• Closed • [Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

39th of Saun 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

39th Saun, 717
"I'm just saying that Quincy, one of my students, he's been on this island all his life and his family have been for generations." Faith was quite content, walking with Padraig as the pair of them made their way to the Scalvoris bank. "And he says that it's well known. All the really strange things happen on the first of Vhalar. So, people are preparing." This was why she wanted to get to the bank to-trial, since she was busy tomorrow and so was he. She'd set up a business account, she'd explained, and she had put him down as someone who could sign to withdraw money. It didn't give him any additional responsibility, she'd been quick to add, but she wanted it all above board and in place. There would just be some forms to fill in, that kind of thing.

"Once we're done," Faith leaned against him and wrapped her arm around his waist. She was very aware that she was cool and it was hot, hotter than it had a right to be. "We can go to the Nook if you like? Or for a wander on the beach." There were a number of possibilities, though these trials Faith tended to avoid suggesting spelunking or swimming or clambering around mountains as he got a bit twitchy about those sorts of pursuits. In honesty, she did too and she had no more wish to put herself or their child in any danger than he did. They were not telling people, but with Faith's tiny frame there was the beginning of a very small, neat bump which she had shown him that morning with more than a little delight. It was certainly small enough that her clothes covered it, but it meant that they weren't going to hide the pregnancy for too much longer, as far as she could tell. "Considering how far along we are, some women wouldn't be showing at all," she had explained. Most, in fact, but her stature meant that she had nowhere to hide. So, small and neat bump was hidden underneath a flowing loose top and skirt.

"How are the clothes feeling?" Faith had learned a technique, whilst she was practicing her sewing on her wedding dress, where she created items of clothing which kept him cool. It had taken her twice as long to make them, but his trousers and shirt were both made using this technique and did, indeed, keep him cool. "Are they itchy or uncomfortable at all? I want to get it right." Her gaze, of course, was earnest and serious as she quizzed him and then a grin broke through. "You look more comfortable. I'll make us sheets out of this, pillowslips for you. That'll make sleeping easier." More than anything, Faith wanted to be useful to him, to them. This would do that, she thought.

As they walked, Scalvoris Bank came into sight and Faith pulled her thoughts away from making baby clothes and blankets using this technique and she looked at the building. "It's strange, isn't it? It looks like a bank. All secure and safe. Even in this strange higgledy-piggledy place, it looks secure." Faith wondered, looking at the building, whether that had been the intention. Had it always been a bank? Even when this place was filled with Pirate Lords? "Do Pirates use banks?" She was quite genuine in her wondering there. Forcing herself to focus, something which Faith found harder to do the last few trials, she held on to Padraig's hand as they made their way in and she sighed at the sight of the queue. Apparently, there'd be a wait. "See?" Faith said, sounding like she thought he'd disagreed, "I told you people are preparing."
Off Topic
Fabrics were already in inventory, deducted from there enough to make
2 x pairs of trousers
2 x shirts.
Made with the capstone ability "Careful Layering" clarified here
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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

It was all superstitious nonsense, Padraig had maintained. This first trial of Vhalar business. Superstition that became something, because people were foolish enough to believe it. "Superstition becomes perception so people begin to believe it," he'd told her with a fond grin as even then, he headed towards the bank at her side. "Belief drives and alters behavior, which then teams up with coincidence, which eventually transforms itself into pseudo-reality when practice on a broad enough scale." All of that, he firmly believed. But because he couldn't come up with a better excuse to opt out of visiting the bank, he'd agreed.

It was just as well this trial as the next, or the next one. And her reasons were as good as any. Logical, good business sense and so on. "The nook seems a fairly safe choice," he said when Faith suggested where they might go afterwards. "The beach is nice, but we seem to have a knack for attracting trouble there." Of course he was aware of what the rest of the world didn't see. Her swollen middle and while it made sense to disguise it in public right now, he'd found it much more appealing than he'd thought he might.

"The clothes are wonderful," he told her. And more and more, he believed her capable of magic in that regard. "A pillow would be even nicer. Nothing better than a cold pillow at night." But did pirates use banks? He couldn't help but grin and shake his head. "I'd think they'd be more likely to use chests." Treasure chests, he meant. Though it was a jest based on an assumption, again based on a type. Much the same as the silliness behind the belief that stranger things happened on Vhalar first than any other time. Least on Scalvoris.

The line though, the wait that would come with it. Proof in his mind that superstition in turn led to some strange sort of hysteria. He resolved himself to it, since what she needed done would need be sooner or later. And they were here. Better sooner then, than to leave and have to return at a later date. He split the time then between quiet conversation with Faith, and observing others. They weren't doing much of note really. But then some movement in the line ahead of them caught his eye.

Two rough sorts, one short and round, the other lanky and tall, one ruddy cheeked, one pale...parodies almost of type, Padraig thought as he watched them apparently engaging in some sort of heated debate. Elbowing one another, jostling each other, the taller one attempting to push some sort of dark fabric into the other's hand, who was finally, after a great deal of resistance, convinced to put it on. A mask? Padraig frowned and nudged Faith, tilting his chin at the pair.
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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

It was all superstitious nonsense? Faith looked at Padraig as he explained his theory and her expression told the truth of her next words. "I adore you, you know." Superstition became perception, perception became truth? It was a good theory, no doubt. "But your theory is very unscientific, Professor. Have you checked the histories and seen if there are, in fact, more oddities on the first Vhalar? Given it a full and mathematical consideration in terms of probabilities and ratios?" That, of course, was what they should do before coming to any conclusions. A full and scientific study, going back many arcs. "There could be catalogues and lists, ranking the amount of strangeness on the first trial of each new season for two hundred arcs. Ranking systems, records, all sorts of wonderful things. Doesn't that sound like a marvellous project and a way to actually tell if it's superstition or if it's observation of fact passed down through generation?" Pulling herself against him, Faith smiled up to him, silver eyes twinkling with amusement. "Besides, turning dreams and impossibilities into pseudo-realities and then, latterly, realities is what we do best, don't you think?"

His thoughts on where they should go when they were done caused a grin from her and a shake of the head. "Now you've gone and said it. The beach will be the safest place for us now, you know that?" They had an almost legendary ability to get into trouble no matter where they were, there was no doubting it. Still, she chuckled as he said that pirates used chests rather than banks. It was a fair point, she supposed, chests and eye patches were more of a pirate thing.

The wait in line was a time for quiet conversation between them, punctuated by moments of silence. Both of those were times for communicating in their own unique way and Faith was very happy with both. Her hand in his was relaxed and comfortable - she hadn't noticed the two men further up the line, but the reason that she hadn't was because she was looking at the three who were currently walking in the doors. They were very rough-seeming individuals, which Faith barely noticed, but it was rather odd that they were all wearing masks. With a slight frown, Faith turned to tell Padraig this when she saw him gesturing to the two men in front of them, putting on the same kind of mask.

Faith sighed and murmured, "This is all your fault, you know. You said it about the beach and cursed us." Her hand in his tightened, just as two of the three who had come in the door stepped out, either side of the line. The largest one, a man who was so big that she wondered if he was part giant and, therefore, proof that giants existed, stayed by the door. Of the two who had fanned out from behind them, one of them (the one with brown hair, rather than his blonde companion) who was on their left, shouted and pulled out a crossbow.

"EVERYBODY BE COOL! THIS IS A ROBBERY!" He didn't really seem to be taking his own advice, in terms of 'being cool' as he waved his crossbow around at them with a rather wild way of being. His mate, the one who was on their left, lifted his crossbow and said nothing. The brown haired rather rash one continued to yell. "Get against the wall or I'll kill you all! ALL OF YOU!" Faith stepped closer to Padraig and looked up at him with a questioning gaze. The simple fact was, of course, they couldn't afford a stray crossbow bolt and so, she did not react and stayed in as close a proximity to him as she could.

"GET THE MONEY! WE'VE GOT TO GO!" He was making the others in his group twitchy, there was no doubt. "GET THEM AGAINST THE WALL, PHIL!" Phil, the blonde haired one who had thus far not spoken hissed in irritation. "No names. Come on, come on, against the wall. Move!"

People seemed inclined to comply and Faith looked at Padraig with an almost incredulous look at the shouty brown-haired one yelled at the two in front. "Come on! Come on! Get the money or I start shooting!"

Of the fifth member of their group? The incredibly tall chap who really didn't look to understand a whole lot of what was going on? He had one job.

His job? Hold the door.
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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

Many theories could trace their origins to little more than imagination and big ideas, Padraig had teased Faith when she pointed out the nature of his supposition. He was teasing, yes, but it was also the case in many instances. Ancient man must have been terrified when they'd witnessed the sun disappearing for the better part of a season each arc. They must have imagined any number of reasons why it happened. But then, or later, there must have been a voice of reason. Somebody perhaps like him, with more a more reasonable explanation. He must have written down his observations...maybe, and studied catalogues and created ranking systems. And she was right, that sort of thing was in their wheel house. Except, he maintained, they were sure to discover that as supposed, it was all just silly superstition. Or maybe something that each arc, went off balance in the world...magnetically, perhaps.

At any rate, thinking about it had been good for passing the time while they waited in line. As for the men, those who she'd observed and those who he had, Padraig would never quite understand why criminals or would be criminals insisted on looking like just that. Different. Too often easy to pick out as up to something different. The group of men, even had they been dressed and groomed like the others, called attention to themselves. Unfortunately there hadn't been time to think better of remaining right where they were, and choosing to conduct their business on another trial.

Everybody be cool?! Padraig tensed, and tightened his arm around Faith's. It didn't strike him that the mastermind of the group was quite as masterful as he might like to think. The scholar worried about twitchy fingers on bowstrings. It was better not to test that concern by making any sudden moves, or trying to speak reason to any of them. So, against the wall it was. Unhooking his arm from Faith's, he put his hands where they could see them, away from his weapons while he urged her to move with him towards the wall. It struck him however, that the would be robbers hadn't thought to check any of them for weapons, or demand that they hand any of them over.

He kept an eye on the ones with the bows in particular, and positioned himself where he had a view of the door. Turned out as luck would have it, or ill fortune, just as he looked up, outside from a short distance he spotted his grandfather approaching the bank with Luna at his side. What were they doing? Probably come to do a little banking themselves. His mind racing, hoping to dissuade Cyrus from entering the bank in case he spotted him there against the wall, Padraig raised his hands as if in surrender to the robbers. Luck, which so often wasn't, was with them this time and Cyrus looked up and caught the gesture as they approached. Of course whether or not he did what Padraig hoped he'd do remained to be seen. At the least, in that instant, the older man grabbed Luna's arm and did a left turn and disappeared temporarily from sight.
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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

It was the pitch and tone of the man's voice, Faith thought, which made him sound hysterical. He was suggesting that everyone should be 'cool'; well, she was. As a Zuuda and beloved of Famula, she was always 'cool', thank you very much. Now probably wasn't the time for that sort of snippy comeback, though. Instead, she moved with Padraig, her hands on show where the would-be robbers could see that she wasn't going for a weapon. Of course, she could do and both she and Padraig were always armed these trials, whether they carried swords or not. For her, it was ectoplasm and for him it was a sword of light, but the fact remained, they were never unarmed. Frankly, not that it mattered because this bunch didn't think to check and so she could have been carrying a halberd and they didn't seem to mind.

The golden band on her arm glowed with his, pulling one of their attention. The one who had urged them to 'be cool' swiveled and pointed his crossbow at the two of them. "What's that? There on your arm. You! Speak!" He really was rather high pitched and hysterical sounded, Faith thought as he pointed specifically at her and she breathed in slightly. Faith firmly believed that Padraig would know what she was thinking and feeling without the Greater Servants' Mark or the Qylios bond, but she didn't need to find out, because they had both of those things and she knew that he could feel what she was feeling. She was nervous, concerned, but not terrified.

"It's a glowing band on my arm," she said, her voice quiet and calm. "He has one the same." It was a risk, because she wasn't telling these people what the band did, but she was aware that unless he was a complete idiot he would, "I CAN SEE THAT!" Faith's train of thought moved from the likelihood of him realising that she'd told him nothing to wondering how bad it was that she'd made him froth at the corners of his mouth. "WHAT DOES IT DO!?"

There it was, that was what she'd wanted him to ask. Faith looked at him with as calm an expression as she could. "I'm sorry, sir. It doesn't do anything, this band. It... symbolises that we are bonded. We're going to be married." These statements were completely true, the band itself did nothing, but it symbolised a lot. However, what she was very aware of was the risk she was taking here. She'd spoken the truth, told him nothing but hopefully it would be enough.

"Well, make it stop!" He looked at it as it glowed even brighter and Faith looked at the man in concern. "I can't. It gets brighter when I'm afraid." He looked pleased at that, pointing the crossbow more at her, which she really wished he would. "Do I scare you?" he asked and he looked pleased at the thought.

"Yes," Faith said and he smiled. "GOOD! YOU SHOULD ALL BE AFRAID, NOW COME ON! GET THE MONEY!". As the others (and there seemed to be more of them than there were originally, Faith thought) dealt with those who worked here, going back to the vault. The man who had just spoken to Faith turned to his friend. "We should get the jewelry and money from these lovely people. Glowing bracelets and gold rings, they're worth money, too." Phil nodded and got a bag from his back. Starting at the other end of the wall, they started to demand jewelry, coin purses and so on. When one woman refused, the thug who was already being rough and pulling at jewelry impatiently, backhanded her. Padraig felt Faith tense next to him and she said, very calmly and very, very quietly "I'm not giving them my engagement ring." She looked at him with absolute determination and that stubborn streak which usually only he saw very prevalent, "Or my brooch."

She would, of course, and he knew her well enough to know that she wouldn't risk him or the baby being hurt for the sake of a thing. That simply wasn't her way and she couldn't really argue it. But she very much didn't want to. Faith hadn't seen Cyrus and Luna, so she had no idea of what was going on. "You," he said, pointing the bow to Padraig. "You're going to help us. Collect up jewelry and purses. Do it, or I'll shoot the little lady." Faith sighed next to him. Why, she wondered, did they always pick on her height. "Then, when we leave, you're gonna be our hostage," he said to Padraig, with a smile. "Unless you'd rather she was?"

Faith decided in that moment that she really didn't like this man. From the back rooms where the real wealth was stored came the sound of shouting. Things didn't seem to be going well there.
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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

These men, at least a handful of them, were wound up, irrational and as a result, probably trigger happy. One wrong move, even a sneeze or the innocent scratch of an ear or nose could get one, or many of them run straight through with a wayward arrow. Criminals were by their very nature, dangerous.

Unpredictable, even more so. Hands up, in plain sight, no sudden moves, he resolved. It would be foolish to think he could position himself between Faith and all of them. There were too many, and too many other frightened innocents. But he tried anyway, choosing to become a barrier between her and at least the one that seemed most capable with his weapon, and of soundest mind.

The scholar quickly calculated the odds in his mind of everyone getting out unharmed. There were unknowns. Mostly the robbers themselves. But other things. For instance, where had Cyrus and Luna disappeared to? Had they gone for the guards? It didn't help that the band round his arm grew brighter in response to his thoughts and evolving plans. Or Faith's. Perhaps both. They were bound to notice them and be c urious. On the other hand, she'd know that he was attempting to put together a plan. Or at least didn't intend to meekly go along.

Ultimately he couldn't help it. The man's abuse became too much. "Leave her alone," Padraig warned, and the damned band glowed brighter. On that note, when they suggested that the bands be rounded up with the rest of the jewels and personal wealth, he growled, "They don't come off, you dolt." He put his hand on hers however, when she whispered her refusal to give up her ring or brooch. They were just things. Replaceable things.

He'd resolved not to be separated from her, but then naturally they chose him as their hostage. It was the way his luck went. His and Faith's. "Give them to me," he whispered to her. The ring, the brooch. "You'll get them back." As for himself, he took his time dropping his coin pouch into a sack and immediately drew wrath for dawdling. "Hurry up, you idiot!" one of them shouted and Padraig resolved that as soon as he got a chance, he was killing that one first. He dawdled, after all, because he was planning.

The scuffle from the back room, turned out, was a prompt for a plan that until then, had been slow to form. Apparently the clerk who'd been dragged off to the safe didn't have, or couldn't remember the combination. It was hard to tell with all the babbling. For just a trill, Padraig considered revealing that he was an alchemist, and could blow the door off the thing for them. It would, he thought, buy time for them all. But ultimately would have proved a foolish option.

Instead, his mind was still racing as two of them began ushering him out the door, with their treasure in hand and an arrow at his back. "Hurry up!" his aggressor called out to the one in the backroom, who'd just come out to reveal that as for the safe, he couldn't get the damned thing open. And just when Padraig was close to resolving that he had no plan, as they passed through the doors to the outside. a sickly thud sounded behind him and the one with the bow dropped to the ground.

Whatever had caused the sound, it set off a chain reaction where another thief in front of Padraig, and another, swung round and reached for their sword, and inside the bank, the rest of them sprang into a flurry of disorganized chaos. Without waiting to discover the cause of it all, the scholar reached out his hand, grabbed for the suns'light, and a golden sword came into being. The shock of his two opponents bought more time, before the skirmish began and presumably, another might occur inside where Faith was.

And meanwhile? The cause of the sudden shift of events stood just outside the threshold where Cyrus had concealed himself after spotting the trouble. A sturdy board was gripped in his hands. A storefront sign, apparently, that he'd ripped off its hanger at a nearby shop, and had opted to use it as a bludgeon. Luna? Following Cyrus' instructions, the girl had gathered up enough of her courage to dash off alone to find the guards and alert them.
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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

It was Padraig Faith was more worried about than anything. His overwhelming need to protect her meant that he'd be inclined to get violent or unpleasant with anyone who might be a threat to her. Faith put her hand on his arm when he told the high-pitched would-be bank robber to leave her alone. She didn't say anything, she didn't have to, because he knew. He knew her and he knew that she was quite in control. There was no panic in her voice and she was purposely saying what she was saying, doing what she was doing. When he said that, of course, the robber who had already started frothing at the mouth screeched at him. "I give the orders here!" quite a lot of spittle flew in his fury and Faith's hand on Padraig's arm tightened slightly. "DO YOU HEAR ME?"

Thankfully, his attention was taken for a few moments, listening to the shouting and generally being nervous and flighty. Yet, he was soon back and his response to Padraig was simple - he was going to be the one collecting up the jewelry and he was going to be their hostage. Faith looked just about ready to start something at that, but she realised that, if she did, then the criminals in question would turn on her, and that would mean that Padraig got into a fracas he didn't need to. They were strong together and she slowly took of her engagement ring and unpinned her brooch, then handed them to him. "I don't care about them," she said, wide eyed and concerned for him. "I care about the man who gave them to me. He is irreplaceable and I will die without him, so don't you go being an idiot. I can berate you as a ghost, too, so don't think that being foolish will protect you." Her hand reached for his, as the robber motioned for him to move and for a trill Faith couldn't and wouldn't let him go. Tears sprang into her eyes, causing her to remember the pregnancy which caused the tears in the first place. "MOVE!"

Faith knew that, by clinging to him like she did then she would only cause him trouble so reluctantly she let his hand go. Emotions flooded her and fear left her cold as Padraig walked out with a bow pointing directly at him. If one of them harmed him, she vowed, she was going to make them pay in a thousand different ways. As he walked away, with the jewelry, there was a scuffle and what the problem was behind the counter became apparent. They couldn't get the safe open? Shame. Still, Padraig walked out and then there was an Immortals-awful thunking sound and chaos broke loose. Faith didn't know what had happened, but the ones in the bank started moving.

As they started moving, without thinking about it or considering it in any other way, so did she. The one closest to her raised his bow and Faith simply acted. She wasn't the only one, not by a long shot, there were others in the bank that trial who had been waiting for the moment. This was it, it seemed. As always, combat scared Faith and she reacted on pure instinct. There were metal poles placed on the floor in the bank, ropes tied between them in order to show where people should queue. These metal poles were about waist height for her and made of solid metal with large round bases. Faith didn't hesitate. She moved forward, grabbing the crossbow which was being pointed in her general direction. Faith's hands grabbed the crossbow and pushed it up towards the ceiling even as her knee connected with the man's groin. He fell, letting out a blood-curdling high-pitched scream and Faith kicked him there again, hard, as he landed.

That left him vomiting and Faith turned the crossbow on to the one who was running in from the back room, clearing her mind of distraction and worry and just firing into his throat. She ignored the bolt which whizzed past her, although she recognised it had happened. The one running in had fired whilst running and his accuracy had been compromised because of it. However, it could have been different, she knew. But now was not the time for that. The crossbow had released so it was now useless to her; she dropped it and picked up one of the metal poles. Her intention was to use it to beat to death the next one; the big one who had been guarding the door. Another of the hostages in the queue had run to him and they were engaged in a fight but the big man was obviously stronger and the off-duty guard (for such he was), was holding his own against the giant chap, but only just. So, Faith swung around, raising the metal pole and hitting the very big one with a loud "doing" noise, right on the back of his head.

He crumpled and she turned around to look at the rest of the room, wielding a metal pole with a wild eyed expression. After the few trill it took for her to recognise that, between them, the robbers had been overpowered in here, Faith turned and ran to the front, to find out what was going on.
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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

Though he didn't exactly recognize the source of his sudden good fortune, Padraig could only spare the briefest of glances behind him. It was enough. The thug who'd had a bow aimed at the center of his back had collapsed on the ground, oblivious to it all. Unconscious. And was that Cyrus? It was a blur, since the pair that remained were beginning to get their wits back together. They were, each of them, focused entirely on him, and his grandfather behind him, and had reached for their swords.

He could hear chaos erupting inside and immediately the scholar's thoughts went to Faith. Their connection, his and hers, told him that she was unharmed for now, but good and riled. Better that than anything, he thought as the first of his opponents charged at him. Lucky for Padraig the man wasn't very good at swordplay and it only took a step to the side, a sweeping block and a thrust to bring him down. In the meantime? The last one had already started charging and might've sliced him in two, if not for others beginning to arrive on the scene.

Guardsmen, nearly a dozen of them running towards the bank. And Luna, the meek girl who he'd have thought didn't have it in her, was leading the charge. So much so, and so unconcerned about her own safety that she rushed right in, just to the side of Padraig's would be attacker. Whether it was him she was wanting to defend, or Cyrus behind him, it hardly mattered. She thrust out a small foot and caught her target unaware, tripping him so that he stumbled just as his charge began, and he ended up sprawled, face down on the cobblestone walk.

Caught completely by surprise himself, Padraig could only watch, dumbfounded as the guards reached them and took command of the three outside, while still more rushed through the door of the bank. Padraig rushed in after them, his sword still in his hand and desperately looking for Faith. It appeared that she'd held her own quite well. It didn't surprise him. He'd met up with her halfway through the door. Him heading in and her heading out as the guards had rushed past her. And immediately, seeing the thieves had been subdued already, he opened his hand and released the sword back to trial's light, and took her in his arms, taking a deep breath of relief that she was unharmed. "Are you....?" he asked, pulling back to get a good look at her. Uninjured, that was.
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[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

It wasn't every trial that one ran to meet one's future husband in a bank, wielding a metal pole and with the full intention of beating to death anyone, anyone who had harmed one hair on his head. But that was, nonetheless, what she did. As Padraig ran in, she saw him there and the clattering of the pole hitting the ground seemed louder somehow in the relative quiet of the bank in those moments. Then, there was shouting, though of a different kind. Guards, the Elements of Scalvoris came rushing in.

Faith would normally be relieved at the sight of them, but it was the sight of him which caused her to let out a gulping out-breath and then to run the last few steps and fling herself into his arms. There, she clung to him and she looked up at him with relief on her face. "I'm fine, are you alright?" The tears which threatened were because she had been afraid and Faith considered that it was a very good job that she wasn't having an emotional pregnancy, or imagine what she'd be like. Still, she buried her head in his shoulder and held on for a few trill, just feeling his arms around her as the tension left her. "I shot one in the throat," she said, motioning to where the medic was treating him. She was relieved that she hadn't killed the man, although his crossbow bolt was embedded deeply into the wall behind her and would have killed her without a doubt.

As she caught sight of Luna and Cyrus, Faith's eyes widened and she looked up at Padraig. "Are they alright?" When he told her what had happened, Faith would make sure to rush over and hug the young woman who lived with them. She had been so brave, and she might well have saved both Padraig and Cyrus' life.

Then, she looked at Padraig and smiled. "You know, I don't think we need to worry about making you a signatory right now. We can do it on the first of Vhalar. Or the second. That way, if something weird happens, we won't have wasted our time. Why don't we all go and have something nice to eat?" They could meet up with Katie, who was undoubtedly shopping, and go from there. With a grin at Cyrus, whose eyebrow had raised some at the sight of the very large man who Faith had battered with a pole, she wrapped her arm around Padraig and pointed out the obvious. "I know a good place." They'd have to wait and answer questions, of course, but after that, something to eat sounded like a mighty fine idea
word count: 462
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Pash Raj'oriq
Approved Character
Posts: 1200
Joined: Fri May 05, 2017 5:31 pm
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Tankbard
Renown: 315
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




RP Medals



[Bank of Scalvoris] An Unexpected Withdrawal

Thread Rewards
I suppose I was totally expecting some awesome teamwork in this thread, but then Faith just upped and owned them all. Surprise to me! Not that she’s not capable. Hormones and trauma and BAM NO WAY DUDES. You two have such a great relationship, though, and your teamwork obviously works on such deeper levels, like how you both looked out for each other in more emotional and sacrificial ways in this thread.



15 | These points cannot be used for magic.

Give a gift +2, Take down bank robbers +4



Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Deception: Deception doesn't have to be a lie.
Discipline: Not allowing yourself to panic when you are vulnerable
Discipline: Letting a loved one go in order to protect them
Persuasion: Being clear about what you are saying
Ranged Combat: Throat shot
Ranged Combat: Adrenaline boosts actions and accuracy
Unarmed Combat: Groin kick in combat.
Unarmed Combat: Ensure that weapons can not strike you

Other Knowledge:


15 | These points cannot be used for magic.

Standing against robbery in a bank +3



Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Bladed Combat: Take advantage of surprise
Bladed Combat: Maintain focus
Bladed Combat: Fighting multiple opponents
Detection: Noting different behaviours.
Detection: Criminals dress differently?
Detection: Spotting familiar faces
Unarmed Combat: Acting as a shield
Unarmed Combat: Shielding against multiple opponents

Other Knowledge:
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don’t forget go back to your review post here and drop this image in!


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word count: 283
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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