• Solo • Out Of Time, Part 1

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Out Of Time, Part 1

Zi’da 58, Arc 721

There were a lot of things that the son of Ziell regretted – which was probably to be expected when you had already been alive for nearly four centuries. His greatest and deepest regret was and would always be his attack on the Immortal of Hope during the Battle at Treid’s Tomb, that attempted murder. He didn’t understand how he could ever have been so wrong, so very, very wrong. Idalos was not doomed, there was hope and the potential for love, and there was so much beauty in the world, so much more than he had ever thought possible.

There were also other, more personal regrets though, regrets that only affected him anymore – everybody else that had been touched by those events had perished a long time ago and turned to dust. There was his daughter, the only child that he knew of, his daughter whose face he couldn’t remember anymore, no matter how hard he tried. She had died before her life had really begun, and he hadn’t been able to do anything about it.

And then there was a man. He had been his companion for several decades, and for a while, his lover. There had been other lovers before him and after him, of course, men as well as women, but he stood out. They had tried to uncover the secrets of the Idalos together. They had tried to change the world together, because Idalos deserved so much better, a brighter and happier future. When his companion had grown old, and a disease had ravaged him, he had tried to prolong his life. He had prayed to the Immortals and begged them to save him, on his knees, but all of his efforts had been in vain.

Nowadays, he knew that the Immortals weren’t capable of saving everybody and that his lover was unlikely to have been more deserving of salvation than all those others that were suffering and on the brink of death – they had had great plans, but there had been far too many failures - but for some time, the light had left his life. His daughter had been dead for nearly four centuries now, and his lover for approximately two, but he could still remember his face, at least. Syroa had tainted his memory. He had been one of the stars in her perversion of a play during the Mummer’s Ball but an arc before.

She had turned a man who had been good and kind into a monster.

It was of her and of him that he thought as he stood at the docks of Scalvoris Town, bundled up in a warm winter coat that was made of deep blue wool and gazed at the ocean that seemed to extent endlessly in front of him. There was something about the time of the arc, about the snowfall and the sky that was already darkening even though it was only afternoon that often made him think of the past. He had been born of winter and in shadows and spent much of his life among snow and ice until he had arrived on this wondrous island.

As he stood there, and as his thoughts wandered, as he thought of his life so far, of the good things and the bad things, of his regrets and of the multitude of things that he was grateful for – and of all the things that were yet to come, for the ocean made him think of that, of the potential that was hidden just behind the horizon – he suddenly noticed something. There, at the edge of his field of vision was a ship. A ship was slowly approaching Scalvoris Town. He narrowed his eyes as he tried to make out details; there seemed something strange about it. It didn’t look quite like the other ships around these parts.
From the Scalvoris calendar:

A fleet of ships arrive on Scalvoris, docking around the island. The people who arrive are very confused, though, as they believe it's Arc 521.
Last edited by Doran on Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:48 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 682





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Re: Out Of Time, Part 1

He decided to stay and wait for the ship to arrive. Standing still in the cold bothered him very little nowadays – since his father had marked him after the Forging, he was much more resistant to it; he mostly wore winter clothes in order to keep up appearances – besides, he wanted to know what kind of people were on that ship and which country they had come from.

As the ship slowly approached the docks, it became even more obvious that it was definitely not from Scalvoris, or Viden, or any other city in this part of the world. Matters of seafaring eluded him for the most part, but he had been in enough ports and travelled on enough ships to realize that it looked out of place. Its style was very, very different.

There was a commotion. The port workers got busy and prepared everything for the new ship’s arrival. He watched them with interest for a few moments before he focused his attention on the ship again. When the ship docked, when it was tied up at the pier, and the first passengers appeared on the gang plank, he came closer, careful not to get in anybody’s way.

He was not the only one who was curious, he noticed, although there were fewer spectators than there likely would have been if it were summer – the low temperatures kept most citizens in their homes.

The passengers looked normal enough at first glance. They were human for the most part, and most of them were adults, and they were dressed appropriately for the time of the arc, in warm coats, in thick wool or fur. The style of their clothes wasn’t quite right though. It was exceedingly old-fashioned. It did in fact remind him of the style that he had favored during his youth.

The newcomers, he decided and furrowed his brow slightly, looked almost as if they were not just out of place, but also …

… out of time.

They stood there, holding their suitcases and bags in their hands, looking noticeably confused and not at all as if they were relieved to finally have arrived at their destination after what had likely been a somewhat exhausting journey (Travelling in winter was likely a bit of a challenge at the best of times.).

One of them, a woman with long brown curls, was talking animatedly to a port worker and gesturing wildly. Something, Doran decided, was definitely going on, and he decided to come closer, try to find out what exactly was the matter – and see if he’d be able to help.
word count: 437





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Re: Out Of Time

“Is there anything that I can do for you?” he asked one of the new arrivals – a woman with blonde hair that, judging by the fine wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, was probably around fifty, at least, before he introduced himself, as it might help if she knew that he was a man of some authority, “Doctor Doran Thetys. I’m a councilor and a professor at the university.”

The woman turned around in order to look at him, but she did not answer his question. Instead, she wanted to know, in a tone of voice that he could only describe as very strange, “What happened to Scalvoris? This is Scalvoris, isn’t it? It doesn’t look right. The buildings and the docks …” she murmured before her voice trailed off, and she only stared.

Doran furrowed his brow very lightly as this was not something that he had expected to hear. Besides being unexpected, it was also quite concerning. It sounded as if the woman’s cognitive functions might be impaired, as if there might be an issue with her brain, or she had ingested something dangerous. What on Idalos had happened on that ship?

“Can you tell me your name, please?” he asked her in a calm and reassuring tone of voice while he observed her carefully. Apart from the oddity of her clothes, she appeared to be well-groomed and in decent physical shape. Her eyes looked normal, and her cheeks were rosy, but not red. Her speech was normal, although her Common was a little strange.

Her looking healthy enough was the reason why he decided to ask a few quick questions to assess her mental status.

“Alanna. Alanna Berensen”, the woman replied, looking a bit confused by the question.

“And can you tell me which trial and arc it is, please? Did anything unusual happen on the way to Scalvoris?” he continued.

“It’s the 58th of Zi’da, and the arc is 521, of course, and no, our trip was pretty uneventful, although the weather was quite bad at times”, she told him somewhat impatiently before she repeated her initial question. “So, what happened to Scalvoris, doctor?”

“I don’t know”,
he admitted. He had no idea why she had gotten the trial right, but thought that it was 521 and why she thought that Scalvoris looked different. She appeared to be coherent, apart from those things, but it might still be a cognitive issue. There was also the possibility that she and her fellow passengers had ingested something that did not leave any physical symptoms. Magic could affect your mind as well.

And then there was of course the fact that Scalvoris was sitting on top of a Grand Fracture.

“You are safe here though, and we’ll get this sorted out as soon as possible, Miss Berensen”, he assured her in a calm tone of voice and quickly let his gaze sweep across the group that were talking to port workers or just standing there. From what he could tell they seemed to be similarly confused. He doubted that they all suffered from the same mental illness. Mental illnesses tended not to manifest exactly the same way in everybody.

That possibility could likely be ruled out then.

He was about to ask Miss Berensen if she – and if her fellow passengers - had a place to stay but he was not sure if it would be wise to leave someone that obviously had a problem alone somewhere.

For that reason, he briefly excused himself, stepped away from her and gestured for one of the spectators that were nearby – the group had attracted a little more attention now – to come over to him which she did after a moment of hesitation. “Professor Doran Thetys”, he introduced himself to the blonde biqaj who looked at him with obvious curiosity.

“I know”, she replied.

He furrowed his brow lightly for a moment – his fame in Scalvoris was a relatively recent thing – before he inclined his head sharply and told her, “Can you go to the Order Outpost, please? Ask Galena if she can send a team of healers here. Tell her that Professor Thetys thinks that the passengers of a newly arrived ship need help. She’s met me before. I’d appreciate it if you could also send for Professor Fridson from the Institute of Metaphysics. I’ll brief everybody as soon as they get here.”

(He had addressed the woman directly and assigned a task to her as just asking that someone head to the Order, and alert Professor Fridson, might result in nobody going there and no help arriving in the near future.)

For a moment, as he watched the woman leave, he considered also alerting the Elements, but these people didn’t look as if they had done anything wrong. They were likely not criminals. They were just confused. If it was a medical issue, the Order of the Adunih would be of more help than the military and be able to decide how the situation should be handled from then on forth, and if magic was involved, then his colleague would hopefully be able to bring some light into the darkness. In any case, he could not – and likely should not – deal with this issue completely alone. With that thought in mind, he spoke,

“I’d appreciate it if someone could help me take care of the passengers in the meantime. They might appreciate something to eat and drink, and perhaps a warm place to stay”, he decided in a firm tone of voice that would hopefully make people more inclined to listen to him. It didn’t seem right to him to leave them out here, in the cold, until the Order arrived, and besides that, if they had something to eat and drink, they might feel better, and it might temporarily distract them. Any further questions could wait for the time being.

“I own a bakery nearby. I can quickly get some food for them”, one of the spectators – a middle-aged woman that wore her dark hair in a bun – offered. He thanked her before he turned back to Miss Berensen and informed her, and the others, that someone that would hopefully be able to help them figure out what was going on was on the way.

It was just then that he saw the man.

He was aware of the fact that it couldn’t really be him. He had been with him when he had taken his last breath and buried him. Since he clearly remembered that and all the arcs before that, he doubted that the timeline had been tampered with. He looked enough like him that his heart momentarily skipped a beat though. He had the same dark hair, and when the man briefly looked at him, he noticed that he had the same dark eyes, too.

He was a few decades too young though.

The story continues here.
word count: 1166





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Re: Out Of Time, Part 1

Experience: +10 xp


Appraisal: Wrinkles can help estimate someone’s age
Investigation: Trying to figure out why someone thinks it’s the wrong arc
Leadership: Making people aware of your position can help
Leadership: Speaking in a firm tone of voice can help
Leadership: Assigning tasks to specific people increases the likelihood that the work gets done
Medicine: Assessing someone’s mental status

Skillplay: Appropriate to level

Loot: None.
Injuries/Overstepping: None. As long as that heartbeat skip thing isn’t permanent…
Renown: +10. For being there and taking a leading role when something funky happened.
Wealth Points: None.
Collaboration: no
Magic Experience?: None.


Okay, but did you exchange Curwen hand signs with the greys ship’s crew? :P

You set things up well in this thread. Not only do you establish a theme of pining for trials long past and the people Doran knew then only to then pay it off, you set up the reveal that the passengers think it is 521 by having them answer a routine question someone might ask a person who was injured or disoriented. It took about a post and a half before I realized what was going on and how everything fit together. And that’s a *good* thing.

I will be interested to see where this goes. Among other things, I’d be interested in what perspectives Ms. Berensen and the other passengers have on Scalvoris today, and what historical events they might be able to shed light on.

Assuming, of course, that they are really from 521 and not just crazy or cosplaying.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 267
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