[Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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[Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

Arc 721, 29 Ashan

"Once upon a time, there lived a young woman. Of raven hair and fair skin, the young woman lived within a world of books. One trial, the universe and forces unknown spirited her away, showing her a life of wonder, love and endless possibility. The life wouldn't always be happy. There would be times of sorrow and pain...but life - real life - was like that. The possibilities of who she could become were out there, waiting to see which version of herself would evolve... "

Sighing softly, Elisabeth stood at the railing of the Elements ship. The young woman was on her way to Scalvoris Town to meet Perdita to pick up her kitten, do some special shopping, and a bit of research. It had been hard for her to leave the settlement, but she knew it was best to get matters sorted and back as quickly as possible. That did not mean, however, that Elisabeth wasn’t excited to heading into town. She was thrilled to see Perdita again and perhaps do a few things. There were plans in the works …but in that moment, she wanted to focus on clearing her mind a bit.

It was difficult for the young mage to slow down the whirl of ideas, thoughts, feelings and such that roared to life all the time in her mind. Discipline helped…as did meditation. The ever-elusive peace that she sought was worth fighting for – on small scales and large.

Faldrass was a new start for her. Viden, as much as she had loved it, hadn't been right for her. Rharne made her smile thinking about it…but no, Scalvoris felt like home. Faldrass felt like home. She hadn’t noticed it until the night of the Cylus Dusk, but that night, the feeling of ‘home’ had started to creep in. Faldrass had filled her with a sense of peace and, of course, that had been the night Balthazar asked her to stay with him. It was the night that a future began to play out in front of her that she hadn’t realized would ever be something offered to her.

Elisabeth had been one thing in Viden. Something different emerged from Rharne…and now, she was something forged of all her experiences – a creature of possibility and hope. She didn’t know quite yet what that was, but it had certainly been an interesting ride thus far. Balthazar may have been the one that was the catalyst for change, but she fully understood that she was the one doing the work, and it wasn’t easy....

...but it was so worth it.

Playing with the silver ring on her finger, she smiled gently, thinking about all the special plans she had for Scalvoris Town. A special trial had passed while they had been on expedition on Faldrass. One that Elisabeth wanted to celebrate with Balthazar instead of simply let pass by. It would be their first such celebration together and it was important to her....

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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

Unfortunately for Elisabeth, life ~ perhaps especially life on Scalvoris ~ was not a fairy tale.

And often, it was not easy.

They had left at night, and were now nearly half way through their journey - this night and 1 day to go. The seas had been mild and easy, thus far, and so as the sun sank into the ocean and appeared to turn the water molten gold, the mood aboard ship had been good. There were Elements on the ship and they were generally friendly; although there was quite a lot of difference in how they treated her. From friendly and helpful to anti-social, they were, as a baseline, all professional and behaved in a polite manner towards her. However, as dusk started to give way to night, the seas changed. In, it seemed, the blink of an eye, the skies darkened and the seas started to churn. The change in weather was sudden ~ and complete. Clouds swirled and within trills, rain was pelting on to the deck, mixed with hailstones which stung.

As a civilian aboard a military ship, Elisabeth was in a strange position. One of the Elements, a woman who was obviously mixed-race, with tinges of blue in her hair and pale blue skin, moved up to Elisabeth. "Best get below decks," she said, her eyes focused out on the obviously-not-natural change in the ocean. The woman in question had not been social on the journey there, preferring her own company to socialising and other than a curt greeting, this was all that she had spoken to Elisabeth.

The ship heaved and the creaking of the mast was louder even than the sudden rumble of thunder.

"Come on!" The woman said, and gestured for Elisabeth to follow her. The deck was soaked and slippery and the ship was rolling side to side. Around them, the crew was running and moving and trying to keep the ship afloat. Thunder roared and lightning struck the sea. Above that, one of the Elements - a human man who had been friendly and cheerful - called loudly.

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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

Arc 721, 29 Ashan

Living on Faldrass, Elisabeth had learned to appreciate the water and all its majesty. Like the stars and snow, it had the ability to calm the young mage’s mind. She spent breaks sitting upon the sand, simply allowing the waves to take her thoughts, and put them into perspective.

But, as things often did around her, the situation changed rapidly. The young mage felt it before she started hearing the voice of the crew. Dark clouds roared in and it appeared a storm moved in. Lost in thought, it didn’t occur to her that there was an issue until she sensed the shift. For all her powers of observation, Elisabeth sometimes could be dense. She didn’t know anything about ships or sailing, but when the boat started heavily listing, it got her attention.


Closing her eyes, she reached out, seeing if there was any information she could glean from water and air. The defier was still in the early stages of her discipline but there were things she could sense – sometimes. Neither element was as natural as the one she was closest to, fire, but maybe...

Talk to me. What’s going on? Tell me what I need to know…

Elisabeth used words in her mind to talk to the elements. It was personal preference really but ultimately helped her channel what she wanted out of the exchange. Words were one of her most powerful allies and if it helped bridge the gap while she was still getting the hang of her abilities, so much the better.

It was then that the female Element told her to get below decks, insisting she follow her there. Elisabeth did as she was asked, knowing from experience that one that was out of their depth could easily get in the way if they weren’t careful, and she didn’t want that to be the case.

Hearing the call to action from above, instructing all hands to their stations, Elisabeth became curious at the seriousness of the situation. Was the storm unusual? She didn’t know, but her mind flashed to Balthazar, wondering if his ring was telling him she needed help. The raven-haired woman wasn’t sure exactly how they worked but part of her hoped that it wasn’t. She didn’t want him worrying about her. He didn’t need that stress.

Sliding along the wet desk, Elisabeth kept hold of her pack, glancing around the area, looking for anything that might give her clues to what was going on.

Moving below desks with the woman, the young mage couldn’t help but at least offer something. “Is there anything I can do to help? We seem to be in something of a situation...” Of course, she wasn’t sure if there was anything she could do…but not offering felt wrong. She was a Defier, yes, but what was occurring outside was something beyond her abilities. “If you point me in the right direction, I might be able to help with something? I’m a quick study.”

The last part was an understatement. In Elisabeth’s world, for as often as she was tossed into the deep end of situations she had no knowledge of, trial by fire was a normal way of life for her.

All the jostling of the ship was beginning to make her stomach just a bit queasy. Elisabeth wasn't used to sea travel and certainly had never been in a storm such as the one raging outside. Taking a few deep breaths, she focused on the peace she felt sitting in the warm sand of Faldrass with Balthazar, watching the waves, hoping to distract her mind from the rolling of the ship.

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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

"Something of a situation!?!" The woman looked at Elisabeth incredulously as the boat heaved and she spat out her words through clenched, frustrated teeth. "If you want to help, help! I have no time to teach you, or desire to babysit." Things were falling off shelves, furniture tipping over as the waves lifted the vessel high. There were shouts above deck, cries which were drowned out by the roars of thunder. The woman shook her head. "Keep her safe, Tobias!" And with that the woman turned and ran back above decks.

Tobias was a man - biqaj by the look of him, who was sitting on a chair. The whole place was falling around him, but he was serene. Long brown hair was tied back and his eyes swirled in a number of colours, silver and blue foremost among them. He lifted his gaze to her and smiled. "Hello," he said. His voice sounded calm and in a complete juxtaposition to the woman. He motioned to outside. "It seems that Chrien is angry at Scalvoris. So many things this season. Since the manor on Faldrass was destroyed."

He lifted a cup to his mouth, drinking. How it was that he managed to not be flung about - Elisabeth certainly was being. It was hard for her to keep her footing as the ship was battered on all sides by the boiling sea.

"If you're going to help, you'd best be careful," Tobias said. "Or we could stay out of the way and talk." He gestured slightly, but he seemed largely unconcerned as to what she decided.

"Drink?" He asked. His gaze on her was almost amused, but not quite. As she struggled to stay upright, Tobias simply watched her.

The choice, it seemed, was hers.
Off Topic
Elisabeth is in a situation where she is struggling to stand / keep her balance (Novice Acrobatics) and things are falling on her / around her. The decision she makes to stay below decks or to go above will be pivotal to the outcome of the thread
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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

Arc 721, 29 Ashan

The seas rolled and tossed the ship every which way, waves crashing into the vessel violently as if punishing it for its very existence. Below deck, the young woman was faced with a choice - but not one of an obvious nature. Certainly, there were many to make, but some were more obvious than others....

As they moved below decks, the ship started listing something fierce. Grabbing onto the stair railing, the young mage noted that the elements hadn’t given her any clues, so once again, she was going in blind to a situation. Add to that the fact that she was on a ship – something she knew nothing about – and, well, it wasn’t good. It was only then that she began to worry about things. Elisabeth thrived on hope and as such, she never liked to let her mind spiral into the darkness...but fear was creeping in.

After a tense interaction with the woman that led her below decks, Elisabeth found herself alone with a biqaj apparently named Tobias. Things were crashing around the young mage but the man, serene and calm, seemed unaffected by the turbulence. He greeted her with a smile and then said some interesting things. It took her a trill or two to sort herself regarding the situation, and she was still mulling over her desire to help in some way. Sometrial, she would be in a situation where she was utterly convinced of the right course of action from the start, she silently mused.

His remarks, however, caught her attention. Chrien angry at Scalvoris? She vaguely recognized the name of the Immortal but didn’t know anything about that one. The comment about the manor on Faldrass however? That was important to her.

Sliding around, Elisabeth grabbed on to anything she could while she listened to him. Her training in unarmed and blades certainly gave her somewhat good balance and the ability to adjust such, but that was no match for what the seas were doing to the ship and as such, things kept running into her.

Elisabeth wanted to help, but similarly so, her curiosity about Tobias and the information he had was equally compelling. Glancing at him and then up, her options were limited. Touching her ring, she wondered what Balthazar would do, had he been in her place. Smiling a bit, she knew instantly. He would be on deck, in the thick of things because that was who he was.

She was not Balthazar, however. Elisabeth had a different approach to issues. Who knew if it was better or worse, but it was entirely hers.

Turning her gaze to Tobias, she gave him a small smile, nodding her head. “Talking sounds good. I would like to help but I think I would get in the way this time…”

The ship lurched again, sending Elisabeth to the floor, stomach twisting a bit. She was beginning to think maybe staying there was a good idea. Giving a small laugh, despite the fear creeping up inside and almost certainly due to nervousness, she replied. “A drink…might be a good idea. I'm Elisabeth. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tobias.”

She hesitated a bit but decided to push on. The way the storm was raging, time was possibly not on their side.

"Faldrass is my home."
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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

Choices are strange things.

Simple ones can lead to complex and difficult consequences. Choices which seem to be hugely complex end up being remarkably simple. On that ship, in that moment, Elisabeth made a choice. Was it the correct one? Time would tell. But it meant that she was here alone with a male who regarded her with interest. The biqaj-looking man sat in comfort and he watched her. He noticed her movements, her words.

Faldrass was her home? He looked at her and nodded. "There is something about Scalvoris, indeed. Something very special." Even though the ship rolled and lurched, listing heavily, it seemed that when she was talking to him, although the movement of the boat was felt, although she knew that there was turmoil all around, in the vicinity of him, things felt calm. He handed her a small hip flask ~ it was plain and unadorned and, if she should take a drink from it then the rum was smooth, rich and full-bodied.

"Chrien is angry," her companion said. "And that anger is focused on Scalvoris. There are three reasons for that. One is ancient, one of many arcs ago, the last much more recent." He looked at Elisabeth, his silver gaze intent as though he was imparting vital information. "Her anger, her Spite, her fury. They risk the pitting of one Immortal against another, of the children of Fei and the sons of Ati'el in a combat which could rend this reality open." The ship lurched again, and he smiled.

"Oaths and prophecies are binding in ways which is hard to comprehend. But there is balance which holds the seasons in sway, the suns and moon. If that balance should be broken?" He shrugged slightly and then looked at Elisabeth and smiled. "It would make the future unable to be navigated for living souls," which he was not keen on appening. "The pirate lords of your island made a Pact, so the legends go. There is a lot to be learned of the Immortals by considering the behaviour of their creations, don't you think?" He glanced at the window, his voice lowering as he whispered almost to himself. "The anger of Chrien must not go unnoticed." Sunlight - or maybe moonlight - burst into the window and the moisture around her companion swirled in a kaleidoscope of colours.

When had the lurching stopped? All was silent and still now. "You have questions, I imagine. Speak them, then." He gestured to the hip flask. "You can keep that, if you like."

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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

Arc 721, 29 Ashan

It appeared the man was watching her just as carefully as she was watching him. Elisabeth was a watcher and listener naturally – a curious creature - so it was something that came easily to her. For her companion, she could not say. Once he started speaking, however, things around her seemed to slow down. It was odd for her to think it, but it was like the way she felt with stars, snow and more recently, water. Even when Balthazar kissed her, things just...stopped. The difference was, with the other things, her mind cleared. In that moment, her mind was still racing; she just felt calm.

Nodding as he spoke of Scalvoris, she gently attempted to move up into the chair opposite him, finding it just a bit rude to remain on the floor of the tossed-about ship. Getting her feet underneath of her seemed to be key. Reaching her hand out gently, she took the offered flask, indulging in a sip. Alcohol was something she had not had before Rharne. Being around Balthazar during that time…well – she had gotten used to the taste of it.

The young raven-haired mage listened intently to the words Tobias was speaking. He seemed to have awfully specific information for some random seafarer. She was rather captivated by what he was saying though. Some of it, she understood the larger context. Some…not so much, but she took it all in regardless. Elisabeth understood the power of information and what it could reveal.

She recognized the name Fei. Fei was an Original that was somehow tied to Faldrun. Faith had confirmed Fei’s identity back in Rharne when they were discussing the Flameborn during a meeting at Command Central. She did not know about Ati’el or the children of either.

He spoke of balance. That was a subject Elisabeth was constantly struggling with but she felt in the grand scheme, everyone was. The balance he spoke of, however, seemed to be on a much larger scale. She had one idea about that but wanted to wait until he was done

Words of Pirate Lords and pacts. It seemed to be a theme. Oaths, prophecies, pacts. And then, a gentle comment about considering behavior of one’s creations. That comment got Elisabeth’s attention. Considering behavior was something she felt she was good at. Whose behavior was she supposed to consider?

The light came through the window and suddenly, Elisabeth realized that whomever she was speaking to was not a simple companion. Arching her eyebrow gently, she still had no idea who he was, but did it really matter? The kaleidoscope of colors swirled, and he asked about questions.

Elisabeth always had questions.

Words, as Balthazar often noted, were one of Elisabeth’s main weapons. She used them sometimes more effectively than her sword, but they were not something to spout unchecked. Her mind whirled, trying to put together the correct collection of words for him, not wishing to waste time.

Her first thought was close to home.

“The mansion on Faldrass? You spoke of it being destroyed and everything that has happened this season. Was the mansion part of that? Things being connected? The way you spoke it, felt like you were implying such…” Faldrass was near and dear to her heart. Anything that had to do with the island, she wanted to know as much about as she could.

What else did she want to ask?

“You spoke of three reasons for Chrien’s anger – ancient, many arcs and recent. Can you tell me more specifically about any of the three? Do any of them connect to the Pirate Lords you spoke of? Or perhaps Faldrass? What was the pact they made?” That concerned her greatly. His mention of the mansion on Faldrass made her consider the events of the eruption. Was that the more recent event?

Fei and Ati’el…that was a bit more complicated. She didn’t know much to begin with. “I know that Fei was an Original. I assume Ati’el is as well? Why would the children of Fei and sons of Ati’el battle if this is due to one Immortal’s anger?” It sounded like a silly question as soon as it slipped free, but Elisabeth didn’t know any better way to put it. She was out of her depth on that subject and needed a bit more.

No harm in asking?

The comment about the behavior of the Immortal’s creations – she couldn’t let that one slide. ”I agree. Creations, I generally assume, mirror certain attributes of their creators. Within that, lies information. So, the creations of Chrien, perhaps?” The young mage didn’t know at that moment who those might be…but she had a very good idea based on some context clues. “How can we best acknowledge her anger?”

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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...


He nodded his head, at her first question. "Yes. Things are connected. Inter connected. Like waves to the ocean, ripples in a pond," he gazed at her intentily. "There are places on Scalvoris which seek to mediate, to control or two stop what power from beneath seeps up into the sands and waters and earth." She asked of the anger of Chrien and he smiled. "My sister," he said quietly, "is fury and grief and spite and storms, she is hurt and confused, I do not doubt. Yet, she has been manipulated, too, by shadows and secrets and now the mortals she despises so much seek to infiltrate, to enter that most sacred place." He shook his head, trying to convey notions which were more than complex.

The reasons for Chrien's anger? "The first was fury and grief at the death of her mother," he said. "The second was fury at being tricked by another, and the third was a lost battle which led to the destruction on Faldrass. The Pirate Lords, yes, they made a pact and one trial, they disappeared. In a storm." He smiled then, and looked out of the porthole through which the light came. "She is fury, yes, but remember that she is spite, and there is nothing so self-destructive."

"Yes, she was," he said, with a smile. Fei was an Original Being, as the mortals called them, as was Ati'el. Why would the Immortals battle? "Because we are who we are," he said. "Chrien will be the storm. Vhalar will be Oaths. Audrae will be Shadows and Deception. That is key. Each Immortal will approach this through their Domain. To understand this, you must understand those involved. Chrien was deceived, but she was not alone. For once, Darkness overcame Light and Fei's daughter knows it."

He spoke in swirling riddles, he knew, but he was who he was. The water, the depths of the ocean - and was Chrien not his sister? He understood and respected the Mistress of Storms in a way that few would. "Each person, each mortal, they approach this from their own perspective too. But you," he looked at her. "You are a seeker after truth, not bound to one of us, but seeing all of us. That gives you insight which you can use well."

He spoke in a deep baritone, tinged with wisdom. "Ask. Learn. Study each one and ask why they say that, what they do." Silver eyes regarded her. "Every piece of information, consider it from all angles. There are as many ways to navigate this as there are to navigate any ocean." He spoke earnestly, almost urgently. "In this way, you can provide an insight which others can not. My brother will be hopeful, Ziell will be peaceful, Cassion will seek the story. But you? You have the potential to be the link between all the viewpoints, the balance."

Silver eyes turned to regard her and they were so intense they almost burned. "Ask about the Immortals you know of. But ask also, consider, who is not there. And when you do, remember my words."

The ship lurched again, sending her off balance. Then, it righted itself and she found herself alone, below decks.

Outside, the ocean was calm.

word count: 547
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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

Arc 721, 29 Ashan

"In the blink of an eye, the world was again as it once was…but the young woman was changed forever."

The ship lurched, almost throwing Elisabeth to the floor again. As she righted herself, she blinked, finding her mysterious companion gone. Looking down, the flask was still in her hand.

“Thank you….mysterious Immortal guy?” Her voice carried into the void of the room. Why was it that they never introduced themselves?

The sea was calm, but her mind was racing. Grabbing her pack, she quickly drew out her notebook, furiously writing notes, trying to remember everything he had told her. Crew members started moving back into the area slowly, but Elisabeth was on a mission, paying them no attention.

In her heart, the young woman was a researcher. Her mind had been honed over arcs, words quickly appearing on the pages. Once that was done, she sought to organize what she had, combining it with what she had learned on Faldrass from her visions.

She had some help though…from a woman that had believed in her. Help came in many forms. Maybe her help would come from the past?

Thank you, Faith….

When she was done, Elisabeth noted that it wasn't perfect...but it was a start. She would fill in more as it occurred to her, move things, organize....

...but it was a start.


“What We Know”
- Chrien is angry at Scalvoris – Anger must not go unnoticed
- Three reasons for anger
* Ancient - Death of her mother (Fei? Immortal guy heavily implied Chrien's mother is Fei - who is an Original)
* Arcs ago - Tricked by another
* Recent - Lost battle - lead to the devastation of Faldrass (manor on Faldrass destroyed, connected to events?)
- Chrien is fury, grief, spite, storms - hurt and confused, was manipulated. Spite is self-destructive.
- Scalvoris - places that seek to reconcile power from beneath - mortals seek to intrude at sacred place
- Chrien was tricked, but not only one
- Fei's daughter knows - Darkness overcame light
- Fei/At'iel Originals

- Childen of Fei, Sons of Ati'el - Combat could 'rend' reality open
- Oaths and Prophecies are binding in complex ways
- Balance holds seasons in sway - if broken, future impassable for 'living souls'

- Pirate Lords - pact - disappeared in storm

- Chrien - Storm
- Vhalar - Oaths
- Audra - Shadows/Deception
- Immortals approach things through their Domain

- Faldrass - Heart of Scalvoris in under Faldrass (according to Balthazar, whose been there)
- Scalvoris Mts - Vision showed Vega going into Heart of Scalvoris from there (more than one entrance or "Heart"?)
- Death Forged?
- The Inn?

“Current Research”
- Who are the children of Fei? (Chrien)
- Who are the sons of At'iel? (Does At'iel have daughters? Why aren't they mentioned?)
- What are the Domains of the Immortals involved?
- Look into Fei's death
- Look into Pirate Lords

- Ask/Learn/Study each Immortal - ask why they say what they say or what they do
- Ask/Learn/Study each person involved - ask why they say what they say of what they do
- Consider all information from different angles
- Ask about Immortals known, and figure out which ones are not present and why?

“Questions Which Need Answers/Topics to Consider”


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Re: [Hollow Sea] Once Upon a Time...

Your Review


I think the thing which I most admire about your writing is how very passionately true to your pc you are. You play Elisabeth here with real integrity to the pc, making choices which are entirely her own. She is a complex and nuanced character and you write her expertly. I hope you enjoy your rewards - they are very richly deserved!


XP: 20
Renown: 10. Although Elisabeth doesn't know it, this scene was viewed by quite a few folks, and more than one Immortal.


U'frek's Hip flask: The hip flask which U'frek gave Elisabeth will re-fill itself magically once a day (when full, it holds roughly enough for 4 shots of spirits, or 2 glasses of wine). It only ever holds alcohol, but when she drinks from it, it will taste of the alcohol she wants it to taste of - and while she can get tipsy from it, it will give her no other side effects, she will suffer no hangover from it, never get drunk to the point of throwing up, etc. It works only for her, or those marked by U'frek.

Medals Awarded:
Chrien's Watching (for surviving a storm)
For your sea voyage!
Painting With Words (because you write beautifully )


Acrobatics: Keeping balance
Acrobatics: Avoiding being smacked by flying objects
Acrobatics: Walking on a fiercely listing ship
Detection: Listening to the elements.
Detection: Listening to the sounds above decks
Detection: Spotting when someone is not who they seem
Endurance: The feeling of sea-sickness.
Etiquette: Military behaviour can be curt
Etiquette: Introduce yourself, even in times of crisis.
Investigation: Search for clues
Investigation: Choosing which question to ask can be tricky
Investigation: Pick out key points in your investigation to ensure that you don't go off the rails
Investigation: Linking the unknown with the known
Investigation: Putting together clues to form a hypothesis
Logistics: Keeping people in the right place on ships
Research: Understand what you know,
Research: Lay your information out clearly.
Research: Identify questions you still have
Research: Prepare for having answers
Research: Organisation is the key to not being overwhelmed
Research: Use lists for clarity
Seafaring: The way that a ship moves.
Seafaring: The signs of an oncoming storm
Seafaring: The feeling of a ship in the middle of a storm
Writing: Making notes
Writing: Using structure to clarify notes
Writing: Is more difficult on a moving ship
Writing: Lists are useful.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 428
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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