• Closed • Dancer Distress [Event]

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78th of Ymiden 718

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Dancer Distress [Event]

~78th of Ymiden 718~

The eve of Suan was approaching, it was evident, the way the air seemed to soak up all the moisture on one's lips and skin. Making almost any thirst practically unquenchable. Children who would have usual run around barefoot now have cloth wrapped around their feet to protect them from the heat. People dressed in all sorts of colors that excluded green as per Scalvoris traditions. Yimiden was a time for merriment and cheer, and with the Blue Rose Dance Troupe in town, it seemed that that would be even more so.

Folks of all shapes and sizes were preparing for the celebrations of the Flora Festival. It seemed though, that the Blue Rose was getting even more so prepared. Every Trial, their tent seemed to be gaining more and more flowers on it for decorations. More and more citizens and tourist were visiting every trial, and between shows, beer, songs and general cheer seemed to fill the air around the tents.

To-trial though, there was one dancer that wasn't participating in the cheer. For the avid followers of the Blue Rose Troupe, or those that had seen the show, she would be known as one of their most seasoned dancers. She was Miss Aku'ana the Bold. Her long brown locks looked disheveled and there seemed to be slight bags under here eyes. She was walking the streets, a bunch of paper's of all different sizes in her hands, crinkled from how hard she was holding them with her hands and against her chest.

The only reason it was obvious she was dancer was the fact that she hadn't even bothered to change into normal street clothing after her morning performance. She seemed to be in a blue 2 piece gypsy dress. Her feet only lightly wrapped, and the only evidence she took any care to cover herself to protect from the heat.

She could be seen walking from one guard to another, seeming to be begging for something. Most only ignored her, though some even shoved her or tried to hit on her. Each time, she would walk away, her eyes widened with fear as she looked around for anyone that might be paying attention enough. The people just walked past her, busy with their own problems, not really paying any mind to the woman who looked like she'd had almost no sleep. Even some of the kids ran around her and giggled. Asking her questions about how it was like to be a traveling dancer. She would just smile at them and dismiss them, causing them to giggle more and scream as they ran off.

It is obvious that she's not okay, that she is looking for help, but most people just seem to brush it off as some sort of advertisement. She starts to get louder and louder in her plea's. Looking around frantically and breathing hard as she looks for anyone that might be willing to pay attention long enough to hear her whole story.

"Please! Anyone! I need help, please! I fear for my very life! This is no joke, no ploy for advertisement for the troupe! I just, I want someone to listen to my plight! If need be, I'll pay for your time! Anyone! Please!"

She tried to grab onto one mans sleeve and arm as he passed by but only succeeded in getting herself shoved to the ground roughly and the man looking at her with disgust before rushing off to whatever appointment he had. Not bothering to help her up. Aku'ana was at this point, in tears, and she wasn't getting up. People were just walking past her as she whispered over and over to herself that she was just in need of help. The woman seemed to curl up there in the middle of the street, people running into her, kicking her on accident and on purpose, and there was just a general air of annoyance from the people that had to go around her.

Eventually, when someone kicked her so hard that she actually had a bruise immediately show up even on her dark skin, she slowly stood up and walked herself to one side of the street before collapsing back down to her hands and knee's and breaking into even harder tears. One's heart could really go out to her, she just needed someone to talk to her, to listen, and hopefully help her in the long run. Maybe a brave soul might come up to her, and listen to her story.
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I will be posting every 4 days, please keep in mind that if you don't message for me to wait, I'll be posting it typically at the end of the day around 9-10pm EST if it's during my work week. If it's on my weekend it might be earlier. I do ask that you extend me the same courtesy as you would a Storyteller or Developer and please do not handle NPC'S that aren't your Personal NPC's. As stated in the Sign-Up's, this roleplay is expected to extend to the 80th of Ymiden. Please only post once per round, please try to be prompt in your responses and let's have some good fun! Thank you for joining me in my first ever event on Standing Trials!
Doran Cooney was the one that made this box code for me. Thank you Doran I absolutely adore it!
Last edited by Sinnammyn on Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 929
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Dancer Distress [Event]

Rynata ducked from one piece of shade to the next, doing her best to outrun the ever strengthening rays of the sun. She had gotten rid of as much excess clothing as possible and was in simple, loose attire with her sleeves rolled back. Many other people seemed to follow the same train of thought as they busied themselves with preparations for the Festival. Rynata herself was debating whether or not she would like to return to her ship or mill about and enjoy Scalvoris Town. On one hand, the ship and cool ocean sounded like a respite. On the other hand, it was not everyday that the city was alive with rumors of a dancing troupe. Though she was no dancer herself, perhaps she would enjoy watching the artistry of the nimble performers.

As she made to cross a busy street, however, a flare of bright blue huddled close to the ground caught her eye. It was a woman collapsed on the opposite side of the street, and even from a distance it was obvious that she was crying her eyes out. The blue had been from her eye catching dress. In fact, it looked to be the fancy outfit of a performer. Rynata supposed that the woman would have looked absolutely stunning if only she was less disheveled and distraught.

No one seemed to be helping the poor creature. All who passed only seemed to give passing glances of annoyance. How long had she been left alone on the sun baked avenue? Frankly exasperated at everyone else's disinterest, Rynata wove her way past others on the street and made a beeline for the crying woman.

Still, as Rynata got close, she approached more apprehensively. A grown woman weeping in broad daylight was not exactly common occurrence around her and it was perfectly understandable if she got yelled at to mind her own business. Dropping down to kneel by the woman, she spoke as gently as she could, surprised concern weaving itself into her voice.

"Miss? Are you alright, miss?" Glancing over the other woman's figure, Rynata couldn't find any obvious injuries even though she did look worse for wear. "You're not hurt, are you? What's wrong?"
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Dancer Distress [Event]

Ymiden had certainly been an interesting if not eventful season to survive, but of course when one lived the sort of lifestyle Patrick had; every season was always expected to have something wild go down. Ashan was a prime example of this just as Cylus had been prior... come to think of it Patrick's entire Arc always had something interesting happening. Regardless he walked tall in stride as he walked down the street, his clothes plain but new in comparison to what he normally appeared to wear. Since the heat of Ymiden already moved in strongly Patrick decided a lighter wardrobe served proper, thus when the season hit with it's big heat wave his attire consisted of more airy clothes. Blue pants with his white cotton shirt thrown over, as well as a brown vest also, the other two a better material than his shirt. He had to admit chiffon was somewhat more comfortable compared to his usual style, and of course his boots went to ankle length now instead of below the knees.

It was a new style not just for a new season but hopefully for a 'new' Patrick as well, since things were moving in a direction that dramatically changed his outlook. A dead brother and a curse did have that kind of effect however, and while neither weren't exactly ideals of the norm for someone like Patrick; the Rharnian quickly learned the best way to deal with something out of the norm. Thus he strolled along on this hot Trial intending to find a place to grab a few drinks, before tending to whatever business would demand his attention today. Yet it would seem that the, only slightly, inebriated Rharnian came across a sight. A heart wrenching one at that. Some poor woman seemed to be caught up in her own perils, and left herself to sobbing on the side of the street shortly afterwards.

Yet many just turned a blind eye to her, whether under the impression it was for dramatic appeal or not. That didn't do. Patrick never liked to see a woman crying alone, then again the last time he... yeah no. Syroa was already a bad mistake to let happen, so what are the odds that some other godawful Immortal would play the same trick twice? Evidently he hardly had the time or chance to find the answer, as another seemed to approach the weeping girl before him. It was another girl. She looked rather young but fetching to be sure, Patrick honestly wouldn't have minded meeting her; if the circumstances could've ever been any more different. "Don't you think you should help her?!" A private voice echoed in his mind as he hung out at the corner of a building, his arms crossed as he leaned a shoulder into it while he spectated.

"Not at the moment Ri," He answered with thought as he contemplated the situation, "hang tight for a few Bits and see what the situation is. Then we'll see if whether or not stepping in is worth anything."

"Or you could just, you know, suck it up and actually see if you can help." The fairy muttered lowly with a aggravated tone. Patrick merely grinned in amusement at the sound of her voice, undoubtedly curious to see what exactly ailed this poor and troubled soul.
word count: 565
"Freedom is everything."

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Dancer Distress [Event]

Perhaps they had grown used to how...eventful the previous season had been. They weren't on edge, per say, but the mixed blood had become used to, well, the unexpected happening. Even on what was supposed to be a peaceful trial, in the back of their mind they thought that maybe there would be something to go wrong. The ever doubtful voice was no different in its thinking, egging on this sentiment with little hesitation. That, yes of course, something would go very wrong and it may very well be there fault.

Which had prompted the clutch of the only weapon they owned and a medic kit slung over their shoulder as they walked. Attentive, or as best they could be while warding off the usual wear of pessimism. The thought that maybe they shouldn't have gone out that trial. A sigh left them, head lolling to the side. They scanned the crowd around them, out and about for any number of reasons, one being the dance troupe. The mixed blood might have stayed to watch, if not for that persistent nagging. And a voice.

It was the obvious call for help, and yet no one seemed intent on giving what was needed. They could not see who the call came from, quieting as they quickened their steps. They halted, looking around once more before spotting a familiar face in the sea of people with someone else.

"Ms. Rynata!" It wasn't quite elation or relief in their voice, but they hastened their steps to get to the biqaj and the woman she crouched beside. "Is she alright? Has something happened?"
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Dancer Distress [Event]

~78th of Ymiden 718~

The woman jumped at she saw someone kneel down next to her. She moved to protect her side, which if inspected upon, even a normal person would see that she was bruised there against her darker skin. It was like a sea of rouge, and purple splashed onto her side. She shifted a bit away from Rynata sheepishly before looking up at her with her watering eyes, a kaleidoscope of colors swam in her eyes. From blue to green, and even black, dancing around in her eyes. If one looked really closely though a new color appeared, a kind of silver color. Maybe that color meant hope?

When she looked up she seemed aware of the man that was standing a ways away from her as well. She didn't look directly at him. Just a bit of a side glance was giving before she looked to the woman before her who was asking her a question about her well being. Was she alright? Her face twisted, how could she be alright? Was she hurt? Did the woman not see the bruise? Maybe not. What's wrong? Now THAT was the question that she wanted to here. More silver speck's started to dance in her eyes, starting to wash out the blue and the green a bit, though the black was still very prominent in her iris's. It was obvious that she was at least part Biqaj at this point.

She started to open her mouth when what she assumed to be another woman showed up. She gasped when she saw the weapon and started to back away, but then saw the med-kit. Thoroughly confused she bit her lip and moved her hands away from her side to reveal her quite large bruise. She opened her seemingly parched and dry lips and looked at Rynata, since she was the only one that actually directly spoke to her.

"You'll listen? Really?! No one else want's to hear what it is I have to say! The.. the more I tried to ask for help, the more it seemed that I was getting brushed off! Please.. I really need help.. and not just for this bruise, someone in the crowd just now gave it to me."

She shifted a bit and moved her hands so that she could unruffle the papers that she had in her hand. She bit her lip, her eye's catching the words and starting to well up with more tears.

"I.. I think... my life is being threatened, or in the very least... I'm being stalked.... My name... is Aku'ana the Bold. I can think of... so many reason why I would be stalked, though... the fact that these letter's have been getting scarier and more provoking, I.. It's I'm so scared miss's. Sir."

She looked up then at all of them, even the man that seemed to be trying to stay out of it, but she knew that he could hear her, she knew he was in ear shot. She wasn't being quiet about her admittance, not at all, so even the milling crowd wasn't going to drown her out from anyone's ears. She moved to hug herself and winced, realizing that might not have been the best course of action she moved her arms back to her sides.

"Please... I fear... if I don't get help... something might happen to me by the time the Flora Festival is over... "

She looks so scared, tears rolling down her face, and she's shaking. Starting to crush the paper's in her hands once again. It might be prudent to get her up and inside somewhere protected against the heat.
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Your decisions from here on out will effect how things will go for the rest of the event. Choose wisely, and be sure to have fun with it! you have until Sunday morning on the 10th to post (Eastern Standard) If you don't have a post up, I will not be waiting this time so that we can stick to the schedule! Thank you for your understanding!

Now! One more thing I wanted to try! Before you post, please pick your top 2 of these items (as you might not get the one you really want). For I will be giving you some information for your next post based on your decision. So dm me your number one and number two choices ASAP!

- Shadow
- Group
- Performer
- Papers
- Bruise/Aku'ana
- Milling Crowd
Doran Cooney was the one that made this box code for me. Thank you Doran I absolutely adore it!
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Dancer Distress [Event]

Her own shifting eyes blinking back at the woman's, Rynata realized that they must be of Biqaj blood as well. Also, she now spotted the fresh bruise, looking rather painful even though it was still in the beginning stages of blooming. The injury explained a little of why the woman was so jumpy. Rynata raised her hands in a gesture indicating that she meant no harm, hoping to reassure the distraught stranger a little. However, when the woman cowered away next, it was because another figure had approached them. A familiar figure. Eyes lighting up at the sight of her fellow adventurer, Rynata gave a grateful smile to Amaris.

"It's alright. She's a friend," she assured the frightened woman.

Listening attentively to the Aku'ana's story, a quietly thoughtful expression settled over Rynata's features. Letters? Threats? Was this the act of a twistedly impassioned secret admirer? The name, Aku'ana the Bold, and her unique attire indicated that the woman was indeed a performer of sorts. That increased the likelihood that she really did have some unsavory fans. However, before Rynata could think on it anymore, Aku'ana noticed and addressed the man peering out from behind the building.

"If you don't mean any harm, I think you should come out," she called to the mystery figure, pushing herself to her feet. Her voice wasn't unkind but it was also very firm. For all she knew, anyone could be responsible for Aku'ana's fears, and someone spying on them from a distance wasn't exactly reassuring. There was also a shadow turning away from the street and fading away. Perhaps it was best if they got out of such a public place. To Aku'ana she nodded earnestly, "Alright, I'll help you. But you must be careful, yes? If you don't know from where or from who the threats are coming, it's dangerous to trust just anyone. I can vouch for myself and Amaris here, but even then, you don't know me."

Rynata offered a hand to the woman to help pull her up from the dusty ground. They should probably get somewhere more suitable to discuss the situation. A nearby shop? Her ship? Voicing the options to both Aku'ana and Amaris, Rynata cast another glance at the area around them. Now a little suspicious herself that someone was out to get them. "And perhaps we can get you something for that bruise," she said, shaking her head sympathetically. Some people, like the ones who remorselessly trampled others, had not a shred of kindness. "Does one ice an injury like that?" Rynata asked, directing this one to Amaris.

"May I see those letters, Ms. Aku'ana?" she added, hoping to get some more information and also to save the letters from becoming an unrecognizable, crumpled mess in the woman's nervous hands. Though the performer looked almost frightened at first, after some reasoning, she relented and handed them over. Raking her eyes over the clues, Rynata flipped through the letters. They really did seem like silly love letters at first glance, but they were veiled threats and each page escalated into more serious tones. It seemed as though Aku'ana had herself an intimate stalker. One who knew her habits and secret romances. There was no signature aside from the same symbol over and over again.

"Wait, isn't this...This is the symbol for the dance troupe, isn't it?" she uttered in realization. The mark appeared many times throughout the town. It accompanied advertisements and banners, all singing come one come all to eager potential spectators. Did this mean that the Troupe was somehow behind the blackmailing?
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Dancer Distress [Event]

At first he did nothing but stay back and listen closely, a little intrigued with what he had to hear from this sobbing girl. While the first girl had been someone he'd seen a few times, he never really outright introduced himself to her proper. However the second lady that stepped into the scene was very familiar, as by now Patrick knew she (or they) were a councilor or something on that regard? They were an important person to remember at least, and Pat had quite a fond memory of when they first met. Spoiled due to who else showed up, but all the same very fond considering the fun he still had. Evidently the dancer who had been crying only just received her bruising just a short few Bits ago, but the reason as to why she wept was something of a more ongoing result. Harassment? Someone might be on the verge of killing her? Welcome to an easy Trial in Idalos love.

Patrick had spent a good number of his time just managing to get by when he was a child, and the fact he could declare himself alive now after everything he's been through; people wanting him dead almost felt part of the norm these Trials. Still he felt bad enough for the girl, able to sympathize on her behalf. He didn't need to though less the Sessfiend decide to mark interest, but he still felt enough to discreetly take action. Or not... She knew he was there too. "Clever girl." He remarked with a thought while Ri'ku couldn't help but laugh, he debated the thought of telling her to hush; but didn't bother since that would've only incited more argument on her behalf. Aku'ana she said her name was; Aku'ana the Bold. Patrick stood straight from his lean against the corner, a slow stride made to her as he noticed a couple of things.

A group of ladies seemed to openly revel in the lighthearted fun of drinking, something that more so provoked interest than this poor girl did. Some looked to Aku'ana as though they knew her, or maybe something about her that he could've used for insight. "Don't mind me," He muttered aloud for the three ladies to hear, "I'm just gonna check a few things..." He barely spared the three a look as he seemed more invested with this group, Amaris knowing how he was she'd probably think him just being an ass. But he wasn't, least not intentionally this time. "Ri'ku; stick around and lemme know what develops." He thought to her as the fairy popped out from beneath his vest, although still invisible to all except Patrick.

"A please and thank you would be nice! Hmph." She remarked as she fluttered down to linger close between Amaris and Ryn. Patrick didn't say or think anything else, as he considered it more important to investigate outside sources. He walked on over to the group of ladies that stared his way, lips turned into a soft and flirtatious smirk once he drew close to them.

"Good Trial ladies," He said as some murmured and giggled after his greeting, "I was wondering if you knew anything about that girl over there? The dancer?" They were young and promiscuous looking women that seemed more heavily interested in him now, while one of their friends moved further into the alley to lose her drink unwillingly.

"Oh her?"

"Bit o' a nutter she is!"

"Why worry about her when you could be havin' a bit o' fun with us?"

Patrick's grin widened as he looked at one of the mugs the ladies held, a hand held out as though he were willing to entertain the notion. One of the girls obliged, all of them watched and expected him to outright join in on the fun. However... the moment the mug passed into his hands, he sloshed it around a bit before putting up a more sympathetic tone. "Sorry, not this time." Patrick couldn't help but feel amusement as he turned around to walk off, the grin on his face wider as he heard them all sigh in disappointment. "Cheer up," He hollered over his shoulder, "Try not to be a Boot-shiner like your friend there." At that note he took a swig from the mug, surprise caused his brows to furrow some at the taste of ale. He thought to return back to the group... until he noticed another particularly interesting individual.

Another man who must've been a part of the troupe, since he too had the initial appearance of a performer. With glance back to them to see Ri'ku still lingering there, he turned to veer off in this man's direction next. Determined to investigate this matter in his own way, before figuring out what value could be merited from his assistance.
Off Topic
For those who don't know:

Boot Shiner:
Someone who is going to spend so much time bent over in sickness that they might as well shine some boots while they're down there (better watch their aim, though, as bile's a poor choice of polish). Used to refer to a visitor to Rharne who is a complete lightweight and unable to hold their liquor.
word count: 896
"Freedom is everything."

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Dancer Distress [Event]

Amaris gave the woman, at first, a cursory examination. His eyes fell first to the large bruise on her side, revealed as she moved her hands. While her words held great importance, his interest was first on that. It was a rather large bruise and he was decidedly not pleased to see her moving about with it. He figured she had been able to walk, but not without being in pain. He had experience with such a thing, but it didn't make it any easier. A frown settled over his lips as she spoke, eyes now back on her to give her more of his attention.

He was not much a detective or investigator or any other word within that scope. He would not be the best option to peace together who it was behind the stalking, but he felt, with great certainty that it was not the man that Rynata called out to. Patrick was, at best, a jolly man with a few vices that needed sorting. At best. He wasn't so sure about what at worst would look like. "He is also a friend." Patrick, however, didn't fully at first prove this as he made his way over to a gaggle of ladies drinking.

The mixed blood's attention was once more brought to the woman before them as Rynata inquired about the bruise. "Yes; that needs to be iced and she needs to be brought inside, if not for the seriousness of this discussion." The furrow of his brows were clear, glancing for a moment to the mist gathering around Rynata. Aku'ana likely be unsettled by it, if she had not already noticed the twinkle in his own hair. He stood, glancing around once more - before catching sight of a figure walking off. Almost fading. It could have been nothing, but he'd become too paranoid to let some things go. It would be in all their interests for them to move this discussion.

"We need to get inside, now. Ms. Aku'ana, would like either myself or Ms. Rynata to escort you to the nearest shop? As she said, it would be good for us to get inside - particularly you. You need to rest; get off your feet and I need to see to that bruise and anything else."
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Dancer Distress [Event]

~78th of Ymiden 718~

Even if her eye's weren't like they were as part Biqaj, her face contorting into confusion as she took a better look at the women before her. Was that mist? And... was her hair ... glowing? But the woman attributed it to stress and overworking as to what she was seeing. She listened to the women, but watched as the man walked past them, apparently a friend of one of the women. Though he seemed to not really be the friendly type, or at least, not the right type of friendly. She had to admit though that if she weren't freaking out about this whole business with the letter's she might have seen what she could swing with him. She actually shook her head as if she were shaking some thought out of her head. Wait.... did that man say he was going to check some things. For a moment she checked out, trying to figure out if that meant that he was going to help her with her problem or if he was attending to his own problem.

The girls that were drunk and trying to rally Patrick into playing with them were certainly interested in him, it was obvious by their chatter and their pitance of words to offer when he asked about the woman.

"Ah.. she just out te' get attention.. ya know... the Bad kind?"

"Ain't that right?... Types like that one from in teh crowd?"

"Yeah.. what was that anyways. Lad? Lass?"

"Whoever it was... couldn' see teh face fer nothin'. Doh tey seemed to want sometin'."

"Orrr someeeeone! HAA!"

The girl in the sunset orange dress screeched at the others and all the girls squealed and giggled after Patrick took the glass from one of the girls and started to walk off. They looked back at the dancer and then just sighed shaking their heads. They did pout as Patrick walked away though, they'd been hoping to hold and keep his attention for a even a bit longer.

The performer that had been setting up had stopped what he was doing when he looked towards the group that comprised of Amaris, Rynata, and Aku'ana. He took a moment, but his eyes seemed to widen when he realized who was there on the ground. He dropped everything that he'd been preparing and pushed through the crowd hurriedly. He was also in a bright and deep blue like Aku'ana. It must have detonated some sort of status within the troupe.

As he got to her, he fell to his knee's sliding to a perfect stop next to her, his hand moving to her back. His eye's were green-blue, and his skin was dark, darker than even Aku'ana's. She at first started to freak out and flailed her arms to try and get away from him. He looked a little hurt at this action but he pulled her into a hug and shushed her.

"Aku-doll. Shhhh my sweet. I'm here. Your dear Lock is here."

The moment that Aku'ana heard his voice and felt his arms around her, she seemed to immediately relax, and more tears started to fall down her face. She nuzzled her face into "Lock's" chest. Her hand moving to grip at his side. Slowly the man looked to the other women, he seemed to have caught the end of the conversation because he moved his large and muscular body to pick up Aku'ana princess style.

Looking around while Aku'ana was unresponsive for the most part, it seemed like Lock made a decision to take her, and the rest of the party that decided to follow up to the tavern that the huge party of girls were hanging around outside. The group of girls gave Aku'ana a dirty look before Lock gave them a glare that could kill. They all yelped and giggled to themselves as Lock took her into the busy building. It was a wonder that they were even able to get a table, but it seemed like a party was just leaving so Lock swooped in to take the table before anyone else could, sitting Aku'ana down and getting a water for her from the barmaid.

It took her a little bit to collect herself, looking around with a fearful look in her eyes. Whatever makeup she'd had left was pretty much gone. She took Lock's hand as she just sat there and shook. Unsure what to say for a moment before remembering what Rynata had asked.

"T.. The letters! Yes.. t..they have the symbol of the troupe signed on them.. every one of them.... S.. So it's someone from the troupe..."

Lock started to look angry, taking the letters from Rynata to look through them himself. His face paled as he got further and further into the letters.

"Aku-doll.. I knew you were in trouble but.. this is.. this is bad... Why didn't you come to..."

When he started to ask the question he blinked and then realized the reason right then and there. It looked like the realization really hurt him on the inside. Like he wanted what he knew to not be true, but he knew that it was.

"You... didn't know who it was... that was sending these.... you needed help from outside...."

"Locky... I..."

"It's fine.... you're scared... anyone else would have done the same... But.. why not bring it up with Rose?"

"Because... the letter's said that if I told her.... it would be the end..."

Aku'ana's face paled as she said those words, her voice shaking, her body shaking as she let Amaris do whatever checks she wanted to do on her body and her bruise. Lock seemed to want to do it himself, but he let the lady work over Aku'ana, probably realizing that it was best that someone from outside of the troupe took care of her for now. He handed the letter's back to Rynata, an apologetic look on his face before he leaned back in his chair, sighing and balling his hands into fists on his lap. He looked like he wanted to hit something, or someone.
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This round is really just going to be reactions and actions concerning to what is already going on and what information is being given! What I need from you guys is a roll in discord with me tagged after it and whatever number you get in an off topic in your next post. please roll me 1d20. Your number will determine my response to your character specifically in my next post. Let's continue to have great fun!

P.S. Please respond by Thursday morning around 10am est! I will be responding around the same time in the evening of that day! So you can push it till about 9pm est... but be warned that it won't always be like this!
Doran Cooney was the one that made this box code for me. Thank you Doran I absolutely adore it!
word count: 1198
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Joined: Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:18 pm
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Councilor of Natural Affairs
Renown: 242
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



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Dancer Distress [Event]

The appearance of the man - this Lock - was almost too convenient. Her stalker? How bold. But they seemed too close and thus the mixed blood decided that this man was not the one. Or rather, Lock would not be seen as a primary suspect. Just because he seemed to be on friendly terms with the performer, did not mean he was above doing something so vile as sending her threatening letters. This closeness could all be an act. Amaris frowned at this conclusion. He wanted to have some semblance of faith in this man; give him the benefit of the doubt - as Faith probably would in this situation. His aspiration was to be more grounded as the woman was, but...it was a difficult task in light of all that had happened.

Amaris followed the man inside closely, not missing the short interaction of the women at the table by the door and Lock and Aku'ana. It would seem their performing charge was not friendly terms with the ensemble. Was it just the jealousy, or something else? Everyone's a suspect. He'd greatly appreciate it if the voice of doubt within him would remain quiet - perhaps permanently. Just as everyone might be a suspect, none of them could be. Like the shadow he'd seen before; it could have just been someone headed home from work. Harmless and irrelevant to the situation.

Maybe he was being too light with this situation. The mixed blood had never had to deal with a case of stalking before, be it for himself or for someone else. So, instead, he would focus on what he knew better: treating bruises. There was a lot more to Aku'ana's condition than the bruise, though. There was...well, it had added up, it would seem. Too tired, if the bags under her eyes were anything to go by, and overworked - perhaps even dehydrated.

"While I imagine this is a stressful situation, have you been getting any rest at all? Have you been working, as well?" He set his med kit down, and calling over the bartender quickly for some ice to wrap in gauze to press to the performer's side. Until it arrived, he was careful to avoid putting too much pressure on it, checking the surrounding area for any other injury.
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rolled 12!
word count: 392
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