• Solo • [Order of the Adunih] In my hands

27th of Ashan 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[Order of the Adunih] In my hands

27th Ashan, 717
She'd put it all into her hands, but it was still in her head and her heart and she could not quite shift it. It was a technique the slavers had taught her, which she used regularly. Look at her hands, put it all in them. All the emotion, all the fear and worry. Walking into the Order of the Adunih, Faith sighed slightly and whispered. "But they're not big enough to hold it. What do I do then?" The young devotee of Famula was emotionally exhausted, still reeling from the pregnancy, birth and subsequent events of just last season, she was starting to think that she actually could not do this. But, of course, she could. She could, she would and she had to. For the four men in here, for the people who would be hurt if she did not when they sufferred the same debilitating disease and, of course, for him. Padraig had this Lightbane, and she was going to cure it. She had been before that, but it gave her extra impetus. "Everything I do, I dedicate to you Famula. I will cure this if it is your will and I put myself in your hands." The determined and devout young woman did not doubt it ~ whatever occurred would be the best thing which could.

So, she got into the Order and went to Galena's office, where she knocked on the door. She heard Galena's voice call out and Faith entered. Galena looked up and smiled. "Faith. Come in, have a seat. Your four patients are due later, aren't they?" Galena was Faith's mentor and, although they hadn't known each other an overly long time, they got on well and worked well together. Galena was almost maternal with Faith, as she was with all of her greencloaks. Faith, in fact, was the only blue cloak in the place.

"Thank you, Galena. Yes, they are. I have some ideas of treatments for them, I've been reading up on it, and I think I have a good grasp of what we know, and what we don't." Faith thought that the latter category was far bigger than the former and that was not a good thing. "We do not know how the disease is transmitted so it is possible, although unlikely, that it is contagious and that it is passed on by a difficult to achieve means. Do we have records of those who have had it, it's distribution and so on?" Galena shook her head, looking a little suprised at the question.
"Why would we?"
"To track the spread and causation of the disease. Of all diseases."
Galena shook her head. "We have never kept such records. Tell me, if you will, why you think they'd help?"
"What if the Lightbane disease is passed on via, I don't know, a scratch caused by an Enormowl? Without information about where the disease has happened, and the people who have caught it. Also, just as importantly, where it does not and who has not, we are stopping ourselves from seeing patterns and potential cures. We need to implement it Galena."

Galena looked at Faith and the older woman wondered what it was that made this short and slight woman so very fierce in some situations. Yet, Galena had seen Faith in groups and she barely spoke. "I don't see how we can begin to implement that, Faith."
"At the beginning, Galena. By starting the records now. Here and now. We get records on each patient in here and we start the process now. I'll speak to the University, see if we can use them as a central record. This has to be worthy of study. It has to be." Faith then leaned forward and got some parchment, lifted from Galena's desk without a question. The older woman raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "Alright. We need sex and age, obviously. Where they live, where they work. Race and what racial make up they have if they're mixed race. If they've travelled recently and any other illnesses or diseases." There would be other information, Faith was sure, but if Lightbane had always been contagious, or if they could have found out how it was spread, then maybe it could be prevented more. After all, they had a herbal treatment which was effective at preventing it with a garlic, honey and echinacea mixture.

"Please, Galena, can we implement this? It might save lives." Galena looked at the young woman sitting opposite her and she smiled.
"Yes, we can. You get the co operation of the Academy, of the Clinic and so on. But you have ours." Faith gave a prayer of thanks to Famula for the woman here, who at least accepted sense.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 811
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[Order of the Adunih] In my hands

27th Ashan, 717
So, now it was on to the four men in question. Faith told Galena that she was going into the office to do some research and Galena agreed. "When we've done the records for your four, I'll bring them to you." Faith nodded her head and thanked her mentor. Then, she made her way into the office, as they called it, and started to do some research from the books there. The first thing that she did was to identify all those books which might deal with Lightbane and write a list of them. She had been to the library and done the same thing, previously, so she put a "L" next to the ones which were also in the library. It was her intention to go and speak to Professor Carter later on in the trial and identify any other books which might be of use to her.

It was her plan to also make sure that Professor Carter agreed to the keeping of central records about diseases, their distribution and whether they were widespread generally or particularly to specific age groups, jobs or genders. She was going to speak to the people in the Geography department, too, she thought, to find out if air or soil or plant types were mapped, so that she could map diseases over them. Why this had not been done before and why she had not considered it before was astonishing to her and Faith's mind was reeling.

If there was one thing that was certain, though, she had to remain focused, so she turned her attention to the book list and she cross referenced. It left her with three books which might hold some information but were not held in the library. It was to them that she turned her attention. She had dismissed one of them after scouring it and was just opening the second when Galena came in.

"Here, I have their notes," Galena spoke and handed Faith the records for the four men. Faith took them with a tight smile and Galena sat down opposite her. "If you get this invested in every patient, Faith, you will burn out before you hit twenty." Serious silver eyes looked at Galena and Faith sighed, putting the book to one side.
"When I first met you I told you about Padraig. I am his, he is mine?" Galena nodded, indicating that she remembered exactly what Faith had said. "I think he has Lightbane. That is why I am taking it personally, that is why I am invested." Faith turned serious eyes to Galena, "That is not why I am working this hard. I would do that anyway. I told them that I would teach the horse to fly, and I will."

When Faith first came to the Order in Scalvoris, Galena had been worried that she had been too good to be true but, in truth, the young woman siting there with her mentor was as good at medicine as any Galena had ever known. Better. She also worked incredibly hard. Galena breathed in and asked, with a quiet voice. "What was the tragedy, Faith?"
Faith did not pretend to not know what Galena was talking about. That would be insulting and unnecessary. "I was pregnant. In Rharne. I gave birth." Galena looked at her and spoke with a soft and calm voice.
"There's just you and him, now?" Faith nodded and Galena sighed. "Faith I have to ask you..."
"No, you don't. I'll do my duty, do my shift. I'll cure the Lightbane and not one person other than you will know any of this." Faith considered and then added, because it was true and she tried never to lie. "Here. I have no secrets at home." Galena smiled and nodded her head.
word count: 642
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Order of the Adunih] In my hands

27th Ashan, 717
Galena looked at Faith and she wanted to mother the young girl, as she did her greencloaks. They, however, were different and Faith's very disciplined way of being meant that Galena did not behave in the same way with the serious young woman. "How old are you, Faith?"
"I don't know." Faith responded, with a smile. Galena raised an eyebrow. No surname, no date of birth? She was going to ask and then Faith spoke again. "If you ask me why I will tell you. I would rather you did not ask." A smile tugged at Galena's lips but then Faith leaned forward and pulled the notes in front of her. "Look, here. Although they work together, where they go as Earth troops is usually heavily populated areas, places where there would be lots of people. If it is contagious, then I would expect there to be more than four people there. Unless."

Faith showed Galena the records, underlining something on each of them. "They went on a patrol outside of the town, because there had been a sighting of one of the enormowl from the Menagerie there. Here, and here. I need a map." Moving over to the bookshelf, Faith pulled a piece of parchment in a rolled up tube and she put a map down. "They describe it... here, more or less?" Galena nodded and Faith's face took on a determined expression.

"I have to go to the Academy. I'll be back before my shift starts." With the rolled up map and the records in her hands, Faith turned and walked out. Galena raised an eyebrow, shook her head with a smile and carried on with her trial until the small whirlwind who was, somehow, completely calm and yet incredibly busy came back.
word count: 303
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Order of the Adunih] In my hands

27th Ashan, 717
"Ginkgo trees! Galena they were around this patch of gingko trees. I went to the university and the library. Did you know that gingko trees are one of the few trees with no natural insect life? They don't live there, they don't like it. What if it isn't that the bite of a fly gives this disease? What if it's a tree that we use to treat eye conditions. That we use to balance pupil dilation and maintain eye health?" Faith had knocked the door, her arcs of training would never allow her to do anything else, but then she had charged in, as though her feet were winged.

"Slow down, Faith," Galena said and Faith stopped, breathing in and then out again. "Start from the beginning." Faith nodded, sitting down and then she spoke.
"I went to the library and looked at a more detailed map. Where they went on patrol to find that escaped Enormowl, it was a wooded area where there is a small wood of gingko trees. So, I went to look, to research what insects and so on naturally make those trees there home. None of them do. No insects, therefore, no birds." Faith had brought the book with her, with a scrap of parchment at the correct page. "Galena, what if it isn't the fly bite that causes it? What if that's where the cure is, in fact? What if this causes it? This tree, which is currently just starting to blossom. Is that a coincidence? I don't know. But it's a place to start."

Gingko, after all, was something used to treat all manner of eye issues. So, it was an established fact that the tree itself impacted the eye. Faith could not help but wonder if it might be some kind of reaction to the blossom. She looked at the book she had and Faith felt the tickle in the back of her brain, almost literally that as she started to think. "It can't be. It just can't be." Could it be so simple? "I think they have hayfever. Oh, we treat them with echinacea blossom." Galena could not keep up with the young woman and looked at Faith with a hundred questions in her eyes.

"If it is what I think. They are having an allergic reaction to the gingko pollen. It's forcing their eyes to dilate. The very treatment we give them upon the onset of the disease exacerbates it." Faith considered, her mind racing. "So the treatment amplifies the disease. Maybe pushing it over the edge?" Galena frowned and looked at her.
"But then, why doesn't it stop once we stop treating it with echinacea?" It was a good question and Faith frowned as she considered the answer.
"Well, we never really stop treating them, do we? Elderflower eye baths, echinacea tincture; both of these are commonly given. And considering what the usual final treatment is, we never find out whether it's treatable or not." Galena looked at Faith and she couldn't argue. Everything she said made sense, but it was also quite a prospect.

"If this is correct, then we are changing how we treat this disease." Galena said and she nodded to Faith. "Do you want to go home and find out if it is the case? Try this on your.. I forgot his name."
"Padraig? No. If it's time sensitive, that might be the difference between sight and none for the men. I'll go speak to them." Galena looked at Faith with some surprise on her face.
"But if it is time sensitive, and that time has passed for them?" The rest was left unsaid by the head of the Scalvoris Order of the Adunih.
"Then I am risking condemming the man I love. I know. But these are four people and they all have people who love them. I have faith in Famula to guide me and I must serve. It is what I do. If the time has passed?" Faith stood up with a grim expression. "Then I'll find another way. Besides, it will take a few trials to get it out of their systems. I'll get to work." She assured Galena that she would and that was exactly what she did. Would it work? Only time would tell
word count: 736
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[Order of the Adunih] In my hands


Story 5/5
Structure 5/5
Collaboration 0/5
  • Logistics: Beginning a record for future reference
  • Persuasion: Using logic to improve one's point
  • Galena: Fair and logical
  • Research: Making a list of relevant material
  • Galena: Caring but pragmatic
  • Endurance: Remaining focused despite intense emotional disruption
  • Research: Overlaying maps to figure out patterns
  • Research: Formulating theories from related patterns
  • Medicine: Changing treatments to avoid further damage
  • Galena: Admires Faith's commitment
Devotion: +2 prayer to Famula

Notes: This was, I'm pretty sure, every episode of House, M.D. ever. I loved it. It was short and sweet, but it got Faith's tenacity across very well. Well written, and I'm glad I got to read it. I'll be sure to read the rest of the Enormowl and Lightbane stuff.
word count: 133
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