Joining a Charity

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Joining a Charity

Ymiden 39 718

Hikaru found himself looking at the door that would lead inside Cally’s. ”Is this really the right place?” After having gotten established as a crafter, the jeweler realized that there was more to being renowned than making money. He also craved status, so what could be better than joining a charity group? Having grown up extremely poor, Hikaru empathized with those who wanted a better life but couldn’t achieve it on their own. Hikaru knew little about what Isonomia stood for, but its reputation for helping the needy had spread far and wide.

After looking around for a couple more minutes, Hikaru figured he might as well go inside and ask for directions. This place looked no different than a restaurant to him. He had been expecting some kind of building dedicated to handling faction affairs, after all. Upon entering, he saw quite the variety of people inside. There were several people hanging around near the door, likely still waiting for a table to become available. ”Maybe I shouldn’t have come here during lunch time,” he would think to himself.

Hikaru would navigate around the tables and approach someone who worked at the restaurant and ask, “Is this where I can join Isonomia? I was pointed to this building but I fear I came to the wrong place.” The worker pointed and Hikaru turned his head to see a room. He’d nod his head in thanks and walk on over to what he could only presume was an office space.
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Re: Joining a Charity

39th Ymiden 718

Faith was getting ready to leave.

Not for the day or anything, but to leave Scalvoris. The restaurant that Hikaru had come to was a very expensive, high end restaurant with a reputation for exquisite food and very high prices. It had quickly become known as the best restaurant on Scalvoris and for some distance. Yet, somehow, that was all tied up in a charity. When the door knocked and opened, Faith was sitting on the floor of what was, indeed, a small office space. She was cross legged in front of three stacks of parchment. The young woman who was sitting as he walked in and looked up in surprise when it wasn't Trudi (the waitress) who was at the door and scrambled to stand up was a small, petite woman. Her full height of nearly five foot four was matched by her tiny frame and she had very pale white skin. Jet black hair was pulled back out of the way and in as low-maintenance a style as possible. The only jewelry she wore was an intricate wedding and engagement ring combination, entwined leaves with a number of stones glittering there.

However, there were other things noticeable about the young woman. She was young, maybe twenty, but maybe not quite that old. Her eyes were such a pale colour that they seemed to be almost silver and had deep ruby red flecks in them. What seemed to be matching tattoos on both wrists and her neck were of choker-style lace patterns and her fingernails were long and black. Which really didn't go with the light and bright clothing she wore. She wore a strappy vest top and over her chest was another tattoo, this one of what seemed to be a willow tree.

Standing, she offered her hand. "Hello," she said with a warm and welcoming smile. "My name is Faith, I'm the owner here. How can I help you?" She gestured over to where there were two comfortable chairs where they could sit. "Please, forgive the chaos. Have a seat." She'd get him a drink if he wanted something, and then would listen to why he was here and what, if anything, he needed help
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Re: Joining a Charity

Hikaru walked in to see a woman sitting on the floor. She seemed to be dressed well enough and had plenty to look at, but the jeweler’s eyes would be drawn to her beautiful rings. ”Remember what you’re here for,” he’d tell himself as his eyes flicked back to meet the woman’s. Hikaru made his way to the chairs and took a seat. Hikaru would sit up straight and do his best to put off a positive vibe.

“Uh, nice to meet you Faith. My name is Hikaru, I’m a jeweler.” Hikaru would say nervously as he took another look around the office. It hadn’t been quite what he had expected, but then again he knew little to nothing about charity. Then there was the fact that this woman was probably married which alone put a myriad of thoughts into his mind.

“I’m here to see what I can do to get involved with Isonomia. I grew up in a family that was content with poverty and it was hard to get to where I am today. I’m doing alright for myself now, but I think this would be a good opportunity to give back to the poor and help children who have the drive to succeed.”

Hikaru would remain rather silent after his words and await Faith’s response. He wasn’t sure how much of his backstory he should reveal, so he’d keep it brief unless prodded. His words had been truthful, but he hadn’t told the whole truth. Compared to getting a positive public image, helping the needy was a but a side effect. Hikaru craved power and influence, and his sparks only fueled him to become more and more ambitious.
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Re: Joining a Charity

39th Ymiden 718

"A jeweler?" Faith said with a smile. She hadn't met, as far as she was aware, anyone who was a jeweler before. Still, that was unimportant in comparison and Faith smiled in pleasure. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hikaru," It was, she genuinely enjoyed meeting people and always had. Then he went on to talk about why he was here and she smiled. "That's a noble reason," she said, honestly. Looking at him, he seemed tense and less than relaxed. Far far less than relaxed, but that wasn't unusual at all. So, she looked at him and listened fervently as he spoke.

Once he had finished speaking, she was quiet for a moment and then she looked at him, her silver and ruby eyes earnest as she gazed at him. "Isonomia, as a group, work together to eradicate poverty, slavery, those situations which stop people from being able to attain equality." She smiled softly, it was a phrase she had spoken a lot of times, to be sure, but it never got less meaningful for her. Because her job, her service to Famula, Vri, Moseke and Ymiden, that was about equality of choice, of opportunity. It was about, quite simply, Isonomia.

"How did you hear of us?" Faith asked, her voice soft and calm. Her gaze, though, it was something more than that. She wasn't interrogating him, but she was certainly interested to know the answer. Once he had answered, the young woman who, if Hikaru kept his ear to the ground in any way would know was a former slave, gave a slight, ironic smile.

"If you feel that you can do some good and contribute, then you are most welcome here," Faith said, genuinely. "How do you see yourself as helping?" She waited, with interest, to find out the answer here. It might be vital, after all, to how Isonomia continued to work. Who knew what skills he might bring?
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Re: Joining a Charity

As Faith explained the purpose of Isonomia, Hikaru’s stomach started to churn. ”They want to eradicate poverty and slavery,” he’d think with distaste, ”if everyone’s equal then where’s the motivation to strive to be better? They should be given the opportunity to succeed not be handed everything!” Hikaru did his best to hide his emotions, but he was no great liar. He’d have to rely on empathy to keep himself at bay and prevent himself from blowing the meeting.

“I first heard about Isonomina as the group that freed the slaves,” Hikaru answered as if it were a compliment. He didn’t care for the freeing of slaves. In his opinion, slaves were less than human and only existed to be used. However he did appreciate that the organization had already done its fair share of helping out the lower class that he had grown up in. “I think I would be best suited as a volunteer,” he’d continue as they progressed to the meat of the discussion.

“I know what it’s like to be poor and I know how far a helping hand can go. I’m particularly interested in working with kids so that they don’t fall into the mental rut of poverty. I think that if I could place the kids into trades they’d have a leg up on those who aren’t willing to put in the work. I’m sure I could work out something with the merchant guild once I develop enough connections.” Hikaru had to stop himself before he got carried away. It wasn’t often that he found passion in something, especially when everything he’d ever wanted was coming so easily to him nowadays. “What do you think?”
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Re: Joining a Charity

39th Ymiden 718

The more that she knew him, the more that she observed him, the less Faith cared for Hikaru. He seemed rather false to her, like he was saying one thing but meaning another and she didn't like that, not one little bit. If there was something fundamental to the diminuitive human woman, it was that she was honest and upfront and anything else, especially in relation to the people here, the people in Beacon and so on, anything else was very tricky. She worked with some of the most vulnerable on Scalvoris, and she couldn't bring herself to shake this feeling with him.

The more that he spoke, the worse it got.

"Isonomia didn't free the slaves," Faith said with a smile. "We have been working with them, but the Council for Scalvoris passed the law, when the Councillor for Welfare proposed it. Me." Looking at him, her gaze was calm and she listened to what he had to say. He spoke about Isonomia, about what he wanted to do and how he might work with the Merchants' Guild to help people learn a trade and Faith's eyebrow raised. Just a touch. Barely noticeable, but Padraig would know it, of course. The disciplined young woman kept a careful, neutral expression on her face and she waited until he asked her what she thought.

"I think you do not understand what Isonomia does," she said, honestly. "Let me explain it to you." This restaurant, she said, Cally's, was an exclusive, high end restaurant. It charged premium prices. "When we started, I bought the restaurant, and four houses. Eight trainees. Alongside the usual staff, the trainees were given a place to live, clothes to wear and food to eat. They were chosen from the poorest in Scalvoris." She looked at him with very calm eyes which were silver and deep ruby red. "I am a member of the Merchants Guild in very good standing. Those contacts have been invaluable. Those trainees, once they were fit enough to, worked. They learned a trade. After they were able to go into the world and fend for themselves, with their own skills, then they left the houses and they were replaced." She gestured to the now rather large village close by - the village called Beacon. "That village there, that is now where the trainees live. Over a hundred at any time. Three farms, a vineyard, livestock and produce, the restaurant. Oh, and a soup kitchen and orphanage." She had an unwavering gaze when she spoke.

"Giving a hand out helps someone until that handout is used up. Truly helping people means empowering them." Her natural expression seemed to be to smile, she certainly did it easily. "The Merchants' Guild works closely with us, to help those people who leave here. By then, those people are fit, healthy and skilled and able to contribute to society and the economy."

Picking up a sheaf of papers, Faith busied herself for a moment and then, unconsciously, she touched her wedding ring before she spoke. "You do not approve of the freeing of the slaves?" She seemed interested, in truth, to what his answer to her question would be. Was she judging him right? She thought so. "Why?"

OOC Note Hi there! Just to let you know, I'm not deliberately power playing. Faith has the following Detection capstone.

Insight: Faith's awareness of the world around her has increased to the point that she begins to be able to see and sense nuances in a way which might seem to be beyond human but is, in fact, very clear attention to minute detail. Like the modern day "Neuro-Linguistic Programming", and in conjunction with her high psychology skill, Faith has learned to read people. We tend to look in a particular direction when lying, another when remembering, pupils dilate when we recognise something and contract when we are afraid and so on. Her attention to non-verbal cues is such that she has developed a remarkable insight for what people are genuinely thinking and feeling, rather than what they are presenting to the world.

In practice, what this means is that Faith will have an excellent insight into the thoughts and emotions of those she meets. The longer she knows them, the more she gets to know their individual quirks, but upon first meeting she can gain a sound grasp of someone's reaction. It could easily be mistaken for Empathy or Attunement, but it is not as powerful as either of those.

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Re: Joining a Charity

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Scalvoris' very own rape-y jeweler

Points awarded: 15

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The girl, the legend, the saint

Points awarded: 15

Knowledge: None requested

Magic: No magic exp

Other: N/A

Well, can't say I didn't see this coming. I actually didn't know Faith had this capstone, but I was fairly sure it'd be a matter of time before the mask dropped and Hikaru's true intentions would be revealed. Because of this, though, the thread gained a bit of tension derived from the "I hope Hikaru's lies are convincing/I hope Faith sees through them" state, so it certainly wasn't a bad thing.

I'd have loved to see this one concluded, really, as Hikaru has just been driven in a corner, and I was curious to what he'd do.

(Also. Really dude? Joining the charity for better social standing? Now if you'd wanted to join to gain access to the trainees, which you could then kidnap and sell back into slavery, making a large profit, that would have been totally fair. Social standing though? That's placing the bar a bit low, no?)

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