• Solo • [Order of the Adunih] Thorn in my side

52nd of Ymiden 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Order of the Adunih] Thorn in my side

52nd Ymiden, 717
Faith was in the middle of her regular volunteer shifts in the Order. Frankly, she was glad of the space and time where there wasn't anyone talking to her about what she should do, when she should do it, how she should do it and why what she was already doing was wrong. With a sigh, the young woman realised that this was not a fair thought process, but it didn't change that it was how she was starting to feel. Everyone and their mother had an opinion and nothing was off limits as a discussion topic.

She was exhausted and getting irritable, she knew it. Of course, being who she was Faith tried to just hide the irritability and the tiredness. When she was at home, she tended to spend a lot of time in the kitchen; they all ate well and it was quiet. They were too busy, too stretched and had too many demands on them. She knew it, Padraig knew it. What they could do about it, though, Faith had no clue.

With her blue cloak on, Faith was front line today and so when the woman was brought in, she made her way over to her quickly. Rami, the green cloak who lived here, was also working and Faith and she moved over together. The woman had been attacked, it seemed. Or run down by a horse. Either way, she was in a bad way.

"Alright, Rami, bleeding first." Faith reminded the green cloak. Rami was good, when she just concentrated on what she was doing. Which was really not often enough, to Faith's mind. However, the green cloaked half Avriel seemed to be focused to-trial and so the two of them got to work on the woman. "Hello, my name's Faith. This is Rami. Can you tell us what happened to you?"

Faith's hands were moving as she spoke, looking for where the bleeding was most prevalent and getting started there. It seemed, on closer inspection, like she'd been cut. More than once. The woman moaned and made a strange, guttural noise which made Faith frown slightly. She looked at the Land Troops who had brought her in.

"She's a prostitute. Been attacked. Can we go?" The one in charge said and Faith shook her head.

"No, I'm afraid no. There are forms we need to complete. One of the nurses will take you through them."

"Look love, I don't know if you heard me. She's a prostitute and..."

"I heard you fine. She's a person. A mortal soul who deserves every chance to live. Do not argue with me whilst I am trying to save her life. I don't care about her profession any more than I care about yours. Now get over there and answer the questions the nice lady is going to ask you or I will get very, very testy." It was enough, Faith was tired of people second guessing her when she knew what she was doing and why she was doing it. The man from the Elements looked at her and lifted his head as though to argue. Faith stopped what she was doing, cleaning off the wounds in order to stitch them, just long enough to look at him.

"Do not argue with me. Do not irritate me. Do not tell me that you know better. You do not. Now get over there and the Immortals-damned questions. We patch up too many of you and your kind for you to be giving me lip now move!"

Even Rami looked up in surprise as Faith more or less barked the last bit and the man in question lifted his hands in surrender, moving over to the nurses' station muttering about crazy short people. Faith ignored him and lowered her head to the woman. Her deep, guttural groaning was continuing and Faith really didn't like it. But first, always first, she had to get this bleeding under control.
Using the NPCs from the Order of the Adunih Scalvoris write up here
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 696
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Order of the Adunih] Thorn in my side

Faith, with Rami's help, worked quickly and efficiently. They identified the bleeding, got it sorted and stitched where they needed to or applied the Raft where that would work. Faith looked at the woman and smiled at her, "It's alright, I just need to..." what it was Faith needed to do was never explained as she realised that the woman was looking at her and was lucid, just had her jaw clamped together in what seemed to be a very scary, over stretched grin. Trismus, or clamped jaw. Risus sardinicus, or the strange smiling expression. Wounds and that strange twitching in her head and neck. It all added up and Faith realised what she'd missed.

"Damnit!" Faith said and she looked up at Remi with urgency in her silver eyes. "Go and get me charcoal, oak bark extract. Mix them three to one. And the best muscle relaxant we... here we go." As she said the last three words, the woman started to convulse. "Quick as you can, Rami, please!" Faith moved holding the woman's shoulders, talking to her. "I know, I know. Someone poisoned you?" With the wide grin on her locked face, the woman still looked terrified and the convulsion meant that she was unable to answer. Faith cursed herself for not seeing the grin before. She should have. Damnit, if she hadn't argued, or needed to argue, with the Land Troop. If, if if.

Rami came back, as quickly as she could and Faith nodded. "Alright, we're going to have to get this down her. I'll need your help." She glanced at what Rami had brought and made a quick decision. Without hesitating, Faith put the chloroform on to a rag and held it in front of the woman's face, speaking softly to her as she did so, reassuring her. The patient passed out and relaxed, just a little. Not enough, nowhere near enough.

"What do these do?" Rami asked.

"She's been poisoned. It's a particularly nasty one. Taken from the seeds of a tree, it caused convulsions and muscle spasms, characterised by an arched back until death occurs. We may well already be too late." Faith said, "Add the charcoal and bark to water, please?" Whilst Rami did that, Faith put a tube down the patient's throat and attached a funnel to that. "The charcoal absorbs the poison, stops it from getting further in the bloodstream. The oak bark?" Faith shrugged slightly and admitted. "It's a guess. Based on something I learned a long time ago. Acids and alkalines."

The poison, she knew, was an alkaline, and the oak bark had an acidic extract which wouldn't counteract the charcoal. Would it work? She had no idea. In many ways, Faith was relying on her instinct.

"We need to keep her sedated and give her every muscle relaxant we have. Repeat this, every two breaks." Faith instructed and Rami nodded.

"How will we know if it works?" The green cloak asked.

"If she lives, it worked."
word count: 519
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Order of the Adunih] Thorn in my side

"I don't know that I entirely understand," Rami said with a smile as they lowered their heads to the notes.

"It's relatively straightforward. The poison in question is made from the seeds of a tree. They are alkaline, so I thought that if I could use an essence of a tree which had an acidic content, it might counteract." Faith's logic was dubious, she knew, but the best that she could manage in the moment it had happened.

"It worked," Rami said and smiled over to where the woman was sleeping. It had taken quite a few breaks but it seemed like the combination of charcoal and oak bark, chloroform and muscle relaxant had done the job. "I mean, you saved her life."

"We did," Faith corrected with a smile and then shrugged slightly. "She's not out of the woods yet, but I'm hopeful. I've written the report for the elements, if anyone will look at it." Faith sounded like she felt and Ramil watched her for a moment. It wasn't like the blue cloak to be so down, Rami thought. Faith looked tired and stressed, just for a moment. Had she known that Rami had made such a intuitive leap, Faith would have been mortified.

"I don't know why people don't want to help the most vulnerable. If people want to sell what she sells and people want to buy it, then why are we making it a risky business by our way of thinking about it?" Faith shook her head. "I'll take this report to them on my way home."

Rami looked at her and nodded, "You know, I learned a lot today. I really did. Thank you." Faith smiled and shook her head.

"Thank you, Rami, you were invaluable."

Faith considered how to write this up in terms of the notes that she was keeping. Incidences of poisoning, she considered, did they belong in this study? But then, poisoning was the how, what happened was a reaction, an ingestion of a toxic substance. "When she's lucid, I'd like to be able to talk to her about who it was that attacked her," Faith said, wondering if the Elements kept records of the distribution of attacks, the kinds of crimes committed in different areas. That would surely be a useful thing to do, she thought. She wrote it down on a piece of paper and then attached it to the report she was going to take with her.

Then, she looked at it and sighed. "I have been both blessed and curse with the need to make things better. It is a wondrous gift and a thorn in my side," she admitted to Rami and her fellow Order member smiled.
"Why is it a bad thing?" Rami wondered.
"Because," Faith replied with a smile, "I can't switch it off. If anything happens overnight, you know where I am, Rami, yes?" Rami nodded her head and Faith got together her things and left since her shift was done. On the way home she stopped at the Element Hall to give over the report they had and then went to pick up some things at the market. Then, she breathed in and made her way back to the house.
word count: 559
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Order of the Adunih] Thorn in my side


Leadership: Giving clear commands
Leadership: Sharp tone of voice
Leadership: Eye contact helps
Medicine: Antidote for strychnine is oak bark.
Poisons: Strychnine poisoning
Psychology: Recognizing your own limits.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: New medical procedure (+2) Good deed (volunteering +1) Good deed (saved the lady +1) = +4
Devotion: N/A

Points: 10

Comments: If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know.
word count: 70
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