• Solo • [Scalvoris Town: Order of the Adunih] Reconnecting

23rd of Cylus 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Scalvoris Town: Order of the Adunih] Reconnecting

23rd Cylus 717
There was a bit of her that was nervous about this, but Faith knew that she was being silly. She had no intention whatsoever of being held back by what had happened in Rharne, she was determined that she, and they, were going to get on with their lives. She had earned this cloak that she wore, that was that. Mattieus, her mentor in Rharne had given her his letter of support and she was happy to have it, standing outside the Order of the Adunih outpost here in Scalvoris.

Yet, she hesitated just for a few trill. What if they'd heard? What if the knew? Faith wasn't ready or willing to talk about what had happened with anyone other than Padraig and she really didn't want to get to the point of it being something that was known. What had happened in Rharne was too private, too personal and still very much too raw. She simply couldn't talk about it.

He wasn't with her, but Faith knew without a doubt what Padraig would tell her. Ironically, although it was said very differently and from an entirely different place, it was something Jamal used to say to her. Jamal used to call it 'chasing carts', like she was chasing things which had not yet become a problem so following the cart in case it became a runaway danger. He used to tell her it to correct her, to remind her what it was that she should be focusing on. Padraig would tell her with a smile that she was fussing, that they would see her for who she was. How strange, she thought, how two people could say almost the same thing and yet it be a completely different message. One telling her what her lack was, the other reminding her that she lacked nothing, in his eyes.

"Come on, then," she whispered to herself and she made her way in. The door was ajar, not fully open but then it was the depths of Cylus, so Faith made her way in. Stepping over the threshold was the difficult thing, she told herself and she walked in with an interested expression on her face.

The place was clean, well cared for. There was a sense of busy, though, and at a quick glance she could tell that there were less healers per patient than there had been in Rharne. They were stretched here, by the looks of it. Other things that she noticed, too, was that there were a lot more green cloaks than anything else. Which was fine and was usual, but actually, as she looked around it was only green cloaks that she saw.

That was unusual. She stood and waited until one of them approached her. A tall man, Biqaj Faith thought judging by his vivid eyes. "Can I help you, miss?" He had a quick smile and he looked at her with interest.
"Yes. My name is Faith and I a member of the Order. I've just moved here from Andaris and I want to be put on the roster, please?"
He looked at her and his expression was a mixture of slight disbelief and hope."What colour cloak are you?"
"Blue. I'm also studying medicine at the university"
He looked at little surprised at that, "You look kind of young to be starting your letter?"
"Thank you. I'm doing my Diploma"

He looked at her and waved, suddenly and rather frantically. "Galena! Can you come over here?"

The woman who made her way over was a human woman. Faith wasn't particularly good at judging ages but she reckoned that she must be in her late thirties and the earnest young ex-slave smiled. The woman who walked up, Galena by all accounts, wore a gold cloak. Thank Famula that the place wasn't run by greencloaks, Faith considered.

"This is Faith. She's just moved here, she's already a member and she's a blue cloak.", the Biqaj spoke quickly and Galena nodded.
"Thank you, Dhatri," Galena smiled at him and turned to Faith as the Biqaj turned, almost tripping over himself as he did and then muttering about being off to tell someone called Rami.

"I am Galena. Come into my office," the older human woman said and Faith nodded.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 729
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[Scalvoris Town: Order of the Adunih] Reconnecting

Galena looked both harrassed and harried, Faith thought to herself. She wondered whether that was the woman's natural state or whether she was in a difficult situation. One glance around the office was enough to let Faith know that organisation wasn't her strong suit, certainly. Still, she had a kind smile and she put a cup of tea down in front of Faith and sipped her own as Galena spoke to her.
"You have just moved here?"
"Yes. A few trials ago. I have a letter from the Order in Rharne where I was last based." Faith handed the letter over, still sealed in its envelope and sat, hands folded in her lap as Galena first opened it and then read the contents.
"It speaks well of your skills, says you are a hard working member of the team."
"Mattieus, who wrote it, he was my mentor. I was hoping to get mentorship here, also."

Galena looked at Faith and a slight frown crossed her face, "So, you wish to progress?"
"Yes," Faith replied without hesitation, "I would be a poor healer if I did not wish to improve the ways in which I can help others.
The older woman looked at Faith and she could not help but smile slightly at the very serious young woman who sat so very still and straight. "It says here that you left following a personal tragedy?"
Faith thought that, if she saw Mattieus again she was going to throttle him. "Does it? I have not read it."
Putting her tea down, Galena looked at Faith a level and calm expression, "Are you over it? This is not dated very long ago."
"No, I am not, nor will I ever be if you mean does it no longer occupy my thoughts or impact my emotions. But I can do my job and do it well."

Galena had to admit, for such a young woman she was calm and composed. Was it an act, though? There was no way Galena could allow her to work with patients if she was emotionally unstable. She did not like to but she had to push. "I am assuming from your answers, Faith, that you do not wish to speak about the details?" Her voice was kind, sympathetic even.
Faith tilted her head to the side and considered for just a few trill. "Sometimes, I very much do wish to speak about it, when that happens, I do. To the individual who shared the experience with me and who it is, therefore, appropriate to speak to about it."
It seemed to Galena that perhaps this young woman was, simply, this composed, "I understand. You said you are studying Medicine at the Academy?"

Faith nodded, "I have just started my Diploma."
Galena frowned slightly, "so you have your letter and certificate already? Where did you study them?"
"I was awarded them here, after sitting an examination and being given direct entry to the Diploma." Faith recognised the look of disbelief on Galena's face and so she reached once more into her bag and handed her the letter stating such. Galena took a moment and read it.
"This all seems above board," either this young woman was an absolute gift from the Immortals or she was an excellent fraud. There was no two ways about it, though, she couldn't miss the opportunity. "I'd be happy to sign you up on the roster. We run a paid clinic, too, where people pay to come and so we can pay the doctors. Would you be interested in such?"
"Yes, please. I'd be happy to volunteer there for the remainder of the season so you can ascertain my worth, if you wish?"
Galena smiled and nodded. "Excellent. Do you have any questions?"
word count: 635
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[Scalvoris Town: Order of the Adunih] Reconnecting

Do you have any questions is something which might seem to be a straightforward or even harmless question, but Faith did have them. In a neat list which she had brought with her.

"Will you be able and willing to provide me a mentor?"
Galena nodded her head, "I will mentor you, yes. I have recently been promoted to white cloak, so that is more than acceptable. If that is acceptable to you?"
Faith nodded her head and smiled, obviously pleased. "That is excellent. Thank you."
Galena watched the young woman carefully. It was intresting, the older woman thought to herself. Faith seemed very controlled, very held in somehow, but her pleasure seemed genuine also. She sipped her tea and watched as the earnest young woman made a note.

"I was hoping to have access to your library and garden. Is that acceptable?" Faith was pleased that the older woman simply nodded, so the young human could continue. "Do you garden, Galena?"
Galena, surprised that Faith had asked about her, nodded and smiled. "I love to garden yes. It's one of my most relaxing hobbies. I enjoy being able to put things in the ground and then reap them later. What about you?"
"I am learning that I love it. But I am still very new at it."
Galena nodded and smiled. "I'm happy to help you learn."
"Thank you, I would like that very much." Again, she lowered her head to make notes and then looked at Galena and asked. "Could you tell me about the Order here in Scalvoris?"

Galena breathed in and considered where she might start. "We're smaller than we need to be. Scalvoris is a very diverse place and it can be hard to handle. It's better than it was, though, since the Academy came we have more resources and less injuries. That's a good thing." She considered. "I'll give you a tour of the place, introduce you to the others. There's Rami, Dhatri who you've already met and Squid."
Galena sighed and nodded. "I'm afraid so. It's a nickname, at least. He's a child, has no memory and so we have taken him in. Will you be living here?"
Faith looked a little surprised but shook her head. "No, we have bought a house. Thank you, though."
"You and the person you talk to?"
Faith smiled and nodded, "Yes. Padraig. We live together, he's mine."
Galena raised an eyebrow, "You own a slave?"
"No," Faith sounded as horrified as she looked, "I am his, also. He is mine, I am his. We are both free."

Galena smiled and considered that perhaps she'd ask no more there. Faith folded up the parchment and put it away, then continued. "I think I should let you know. I am currently working on curing the Rot."
The expression on Galena's face told her all she needed to and her next words really weren't necessary, "That's incurable."
"Currently. But so, once upon a time, was everything we have learnt to cure."
"That's a commendable attitude, but..."
"I plan on specialising, in my spare time of course, on incurable diseases." Faith delivered the line with the same calmness as she would explain she took a splash of milk in her tea. Galena sat back and examined her, truly looked at her with an incredulous expression.
"Incurable diseases? May I ask why?"

Faith considered it for a few trill. "Because if we do not examine them, do not look at them, then they will only ever be incurable. It is my duty, in Famula's name, to serve and I will do that best by being the best doctor I can be. It is my job to serve the people of Idalos. This is one of the ways I can do that."
"One of the ways?" Galena sounded incredulous.
"Yes," Faith said with a beaming smile. "I also cook."

She couldn't quite help it. Galena laughed. "Do you? Well, I'll be sure to show you the kitchens here, too. Come on, I'll give you the tour."
word count: 696
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[Scalvoris Town: Order of the Adunih] Reconnecting



Detection: Analyzing your surroundings
Detection: A biqaj's eyes
Detection: Guessing someone's age by their features
Galena: A goldcloak in the Order of Adunih
Galena: Thinks you're not over your personal tragedy
Galena: Hardly believes your story
Galena: Loves gardening
Dhatri: Greencloak of the Order of the Adunih
Rami: Greencloak of the Order of the Adunih
Squid: Greencloak of the Order of the Adunih
Location: Scalvoris Town, Order of the Adunih
Order of the Adunih: Has a center in Scalvoris
Order of the Adunih in Scalvoris: Filled with greencloaks

A new mentor?
You've only talked about volunteering, so nothing here.
These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic

0/5 (Solo)

General Comment:
An awfully fun solo to read, considering I usually dislike them, and I have to say, knowing how much you hate them, I'm impressed by the quality of this thread. It's well written and has a story tied to it. Good work Faith.

Story: You called Dhatri a biqaj, then an Ithecal, then a Biqaj again, I suppose that was by mistake? Everything else is perfectly fine!
Collaboration: Solo
Structure: All good, no issues.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful day! :)
word count: 227
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