• Solo • [Scalvoris Campus: Viden Academy] Visitors from Afar

13th of Ashan 717

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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Scalvoris Campus: Viden Academy] Visitors from Afar

13th Ashan, 717
Padraig was on the expedition in the Ice Caves, which made Faith more than a little on edge. She didn't like the idea of him being there and getting into all sorts of bother without her. However, they had a series of guest lecturers for the next three trials and they had all been told by both Professor Carter and Professor Hamilton-Smith that, if they weren't dead, they were expected to attend. Faith understood entirely the desire to present oneself, and by default therefore, one's students, in the best light so she made sure that she was prepared, had read all the material thoroughly and had made notes.

She had the timetable for the three trials with her; each trial there was a three break lecture in the morning, then another in the afternoon. Each one was on a specialised topic and was open to Diploma students only. It would have been open to Diploma and higher level students, Professor Carter explained cheerily, but there weren't any yet. Still, this was only the second season that the University was open here on Scalvoris so he thought they were all marvellous. Faith really liked Professor Carter and she respected him, too. He was obviously here as a professor because he had experience of the field and that meant a lot to the young woman.

Faith was, in fact, particularly looking forward to this trial as the subject today was field medicine. The guest professor had worked, with Professor Carter, as a medic on the front line of a number of major battles. To Faith, this was excellent as it meant that they were able to ask questions about working in sub-optimal conditions. those were the times when skill was most tested, after all.

The seven of them who were in the second season of their Diplomas in Medicine were in their usual classroom. The ten who had started their Diplomas this season were also there, so seventeen students in total. It wasn't a bad number; Faith had to admit to being pleased to have sat in her usual place. Out of the spotlight and away from the gaze of the professor, she was sitting to the side. With sixteen others in the room, it allowed her to remain quiet and go unnoticed. She hoped.

The professors walked in and Faith resisted the urge to sink lower down in her chair. It wasn't just the professors of Medicine who were here, it was Dean Manyon talking with a tall Biqaj woman who seemed to be dressed for a very posh funeral. She fitted Padraig's description of Professor Dashiell, but why would she be here? It made no sense to Faith. The staff stood around in the teaching area at the front of the class, chatting. A few moments later a man walked in, he too was Biqaj and as Miss Du'Wintre showed him in he caught sight of Professor Dashiell and gave her a hug, which she returned. Faith watched and took the time to observe the staff. The Dean was watching the students, the two professors of medicine were chatting, although Professor Hamilton-Smith had an eye on the Dean. It wasn't an unusual dynamic, but it was an interesting one. Still, she sat up straighter as Professor Dashiell took a seat amongst the students and Dean Manyon moved to the podium and coughed slightly, waiting for everyone to quieten down, which they quickly did.
word count: 588
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Scalvoris Campus: Viden Academy] Visitors from Afar

The morning was spent listening to the lecture by Professor Til'na, and he was fascinating, it had to be said. Faith made copious notes, listening to his descriptions of treating frostbite in the freezing cold Faith's mind drifted to the Ice Caves and she had to force herself to focus again. Typically, it was just as she lost focus that Professor Hamilton-Smith looked at her and did so with a rather meaningful glare. He'd timed it perfectly, of course, and had drawn Professor Carter's attention too. Still, Faith did not mind that, nor see it as inappropriate. It was her own fault for getting distracted and she could not blame anyone for noticing.

Professor Til'na spoke about his experiences, how he had used dead animals to stop him and his patients from freezing, Faith wrote it down. Then, he talked about splinting without splints. Again, animals had to be killed in order to eat, he said, they had bones, which could be used as splints. It might not be pleasant, but it was better than nothing. There were many questions for him when he had finished, with both first and second season diploma students wanting to know about his experiences. Faith had questions, but she didn't really know if she felt that she could actually ask them in a group this big. Glancing down at her neatly organised desk she put her hand on a scroll which was there, then breathed in and raised her other hand.

When the professor got to her, she did as he had asked. She stood, then spoke, "My name is Faith. I was wondering how you deal with infection in longer term situations? Also, if you have identified any ways in which particular physiological functions, diseases or injuries behave differently in sub freezing temperatures?" The professor looked at her and looked a little surprised at the question. He looked down at a piece of parchment on the podium and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, the infection is a constant risk and, in most of the situations I'm talking about," he explained with a smile, "It's a death sentence. However, your second question is interesting." He looked back down at the parchment and then back to her. "Perhaps you could explain it more?"

Faith nodded her head and considered her words carefully. "You have taught us that, in cases of hypothermia, people first experience an increase in heart rate as the body seeks to maintain the balance. But soon enough, heart rate slows and circulation is lost, hence the loss of the extremities. Could that cold leading to the death of tissue be used to target malignant tumours and growths with extreme cold and could the lowering of heart rate be used to enhance sedative effects?"

Professor Hamilton-Smith stepped forward and said, with an encouraging smile, "Have you been doing extra reading on this subject Faith? Perhaps during your extra lessons?" Faith looked at him with a calm and very neutral expression.
"I don't have extra lessons, Professor." Hamilton-Smith hated it when she did this and she did it such a lot. She answered in such brief, pointlessly irritating terms. To Faith, she did as she had been trained in so much as she answered only the question she had been asked. Hamilton-Smith smiled, gesturing for professor Til'na to continue.
word count: 568
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Scalvoris Campus: Viden Academy] Visitors from Afar

She had, there was no doubt, irritated Professor Hamilton-Smith. Faith knew it, and she knew how she had done it but she maintained simply not understanding why he felt the way he did. Every step of the way he seemed to be irritated by her and she truly struggled to fathom why. Padraig, of course, had a clear theory, but Faith saw nothing for Professor Hamilton-Smith to be jealous of. However, Professor Til'na continued. "It's a good question, a very good one. However, the answer is longer than I have time for here if I am to answer other questions, too. Speak to me afterwards, please?" Faith nodded and sat back down, wondering if she had perhaps done something wrong.

He had invited questions at the end of his talk, so she did not have long to wait to find out. Some of the questions asked by the others were clarification, some were relevant and important and Faith write them down. When the class was dismissed, though, she waited behind as instructed. Despite her wishing differently, so too did Professor Carter, Professor Hamilton-Smith and the Dean. Faith was more than a little anxious about this. Padraig worked here and she could not allow him to be embarrassed by her.

Still, she steeled herself and she looked at the visiting professor as she moved over to speak to him. "You wished to speak to me, Professor?" Professor Til'na nodded his head.
"You are Faith?" He asked, and when she nodded he said, "you're sure?"
Faith looked at him with a very sure expression on her face, but did not answer because she could not quite bring herself to. The Dean stepped forward. "What seems to be the problem?" Then, he shook his head and turned to Faith. "Faith, wait outside please. I'll come and get you in a moment."
She went outside, of course and waited, wondering just what on Idalos was going on. Still, there was no point worrying at it and instead she stood outside, waiting patiently. It was not long, maybe six or seven bits until the Dean came to get her. During that time she stood, quiet and still and she prayed to Famula that, whatever was happening, she was able to retain her focus on what was important; service, to Famula and to the greater good. She was clear what her job was here, and she would not be detracted from it. If she had to repeat classes, then she would do so.

Coming back into the lecture hall when she was called, Faith immediately noticed that there had been some kind of a discussion and that Professor Hamilton-Smith was not there. She looked around with a somewhat nervous expression and Dean Manyon smiled at her kindly. "Come on over here and sit with us, Faith. There's nothing wrong." Faith went where she was told and resisted the urge to point out how very nervewracking this was. "Professor Til'na just wants to speak to you, ask you some more questions, alright?" She nodded and moved to sit with them.

There, Professor Til'na had more than a "few" questions. He asked her about her medical experience, where she had studied. That, of course, was a tricky question but she kept to the truth, but in its barest state. She had no formal education but had been tutored privately by Professor Augustin. The Dean interjected to explain that this was the newest member of staff. Faith explained that she had studied a little with Lord Alistair Venora, who worked in Rynmere University, he had allowed her to sit in on a class or two. She didn't mention that he'd been threatened for that action, due to her being a slave. Then, her work in the Order of the Adunih and she had undertaken a lot of personal study.

About half way through this, Professor Hamilton-Smith came in and looked, Faith thought, far from happy. He had a sheaf of papers in his hands and she realised that they were her work for him. He handed them to Professor Til'na and Faith looked between the two. "What's going on?" Her concern was evident. "Is there a problem with my work?"
"Not at all," the Dean was quick to step in. "Professor Til'na, as all the visiting professors are, is here to try and decide if he's going to mentor one of our Diploma students."
"What does that have to do with me?" Faith asked. The Dean explained that Professor Til'na had seen her grades from Professor Carter and had been interested in possibly mentoring her, however, her grades from Professor Hamilton-Smith were not as good and he had decided against it. "I understand, that's more than fair." Faith said, with a smile. That really wasn't a bother to her.
"Well, I'm changing my mind. Your work is excellent." Professor Til'na spoke, lifting his head from where he was studying one of her pieces. Faith looked at him and smiled.
"Thank you, professor. It represents my best effort." Hamilton-Smith was not happy, she knew. She could tell by the look on his face, but what could she do except answer honestly?

"I'll take her." Professor Til'na said and Faith looked in confusion.
"Take me where?"
"I'll mentor you. You will become an expert in field medicine, under my tutelage." Faith looked at him and smiled.
"It's very kind of you, but no thank you." Every set of eyes in the room turned to her in amazement.
"Faith, Professor Til'na is a very eminent doctor, you would be focusing on medicine on the front line, in the deepest wilds...." Dean Manyon sounded more than a little astonished.
"I understand. But I have been on the front line. I have been in the wilds, I do not know if they were the deepest ones, but they were wild. It is not where I work currently. I am going to specialise, for my Charter, in incurable diseases."
"But, what if there is no mentor for that?" Dean Manyon could not think of any, in fairness.
"Then I will do it without a mentor," Faith answered and the men in the room looked at her like she was mad.
"That will make things very much more difficult for you, Faith." Dean Manyon said, softly.

Faith sighed, she knew that he was right, but this was more than an interest to her, it was a sacred duty. "I understand that, Dean Manyon. But there are people suffering and dying from diseases that I might be able to cure. I have to do this, I have made a commitment to Famula that I will serve, and I will do so. There is a real paucity of research. I'm going to change that" Dean Manyon looked at the earnest young woman and nodded. He could only respect what she was saying. Faith then turned to Professor Til'na."I would be willing to work with you on the notion of what I questioned you about earlier, Professor. The impact of sub-zero temperatures on tissue and disease or tumor progression. I think that would be interesting and might fit in to what I am planning in my study of the Rot." Professor Til'na looked at her and he smiled, suddenly.
"I would say that is an excellent place to start. Would you like to get these papers re-graded?" He handed the papers to the Dean and Faith looked up in surprise. Til'na continued, however, apparently undeterred, "I'm on Scalvoris for Ashan through to Saun. I'll arrange the practicalities with Dean Manyon." Professor Til'na was determined and Faith nodded her head.

"I will not have to change my specialism?" She had to be sure, but when the Dean confirmed that no, she would not, she smiled and nodded. "Then I accept." It seemed to her that Famula had given her an opportunity here to fundamentally have two specialisms, to help and serve two kinds of people. Besides, the young woman thought as she thanked them, shook hands and left, who knew when something that she and Professor Til'na discovered might help Nir'wei or all the other people like him.
word count: 1401
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Kaladis Anar
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[Scalvoris Campus: Viden Academy] Visitors from Afar

Treasure Time!

Name: Faith


Etiquette: Being Well Prepared for your Duties.
Etiquette: Waiting Patiently When Asked.
Discipline: Focusing in Long Lectures tests the Concentration.
Intelligence: Formulating Detailed Questions.
Investigation: Spotting An Opportunity to gain Professionally Sourced Information.
Medicine: Using Dead Animals to Stop People from Freezing.
Medicine: The Stages of Hypothermia.
Rhetoric: Explaining Your Credentials.
Rhetoric: A Passionate Case for What you Want from your Life.
Socialization: Closed Meetings with Tutors are not Always Bad News.
Stealth: Remaining Unnoticed in a Crowded Room is Easier.
Surgery: Splints Without Splints, Bones can be a Substitute.

NPC: Professor Carter: Experienced in his Field.
NPC: Professor Dashiell: Dresses Posh.
NPC: Professor Hamilton-Smith: Is Often Irritated By You.
NPC: Professor Hamilton-Smith: Grades you perhaps unfairly.
NPC: Professor Til’na: A Fascinating Man.
NPC: Professor Til’na: Became your Mentor.
Dean Mayon: Accommodated Your Choice of Specialty.
Immortal: Famula: Service Comes in Many Forms.

Loot: None.
Injuries: None.
Fame: +3 You were Recognized by your Peers as someone of note.
Devotion: +2 Total.
Prayer to Famula
*I felt given how accurately you hit Famula’s domain, added with the threat of having to retake classes being included as part of your service to her, that this deserved an extra point.

Story: 5
Collaboration: 0
Structure: 5

Magic: No points here may be used for magic.

Comment: This is what many students who are waiting feel when their teachers are in the other room discussing them. You captured that anxiety and anticipation well. I hope I hit all the NPCs you needed. The thread was easy to read and no problem to follow.

Any questions, comments or feedback please pm me.
word count: 278
NPCs: Ralari - Alaya| Themes: Social - Dreams - Nightmares
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