The sudden energy in his arms made him pause. Had Anos woken up that quickly? Surely not. The sudden gasp confirmed his suspicions, followed by the thrashing of the man's body in his arms. What was going on? Unsure, Atashi set the man down carefully on his feet. He needed a moment to calm himself, understandably. If Atashi'd been knocked unconscious, he'd be very confused waking up too. He opened his mouth to say some words to comfort the hysterical man, but Anos beat him to it. The Ithecal didn't understand, this was reflected by his expression. "Alright." Atashi complied regardless.
"If that's what you want." he eyed the human with concern, could he be seriously injured in the head? It was likely, especially after taking a blow from a warhammer. He shook his head with disapproval, there was no use in worrying about it now; They needed to get out and get Anos some medical help. With a head injury, they had no time to waste. Atashi took his eyes from the human and approached the door, testing the handle. The door wasn't locked, but it appeared to be baricaded from the other side. He turned to his side and rammed his shoulder into the door, holding back significantly - The door didn't budge. He exhaled and inhaled, bracing himself for imminent pain before throwing his full weight at the door without relent. A shooting pain erupted in his shoulder trills after the impact, the door shook violently and creaked as the wood threatened to give way.
He stole himself once more, throwing his other shoulder into the door at full throttle. The barricade gave way and sent the Ithecal through the door way and onto the floor with a grunt. Atashi stood himself up and rolled his shoulders. A quick inspection of the doorframe revealed that a crude plank of wood had been placed across the door via some large hook-like installations. Crude, but effective to an extent. "Ready to go?" Atashi asked with a turn of his head, just in time to see Anos punch a man to the floor. His eyes widened in shock at the show of force. The man's scream didn't go unheard, Atashi raised his shield and put it in front of the downed man. "Anos! What the hell has gotten into you!? Stop!" he cried out, keeping a firm gaze on the assailant.
Should Anos attack regardless of his plea, Atashi would strike him with a wallop of his shield. Should he not come to his senses, he will attempt to administer his venom with a bite to the neck.
"If that's what you want." he eyed the human with concern, could he be seriously injured in the head? It was likely, especially after taking a blow from a warhammer. He shook his head with disapproval, there was no use in worrying about it now; They needed to get out and get Anos some medical help. With a head injury, they had no time to waste. Atashi took his eyes from the human and approached the door, testing the handle. The door wasn't locked, but it appeared to be baricaded from the other side. He turned to his side and rammed his shoulder into the door, holding back significantly - The door didn't budge. He exhaled and inhaled, bracing himself for imminent pain before throwing his full weight at the door without relent. A shooting pain erupted in his shoulder trills after the impact, the door shook violently and creaked as the wood threatened to give way.
He stole himself once more, throwing his other shoulder into the door at full throttle. The barricade gave way and sent the Ithecal through the door way and onto the floor with a grunt. Atashi stood himself up and rolled his shoulders. A quick inspection of the doorframe revealed that a crude plank of wood had been placed across the door via some large hook-like installations. Crude, but effective to an extent. "Ready to go?" Atashi asked with a turn of his head, just in time to see Anos punch a man to the floor. His eyes widened in shock at the show of force. The man's scream didn't go unheard, Atashi raised his shield and put it in front of the downed man. "Anos! What the hell has gotten into you!? Stop!" he cried out, keeping a firm gaze on the assailant.
Should Anos attack regardless of his plea, Atashi would strike him with a wallop of his shield. Should he not come to his senses, he will attempt to administer his venom with a bite to the neck.