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1st of Ashan 718

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Sistership (Faith)

1st Ashan, 718

She's so pretty.

Rey'na slowly made her approach to the woman, taking in the details. This was definitely her, everyone had been sure of it when guiding her here. But Rey'na, once a Plague-bearer of Lisirra, was the sister of this woman? Someone so well respected was related to somebody so despised, so bitter and disgusting.
Truth be told, Pier and Pre's servant hated herself. She was redeeming herself, sure. But nothing could ever undo the death she had brought, the murder she had done. Innocent lives taken with no justice behind it, nothing but cold-blooded slaughter. No amount of redemption could take that back, could bring back those people. But Rey'na had come to accept that now. All she could do was her best now, to make up for everything she had done as best as possible.

Good posture, too.

This girl was young, just like Morana had been. Identical to her, aside from a few slight differences. Most could probably mistake the two, but Rey'na had spent enough time around Morana that she could see the small details. Most prominently was the way they acted and behaved. Faith had such a strong posture to go with the words people said of her. You could tell she was a good person just from look.

She's perfect.

"Excuse me, Faith?" Rey'na asked, approaching the woman as she did her work to help out. Appearance would show how uncomfortable the woman was in the presence of her sister, though Rey imagined that would make much more sense to the woman once she knew who Rey'na was. She had a lot to explain one day, but for now the girl would keep it brief. After all, the two were only just meeting.

"I'm Rey'na. I was hoping I could help out."
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Sistership (Faith)

It was exhausting, in one way, but in another Faith could not be more pleased than she was at just how the people of Scalvoris had come together. There was so much good done here, so much to help people. There had been an awful event here not yet a full trial before and yet already people were working together to try and help. Faith fully believed that people were good, truly good. Not all people, not all the time but given the opportunities to be, they were. Her babies would grow in a world where there were good people, of that the earnest young woman was determined.

Faith heard someone speak to her and she turned at the sound of a name. A woman stood there, older than Faith by a few arcs. Beautiful and with skin pale like hers. Deep blue eyes and dark hair; taller than her but then wasn't everyone. All of those things Faith took in and she smiled. "Good trial," she said. The woman in front of her seemed uncomfortable, Faith thought, although she couldn't imagine why. "I'm Faith, can I help you?"

'I'm Rey'na. I was hoping I could help out.'

On any given trial, Faith was pale, but what colour she had in her cheeks drained in that moment, at that word. Rey'na. Rey'na. That was the name on the grave. Gregory Fleet, father to Rey'na and Morana. Faith's hand moved as though to touch Rey'na's arm but stopped just a small distance from it. She was shaking, she realised and silver eyes like her mother, not the dark blue of their father, looked up at Rey'na. "Rey'na? Rey'na Nardovino? No, no, Fleet. His name, it was.. Gregory Fleet. Is that.. was that, your father?" Oh no, no no. The words had tumbled from her mouth and as Faith's voice trembled at the word father, she realised that she was making a dreadful mistake. This woman didn't know.. but wait. She was identical to her twin. Their sister. "Morana's sister? My...my sister?" Silver eyes gazed up at Rey'na's face and Faith heard the thumping of her heartbeat in her ears. It was growing louder by the moment and she realised that her hand was still there, almost touching.

"Is that who you are?" There was no doubting the hopeful look in her eyes and Faith waited to hear what Rey'na might say in response.
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Sistership (Faith)

Rey'na watched as the woman reacted to her name. What little color she had in her complexion drained almost immediately, and her hand reached forward to place on Rey's shoulder. Cautiously, the woman glanced to it. She wasn't afraid of Faith, she was afraid of what she knew. Perhaps she heard of the girl before, perhaps her crimes were known to her. It didn't look like shame, or anger. It looked like longing, at most. But Rey'na couldn't help but be scared of her.
What Faith said next, however, set in stone that this wasn't hate. This wasn't anger. Shaking through her wasn't any spite or dismay, it wasn't all the things that the girl had feared her sister would look at her with. It was the realization that she had just found a member of her family that she had yet to meet. Her sister.

"Yeah. Gregory was his name" she smiled a little to the woman, putting her hand reassuringly on hers and resting it against Rey's shoulder. She was the older sister here, now was her chance to act it. She hadn't been to Morana. Perhaps she could be to Faith. Hearing the name Morana made her glance aside, holding back what tears she had. This girl had cried enough over the past seasons, even the past Arc. She wasn't sure how many tears she had left in her.
"Morana was my sister. Or should I say our sister. So yes, that is who I am. Rey'na, sister to Morana and, of course, to you" the girl smiled, unable to hold back the tear that ran down her cheek at the words. Her hand gripped Faith's just that much tighter. Now she had a chance to be the strong, big sister she was always meant to be.

"And you. You are, from what I've been told, are Faith. Perhaps the most kind-hearted woman on this island, so I've heard" Rey smiled with a glimmer of pride on her eyes, more tears starting to form. "So, my sister. How can I help?"
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Sistership (Faith)

Faith Augustin was an incredibly disciplined woman; as a child she had stood on tiptoes in front of a wall while a whip scarred her back and had not dropped her heels or touched the wall. As an adult, her discipline meant that she was a soft spoken, quiet individual who tended to simply get on and do what she needed to do. She had endured more in her nineteen arcs than most would in a lifetime and her self control was enormous.

Gregory Fleet was his name? This was her sister in front of her? Someone related to her by blood? Faith had never, in all her life, had such a relative and when Rey'na spoke the name of the man who had sired them both, Faith let out a sob. Rey'na spoke, Faith knew she did but she couldn't hear her. She couldn't hear anything because there was a ringing in her ears which heralded in a whole new time for the former slave. "Rey'na? Rey'na. I have... oh, I have said your name so many times and won... wondered what you.. oh, my apologies!" The apologies, of course, were for the tears which fell from her eyes. She had never dreamed of having a husband, children, parents in the shape of Cyrus and Katie. But now, here, a sister stood before her too. "I... but you're beautiful. I wondered so often what you'd look like. You knew what I did, of course. I am so sorry. I talk when I am emotional." At least, that was her experience. When she had first been free she had told Padraig about entrails and knives, brooms and brothers. She shook her head.

"You.. you're here to help? Oh... oh, yes. I.. my husband and babies. I want you to meet them. You are their aunt," her voice shook. Rey'na didn't know Faith and so did not yet realise just how much meeting her was affecting the human woman, but to anyone else the change would be enormous. She was unsure, trembling and laughing, crying and in a state of absolute wonder. This was her sister. An actual relative from her life. A sudden thought hit Faith and she tilted her head sideways, curiously. "Did they tell you about me? I was the one on the left, so they kept Morana and sold me. Three hundred gold nel." But was? Morana wasn't dead, Faith thought, she'd dreamed with her. "I can't tell you," she said, her hand squeezing Rey'na's. "I was going to.. to help feed in the kitchen. Do you.. I mean, would you like to help? We can talk." She looked at the woman next to her with hopeful eyes. Would she want to talk? Faith thought so but in this moment her own emotions were so overwhelming that she barely knew what she was saying or doing.
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Sistership (Faith)

Watching the woman in front of her left Rey'na starstruck. Most might see the scene as a breakdown, almost as something to be concerned about, and it wasn't that Rey wasn't concerned. But this was her sister realizing what both wished they'd known sooner. As much as Rey never wanted to see a tear fall down her cheek, there were much worse reasons for it than finally meeting someone that you didn't know existed.
"Perhaps looks runs in the family" the girl chuckled, tears running down her face. Crying had become common for Rey'na, but it had been such a long time that the tears came out of love, not fear. Isolation had been her life for as long as she could remember, her only connections being the targets that she killed for the sake of justice. Aside from them, nobody had been in her life. Nobody that she could care for or spend time with that wasn't soon to meet a quick death. Until now.

"You have a family?..." the girl spoke, her world suddenly stopping. She was an aunt, and Faith was a mother - a wife. But the feeling of being proud wasn't what came over her, though she knew it should be. It was pain. Why was the girl feeling pain? She knew it deep down, it made sense. Faith was everything Rey'na aspired to be. She had a family, she was recognized for the good things she did, and she was strong. She had to be to earn the stature she had. Yet what was Rey'na, her older sister?
Rey'na had done things that she would never be able to undo, and she knew it. Pain made her gaze, for just a trill or two, look away from Faith. Everything Rey'na had done up to this point caused pain. Even when she had gone to Moseke for help, she had been isolated, locked away for longer than she could remember. Lives had been taken from Rey'na, so many she lost count. Poison and daggers had been the last thing they would see, or the glowing blue eyes that had caused both her and her victims so much pain.

"The kitchen?" Rey spoke, snapping out of her trance. She forced a smile as her eyes finally fell back to the woman before her. "Yeah. The kitchen. That would be lovely."

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Sistership (Faith)

Rey'na seemed as overwhelmed as Faith was and the young woman realised that she had to pull herself together. She did that, utilising her own sense of discipline, of self control and she smiled at Rey'na, pleasure evident on every part of her face. This was her sister. Her sister. Faith couldn't wait to go home and tell Padraig, to let him know. Faith spoke to Rey'na, but the young woman didn't seem to notice anything she said at all, in truth, and Faith couldn't really blame her.

"Yes, I do. And so do you," Faith didn't know if she did, before, but now that they had found each other, the former slave was simply too overwhelmed with emotion to consider anything other than that. Although, it did suddenly strike her that maybe Rey'na was suddenly so distant and didn't respond to her because she was having second thoughts. Faith watched the play of emotions across her half-sister's face and she wondered what she was thinking.

"How long have you been on Scalvoris?" Faith asked Rey'na with wide eyes. Then, she spoke about the family. "You have a brother in law. My husband, Padraig. He's a professor of physics at the university here. And a nephew, Noah and niece, Madison. They are... well, not very old at all." It was hard being away from them, it really was. Yet here was where she had to be.

Walking with her, motioning to where the kitchen was, Faith wondered why Rey'na didn't answer her question of whether their father had ever spoken of Faith's, or Vesna's, existence. What had she been told, Faith wondered? But Rey'na would answer if and when she was ready and not before so she fell silent as they made their way to the kitchen area. As Faith opened the door, she looked at Rey'na and smiled. "I have a hundred things I want to say, and a thousand questions to ask but I am simply so pleased to see you." She could scarcely believe her luck, in truth. "How did you... how did you find me?"
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Sistership (Faith)

Rey snapped herself out of the trance she found herself in. She was overwhelmed with emotion, evidently - but so was Faith. Besides, there was a difference between letting herself be happy that she found her sister, and punishing herself for the past. Redemption or not, this was her little sister. Nothing more than that should matter now, she realized.
"I can barely keep track of time, I think it's been around half an arc now. Not long at all" she admitted. Truth be told, her time on Scalvoris had been so busy that it had all flown by in one big wave of emotion and change. Yet none of it ever made her emotions run like the words Faith spoke next.

"I'm an Auntie?" Rey spoke, eyes tearing up at the thought of it. She could barely contain her joy as a smile spread across her cheeks. Realization struck the girl, hitting her like a speeding carriage. Faith had a family, which meant that Rey'na had family. Children that would one day call her Auntie. Or perhaps Aunt Rey'na. Two pure, innocent souls that would look up at her with love in their eyes, with excitement and joy to see her.
Rey sighed and glanced to Faith, finally mustering what strength she had. "I didn't know there was more than Morana. As far as I'd been told and raised, Morana was my half sister and that was it. But when we were separated, I hadn't seen her for years. Now, as far as I know, she's still out there...following in my old footsteps. But no, father never told me of you. But that man wasn't kind, so forgive me for saying I'm not surprised he would lie to me."

Rey then listened as they walked in to the kitchen, her mind thinking the same as Faith's. She could ask a million questions and still want to know more. But right now, she was just glad to have someone. Not just anyone, either, but Faith. Renowned for the good she did on this Island, to the extent that even Rey'na's immortals spoke of her good. She was more than just Rey's sister, she was almost an idol. Someone she could look to for help, a light that could stop the darkness coming back to haunt her.
"I was looking for a new path in life, and Pier and Pre showed themselves to me. They helped me, allowed me to work for them and work with them on a path to redemption. While on that path, they told me of you. Your name is all I needed to hear, I spoke of it once and every civilian I asked told me where I could probably find you, and how you'd helped them some way or another."

"And you knew my name. How? Did someone speak of me?"
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Sistership (Faith)

Faith nodded her head, yes. Rey'na was indeed an Aunt. To the two most perfect beings on Idalos. Faith knew that, in many and varied things she was a fanatic, a lunatic, whatever she had been called. They were all true, she didn't argue it - but about her children she was a whole new level of absolutely obsessed. Rey'na spoke about Morana and Faith nodded. "I know it sounds strange, but I had a dream quite some time ago. I was standing and looking in a mirror and there was me, looking back. Except it wasn't, and I knew it." Faith kept her arm through Rey'na's, slightly concerned that she might disappear if she didn't. "She said her name was Leech."

That their father hadn't been a kind man didn't get a response from Faith, not at first. She knew, of course, but equally she was aware that he had raised Rey'na and, as such, there might be mixed feelings for her. Her sister. Faith couldn't quite believe it and she felt her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She could not allow that to happen, not here and now. Yet she could not help the simple truth of it - she felt all the emotions she did. Rey'na told her then how she'd found her.

"Pier and Pre? The twins? Rey'na that's... wow." Faith said, her voice showing her very genuine emotions. "You must have impressed them, they wouldn't do that to just anyone, I'm sure." She'd been on a bad path, judging by what she said and Faith glanced at her. "A path to redemption?" There was a question there, no doubting. What had her sister done that required redemption. But then, Faith stopped walking and looked at Rey'na, her silver eyes earnest and genuine. "It doesn't matter to me. Whatever it was, whoever you were. It matters to me who you are now. I hope the same is true in reverse." There were things about her which very few people knew, after all, things which had happened to her, things which she had done. But they were not her now.

It was a good question Rey'na asked next, though - how did Faith know her name? She glanced at Rey'na and smiled a slight, almost ironic smile. "I saw it on our father's grave." That was the short answer and was true. It wasn't the whole truth though. "When I was blessed by Vri," Faith gestured to the dark fingernails which showed her as such, "I gained access to all my memories. From the moment I was born. So, I knew I was a twin, that my name was Vesna Nardovino, that my father was Gregory Fleet." She shrugged slightly. "I had been in Rynmere, so I recognised it, Venora. I was there and I went to the graveyard. I saw his grave." Faith looked at Rey'na and she bit her lip.

"Famula's blessing allows me to call souls, if they will come, at their graveside. I did. I spoke to him." Chewing her lip slightly, Faith pressed her fingers together. "I didn't know what to expect. I felt nothing, and he got angry with me. But your name is on his grave. Gregory Fleet, father to Rey'na and Morana." Shrugging, Faith dismissed him as a thought. "And then I knew, I had two sisters." It was all so overwhelming, but there was a fundamental bottom line for Faith and so she spoke it. "I am so glad you came here, Rey'na." She gestured around, "I'd like us to talk more. Privately, properly. I'd like you to meet Padraig, Madison and Noah. Can we do that?" Faith was aware that she sounded uncertain, almost pleading, but this woman was her sister and she did not want to take anything for granted.
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Sistership (Faith)

She said her name was Leech. By every immortal, those words went through Rey'na like a sword, twisting through her stomach. For years, that was her name, thanks to Rey'na. Leech. A leech on her life, on her plans to please Lisirra. Because the will of a twisted immortal had torn family apart, ripped Morana's last family member away from her, leaving her with nothing but one simple name. Leech.
"Leech...is the name I gave her, many many arcs ago. I held her with great spite. After all, I only needed one woman, and it wasn't her. So I decided she was...well, you can work it out. A leech" Rey'na admitted, her face showing every ounce of regret she felt. It Faith was ever going to see the regret she felt for her past, it would be now she'd see it.

Faith's comment on Pier and Pre made Rey's mind lighten up a little. She hadn't thought that she'd impressed them, she saw it as an opportunity. Though the girl could see how it made sense, why would Pier and Pre just accept anyone as their own personal assassin? She was contracted by Immortals. For most, that was a foreign concept, though that had been Rey'na's life from the age of ten. First Lisirra, now Pier and Pre.
Glancing in to Faith's eyes, she heard the words that the woman said - yet she didn't believe them. "After everything you've done for good, the same will always be true in reverse, my sister" she smiled at Faith. Yet Faith had no idea what happened to her, what she had done. How could she forgive her for such atrocities without even knowing of them? But that, she thought, was a story for another day.

"Sounds just like father" the girl muttered, hearing Faith's story of how her two blessings had helped her speak to the man. "And Famula and Vri? Blessings? There's so much about you that I'm yet to know" she smiled at the woman, shaking the pain away. Then Faith asked if Rey'na would meet the family, almost begging her for an answer. Rey couldn't help but chuckle.

"Is that even a question? Of course we can do that" she spoke with a tender, caring voice, before embracing her sister. "There aren't any people I'd love to spend time with more."
word count: 415
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Sistership (Faith)

Rey'na Fleet
Intelligence: Consider what you have heard about a person when you see them
Intelligence: Body language often gives information about an individual
Intelligence: Spot gaps in knowledge
Intelligence: Who someone really is can be exaggerated by rumours
Investigation: Ask insightful questions
Investigation: Fill in gaps in the story
Investigation: Renown helps to find someone
Investigation: Rumours are useful tools

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A - unfortunately, Rey'na didn't actually do anything to earn any renown in this particular thread. I'm certain the next, where she's helping out Faith with the food will be renown worthy!

Points 15
Faith Augustin
Rey'na: Beautiful Eyes
Rey'na: Has regrets
Rey'na: Works for Pier and Pre

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A

Points 15
A nice reunion thread. Rey'na has so much baggage; you did a good job of writing out that very specific kind of excitement that comes paired with fear and uncertainty. Faith was probably the most excited I've read so far, so that was nice to see! Hopefully they'll be able to share their darker stories with one another and be able to bond over that, but for a first meeting they already covered the most important of family; good work!
Please edit your grade request, thank you!

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