previous experience had been an illusion. An expertly crafted one, no doubt, and incredibly detailed, but an illusion nonetheless. Even just seven ten-trials in and Faith was tired like she had never experienced it ~ and as a slave, she had known tiredness. That was normal, tired though, but this? This was in her bones tired. The nausea was more or less gone, but she was sleeping more than she ever had and her energy levels were low. Faith was a disciplined individual and she was more than prepared. She had fruits to eat which gave her bursts of energy, but every now and then she still had a moment of slight dizziness and, just over the past few trials she had noticed it was harder to concentrate.

She had to go and see Dean Wagstaff, she knew she did. Padraig had told her that he would support her, whenever she wanted to do that, but Faith knew that she was having what they called a 'physical' pregnancy in the Order. Some women were incredibly emotional all the way through. She had seen mothers-to-be barely able to function for the tears which fell unbidden. They had 'emotional' pregnancies. Then there were the women, Faith firmly believed that they were women just like her, who tended to have mostly physical symptoms. Tiredness, nausea, dizziness; these were all examples of this kind of pregnancy this early on. So, that was what she was having, she believed wholeheartedly. Of course, she couldn't be brewing for a 'full sail' as they called it. Someone who had both physical and emotional symptoms? It didn't even cross the young woman's mind.

There was no doubting it, though, she needed to keep her appointment with the Dean. So, she got up and gathered her things before making her way there. His office was where it had always been, he'd refused to move upon becoming Dean. Faith was pleased with that and she smiled as he called her in after she had tapped on her door.

"Come in! How are you, Faith?" Dean Wagstaff was a friendly man and Faith had always liked him. He gestured for her to take a seat. "I'm glad you made an appointment to come by, I wanted to talk to you. How are you?" Did he know, Faith thought wildly? Did he somehow have an inkling? Had Padraig said something? She sat and clasped her hands together, pressing the pads of her fingers one against the other and forcing herself to calm down. How are you was something which people said, just with the intention of making conversation. Why had he wanted to see her, though? He was looking at her strangely, she thought and then she realised why. She hadn't answered him.

"I'm very well thank you, Dean. How are you?" Silver eyes regarded him and Faith smiled nervously. He answered, telling her that he was fine and she breathed in and out and nodded. "I'm pregnant," she said more or less blurting it out. As soon as she had, of course, she relaxed and her smile became slightly more rueful. "I thought I should inform you. Not very pregnant, just seven ten-trials." A pregnancy could be measured in twenty-eight ten-trial periods, and that was clear. "I've just been talking about planning with the students and I thought I should sit and work out a plan with you." He smiled and nodded.

"Well, congratulations. To you both." Faith's relationship with Padraig was no secret and Dean Wagstaff was genuinely fond of them both. "Let's have a look at this and a calendar, shall we?" When Dean Wagstaff asked that, Faith nodded and her face showed her relief. She didn't want to give up work too soon, she told him and he nodded. He understood, but equally it wouldn't be right for her to be on her feet in front of students all trial. That would be too much for a pregnant lady. Faith resisted the urge to roll her eyes and poke him, instead listening to his point.

For the next twenty bits, there took place a serious negotiation. Neither party left entirely happy, but by the end of it they had a plan. She would be allowed the sabbatical to Desnind as previously agreed. Then, in Zi'da she would go to a research role only although he agreed that she could work from her office for a few trials out of the ten-trial, and she could see students on a one to one pre arranged basis. If it had been down to Faith, she'd be working till Cylus began. If it had been up to Dean Wagstaff, she'd have gone home now.

Still, they had a clear and agreed plan and Faith was pleased. It allowed her and Padraig to know what to expect as far as work was concerned. It was feed-forward in preparation for this child. As she left the Dean's office and made her way back to her own, Faith was very pleased that she wasn't having any sort of emotional effects from the pregnancy. It would have made it even more difficult because, as it was, when she stopped at Padraig's office to tell him how it had gone and he wasn't there, she only just managed to hold on to the tears until she got back to her own room and had closed the door behind her.

Which evidently, showed that she was in control and that there were no emotional side effects at all. Not a one, she thought as she sniffled and got on with her work.
word count: 1003
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Theo Nji'Ryn
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Skill Knowledge:
Endurance: Early stages of pregnancy can be exhausting
Teaching: Show your own passion for what you teach
Teaching: Get students to identify their own priorities.
Teaching: The usefulness of feedback
Teaching: Keep a happy and relaxed classroom atmosphere
Teaching: Feed-forward as a teaching tool

Points Awarded: 10 No Magic

Comments: Enjoyed this! Faith has a great teaching style and those are some fantastic negotiation skills. Comments? You know where to find me. :)

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