• Closed • The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg

18th of Zi'da 721

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Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg


As part of the knowledge exchange with Desnind, the University was sponsoring students to make contact with select individuals from that distant land. They would be given full accommodation by the University aboard the Flutterbus to relocate, in hopes that they'd share what they know with encouragement in the form of knowledge exchange. Zemos had a mind to contact those distant people in Desnind, as he understood his 'kind' the Sev'ryn were populous there, and they even spoke the language he'd happened to know the best, Xanthean! He was excited at the prospect of talking to someone in his favored language, and so got to writing several letters to go out to various people in Desnind. Hopefully one would find their interest piqued, and answer.

Without the slightest wait, he sat down at his desk and began penning the letter in Xanthean:


I am Doctor Z, physician, tailor, and student of toxicology of Viden Academy here on Scalvoris. I have been studying toxicology for over two arcs now, with a particular focus on insectoid venoms and their interaction with mortal life systems. I had written in hopes of establishing a correspondence with one of your people who are knowledgeable about this area of study. I have heard that Desnind has many fascinating entomological species that are native to its area, and would love to put oru heads together to compare knowledge.

The University has pledged to cover all costs associated with travel and staying at Scalvoristown, so that your stay will be as accomodating as possible while sharing your knowledge with the students and faculty. I think we can all benefit from the spread of information and knowledge about this area of study.

I look forward to meeting you!

Doctor Z(emos)

So having written the letter, he made sure it got delivered to the flutterbus on the next convoy to Desnind. It was given to a courier, who was tipped a small handful of coppers. The courier tipped his hat and then was off.

9th Zi'da 721

Thirty trials had come and gone, and still no word from anyone from Desnind. Zemos was rather crestfallen that his note had either gone astray or else not found interest in anyone from Desnind. Then again, it was early yet. The Flutterbus took fifteen trials both ways, and so it'd be a minimum of thirty days before he got any sort of reply.

He got ready for the day, donning his robe of shiny brown silk, with a mantle of wolfskins. Lambskin gloves, and some sturdy, fur-lined boots, as it was getting quite cold out lately. From his humble, rented shack, he made his way to the University office, where they received most of the mail from associates abroad.

Once he arrived there, he asked the clerk, "Has any letter come addressed to Doctor Z today?"

Last edited by Zemos on Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:10 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 483


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Re: The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg

9th Zi'da 721

Felicia Du'Wintre was a busy woman. Not only did the entire University depend on her for a wide variety of services and logistical information, but she simply made the place much more tolerable for everyone, in her opinion. Of course, her opinion was the only one that mattered, so there was that.

As the man entered the office, she gave him a cursory glance before he began asking about correspondence. Everyone always wanted to know about mail, and while that task was well-below her pay grade, others brought items to her attention every now and then.

Problem-solver, chaos manager, and usually the first person someone would come to when there was a curiosity that needed solving - Felicia was the person with the answers. Ostensibly, that often meant sticking her nose into business that wasn't hers, or at least that's what other people said. Still, if presented with that fact, the receptionist – and a great deal more, thank you very much – would say that everything that happened within the walls of the University was her business.

Where was she? Oh, right – correspondence! Someone was asking her about letters. Sizing up the man in front of her, she appeared to briefly consider his request before grabbing something from one of her drawers, handing it over. "Doctor Zemos, I presume? You are welcome. Have a nice trial." Her tone was brisk and business-like, and clearly, she was dismissing him.

The wax seal was hued in the deepest of green with the image of a tree, set upon flecks of gold. The paper was beautiful, lovely really, and as his eyes gazed upon the writing, he would find a flowing script, but simple and to the point.

Doctor Zemos –


My name is Ael'yni, and I received your correspondence regarding a knowledge exchange. I am a doctor who specializes in toxicology and was already planning to journey to Scalvoris in mid-Zi'da. I would be happy to meet with you and share what I know with those interested. I will leave a message for you in the offices of the University when I arrive and arrange the first meeting if that works for you?

Gbóògì asekale…



17th Zi'da 721

One trial - Zi'da 17th, to be exact- a letter with the same seal and beautiful paper arrived for "Doctor Zemos" with Felicia in the main office. The receptionist handed it over with the same briskness as she had the first, quickly returning her attention to her many, many other duties.

Doctor Zemos –

I hope this message finds you well. I've arrived in Scalvoris and would be happy to meet you at the Scholar's Nook tomorrow, mid-trial. If I recall, there's a table right near the 'medicine' stacks, and I'll make sure to arrive early and claim it for us.

See you then!


18th Zi'da 721

The Scholar's Nook was bustling, as always. Pitched conversations and debates added to the lively nature of the place, but in the back, at a small table with towering stacks around it, sat a small Sev'ryn female, dark curls framing her face as she leaned over the table, reading a text and making notes. Every ten trills or so, her focus would shift, looking around as if expecting someone.

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Re: The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg


A Very Eggcited Yithnai

Zemos was glad not to spend too much time in the company of the very curt and cold woman. He reminded him of winter in some ways, chilly, too clean and sterile. There was nothing of the earth about her. Zemos liked bugs, and could see the sense they had in burrowing before the winter, to go dormant. Burrowing deep into the earth, with only the worms and other bugs for company. He imagined how it must be to be an insect for a moment. Crawling deep beneath the earth, shielded from the chill winds and exposure. The friction of other bodies and slimey, decomposing earth must've made their environment under the earth quite warm. He imagined it was quite cozy.

Anyway, he was after his message. He opened it, and read the common with bits of Xanthean mixed in. A greeting in Xanthean opened the message, and he could tell the one writing it must have been very important or otherwise well educated. Sometimes even Doctor Zemos grew too overeager and forgot the niceties. But not this one.

Her message seemed to guarantee that she would arrive. He was well heartened by the idea of meeting another toxicologist, and one from his peoples' homeland of Desnind. It was a grand opportunity. And Ael'yni sounded like a very pretty name. He was suddenly overtaken by the strangest sensation. The Egg spoke in sing-song, humming tones in his mind.

Is it the season for burrowing, Father?
Cradled deep in the sludgy, sticky earth.
Royal Honey!

Zemos didn't know what the Egg meant by that, as often he didn't when it resorted to communicating through its strange poetry. But he did know he wanted to make a good impression on this fellow scientist. After placing the letter in his satchel, he began wringing his hands, worrying about the way he looked. His tar-covered brow, the requirement for rotted food. Would she look at him like those people at the library? Like most of the other students?

"Sweet fumes call to the Eggqueen.
The failed phial, Father!
Essence of pill bug!

Ahh, yes, he had some of that perfume that he'd mistakenly concocted during his days in the Viden Academy. He could use it! It wasn't particularly strong, but had a nice earthy scent that tended to overrule the sweet decay of rot. It would do!

But there was the matter of physical appearances. He did have a great decorative robe that he'd saved for his Academy days while attending the classroom. Mervani had downright insisted that he not look shabby, and told him to buy a pair of good outfits.

He went straight home, and began planning his eventual meeting with Ael'yni.

He arrived at the Scholar's Nook slightly after mid-trial. He'd been running late, having almost forgotten to apply the phial of pill bug perfume. In doing so, he may have made an overzealous attempt at applying it, and gone overboard as many people frowned at him and gave him a wide berth.

He shrugged at them, and moved into the Scholar's Nook.

He wore a fine robe, layered with wools of brown and silks of yellow and silver. The embroidery and brocade throughout the fabric depicted floral themes. His feet had fur boots, and a fur mantle of sable draped his shoulders. He was very happy with the outfit. It'd been a while since he had occasion to dress up. He remembered the last time had been his dinner date with Lonely-Hands and his family in Anther's Ettyn, where he'd kissed Lonely-Hands' undead daughter until her rot subsided.

He smoothed out the robes as he entered, looking through the place, trying to find Ael'yni. "Ael'yni? Hello, are you here?" He called out softly, hoping to get an answer but receiving none immediately. Shrugging to himself, he went on into the back of the Nook. He saw a woman casting glances this way and that as if expecting someone.

Zemos took a deep breath, and approached, wondering if she was the one he was set to meet. He would gesture toward the chair, "Pardon! You are Ael'yni? I'm here to meet someone named Ael'yni, are you she?"

His throat grew dry as he pondered the possibility that it might not be her. His iridescent green eyes regarded her, behind a creased, tarry brow. He was well-dressed and perfumed, at least.
Last edited by Zemos on Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 758


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg

18th Zi'da 721

The young woman turned her head at the sound of her name, intriguingly peering at the one that spoke it. The face that the dark curls framed was a bit plain, but not in an unattractive way - just devoid of unnecessary enhancements. The softest hint of bark and almond floated in the air, although he wouldn’t immediately be able to pinpoint the source. The Sev’ryn was what people would call a natural beauty, with eyes of the deepest green. However, something about the color was slightly curious, laced with a luminescence that was hard to describe. “Doctor Zemos, I presume? Yes, I’m Ael’yni,” she replied with a gentle, melodious voice.

A pleasant smile slipped across her lips as Ael’yni gestured to the chair across from her. “I’d be pleased if you would join me, and we can speak on the topics you wrote me about.” Placing a hand on the notebook she had with her, smile growing a bit wider. “I brought my research notes from over the arcs. I’m confident we can find something within to dig into.”

Whatever the young woman thought of Zemos, his appearance, manners, or anything else, she kept to herself, and no indications of such were evident in her body language or expression, starkly contrasting with all he had encountered in the Nook. All he would be able to discern from Ael’yni is that she appeared to be pleased with his company. “Did you want to glance through my notes first or suggest a topic, and we can start there? I don’t have any other appointments totrial, so we can take all the time we need.” Opening up her notebook, she began looking through it with an intense gaze, trying to find a place to start.

Before Zemos could answer, the Sev’ryn continued, launching forward to give him an idea of topics they could discuss. “You said in your letter that you wanted to exchange entomological knowledge, but I do have some notes on species here in Scalvoris, as well as Desnind you might want to know about. Or, did you specifically want to converse on the effects on biological life forms of different types of toxins? Oh, you know what’s fascinating? How toxins affect different forms of life in varying ways! Were you just interested in entomological sources, or are botanical toxins also included?” There was an enthusiasm in her voice as she barreled on, barely taking a breath or beat between thoughts as they barged out of her mouth.

A few people nearby gave the pair odd looks, but Ael’yni was too wrapped up in her queries and thoughts to notice, flipping through her notebook, gaining new subject matter to ask or comment upon. “I’ve always been interested in the evolutionary process, whether within a life form or other source. What occurred to make that substance evolve within? Fascinating, fascinating.”

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Re: The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg


Zemos visibly relaxed as he seemed to have found Ael’yni, who called him to her, to join the table. It was a busy day in the nook, which didn’t bother Zemos much. A greater crowd presented a pleasant ambience that made it easy to disregard the stray words and outbursts of any of the other patrons. It made it easier for Zemos to focus on what was before him.

He nodded as she mentioned her notes, and where they ought to begin putting their heads together. “Thank you for bringing your notes! So you come from Desnind? I’ve heard many things of it.” The place was at the tip of his mind, he thought he knew it, but when he tried to remember, the white void blocked his progress.

“Yes, the subject that has vexed my studies! Let’s begin with isolating compounds… Ostensibly reagents that can be used to only be effective upon targeted life systems or life forms.” He lowered his voice, “Such as poisons that target specific phylogenies, whether quadroped, arachnid, or biped, that sort of thing. Such a thing might be useful for encouraging crop growth without compromising the health or safety of the produce.”

Tell her Father/Brother!
Sweet Nectar in the Ice Groves.

Snowflakes upon blossoms.
Dead, thorny branches.

The Egg’s words were nonsense, as far as Zemos could tell. He didn’t have the slighest idea what it was talking about. And in the time he tried to decipher its meaning, the pause might’ve registered on his demeanor, indicating that something might be wrong to Ael’yni.

“Yes fascinating! I haven’t had much opportunity to explore the bug population of this city, but I have some experience in Viden. Did you know that a few sauns ago there was a heatwave that melted most of the ice, and bugs came!? So many bugs?! I designed a flea toxin to help the local livestock, and even isolated the toxin to hurt only the fleas."

Zemos shrugged, “But the secret I happened upon then has since eluded me. I do have some of the pain buttons that I used for that purpose?” He indicated some brown-colored, plain-looking buttons that were sewn into the fabric of his robe. He swiftly undid it from the fabric, and placed the small wafer-like button on the table, for her to inspect.

“Dissolved into solution, it becomes a potent pain poison, but is strong enough to kill small creatures.” He chattered excitedly, and then produced a small pouch, full of powder. “This is Flea Flour. It produces a histamine reaction, making one itch when it makes contact. Good for pranks or making others uncomfortable, but I haven’t figured any other use for it.”

“But yes, let us hear what you know of the species here or in your native Desnind?”

He waited to hear what she thought about all of these things he was sharing. He was all too aware that he was chatting off the rail a bit, but something about the woman put him at ease.

“What is it like in Desnind?”

Last edited by Zemos on Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:36 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 524


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg

18th Zi'da 721

Ael'yni nodded, giving him a quick smile as he mentioned Desnind. "Indeed. It's a beautiful place. Peaceful. An excellent environment for thinking and studying. You should come to visit and see for yourself."

She considered what Zemos said, tapping her quill against the notepad in front of her. "I've often wondered if someone could alter a universally poisonous material to do what you say."

Grabbing one of the books she brought from her bag, Ael'yni quickly flipped through it until she found the page sought, turning it to show him. "For example, the Sunshroomas from Desnind. It produces a vapor that is highly corrosive to organic material. I can see applications where that would be useful if it could be targeted."

When Zemos' attention turned inward, the woman paused a moment, but before she could inquire about his well-being, he continued speaking about his work in Viden.

"I heard about the heatwave! But you don't remember how? Were you affected by the toxin?" It was evident that Ael'yni was the academic sort, jumping on a topic he brought up and pushing Zemos for further information. She had a thirst for learning that was undeniable.

As he placed the buttons on the table, her eyes swiftly analyzed them. "So you remember certain things and not others?" As with a significant portion of academics, their curiosity didn't simply stop at the edges of their chosen fields.

His explanation made sense, and her mind went to work on a way to help him expand the possible uses for his powder. "It could be weaponized, to a degree, used as a distraction. Tossed through a window into a room full of people that need to be neutralized without more drastic measures."

Their conversation quickly turned more local, with Zemos asking her about Desnind and Scalvoris. "Well, to be fair, my research in Sclavoris is fascinating at the moment. They have such a wide variety of plants and insects that have varying applications."

Showing him the book she had, Ael'yni pointed to various entries. "Like this one - the Scalvuffy. It's considered a nuisance but contains a poison that creates pus-filled cavities. Of course, it's a mild poison, but intriguing."

Her voice trailed off a bit as she scanned the page. "Or this one - the Scaltoth Golden Scarab. Oh, this one is interesting. It says it can ingest poisonous plants and is highly resistant to pesticides or toxins! It makes me wonder how insects develop that sort of immunity...."

He mentioned Desnind again, causing a brief smile to appear on the woman's face. "Trees. So many trees. People working with the land, not against it. It's a type of spirituality that isn't duplicated anywhere else."

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Re: The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg


Zemos didn't follow her finger to the entries she pointed out as she was talking. He focused on her face, her smell, the clothes she wore and the vague buzzing timbre of her voice. He felt a definitely attraction. So as she pointed things out, when her eyes lifted to look at him he turned away, pretending to observe the pages she was pointing out.

He did learn a few things about poisons while she waas pointing them out. The scaltoth golden beetle sounded an interesting specimen. One he would like to get his hands on if he could, yet it was sheltered beneath the reputedly deadly branches of the Scaltoth jungle. Not friendly territory to any kind.

Egg Father! Give blessing.
We shall welcome them
To the Hive with open arms.

The Egg was ignored subsequently, as now Zemos took an interest in the subjects she was discussing, like the weather in Desnind, the environment, the spirituality. For once, Zemos' ose bori spoke up. Buzzing in his ear like the multitude.

Beware, Zemos. She leads you toward the white web. The empty void from whence you narrowly escaped. Do not follow there. Do not open the door!

Zemos knew the white void, but nothing beyond it. The blank spaces in his memory that occupied where the rest of his life ought to have occurred. He remembered other things in that time. Drooling servitude to a strange person-student, Sybil. Their association with the wildman Wald. But before? Before the slave stage? There was a white void, cold, silent and devoid of liveliness. A desert of warm nothings.

He suddenly seized upon his temples then, feeling a very vicious headache tearing through his mind as she brought up more information about Desnind. The pain over powered him and rendered him helpless to it. The voice of the Egg was silenced even as it screamed, even as his Ose Bori panicked and screamed in unison with the Egg.

And then Zemos fell upon the table, unconscious.

He came to breaks later, and the woman appeared to have left. He rubbed his head, feeling it full of moments that were stolen, but now slowly returning in strange jig-saw incompleteness.

He didn't know what had happened, but when he remembered the white web, the white void from before times, he saw now a speckled mosaic of moments disconnected from all the others. A spotted memory, if any at all.

But it was better than the warmcold nothing that had existed there before.

Zemos picked up his books, what he'd brought, and left the place.
Off Topic
Heya thanks for moderating this as far as you did!!! I'll submit to the queue now as I feel satisfied with our progress here. Thanks again.

word count: 463


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg


Review & Rewards

Name: Zemos

Points awarded: 15
Magic xp: N/A

Cosmetology: Using perfume to entice others to your company, and cover foul odors.
Cosmetology: Choosing clothing appropriate to a fancy meeting
Investigation: Finding someone by asking if they're there.
Discipline: Grappling with fear that you may have made a fool of yourself.
Medicine: Poisons: Targetting specific life systems in organisms with materials or substances, using particular reagents.
Medicine: Poisons: Targeting a specific phylogeny or family of animal for harmful toxins.
Medicine: Poisons: Pain buttons can be affixed to fabric and clothing, disguised as a regular button, and need only be processed for regular use after stored in this way.
Medicine: Poisons: Dissolving a pain toxin to create a delivery vector.
Medicine: Poisons: Flea flour is mostly harmless, except that it produces and encourages a histamine reaction.

Renown: 5 (For meeting with a noted expert from Desnind...and falling unconscious in the middle of Scholar's Nook)

Skill Review: Appropriate to level.


Zemos is always a kooky dude with a very specific way of doing things. And yet, there is something very endearing about him that I can't quite put my finger on, despite having written in collabs with him and reviewed him multiple times. There's this odd duality that is fascinating to read about. You write the complexities of Zemos really well. It's almost as if, sometimes, he doesn't quite understand it himself.

This thread was, at its heart, about Zemos discovering a part of himself that was lost. I hope that we this thread helped set him on his way to doing that!


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Cosmetology: Using perfume to entice others to your company, and cover foul odors.
    • Cosmetology: Choosing clothing appropriate to a fancy meeting
    • Investigation: Finding someone by asking if they're there.
    • Discipline: Grappling with fear that you may have made a fool of yourself.
    • Medicine: Poisons: Targetting specific life systems in organisms with materials or substances, using particular reagents.
    • Medicine: Poisons: Targeting a specific phylogeny or family of animal for harmful toxins.
    • Medicine: Poisons: Pain buttons can be affixed to fabric and clothing, disguised as a regular button, and need only be processed for regular use after stored in this way.
    • Medicine: Poisons: Dissolving a pain toxin to create a delivery vector.
    • Medicine: Poisons: Flea flour is mostly harmless, except that it produces and encourages a histamine reaction.

word count: 406

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