Practical Purchases

10th of Ashan 718

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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10th Ashan, 718

Faith was flustered.

It was rare that she was, the disciplined young woman usually faced pretty much everything with a sense of calm and an overwhelming self-control. Not this though, this was beyond everything else she'd ever experienced and she simply had no frame of reference for it. It felt like a calamity, disaster and the end of the world all rolled into one thing and she understood at a core level that she did not have the resources, skills or abilities to do it. She was flustered an in a state of crisis.

The crisis in question was, simply, that she was going back to work on the morrow.

It was too soon, she thought, but she knew that it wasn't. She was worried about leaving the twins, but equally she was craving adult company. She missed learning, teaching and all that went with it. So, she was excited, nervous and worried all in one. Which led to flustered. She'd told Padraig that she wanted to make sure that Cyrus, Katie and Luna were well looked after and that they had plenty to eat while they were looking after the twins. He'd been amused, she knew, though he'd done his best not to show it. Granted, she'd probably cooked enough for them to eat for a ten-trial and she was going in for a two-break-long meeting to discuss her return. So, he'd nodded his head and agreed as she'd explained all that she'd prepared for them to eat, that she'd arranged for Tina to come, in case the twins were hungry, though she'd feed them before she left so they shouldn't be. But just in case, she'd said, what if the meeting over ran? Or someone called in sick and that meant she was required to cover a class? It was a Very Serious Thought and the slightest consideration that Noah and Madison might go hungry because of her lack of planning?

It was not acceptable.

So, she'd asked him to pop out and pick up a few things. Some more eggs, and maybe just.. actually, she knew her husband too well to think he'd remember. He had an excellent memory, but if it wasn't something he was paying attention to? Not so much. So, she'd written a list, given him a perfunctory kiss on the cheek and turned back to what she was doing. But then, as he was pulling on his coat, she'd come back over and kissed him again and there was nothing perfunctory about it. "Thank you," she said, softly, "I just need to not worry. Or, as little as I can. I'll get better, I promise you." She paused, seemed to consider and added with an apparently entirely serious gaze, "Or, of course, I'll go slowly mad and end up a twitching mass in the corner. But I doubt it." Faith smiled and then got back to what she was doing.

While he was gone, she could do no more preparation and so she lay a clean blanket down on the floor and played there with the babies. They were 44 trials old and she was amazed at the changes in them both. Both had very clear, very different personalities and she pulled out some of the toys that she'd made and looked at the two of them laying there. Noah, so determined and scrappy, was reaching for the small cloth cube just out of his reach. Madison, though, she watched her brother curiously. The wolf pups, Starr and Nova, were a permanent thing, now and Faith inched the cube just a little closer to Noah, "There, go on, there... that's it, clever boy! Isn't he clever, Madison? Oh, oh!" She talked to them both and didn't notice quite how long Padraig was taking.

Or, she didn't notice until they'd played a while, then she'd changed both babes, fed them and put them in their crib. She had just put them down when she heard him walking in the door. She beamed at the sound, standing up to meet him. "You've been an age, is everything alright?" Faith asked, lacing up her shirt as she came to meet him. He was carrying no shopping and had a distinctly pleased with himself look on his face. "Did you get the things?" It had to be said, she asked that last with a raised eyebrow and an expression which told him that she suspected the answer was no.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 777
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If only he went to the market for her, would it be the end of her concerns and worries, Padraig asked, teasing Faith in the wake of lingering kiss. They both knew better. She was a mother, therefore she'd worry as every mother in history, in all likelihood, had done before her. Presumably, a lot of them managed it without collapsing into the nearest corner, overcome with madness. "The least I can do is a little shopping," he reassured her as he pulled on his coat and slipped out the door.

In truth it was good to get out. Winter was hardly gone, and the air outdoors was cold, crisp and invigorating. The snowfall had ended, hopefully for good but what was on the ground had formed a thin crust and crunched beneath his boot as he went. The sellers at the market were eager for warmer weather. Maybe overeager considering the way that they'd turned out in droves. At any rate it wasn't difficult to find the things on his list, with the intention of heading straight for home again once he was done.

Except that's not how it happened. Padraig had passed something interesting on his way home, and as a result, he was gone much longer than planned. He didn't realize quite how long it had actually been though until he got home, and seemed more pleased with himself than usual. "Is it that long?" Padraig asked with some surprise as he pulled off his coat, his hat and hung them on the hook by the door. And then pulled off his boots before tossing them in the corner. Although Faith's question brought a sudden grimace to his face. "Dammit. I got them, yes. Eggs, milk, cheese, bread...all of it. But I must have left it on the desk." Back at the real estate office that was, but he'd yet to tell Faith about that.

"So, I picked up a little something while I was out." He said it as if he'd impulsively purchased a new coat or a hat, in fact, in an effort to find a way to tell her, he'd done much more than that. "You know that house on the coast, outside of town...the one high on the outcropping with the bridge and the cable cars?" Padraig asked. They'd passed it dozens of times on their way from one place to another. Work to home, and so on.

He'd often commented in fact that he'd wager it was an exceptional location, from a stargazers perspective and he was curious to know who owned the house. "While I was walking home from the market, I noticed there was a sign being put up just on shore. It was going up for sale...So I bought it," Padraig admitted with a grin and pulled the rolled up deed from his pocket. Of course, he explained, they didn't actually have to live there if she'd rather not. They had this home already after all and surely they could manage both. But still, he was looking forward to seeing the night sky from up there.
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Had it been that long? Faith couldn't hide the grin on her face, "Long enough that we played a while, got changed and had a feed and now both babies and puppies are fast asleep," she said with a grin. But he'd left the shopping on the desk? He must have been to work, she figured and Faith shook her head in exasperated amusement. "I swear you are married to that job. No matter. I'll only be out a few breaks and Cyrus could always pop out and buy some if they need it. That would still leave Katie and Luna with the children." Stepping into his arms as he finally divested himself of his shoes, she smiled up at him. "They'll go stinky on your desk, you know," she kissed him and then moved to start picking up the toys she'd been playing with and tidying up generally.

He'd picked something up? Faith wondered what it was, maybe the markets were picking up again she thought. That would be good, certainly. There'd been a long and difficult winter. But did she remember the house? "The one that gives me anxiety just looking at it? Yes. Why anyone would ever live there, I do not know." It was a stargazers paradise he'd told her more than once and Faith was privately of the opinion that this said a lot about stargazers and their levels of sanity. The bridge was in good repair, but was a bridge, hanging over a vast and gaping chasm and the cable-car thing was a death trap. "They should pull that cable-car thing down. It's going to end up with someone in the Order or the morgue." She finished tidying up the toys and her expression was confused as she realised what he'd said. He'd bought it? Bought what.

Please, Famula, let it be the sign. He bought the sign.

Oh, no, those were deeds in his hands and Faith looked at him incredulously. Then he went on to explain, rather quickly she thought, like he was nervous, that they didn't have to live there, but he'd bought it. He'd bought them a house? Not just any house, no. Perched on a rocky outcropping, open to the weather, across a bridge and...

Faith's expression changed, in that moment. From confused and incredulous, suddenly she started to smile and she stood and walked to him, her hands moving into his. "Immortals, I love you. I am shoddy, we know this, at saying it, but I do. You bought the house? Good. Lets live in it and have wonderful adventures." Since she didn't know when, really, things had been one thing after another thing for them. Except she did know when, and she knew who. Since Aelig, since Rharne. One thing after another, and now Alexander was finally dead, they had their children, their life together and they could finally relax and enjoy it. Wrapping her arms around the back of neck, she turned her gaze up into his. "A bed with curtains around it. Then a room of my own, a proper bedroom," she whispered, "after that, first I started to share your bed and then we bought a house, together. Every time, you have provided me a palace." It was true, there was no doubting it. "And each palace, better than the last. I think we could consider that this house is too run of the mill for us. So, we'll take our twin newborns, huge glow-in-the dark dog, four tailed electrified cat, glowing pegasus, pony, twin wolf pups, Cyrus, Katie and Luna and we will move into the next palace." She couldn't quite resist adding, with a grin. "The one you bought while you were out getting eggs."

It was close to Cally's, too, Faith pointed out and it might mean that people stopped banging the door in the middle of the night. Also, she said, there was that ability they both loved, to be able to close the door tight and just be them, in their home. It would be a marvelous thing for that to be literally the case, she felt. She took her time in kissing her husband, her hands trailing down to wrap around his waist as she pulled herself close to him. But then, because it would not be fair not to, she elbowed him in the ribs. "But when you remember to get it, you carry the shopping up those stairs." With a grin and a shake of her head she motioned. "Cyrus and Katie could keep an eye on the children. Maybe we could ask Luna if she wants to see this place? And we should probably ask Cyrus and Katie what they'd rather do, where they'd rather live. Luna too. But either way. Show me?" With a quirk of her eyebrow she added, dryly, "Maybe on our way we can call by the real estate office and pick up the eggs.".
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Faith was exaggerating, surely. Had he really been gone that long? After all, he'd even decided to buy the house sight unseen once establishing for himself that he could trust the individual doing the selling not to peddle off a lemon on him. His and Faith's names weren't unknowns after all in Scalvoris. Nor their reputations. Surely a swindler would rather swindle a newcomer or stranger, than someone with a good bit of influence in the community. And any rate, he hadn't been gone that long.

"No need to send anyone else. I'll go back for the eggs." And the milk, cheese, bread and so on. "The stars," Padraig said though, as if the answer to who'd want to live in the house high on the cliff, was obvious. The location did have its drawbacks though, as Faith was quick to point out. "Well a new bridge can replace the old one, and as for the cable cars, we do have access to some of the best engineers on Idalos,' he argued. At the University, that was.

He could even, with the help of those engineers, come up with some sort of automatic lift both inside and outside the home that would eliminate having to trudge up one set of stairs after another. All of these arguments though admittedly boiled down to the fact that he hadn't actually considered those things before buying. Still, easy enough to put right. "We don't have to live in it arc round," he pointed out. "It might be easier to live here during the coldest seasons." A place to retreat to as well, maybe, if a hurricane was to roll in. Though Padraig had to admit he'd love to see that, from that very location.

"I'll turn it into the grandest of palaces, just for you," he promised when she asked should they go and see it together. He agreed wholeheartedly and surely Luna would enjoy the outing as well. As for where everyone involved might choose to live? Well they'd certainly have their choice, he pointed out, either part or full time. "Maybe we should pick up the eggs on the way back from seeing it," Padraig said with a grin as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the new set of keys. He'd already been given the things after all since the house cost had been paid in full.
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When Padraig got focused, he really did and Faith looked at him and then very carefully and gently, stood on his foot. Just enough that he'd feel it. Then, she picked up his hand and curled her fingers around on to his wrist, checking his pulse. While she did that, her other hand moved to his face, gently tugging his lower eyelid to get a better view of his eye. Just like she would, were he a patient in the Order complaining of a stomach bug. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said, with a smile when she got his attention enough that he looked surprised. "I was just checking that you hadn't lost all sensation and sight, maybe hearing too, thus were unable to notice your wife stood standing here with her arms around you, kissing you, or trying to, and proclaiming her love for you which is a rare thing in itself," Not because she didn't feel it, she assured him. But declarations of emotion were rare from her, they both knew that. "But no need to panic, it seems to have been a temporary lapse, undoubtedly brought on by something in the air." She motioned to the keys, the symbol of what was distracting him, she was quite sure she said with an arched eyebrow. "There is nothing wrong with the bridge, Padraig. It's the cable-car thing that is an issue. I think you'll find I said that. We have no need to rebuild the bridge." Patting his hand gently, she added, "and I personally would rather that my husband was excited about me more than an automatic lift. But that sounds wonderful, darling." With a final roll of her eyes, but accompanied by a smile, she moved out of his vicinity and went to call on Katie to help with the twins while they went to look at the new house Padraig had bought.

She asked Luna if she wanted to come along, and the young woman nodded her head with a smile. It was still cold out there, so Faith was very happy to wrap up in thick woolen scarf and hat, two pairs of gloves also. She didn't need to, she didn't feel the cold but she still felt the wind biting and she didn't like it. So, arm in arm with her husband, Faith was content to step out into Scalvoris Town and disappear into the hood of her coat, which was deep and protected her from the elements. She'd never liked the cold and the ability to protect herself against it was inordinately welcome. "I think we should move there," she said thoughtfully as they walked. She was obviously working it through in her head. "I don't know that I like the idea of the children having two homes. It feels decadent and unnecessary, don't you think?" She frowned thoughtfully, "I mean, when there are people in poverty and hunger. We should not hoard wealth, should we?" Luna looked at her, then looked at Padraig and said nothing, but a slight smile crossed the quiet young woman's lips.

And, they got there, to where they were going and oh, by the Immortals, but that was a long way down. Faith looked at the cable car and the bridge and she nodded. "Can we take the bridge, please?" The bridge looked much more secure and safe and even then, she kept her eyes forward, not ever looking down. "Is there a garden? So, I can fly Fred?" Yes, she had named the pegasus Fred, it seemed. But then, it had been her name for Aeon and she believed without doubt that he had sent the creature to her.

While they walked, she looked at the house and she smiled. "Padraig, it's beautiful. It is, truly. I won't be afraid once I'm there, I promise you. And if I always wear my portal boots, then it's far enough down that I could use them before I died a horrible death, shattered on the rocks below," she was getting much better at her dry, deadpan delivery it had to be said. Faith grinned at him before adding, "probably."

Once they were on the ground, though, no matter that they were so far up, she was not at all frightened. It was the bridge, or the cable car and he knew her well enough to know that it was being able to see the space beneath her. But once they were on the ground, albeit at the same height as they had been, Faith looked at the house in delight. "Padraig, it's beautiful." Slipping her hand into his she grinned in excitement. "Come on then, show us what you bought?" He had the keys, after all.
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"It's good to see that your masterful grasp on sarcasm hasn't slipped any since bringing our children into the world," Padraig uttered dryly with a grin, when Faith took back his attention. And he pulled her into his arms again. The kiss he placed on her lips, lingering and heartfelt, left no doubt about the extent of his feelings. "Forgive me. You know my heart is always in the same place, where my mind can wander at times to a half dozen topics at once." And if it was only the cable-car that bothered her about the house? Then he'd employ as many experts as was necessary in order to make sure the thing was in prime working condition. That she'd never have to worry about it's safety. And a lift. While there was no question that she would always be the first, second and last thing on his mind, still, they'd have a lift as part of the structure itself. For her. Going up and down stairs with young babies could get tiresome. A lift would go a long way towards easing that particular chore.

Decadence and hoarding wealth though? As they left the house with Luna at their side, Padraig considered it and frowned. He wasn't sure he agreed, to be honest. "If we were to sell the house, we'd then have the monies we sold it for." Which was its own sort of wealth after all. And surely at some point, the weather during the coldest, most frozen part of the arc could make getting in and out of the new place much more difficult than in the spring, summer and fall? Still, he suspected there was something else on Faith's mind, another reason behind the suggestion. "Did you have other ideas for the house?" he asked. And there was Cylus and Katie to consider too. They had their own little house on the other side of the porch and he couldn't predict how eager they'd be to locate to the top of a very tall rock on the coast.

He grinned a little, laughing when she revealed what she'd decided to call the pegasus. And yet, he told her, it made perfect sense. "It has a garden and a very nice one too I think," Padraig added. "We'll make sure there's a nice open spot out there so that there'll be room for taking off and landing." But yes, they'd take the bridge, and he'd walk in front so that Faith could focus on him instead of giving in to the temptation to look down. Luna, though she hadn't protested aloud, didn't care for heights either it seemed and wide eyed, she stuck close enough behind him so that she could keep a vice grip on his coat sleeve with one hand, while keep a vice like grip with the other on the rail. "It'll become second nature," he told them both, smiling as they went. Course the wind probably wasn't helping much.

Once they got there though, on solid ground again and high above the ground, the view was as spectacular as he'd imagined it might be. More, even and the night sky, once the light faded at the end of the trial, promised to be a wonder that would make ordinary viewing from the ground seem lackluster in comparison. "It is," he said when Faith slipped her hand into his and remarked on the beauty surrounding them. The house and its grounds suited their surroundings perfectly. The grassy areas were more than sufficient to keep animals, grown a sizable garden and provide the children with plenty of places to play.

The house itself was several stories high, sprawling and of a very good size. "Six bedrooms," he told her as he slipped his key into the lock to show her inside. "Plenty of bathrooms, dining, den and so on. And you know, I can build you another workshop like the one you have down below. Or it might be another reason to keep the house there?" he wondered.
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"On the contrary," she replied with a wicked smile, "there's something about giving birth in an upturned carriage in the middle of the street, covered in blood following a really sound scrap that hones sarcasm, you know." Her words were caustic but every movement and the way she pulled herself tight against him as she very much returned the kiss told him before she said it, "there's nothing to forgive. I wouldn't change one hair of you and I am in no doubt as to the placement of your heart." She was teasing him, he knew it before she said it no doubt. "I am a medic, you know."

Once they'd left, his frown when she spoke about the decadence of having two houses told her that she was pushing her luck with this one. "Yes, if you keep the money, absolutely. If, however, you sell an unwanted house and donate the money to charity, then less so." She had to admit that he was correct when it came to the weather, during the depths of winter it would be tricky to say the least to get across a bridge or cable car. But still, two houses? He knew her though and her apparently unconcerned shrug wasn't fooling him for a single trill, she knew. "Me? No, not at all. I have been thinking to expand some of the services we offer at the Adunih, you know. Meditation classes, relaxation, therapy sessions for individuals and groups. Treatment rooms for that kind of thing." Burrowing further into her coat, she was quiet for a moment and then added, softly, "I know I'm only little but I can feel you two looking at each other over my head you know." She rolled her eyes and pulled her arm tighter through his. "Fine, I'll buy my own therapy and treatment rooms and you keep your two houses." In fairness, she had to add, "And your logic too."

Over the bridge and every scrap of teasing and humour left her while she was traversing across. Faith was terrified of heights and always had been. The bridge across a river had scared her witless but this? This was something else instead. Still, she shook her head when he looked at her and she motioned to Luna. "I'm fine. Truly." Was this going to get easier? Would the cable car be better or worse? Faith really wasn't sure. However, as they walked, Faith considered something and she had to ask. "Padraig?" she wondered and the tone of her voice gave away the fact that she suspected she knew the answer. "Did you actually see the house, the inside of it, or the garden or.. anything, before you bought it?"

He hadn't, she knew. By their shared links, Immortal granted but also? Just by the slight stiffening of his shoulders as he realised that she'd asked. "Thought you'd gotten away with that one, didn't you?" Faith chuckled to herself and added, just so that he was clear. "Not one hair." Stepping in, she could not hold back the gasp. The long, winding hallway had light flooding into it from the large windows and the rooms were high in the ceiling and the place was a warren. No two internal doors were the same and there was no colour scheme or even vague feeling of cohesion - each room was unique with it's own colour scheme, theme and feel. There were shelves all over the place and it seemed you were as likely to open a door and it have a tiny room with just shelves and a low chair as you were for it to open into a large dining room. Nothing matched and everything was quirky. The ground floor had stairs down, too, and there were a number of small "caves" which had windows and heating in them, were painted white and would make wonderful dens or play rooms.

Faith turned to look at him and there was no doubting what she was going to say long before she said it. "Padraig, it's beautiful!" Upstairs, too, there were bedrooms, but the one which Faith immediately loved and turned to look at him with a question in her eyes was the highest one - the turret tower at the top of the house was up a spiral staircase in the corner of that room, but the bedroom was large and open with windows on all four walls. "Can this one be ours?" It seemed that his wife was more than happy. Faith turned to Luna and looked at her with delight. "What do you think, Luna? Have you seen a room you'd like for your own?"
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There was no question that hardship, struggle and disaster built character. But did it also sharpen an already razor sharp wit? It would seem so, and Padraig had grinned at the prospect. After all they'd been through, Faith had done more than persevere, no doubt about it. "You're probably right," he said though when she pointed out that it was only hoarding wealth if they kept the money. It wasn't an unexpected response, though Padraig wasn't sure quite yet about selling the house. After all, Cyrus and Katie surely deserved to have some input into the question. Their own little home was attached to the other, connected by the wide porch in between them. "I can't say which they'd rather. To move with us, or to remain where they are," he said.

It was a meaningful glance that he and Luna shared over Faith's head, which wasn't difficult, small as his wife was. He should have known that the wheels in her head were already turning and she was envisioning what their current home might become. "I think we can at least wait a trial or three before deciding, yes?" he'd suggested. Long enough to speak with his grandfather and Katie. He wouldn't want them to feel that they must move with all the rest of them if it wasn't their preference.

But there they were crossing the swinging bridge, at times high above the sea and at other times, the jagged rocks down below. He knew she was nervous but was proud of how well Faith managed it. Luna too for that matter, no matter she had a vice grip hold on the back of his belt. But had he actually seen the house up close or inside before he'd purchased it? Well his sudden change of posture told the tale well enough, their connection one to the other amped it up a notch or two and he admitted..."Not exactly"

But the woman at the land office had described it to him, he'd said. "And she'd said that surely a coat of paint here, a little dressing up there ought put it all to rights." Really it sounded more like a question than a statement. But nonetheless, he couldn't imagine any flaw that would have turned him off on the place. And when they finally reached the doors of their new home, walked inside and she gasped? Padraig took in their surroundings too but then glanced Faith's way, curiously. Was it a good gasp? Or not so much? He knew her pretty well and even though the interior was unusual to say the least, he could imagine that it was a good one, and not wishful thinking.

"It's certainly unique, isn't it?" he agreed as they began to explore, one room and hall after another. "In a good way, I think." Definitely not anything like their home down below. There was less ordinary here, and much more of a surprise around every corner. Certainly it needed a little paint on the walls, some polish on the floors. The views through the plentiful windows were enough to take the breath away, the place was well lit. And here and there, there were stained glass windows that cast a rainbow of color across floors or walls.

And at the top was a room that struck him, just as it had Faith. "I can't imagine any better purpose for it," he said of the room that would become their own private retreat. As for Luna, still not used to being asked her preferences or opinions, she smiled shyly, but with some prodding from Padraig, admitted that there'd been a room on the level below that she'd liked. A small one, but one with a large window looking out to sea, the vista dotted with small islands, and a window seat where she could sit and watch the ships go by, spy a pod of dolphins or even see a whale coming up now and then to catch its breath. But all in all? In spite of him having done it on a whim, Padraig couldn't be more pleased that things had gone as well as he'd hoped it would, and they'd have a new home that was high enough off the ground to have been nearly in the clouds. With a very nice view of the stars at night.
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Now Let's See
What Comes Out Of It!

"Your home should tell the story of who you are and be a collection of what you love."
~Nate Berkus~
Faith & Padraig

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Requirements* or X Comments
Approved Character * Yep
Updated Thread List for Previous Season * Dang gurl! Been quite busy!
Updated Skill Point Ledger (Raw, Adjusted,Tread Earned)*** Nice and Neat!
Updated Purse (Seasonal Expense, Wage, Thread Deductions)*** Holy Rich Girl!
Updated Renown Ledger & thread table**We all know you.. Good to know!
Approved Character * Good!
Updated Thread List for Previous Season * Looks Good!
Updated Skill Point Ledger (Raw, Adjusted,Tread Earned)*** Good!
Updated Purse (Seasonal Expense, Wage, Thread Deductions)***Maybe a note somewhere stating that you didn't work Cylus 718, other than that perfect.
Updated Renown Ledger & thread table* Keep going! you'll Catch up to your darling some day!
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How many posts 4 9 knowledges allowed
How many requested 5 4 knowledges unclaimed
Are all posts greater than 250 words? Yes --
Is the thread greater than 1500 words? Yes--
Knowledges Appropriate? Yes Message me if you wish to make any changes or have any questions
Loot Appropriate?Yes--
Renown Appropriate?Yes--
Injuries Appropriate?Yes--
How many posts 4 9 Knowledges
How many requested 4 5 knowledges unclaimed
Are all posts greater than 250 words? Yes --
Is the thread greater than 1500 words?Yes --
Knowledges Appropriate? yes Message me if you wish to make any changes or have any questions
Loot Appropriate?YesNoted in nel ledger already
Renown Appropriate?if awardedcheck in your loot tab
Injuries Appropriate?Yes--
Reviewer's Overview

The way that these two bicker without actually being mad at each other is so precious! And the fact that Faith knows exactly what Padraig is doing for her when it comes to homes, is quite hilarious to be honest. I can't wait to see what (mis)adventures happen in this new home of yours and whether or not you actually do get rid of your old home! I can see endless cuteness from these two and never tire of it! Keep up the good work with your writing!



Renown- None
Injuries- None
Loot-None (though you basically got a home from your husband)

Skill Knowledges

Caregiving: Even very young babies need stimulation
Caregiving: Talking to babies provokes a response
Caregiving: Caring for twins is a feat in itself
Caregiving: The art of feeding and changing twins
Discipline: Walking over a bridge

Non-Skill Knowledges

None Requested


Renown- 5 Paying in full for another house/Touring AFTER buying it.
Loot- One New Home!

Skill Knowledges

Persuasion: Explaining why what you've done is a good idea
Persuasion: Explain how you'll put right the flaws
Persuasion: Why simply giving things away without talking to all involved is a bad idea
Rhetoric: A good description can be very compelling.

Non-Skill Knowledges

None Requested
Please add this stamp onto your request here to help show that it has been reviewed!

Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=39&image_id=7932[/img][font size=85]Juniper[/font][/center]
word count: 537
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