• Location • [Ishallr] Entrance & Main Camp

The entrance to the famous ice caves of Ishallr

1st of Ashan 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Pegasus Pug!!!
City Moderator
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Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

[Ishallr] Entrance & Main Camp

Ishallr: Entrance & Main Camp
Welcome to Ishallr. A tiny island which would probably never be named were it not for the ice caves on it. Scalvorians have always believed that they are constantly shifting and changing. However, as of Vhalar 716, when the Academy started to fund the exploration, what was known about this place started to grow exponentially. The small group of scientists are delighted to be here and they have discovered, already, a number of things about the caves.

The most important thing is that not all of them move. They have spent this time, up until 1st Ashan 717, mapping out which caves are moving and which are "stasis caves". A group of hardy (some might say foolhardy) souls have been hired by the University in Andaris, and the Viden Academy in both Viden and Scalvoris to explore these "statis caves"
Main Camp for the expedition has now been set up at the entrance to these caves. Visitors to Ishallr, either for the expedition or for the tours which have been set up, will be taken to these entrance caves.

No matter what the weather on the rest of Scalvoris is doing, here it is freezing. The floor outside is deep snow and inside is at a constant temperature of truly uncomfortable. The "reception" area once you step into the caves themselves is an abandoned area. There is no receptionist, no people here. Really -this place is like no other. The walls are ice, the floor is snow and, as much as it should be dark in here? Somehow, it's bright light. Like the ice itself is glowing. Following the Events of the Forging in 721, the caves appear to have stopped moving, but until the whole place is explored again - no one knows for sure.

They're also looking for someone to lead new explorations and things.


Following the death of Zach, the leader of the Ishallr Expedition, the camp is now largely abandoned. The Eclipse Portals are always staffed by Elements, but the investigation of Ishallr has, fundamentally, ceased.
Name: Zach
Race: Human
Age: Born 688
Title: Expedition Leader
Skills: Dagger: 63, Fieldcraft 60, Appraisal: 60, Animal Husbandry: 55, Hunting: 50, Art, 45
Other Information: Zach is an eccentric fellow who is entirely engrossed in the task of recording every single creature on Idalos. He is delighted to be here, ignoring the cold and doing his best to jolly everyone along. He is a kind mind, but very focused on the job

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Anyone is more than welcome to visit Ishallr in a general sense.
Seeking out some of the more unusual creatures may require mod input
If you plan on exploring in any detail, let the mods know!
If there is an expedition open, this post will be opened for a limited time so that players may register. Notices will go up about this.
It is important to note that this is not a nice place. You could get very dead here. High risk.


Posted here March 2017: Pegasus
 ! Message from: Peg
If you use this location or NPCs in a significant way, please fill in the following form and post at the end of this thread. I will then update the location post with that information, so that we can keep NPCs consistent and so you can see the ongoing story in Scalvoris.

Code: Select all

Link to Thread:
Overview of what happened in relation to this location:
One I've updated the thread, your post will be deleted. Thanks for helping make Scalvoris fab!
word count: 599
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!

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