[Scalvoris Academy] Patterns

88th of Ashan 717

A satellite of the prestigious Viden Academy, this collaborative effort has truly been successful on Scalvoris and many great inventions and discoveries are made on a regular basis!

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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Scalvoris Academy] Patterns

88th Ashan 717
Faith had considered this every way that she could. Having spoken to Galena, her mentor at the Order of the Adunih, she was approaching her meeting with Professor Carter, her professor at the Viden Academy campus armed with as much information as possible. Galena had helped her to collate the information, bringing it all together.

So, as Faith knocked on Professor Carter's door she breathed in and gave a whispered prayer to Moseke that she might be about to preserve life by her actions here. "I hope, Lady of Life, that I can serve you well here. My actions here are about healing, about preventing illness and I hope that some of your wisdom grows in me. My best, I swear to you, I will give my best and will seek to find the answers in the earth and the rocks, the trees and the rivers. Thank you for the gifts you have given me, the healing and the ability to heal others. I hope to grow in your service, serving life till death, unto our final breaths and beyond." It was a whisper, but it was a heartfelt communion with the Immortal who had blessed her. Professor Carter called for her to come in and Faith stepped into his office. Padraig was just down the corridor, she knew and the young woman wanted nothing more than to turn and run to his office, but she knew that she could not do that. Instead, she stepped into the room and smiled.

Inside, it was chaos. Professor Carter was notoriously disorganised and nowhere was this more obvious.

"Faith. Come in, take a seat." Professor Carter smiled at her and motioned for her to sit, which Faith obediently did. "You wanted to speak to me?" Carter asked and Faith nodded.

"I would like to suggest that we start a new course of study. I want to consider the demographic of disease." Well, it was fair to say that professor Carter hadn't expected that. He raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to continue.

"I've found a cure for light bane" Faith said and Professor Carter's eyebrow moved further up. "The problem with finding a cure was that no one had realised what causes it." She handed him over the report she had prepared on the lightbane cases she had treated, which he accepted with a smile. "It is an allergic reaction to the blossom of the ginkgo tree. We could have known that." Faith's expression was determined as she spoke and Professor Carter watched her with interest. He had seen such a determined expression on her face when she had refused to be mentored by the most prestigious visiting doctor that the Academy could offer.

""Tell me then," he said to the young woman whose knowledge of medicine he knew was better than his own and he sat back in his chair to listen.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Wed May 17, 2017 11:11 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 490
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Scalvoris Academy] Patterns

""Tell me then," he had said to her and Professor Carter had to admit that tell him was exactly what Faith had done.
"It started when four men came in to the clinic where I work," she had started, handing him the detailed notes she had written up already. "We believed it to be meningitis at first, we did not even consider lightbane, because it is not contagious." This was true, Professor Carter nodded and held up a hand, motioning that Faith should wait until he had finished reading. When he had, he lifted his head and motioned for her to continue.

"I persuaded them to let me have one arc to find a cure. They agreed." Professor Carter watched Faith as she spoke. It occurred to him how shy she usually was, still, even in class yet how animated she appeared now. Which was the real her, he wondered and then turned his attention back to her. "So, I started to research. It isn't contagious, yet it's lightbane and they all have it. That tells me that we are missing something. Some piece of information. So I instigated this."

Faith handed him the format for patient notes which she had initiated at the Order of the Adunih and gave him a moment to read it. "It occurred to me. I was asking where these men had been in order to work out who they might have infected. But maybe I could find out how it started for them. Maybe there are patterns. I'm sure there are patterns, Professor, and I think I've started to find them."

"Patterns?" Professor Carter said and Faith leaned forward with an earnest expression on her face.
"I've received a reply from a clinic in Etzos who have successfully treated, not cured, but treated the Rot. They have sent me their patient notes. Roughly eighty seven percent of patients with it were male. That's statistically significant, surely? If we know that lightbane is an allergic reaction to a ginkgo tree, which it is," Faith handed him the notes relating to this. "It's a reaction which triggers an inappropriate response. I cured it. They've remained cured since. I went to see Gavin today, before coming here."

Faith looked at Professor Carter and she gave him time to let that sink in. "If we keep better notes, we can use them better. Do more males or females catch measles? What's the average age for a heart attack? We have ideas about some of those things, but if we had looked at where lightbane happened, we'd have realised and people's sight would have been saved." Faith sighed and sat back, giving him a moment or two to consider her words.

Professor Carter smiled at her, but asked with a solemn voice, "What is it you want, Faith?"

"I want to speak to the Dean and I want to tell him that I have your support, if I do. I want a new subject of study to be started. The study of the demographics of disease. Once we know where specific diseases do, and do not, happen then we can look at them with fresh eyes and a new perspective."
Professor Carter raised an eyebrow at her. She seemed to be somewhat serious, he thought. "A new subject? And what department in the institute would be involved?" He was mostly being funny, he thought, until she answered.
"Medicine, of course. But physics, specifically with considerations of geographical physics. Chemistry, for chemical reactions. Zoology and biology for links with animals, alchemy for all the strange things. Mathematics too, for the prediction of where disease will happen or statistical likelihood and the analysis of patterns."

He couldn't help it, Professor Carter laughed. Then, with a sinking feeling he realised that she was quite serious. "I really can't see the Dean saying yes to this, Faith." The young woman smiled and nodded.
"I understand that, Professor. But if I never ask, he never will. Mathematics isn't my field, but I believe my odds of a yes are better if I ask. I can make a compelling case." He didn't doubt that, and indeed he nodded his head.
"Very well. You have my approval and my backing. Would you like me to talk to Professor Hamilton-Smith about it?"

Faith had started putting away her notes and she stopped and looked at Professor Carter with an expression which was carefully neutral. "No, thank you, Professor. I don't plan on involving him and I'd rather you didn't." Professor Carter raised an eyebrow and considered asking. However, he decided that the Dean probably would, so he left it at that.
"What is your next move, Faith?" He had to admit to admiring her spirit. She was a determined little thing, he thought.
"Now, I'm going to prepare as much information as I can, and put it to the Dean in a proposal." With everything away, she looked at him and smiled, offering her hand to shake. "Thank you for seeing me, Professor Carter. I'm looking forward to starting my Charter next season." He shook her hand and nodded.
"Let me know how things go with the Dean, won't you?"
"Of course, sir. Thank you again." With that, Faith left, to prepare for the next step.
word count: 901
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Scalvoris Academy] Patterns

Faith had done everything she could, she knew, yet still she was nervous. There was no doubt in her mind that there was a need for this subject, but at the same time she knew that asking such questions was tricky. After all, she had refused the mentorship of the most prestigious guest professor. Dean Manyon seemed to understand, though, she had to do what she had passion for in her Charter. It had been a difficult season, academically speaking. Faith had excelled in her studies but Professor Hamilton-Smith had told her that she had failed her first trial in-class test and then consistently marked her at one above the bottom of the class. Yet, for Professor Carter she had excelled.

It confused Faith, in truth, and had since the first time she had encountered it. Believing that she was not very good, had not achieved as well as she might have had made sense and she did not question it. Padraig, of course, did very much query the idea and as time passed she began to see that she was doing better than her grades with Professor Hamilton-Smith suggested. It was not until Professor Til'na had come to speak to them and had offered to mentor her that Faith had begun to accept that Padraig might be right in his hypothesis. Maybe she had been doing better than Professor Hamilton-Smith was grading her.

Then, when she had received her Diploma and had seen how well she had done once her work had been re-graded, Faith had grown to believe that she could be a student, could do this. Had that not happened, she would never have considered doing this, but it was the right thing, she knew.

So, with her notes and her proposal, she made her way to the reception area and there she spoke to the receptionist and unofficial ruler of the Scalvoriscampus of the Viden Academy. Felicia Du'Wintre. Miss Du'Wintre listened to Faith's request and she told Faith quite clearly what was going to happen. Faith was most certainly not going to see the Dean, he was far too busy to be bothered by students suggesting new topics for study.

Faith felt more than frustrated at this, but Felicia Du'Wintre was clear. The best that she would allow was that Faith could put forward a written proposal and Felicia would put it on the pile of documents marked 'non-urgent' for the Dean. "How long will it be before he gets to see it?" Faith asked.
"How quickly can you have it prepared?" Felicia Du'Wintre asked and Faith frowned in some surprise.
"I have it here. I would not ask to speak to Dean Manyon unprepared."

Felicia Du'Wintre looked at the young woman with a cold expression. Faith had never done anything wrong as far as Felicia knew, but her very dear friend Argus had let slip in a moment of weakness that this girl was not to be trusted. So, she hated her on principle. Holding out a perfectly manicured hand, Felicia took the document which Faith had so meticulously prepared and she gave a small and quite insincere smile. "I will leave a note for you, shall I, when the Dean has seen this? Or should I just let Professor Augustin know?"

It was a step too far. Faith knew that Padraig had said nothing about their relationship, they had agreed. So, Faith turned serious silver eyes to Felicia and her face, her expression, everything about her was calm and controlled. "I believe that Professor Augustin teaches physics? I am studying medicine. Would you please send a note to me, or let Professor Carter know?"

Felicia gave a curt nod and looked rather surprised when Faith spoke again. "I will come and inquire, also, at the beginning of Ymiden. Just in case the message does not get to me. Thank you for your help." Felicia smiled in response and put the carefully prepared dossier at the bottom of a large pile marked 'non-urgent'. A dozen new things got added to that every trial, but Felicia made sure that Faith's proposal was always last.

Meanwhile all Faith could do, it seemed, was wait. She let out a sigh as she considered that she would have to wait until Ymiden, but if that was what she needed to do then she would. There were patterns in diseases, she was sure, and she wanted to make sure that they were studied.
word count: 758
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[Scalvoris Academy] Patterns



  • Knowledge:
    • Professor Carter: Viden Academy Professor
    • Professor Hamilton-Smith: Bitter Viden Academy Professor
    • Felicia Du'Winter: Cold-Hearted Bitch
    • Galena: Order of the Adunih Mentor
    • Medicine: Pathophysiology Before a Cure
    • Intelligence: The Use of Medical Records
    Loot: None
    Injuries: None
    Fame: None
    Devotion: +1 Moseke (Prayer to Moseke)

    Story: 5/5
    Collaboration: 0/5
    Structure: 4/5

- - - - - - -

Comments: I felt obligated to dock you a structure point for the series of run-on sentences. I have provided some examples below of where I thought there could be breaks in your words. The story was otherwise short, sweet, and to the point.
Faith wrote:Having spoken to Galena, her mentor at the Order of the Adunih, she was approaching her meeting with Professor Carter, her professor at the Viden Academy campus armed with as much information as possible.
 ! Message from: Nymph
She was approaching her meeting with Professor Carter, her professor at the Viden Academy campus. Having spoken to Galena, her mentor at the Order of the Adunih, she was armed with as much information as she would need for this conversation. (Or something similar)
The above example could have been left as it was, but would need an additional comma after Viden Academy campus. Then again, splitting it and taking a breath might have been warranted. I gave an example of reworking it into two sentences.
Faith wrote:Padraig was just down the corridor, she knew and the young woman wanted nothing more than to turn and run to his office, but she knew that she could not do that.
 ! Message from: Nymph
She knew Padraig was just down the corridor. The young woman wanted nothing more than to turn and run to his office, but she knew that she could not do that.
If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 321
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.
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