Rebirth Cycle
1st Cylus
Arc 721
"Oh my fluffing gods..."
Bao glanced outside after waking up, noting that it was still dark as the season of Cylus was upon Scalvoris. Snow fell and darkness coated the area as a blistering cold ran through the streets, Bao watching with awe. As much as the Red Panda understood why Cylus was a scary time for everyone and that the danger was high he couldn't help but be fascinated by the entire thing. Constant moonlight to coat the snow around, a cold unnatural and yet somehow beautiful. It was such an underrated experience, Bao thought.
Pondering what it felt like to be out there, Bao turned to his bed and clambered on top of it, grabbing his blanket for a moment and bringing it near to the door. He slipped his pajamas off and put on some robes with a thick, oversized coat to help keep him warm. Then, carefully, he wrapped the blanket around himself like a scarf. Truth be told, the blanket meant more to him than perhaps anything else he owned. It reminded him of the many Arcs he had spent with Saoire, of the time he had spent longing for the Idalos he now called home.
Once he was dressed and ready the small Cadouri made his way out into the streets and looked around with wonder. The oversized coat made it hard to see sometimes, the hood falling down over his head and blocking his view. With a small grin, he pushed the hood off his head for a moment and glanced up to the sky, looking around with amazement. "It's so pretty. So, so pretty" he said with a small sniff of his nose, trying not to get too overwhelmed with emotion at how amazing Idalos was. It was everything he hoped for.
Wiping his fur for a moment, Bao glanced around and let just a tear fall as he watched the snow in quiet prayer to Saoire. She had given him everything. New life, a new home, endless adventure. No matter who he was or what he had become he would dedicate his life in gratitude to her. She had given him the greatest gift anyone ever could and for that, he was eternally grateful.
After a few more Bits of exploring the snow and jumping up and down with energy, Bao already felt the blistering cold and decided to head inside, lighting the fire for himself taking his coat off, placing his warm pajamas back on. Once the fire had built up a bit, Bao placing wood onto it, the Cadouri sat down and wrapped up tight in his blanket, shaking from the harsh wind. Yet he couldn't help but smile at the situation. After all, he had been told this would happen, had even written about it in his song.
"Cylus is the coldest one, the season always cold. Pack your boots, put on your coat, embrace it and be bold" he smiled up at the flames, singing the lyrics quietly as he did so. Embrace it and be bold. As much as the cold hurt, he would need to go out and get some resources soon. More wood for the fire, some food. Perhaps people would even be around to sell him soup or the like. Even in Cylus people had to function as best they could, the Cadouri knew that much was true. Maybe there would be some pleasant drinks or food out there to keep him warm. Anything was better than his own cooking.
Some time went by, Bao warming up as much as he could before daring to get dressed and go out again. Once he was sufficiently warmed up, however, he decided to keep his pajamas on underneath his coat as they were warmer than his robes. He made sure to place some money in his coat pocket for the journey. Carefully, Bao slid open his door and walked out into the streets, seeing a few people along the way but most places empty and quiet. Something about it was peaceful, the quiet and the lack of shouting or talking at all. Taking care to lock his door behind him, Bao made his way through the town, smiling up at everyone he could and battling to stop his hood from coating his eyes.
"Warm cocoa, come drink some warm cocoa to start Cylus off right! Keep yourself warm, ladies and gents, with some warm cocoa" a man called out to everyone. Reaching into his pocket, Bao pulled out some coins and made his way to the shop. Typically, he would trade them food for food, but it had become apparent that most other races preferred money. To a degree, it made sense, though Bao preferred trading necessities rather than coins and valuables. After all, most valuables made life easier in minor ways. Food and such were always more important than ease.
At the door he entered, walking in and glancing around at the two others inside - a customer and the man working there. As he heard the door the man behind the counter, who had called out on the streets before heading back inside, looked down and saw Bao walking along. Fortunately, it seemed, people were starting to know who the Cadouri were and therefore didn't act surprised anymore. "Hey there, little fella. What can I get for you?" he smiled to Bao, wide and sincere. His messy brown hair and hazel eyes made his gaze that much warmer as he gave Bao a sincere look.
"That Cocoa you mentioned, may I have some?" came Bao's muffled voice from underneath his coat, the man laughing and nodding to the Cadouri. "One cocoa, coming right up. Make yourself at home" he gestured to an open stool. With a little difficulty, Bao clambered up onto a wooden stool and lowered the hood of his coat, sitting down for a moment and catching his breath from the thin air outside. The other customer in the store was sat a couple of stools down but gave the Red Panda a smile, Bao noticing and smiling back.
Once the shop owner came back with Cocoa he handed it to Bao, taking a few coins and nodding before sitting down behind the bar on his own stool, opposite to Bao. "Forgive me for being nosy but, did you ever experience something like this before Idalos?" he asked, clearly knowing at least a little about the Cadouri from whoever he had met prior. Bao shook his head. "Not quite. We saw so much and learned so much, but this is different. It feels more...real. As if the snow really melts in my hands and the moon really wants to light up the way."
As he explained he took a sip of the cocoa, the warmth flooding every inch of his body and making Bao squeak a little with joy. "This is amazing" he said with a small laugh, nodding to the man that handed it to him. Both the shopkeeper and the other customer merely looked on with amazement as Bao continued to drink. "Sounds to me like you count yourself real lucky, huh?" the other customer chimed in, laughing a little as Bao's fur was covered with a mustache of cocoa, Bao hardly noticing and simply smiling back.
Looking around, Bao saw the two anticipating his answer and decided to be as honest as he could. "Of course I do. I'd be selfish not to! I was given a chance at a new world, one that is beautiful. All of us should be grateful for that" he smiled wide, chuckling to himself. "Besides, how else was I gonna try the best drink in Scalvoris" he exclaimed with excitement, causing the shopkeep to laugh audibly. Behind the bar, the man raised his own cocoa up, the other customer following. "We'll cheers to that, aye?". Bao looked confused at them both, curious.
"What does that mean, why are you raising your cocoa like that?" he asked, wondering as he tried it for himself. The other customer shuffled a little closer and explained. "When you agree with what someone says, or you want to celebrate, you raise your drink up high to show how happy you are. Then you shout cheers, and everyone else does it too, so you can celebrate together" he told the small panda, Bao nodding in thought before raising his drink just a little higher. "Cheers! Like that?" he asked.
Both the others exclaimed cheers, taking a sip of their drink and giving an enthusiastic nod to the Cadouri. Happy at what he had learned, Bao finished off his drink and held onto his blanket tight as it wrapped around his neck to keep him warm. Time went by and the three continued their conversations, Bao explaining his time in Saoire's domain and the strangers telling him different places to visit, such as their favorite restaurants and bakeries. Before long, Bao realized he had been sat with the two for what may have been over a Break. Yet he didn't mind. More cocoa was bought and consumed, more stories told and time ticked by until Bao decided he would go try one of the bakeries they had suggested.
"Tell you what, give me five minutes to close up shop and I'll buy, how's that? Seeing as you both filled my pockets for the cocoa, I can work again tomorrow and earn it back easy enough" he grinned. Bao, excited to be joined on his journey, nodded alongside the other customer. Once everything was closed down the three went on their way, Bao walking alongside the two tall men and wrapping up warm to protect against the snow. As they made it to the bakery window, Bao looked up and saw the excitement was spread across the face of them both, not just himself - and it made him happy.
With no word, Bao quietly thanked Saoire one last time, before walking into the bakery with two new friends.