[General Goods Store] Long road to ruin

Atashi goes shopping for some last minute supplies before his explorations

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[General Goods Store] Long road to ruin

The sudden energy in his arms made him pause. Had Anos woken up that quickly? Surely not. The sudden gasp confirmed his suspicions, followed by the thrashing of the man's body in his arms. What was going on? Unsure, Atashi set the man down carefully on his feet. He needed a moment to calm himself, understandably. If Atashi'd been knocked unconscious, he'd be very confused waking up too. He opened his mouth to say some words to comfort the hysterical man, but Anos beat him to it. The Ithecal didn't understand, this was reflected by his expression. "Alright." Atashi complied regardless.

"If that's what you want." he eyed the human with concern, could he be seriously injured in the head? It was likely, especially after taking a blow from a warhammer. He shook his head with disapproval, there was no use in worrying about it now; They needed to get out and get Anos some medical help. With a head injury, they had no time to waste. Atashi took his eyes from the human and approached the door, testing the handle. The door wasn't locked, but it appeared to be baricaded from the other side. He turned to his side and rammed his shoulder into the door, holding back significantly - The door didn't budge. He exhaled and inhaled, bracing himself for imminent pain before throwing his full weight at the door without relent. A shooting pain erupted in his shoulder trills after the impact, the door shook violently and creaked as the wood threatened to give way.

He stole himself once more, throwing his other shoulder into the door at full throttle. The barricade gave way and sent the Ithecal through the door way and onto the floor with a grunt. Atashi stood himself up and rolled his shoulders. A quick inspection of the doorframe revealed that a crude plank of wood had been placed across the door via some large hook-like installations. Crude, but effective to an extent. "Ready to go?" Atashi asked with a turn of his head, just in time to see Anos punch a man to the floor. His eyes widened in shock at the show of force. The man's scream didn't go unheard, Atashi raised his shield and put it in front of the downed man. "Anos! What the hell has gotten into you!? Stop!" he cried out, keeping a firm gaze on the assailant.

Should Anos attack regardless of his plea, Atashi would strike him with a wallop of his shield. Should he not come to his senses, he will attempt to administer his venom with a bite to the neck.
word count: 447
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[General Goods Store] Long road to ruin

When Atashi blocked Anos’ view, the feeling disappeared instantly. He looked up at him and quickly backed away, raising his hands. “Thank you. I… I appreciate that.” He grimaced slightly before looking back up.

Whatever was happening to him was getting worse. He needed to find that group, get them to help him. He didn’t want to lose control of his magic and hurt someone, even if that person deserved it.

“He beats children. I think they’re his. Couldn’t be more than ten or eleven arcs.” He rubbed a hand across his face roughly. “They were raising their hands, begging him to stop and he just kept hitting them… I tend to lose it when it deals with kids. Thanks for stopping me. How do we deal with this?” He said, gesturing to the man on the floor behind Atashi.

When they were back out of the room, Anos stopped and put a hand on Atashi’s arm, trying to stop him. “I-.” Anos sighed again. He felt the need to explain, something he hadn’t thought he was going to do. “Listen. About that, when you were carrying me and then with the guy..” Silence stretched as he searched for the words. “I grew up in an orphanage in downtown Andaris. There was never much in terms of help from the adults- they were all busy trying to keep the place running. So some of the older kids used their size to control the smaller ones. Some of them…” Anos shook his head violently. “No, nevermind. I just don’t touch anyone unless it’s in a fight, and even then I prefer to avoid that as much as possible.” The room swam in front of his eyes suddenly, and he listed sideways, just barely catching himself before he stumbled over.

“I think I got hit harder than I thought. Might need to go see a doctor after we finish up here.”

Anos looked around, and paused. “I need money, otherwise I have none left. Wait here for a second.”

Anos stumbled back into the room, fishing around at the waist for the coin belts of their opponents. The men had no issues with attacking two unaware men, and he felt no guilt over the theft. Besides, they were going to jail- hardly somewhere they could use the coins.

After collecting everything he could, he rose and returned to Atashi. “Well we might not have found my money, but I have enough to live until I find a full time job. Thanks for your assistance- should we go alert the guards? I imagine they’d be interested in this place,” he said with a wave towards the unconscious men.

word count: 454
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze into the abyss long enough, the abyss will gaze back into you
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[General Goods Store] Long road to ruin

Thank Ethelynda, Anos had calmed down... even thanked him? "We need to get you to a doctor." Atashi declared, raising his shield and keeping it on his arm. Atashi whistled at the door, prompting it to fly open within trills of the command. Lash trotted in through the doorway and approached Atashi. The big doorways in Scalvoris were a blessing for people of his stature and horses alike, apparently. Atashi looked to Anos as he spoke. What was he talking about? "How are you so sure?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

Whatever his reasoning, he looked to the floored man at his tail "Is this true? Do not lie to me, two legs." The man looked up at him, puffy eyed and fumbling for his words. "SPEAK UP!" Atashi snapped, lurching forward at the man who yelped in response. "Y-yes!" the human burst into tears "I beat my kids! Why do you think I smoke this stuff!?". Atashi spat the excess venom that lingered on his tongue and slithered into the room, leaving the man balling on the floor. He searched through a large chest at the far wall - looking for something with which to bind the 5 men. As luck would have it, he happened across a length of rope. After appropriating that and utilising the fallen man's short sword, he tied the wrists of the five men together and then their ankles. For the ones that had neutralised the venom's effects or had gained consciousness, he spoke "You're under civilian arrest for drug abuse and assault, you'll be handed over to the authorities for evaluation of your crimes along with whatever evidence we can find to hold against you." and took charge.

"Anos, if you're well enough, could you put them on Lash? Don't worry, she's a strong girl. I'm going to search the room and collect the weapons." he declared before setting off, searching various containers, nooks and crannies for illegal substances and collecting the weapons, stowing them away in his new bag. "Alright, we have what we need. Let's g-" he halted as Anos grabbed his arm. With a patient smile, he looked to the man, readying to listen - but he struggled for words. This probably wasn't a good sign, but he listened none-the-less, bracing for a heavy unloading.

By the end of the man's explanation, Atashi had all but cast his eyes to the floor. "That's terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that." Atashi spoke, raising his gaze with sincerity to the man's eyes. "You could have passed it off as a concussion though, I would have believed you." Atashi spoke, only just seeing his stumble in time to reach out and try to catch him. he thankfully caught himself. "Like I said, concussion." Atashi nodded. "I, for one, dislike fighting all together. I end the fight as quickly and painlessly as possible; my venom comes in handy for that." Atashi dragged his tongue across his pointed fangs in thought.

Atashi watched, curious as of what the man had in mind for a method of obtaining money. He planned to steal it? Atashi shook his head with a sigh, he then put his hands together and closed his eyes 'In your name, Ethelynda.' he prayed before looking to the human with a disapproving scowl. "Anos, put them back. Stealing is wrong, you know that." He put his shield away and crossed his arms. It pained him to turn on a friend like this, but it was the will of his immortal... Even if she didn't know he existed, yet. "Yes, I'm being serious. You're not one of the bad guys, don't follow in their footsteps." he spoke seriously without waver.

After Anos had complied, he nodded with respect. "You did the right thing. We'll find you some other money, I promise." Atashi slithered on until a pained moan caught his attention, just feet from his current standing. "Did you hear that?" Atashi asked, halting on the spot. "Over here, I think someone's in trouble!" Atashi spoke, looking to a door near the entrance before rushing it while leaning forward. He tried the handle only to find that the door was locked. Panicked cries came from beyond the door, a woman's cries. "Hello!? We're here to help, don't be alarmed!" He drew his hammer and struck the handle in a downward motion, snapping it from its place and sending it to the floor.

As the door creaked open, light flooded the room. Revealed to them was a small, frail woman bound to the wall; covered in dried blood and bruises.
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word count: 816
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[General Goods Store] Long road to ruin

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +5
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Angela: Very Slick Pickpocket
  • Animal Training: Tone of Voice and Simple Touches
  • Anos: Not Very Smooth With Women
  • Bludgeons (War Hammer): Kneecapper
  • Detection: The Smell of Burning Drugs
  • Intimidation: Citing Realistic-Sounding Laws as a Threat
  • Intimidation: Just Being an Ithecal Puts Many Off
  • Mount: Getting Seated With a Tail Alone
  • NPC: Angela: Niece of Adventuring Supplies Shop Owner
  • Navigation: Learning the Locations of Scalvoris
  • PC: Anos: Human, Clad as Iron Hand Steward
  • Psychology: Confessing to Your Part in a Massacre
  • Psychology: Trying to Forget Events in Rynmere
  • Rhetoric: Leg-up / Ithecal Joke
  • Scalvoris Location: The Spirit of Adventure Store
  • Scalvoris Town: Buildings Accommodate Multiple Races
  • Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Blade-Catcher Use of the Edge
  • Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Two-Armed Overhead Downstroke
  • Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Two-Handed Uppercut Swing
  • Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Using the Block Momentum to add to a Swing
  • Socializing: Giving a Single Greeting to the Entire Room
  • Sociology: A General Greeting May Inspire a Random Response
  • Sociology: Put a Little More Humor in Your Personality
  • Trap Making: A Pitch-Black Room is an Excellent Start
  • Unarmed Combat: Venom Bite as "Crowd Control"


"Snow melting Kit" as described. Tripod/Fuel/Pot (15gn)
Large Heavy Waterproof Pleated Bag w/straps (3gn, 2sn)


18gn, 2sn


Nothing to speak of

Fame: +13

Victory in Single Combat x3 (+12)
General Good Deed (+1)

Devotion: +6 (Ethelynda)

Prayer to Ethelynda (+1)
Take the right path over the easy path (+5)


I appreciate your expressed concern over the possibility of over playing your level.
I don't really see that, so much as the slight possibility of having under-played the villains' levels.
But there is no chart for their skill level so it's not something I'd call anyone on.
I might suggest you could have specified a "light" crossbow in the hands of the one bad guy.
This would be consistent with both the complete lack of penetration against the shield, as well as how quickly the guy reloaded it.
Still a very fun, easily envisioned thread. :D



  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +5
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Angela: Very Slick Pickpocket
  • Deception: "Concussion" Would Have Explained Odd Behavior
  • Deception: Neither Confirming nor Denying Steward Rank
  • Deception: The Classic "On Vacation" Excuse
  • Detection: The Behavior of a Man Looking for Information
  • Detection: The Smell of Burning Drugs
  • Detection: The Tactics of a Pickpocket
  • MB: Angel of Death: Two Foes at Once Causes Disorientation
  • MB: Echoes of the Past: Use With Discretion
  • MB: Eyes of Judgement: Brief Looks Will Not Trigger
  • MB: Eyes of Judgement: Concern About Atashi's Touch
  • Field Craft: Chainmail is Not Cold Weather Gear
  • Field Craft: Learning to Adapt to Greatly Increased Snowfall
  • NPC: Angela: Niece of Adventuring Supplies Shop Owner
  • Navigation: Learning the Locations of Scalvoris
  • PC: Atashi: Ithecal Militiaman
  • Polearms (Bo Staff): Parry with a Sidestep
  • Polearms (Bo Staff): Downthrust to the Head
  • Psychology: Child Abuse is Often a Rage Trigger
  • Race: Ithecal
  • Rhetoric: Leg-up / Ithecal Joke
  • Scalvoris Location: Immortal's Tongue
  • Scalvoris Location: The Spirit of Adventure Store
  • Trap Making: A Pitch-Black Room is an Excellent Start


Well, you were, but Atashi made you put it back :lol:
Oh yeah, Angela's Hat!


Nothing to speak of


Bumps and Bruises (no actual Concussion) ;)

Fame: +9

Victory in Single Combat x2 (+8)
and General Good Deed (+1)
Sorry, Atashi did more ass-kicking while you were disabled.
The local story, however, would probably treat it as something you both did.
But to be fair, I still gave Atashi a bit more.


Nothing to speak of


You need to show your Fame under your avatar. it will now be -21.
You also need to add a link to your CS there.
These are both done on your Player Profile page.
Also, you need to show your horse on your CS.
You have it in the thread.
All that aside, plus a few instances of incorrect context on this or that word, and you've got yourself a very fun thread. Action, humor, awkwardness. Believable Fallability.
PM me with any comments :D
word count: 723
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