[Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

40th of Ymiden 718

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[Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

40th Ymiden, 718
He was better, Faith knew. She was even prepared to admit that he was a lot better, but still. She worried about Padraig, he worried about her, there was a whole mutual spiral of worrying, exacerbated by the fact that - courtesy the marks they both had, that they worried about each other wasn't something they thought about or surmised. It was something they both knew without a doubt because they felt their own, and each others, worry. Still, he had slept for more or less ten trials straight, other than the times when he ate or for brief periods of wakefulness. Thankfully, those times when he was awake had grown more and more; inevitably, he'd grown frustrated but she had stood firm in a way she found rather surprising. It was possibly the closest in their over two-arc long relationship that they had ever come to having an argument. Even then, close for them was a long way away from it for others, but she had told him quite clearly that, if he tried to get out of bed before she told him he could, she would hide his slippers.

He'd looked at her like she'd grown a second head. More than that, he'd had the good grace to not point out that he was perfectly capable of walking around barefoot.

His mind was a scientists mind and for all that his body needed rest and his emotions needed stability and nurturing, so too did he need to not go mad from boredom. So, when he'd eaten, rested and she'd used the Moseke-granted 'calming whispers' ability which was slowly and surely healing him psychologically, Faith had brought books and writing equipment and reminded him that they needed to make something which would allow her to see blood in a much higher magnification than currently. She couldn't do that, she said, and for all that he was resting, he could still be being useful.

They both knew what she did, and why she did it. It didn't need to be said.

So, for the last ten trials, Faith had spent longer in bed than she ever had in the soon to be twenty arcs of her life. She hadn't gone to work and had worked her shifts at the Order around him and his sleeping pattern. When she was home, she was with him; for some of the time that he was awake she brought the children in and they played together on the bed. Both of the twins were sitting now, Madison was chattering away, but she was making no sense at all. Noah, on the other hand, was up and crawling, trying to stand. Madison chattered to him and it was like she was giving him directions as he crawled somewhere, she told him off or giggled or some such and he did the same then came back. It was while sitting there together, a baby each on their laps and playing with a range of coloured shaped that Madison lifted her hand solemnly to Padraig's cheek and said, as clearly as could be. "Dada" There was no doubting it and Faith's eyes showed her amazement and delight. Noah, who was sitting on her lap, lifted his hand to her cheek, mirroring Madison's movements as they both did and Madison spoke again. "Mama".

Solemnly, Noah had clapped.

But for all that they were a constant source of delight to the young parents, they were tiring, and so - once she could see that he was starting to feel it - Faith made sure that the children had things planned with Katie and Cyrus, too. Once they'd gone off to the park, she curled up in the bed with him, propped up on pillows together and with books and notes and things and they'd talked through the creation of the Magnifier she wanted.

It had led to her writing to a man in Egilrun and putting in an order for some very specific things and so, that was why Faith was currently holding out her hand as Padraig insisted on helping her out of the carriage that she'd insisted they took. If it was down to her, she'd said, they'd have stayed in bed for another ten trial but he was going a little crazy there, so she'd agreed that they could take a trip to Egilrun. There was a nice Inn there, they could stay a couple of nights and see the lens maker. There were a number of lovely craft shops, she said and maybe they could get some equipment for both their labs when they moved. There were some Isonomia things she wanted to do and, Egilrun having been one of the more slave-filled places, she also wanted to check that it had done all the things in the remit given and that they had actioned all required points of law. There were Isonomia members there, helping with the transition and she wanted to stop by everywhere that was the case, before they left for Rharne.

So, Faith put her hand into her husband's and looked at him with silver and ruby eyes. "Would you like to go to the Inn first, or the lenses?"
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[Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

Ten trials of confinement had nearly driven Padraig to the brink of madness. Admittedly, he'd slept through a great deal of it. But the periods of wakefulness had over time grown longer and so far as his temperament was concerned, his fuse somewhat shorter. Not that anyone but Cyrus was the brunt of it. It hadn't occurred to Padraig at first, though it did after the fact, that his grandfather was deliberately acting as a foil for those frustrations that would inevitably be aimed in one direction or another. Cyrus in fact could be proud. As a foil, there were few who were better at it than him.

When Faith brought the children to their bed, it was both a joy and a relief to see them, and a reminder of how much of their lives he'd been missing. They were growing fast, were on the move, and now? Even talking. Having them there made him more determined, and naturally more difficult to keep down. His timeline for being up and around again was obviously different than Faith's was. But at least, once she'd brought him books and the proper tools, he could work and occupy his mind with things other than plans for his escape.

"The simpler the device, the better," he'd told Faith while sketching out a rough outline of what he had in mind. In many ways, the image he drew, somehow resembled a telescope turned business end down rather than up towards the stars, and very much in miniature. "Easier to operate, easier to adjust. Less to go wrong." The body of the thing ought to be black, he reasoned. some sort of metal, preferably. "And the base, where samples are placed, also black for better viewing."

But of course samples of whatever she was studying would need to be smeared or dripped onto something else, like small plates of glass for smears, perhaps, and small dishes for drops or puddles. "Perfectly clear glass," he'd added. S

So finally they were out and about, even if he'd been compelled to ride in a carriage rather than walk, which would have been his preference. But at this point Padraig would take what measure of freedom he could get, wherever and however he got it. He smiled as he helped Faith down from the carriage. "I'm afraid if we got to the inn first, you'll insist that I have a nap while we're there. Lenses first," Padraig declared.
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[Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

Faith would have to admit that, although she knew how much it frustrated him, the time together sitting up in their bed and designing, working, talking about solutions to the Magnifier issue had been times she enjoyed and cherished. Sitting there with the children, or just the two of them together, it had forced them to be together and she had relished it. However, she was very aware that she was able to feel that way because she wasn't confined to the bed. So, as she watched Padraig plotting his escape and biting at Cyrus who was very obviously giving him someone to bite at, Faith prayed a silent prayer of thanks to Vri for the love in this home of theirs, to Famula for the souls under this room and to Moseke for allowing her to help her husband heal.

And heal he had. Physically, Faith knew, he was close to fully recovered and emotionally things were better. He needed, now, for it to not be about that any more. For her to not be fussing over him and for them to get back to normal. So, she put her hand in his and smiled up at him as they stood together, having just alighted from the carriage. Looking into his amber eyes, her own were amused as he commented on why they were going to the lenses first. "Well, you never know, Professor," her smile was both prim and sassy. "I might have suggested something quite else. But we will never know." Except they both knew, she'd have been urging him to go and rest.

Instead, though, they made their way to the glassblowers guild, where they had ordered the lenses and the small clear glass shallow dishes and flat plates. Faith had to admit, she was looking forward to it - the people here had been very helpful when she'd bought Padraig's telescope and the idea that they might actually create this magnification device was frankly exciting to her.

The shop was empty except for the owner and them. The place was filled with wonders in glass - and using the sands of Scalvoris to even further enhance the masterwork display here. Faith was entranced, looking at the items on display and her hand in his squeezed gently. "We should get things for the children, while we're here." Things to hang in the window and catch the sunslight, she said, something like that. She was completely unconcerned with material things for herself, but she would shower the children with gifts every bit of the trial.

When they gave their name, the man there beamed in delight. "Augustin! Yes, I have... of course, heard of you both. I hope the telescope was a success?" He chatted, while fussing around and searching. Then, he brought out a box in which were the carefully packed lenses Faith had written in advance and ordered. "Now, then, let's look. You'll want to check these, of course. Intriguing. What are you using them for?" He asked, genuinely interested in Padraig's response.
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[Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

"I suspect that we both know better, missus Augustin," Padraig had teased, leaning down to kiss her and gently squeezing her hand. The idea that she'd have had anything else but a nap and a rest in mind, should they choose to retire to the inn, first, was a very long shot, he thought. Not that he'd have objected in the least. Everything was better now, after all, than it had been for the last number of trials. Physical and emotional exhaustion took its toll in any number of ways and though he wasn't completely recovered, he very much felt as if he was on the mend, more and more each trial.

And he'd been going stir crazy and was grateful to finally be out and about. Even if it was entirely too hot out. Padraig had been looking forward to visiting the glassblowers shop as well. He guessed it was a science of sorts, as well as an art form. But whichever it was, he respected the skill required to create things that were beautiful, or useful to someone like him in the extreme. Sometimes, the artisan pulled off both tricks at once. Some of those very useful things also happened to be works of art so far as he was concerned.

Now, both of them, him and Faith, had a reason to visit and Padraig was eager to see just how effective the commissioned lenses would actually be. Telescopic lenses were one thing. A known thing. So far as the quality was good, the workmanship without flaws and the measurements correct in the extreme, then a lens or mirror used to view the stars would work as intended. This was different. A lens for this device, being just as expertly made as those made for telescopes, still might not work the way that he and Faith hoped it would. But the science was there, so they had reason to be confident.

"I think they'd like that," he said when Faith suggested they take something home for the children. Prisms, stained glass, a combination of the two, things that would capture the twins' imaginations, sense of wonder. Yes, they'd definitely take something home with them to that end. As for the artisan himself, Padraig smiled and extended his hand across the counter. "The telescope was, and is, a rousing success. Flawless workmanship and it was a critical piece of equipment out on my latest expedition." That telescope in fact, and the name of the shop where its lenses had been created, would rate a very prominent mention when his papers were published.

So, the new lenses. When the things were brought out, Padraig carefully looked each one over, checking for rough edges, pits or rises or flaws, and found none. "Well," he said when asked. "Imagine a device much like a telescope in shape, mechanics, and so on. But one small enough to sit atop a workbench or desk. And instead of being pointed at the stars, it is focused one something so small that one couldn't hope to be able to see it with the naked eye." But perhaps, he suggested, Faith might be the better choice for elaborating?
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[Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

When he'd said that they both knew better, Faith had sniffed slightly, then smiled. "I have no defense to make," because there was none. He was right. But she had been so very worried about him, so inordinately concerned that she wanted to ensure that he was, before anything else, well. There was still some way to go there, but the difference was inordinate. "Besides," she added, a briefly mischievous expression on her face. "You know I've never been able to say no to you. I'm open to persuasion, you know." Which was new, since he'd collapsed anyhow. With a sigh, Faith glanced at him, teasingly. "Later, then."

Taking his hand, she was happy to walk to the shop in question and she agreed wholeheartedly on buying gifts for the children. She beamed at the man behind the counter, though, and added, "Not to mention, a rather excellent birthday gift. He didn't see it coming, that was certain." She and this man had shared a lot of letters, but this was the first time they'd met. Still, Faith liked him and his attention to detail. Nothing had been too much trouble for Padraig's gift the arc before and she was more than pleased to be working with him again. "I want to be able to see things not visible with the naked eye, or even a magnifying glass. I believe, although I can not yet prove, that your blood - all of our blood as parts to it so small that they are currently undetectable. I want to detect them. "

She was about to go into a whole long explanation - Padraig knew her too well to think any different. They were about to run the risk of diagrams and demonstrations, but just then the shop door burst open. Literally, burst open. Through it half-ran, half-fell a wild haired man who was dressed in a very disheveled manner and, more than that, he seemed to be rather singed all over. In his hands was a strange, almost telescopic device, made from wood. "I KNEW IT!!!" He yelled, incredibly loudly. "I knew you were talking to them!! THEM! HIM!" He pointed the stick at Padraig and Faith, immediately and without consideration, moved to stand in front of him. If only he'd let her, that was.

"You! You!! YOU!!" There was spit flying from him and he was, quite literally, foaming at the mouth. His ire was based and directed at Padraig, but he realised something, quite quickly, probably from the way Padraig reacted when Faith tried to step in front of him. "You stole my idea! My life! MY LIFE WORK!! YOU!! And now, my boom stick!" He brandished the device in his hands and then pointed it at Faith. "I will use it on her! My boom stick," Faith had to admit to finding it hard to take seriously a man who called any weapon a "boom stick" but she was fighting the urge to remind Padraig that he was more important here, and she should protect him. Instead, when he put himself between the mad man and the boom stick, she remained where she was.

"How!? How did you do it? Did you take the thoughts from my brain!? You! It was YOOOU!" The boomstick pointed at Faith and she simply returned his gaze. She didn't say anything, though, just let Padraig deal with it since she appeared to be outnumbered by mad scientists three to one. She was ready to move the moment he did, but thanks to the bonds and links they shared, he'd know. She was waiting to take his lead on this one. Since he was the vile idea stealer, and all.
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Re: [Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

"That's because I've refined the art of persuasion, down to a science," Padraig said, grinning as he whispered in Faith's ear, and he resisted the urge to add...Get it? Science? But Faith would have rolled her eyes, he would have to admit it was a terrible pun, or rather, not really a pun at all. At the least however, a cycle ago when he was feeling poorer, more fatigued, more harangued by the demons that populated his dreams, he wouldn't have had the energy. It was good to be out in the fresh air, and feeling better than he had in some time.

The telescope was, in fact, a very good birthday gift. It was only a shame that she'd needed to have two of them made after the first one came back from the expedition in pieces. The second one was even better, however, and it spoke to the skill of the man who'd created the lenses. Of course he wasn't entirely sure the man was prepared to listen to what might be a half break or more of talk about blood and parasites and...whatnot, anymore than he'd have lasted through one of Padraig's lectures on physics. Of course the nature of the interruption that prevented either of those things from happening, was about as far from expected as could be.

The wild haired man burst through the door so violently, that had Padraig been holding any of the shop's wares in his hand, he would have dropped and shattered them due to being startled. And when Faith tried to jump in front of him? He reached out, grasped her shoulder, pulled her back and whispered, "Oh no you don't." Which put him handily in front of her, and between her and the lunatic. "I'm sorry...Have we met?" Padraig asked with the white haired fellow raged on, stalked closer and Padraig refused to take even a single step backwards.

"You won't," Padraig warned when the man threatened Faith, he took a step forward, causing the man to retreat accordingly, and he asked, "and what exactly is a boom stick?" The man was clearly out of his mind. But the device in his hand did look interesting. "I'm fairly sure you've got us confused with someone else. You know him?" he asked, turning to glance at the shopkeeper. Then? "What exactly is your life's work that I'm supposed to have stolen?" Anything to keep the man talking, after all. If he was talking, he wasn't waving that thing around and threatening people with it.
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Re: [Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

He had refined the art of persuasion to a science? Faith looked at him and a smile lifted her lips as she realised just how pleased with himself he was at that Immortals-awful joke - a term she used loosely. "And you are, without a doubt, the master of science. It's why you're so persuasive, obviously." The thing which surprised Faith and yet, didn't was the very fact that she found it funny - because he did, so it was. Besides, just a few trials ago, he didn't have the energy to make jokes and she prayed her thanks to Vri for this man who she loved so well. "Whilst it is an abysmal joke, I would say that there is a genius in being able to make such a joke genuinely funny. Wouldn't you agree, Professor?"

Faith was more than pleased just to be there, together, the two of them. The shop was a wonder and she was delighted to see it. It was all looking so much better and she was so pleased that Padraig had felt well enough to come here in the first place. So, they looked around the shop and Faith was just about to launch into what was either a really interesting conversation and a most enlightening lecture ~ or a dreadfully dull monologue, she supposed ~ when in burst the mad man.

It was, and probably would always be, Faith's first and immediate thought to protect Padraig. Yet his hand on her was as quick as her movement in a forward direction and his whispered words told her in no uncertain terms that no, she was not going to be jumping in front of him to-trial. Instead, he put himself between her and the wild haired man and a deep frown settled on Faith's face. "You haven't been well, you know," she grumbled at him, but she stayed where she was and let him protect her. He knew, of course, because of the bonds they shared that the emotion she felt was very different to the grumble she projected. Faith would be the first to admit that, having been considered less than human all her life meant that she had an extra appreciation for feeling as though she was precious to him.

"MET!? MET!? You... you stole the thoughts out of my brain!" The man yelled and Faith audibly sighed. "You. HER!!!" The 'boom stick' pointed at Faith and he brandished it wildly. "She is the one! The she-demon! The very Spirit of Chaos!! She bought it for you!!!!" Faith nudged Padraig, almost impatiently at that. "It was masquerading as a Tube of FarSeeingSight! But no! It was a boomstick wasn't it!?" WASN'T IT!"

The shop keeper sighed. "Look, I've told you Vort, it isn't what you think. It was a telescope, like I said." The crazed man turned to Padraig and waved the stick around. "This! This is a boomstick!! THIS IS!" He was close to tears and he looked at Padraig with a genuinely distraught expression on his face. "It's my life's work. Refraction, don't you know. Light bends. It does! Look! LOOK!"

And he held out the stick.
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Re: [Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

"A legend even," Padraig had teased Faith, whispering in her ear just before they'd stepped into the shop. A master of science? No, he implied, much more than that. "What other scientist can claim that he'd stepped into another world, looked a dragon in the eye and laughed at him." Of course only a fool, not a scientist, would look one of those things, having seen it, straight in the eye and laughed at it. He wasn't that kind of fool, and he definitely hadn't done it. Still, he teased, a legend. Bad jokes all around, but trials ago, he hadn't had the presence of mind or the energy to even get out of bed, much less make light of anything.

As for the wild hair man, him, and Faith's ordinary inclination to put herself between him and everything else, he merely lifted a brow at her when she said he hadn't been well. Didn't change a thing. She was not stepping in front of him. Padraig didn't need to say it. Their connection was such that she knew what he was thinking and feeling already. The ranting individual in front of them was another matter, and the shopkeeper was no help at all. He'd seemed to have fled, if temporarily, and disappeared altogether. Of course Padraig was no medic, and definitely not one of the mind. But he did know one thing for sure. Wisdom as old as time. In fact it might have even been passed down to him by his grandfather. Never argue or debate logic with children and madmen.

Sound advice, Padraig thought. Avoided making oneself the bigger fool. But he'd stolen the thoughts out of his brain, and...but then. She, Faith, the Spirit of Chaos had bought it for him? "Wait....What? You're losing me I'm afraid," he tried, his voice calm and reasonable, even while Faith gave him a nudge from behind and he struggled to stifle a snort of amusement. The man only grew more excitable though, more erratic, and Padraig turned round as the lunatic paced and ranted, so that he always remained between him and Faith. "I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation,"[/b] he said. "Let's just calm down, shall we?"

But then the shopkeeper had apparently coming back, and spoke up. Maybe he'd only been concealing himself behind the counter, in case what was being waved around, was an actual boomstick. "I don't know what you've got there, mister...Vort," Padraig said. "But this gentleman is correct. What I've got is a telescope. I didn't invent it and am not the first to use one. They've existed for arcs. Decades...More." But of course light could bend. It bent when going from one material to another, due to conservation of momentum. Also when traveling past massive objects. It could be effectively bent into a parabolic path using materials with a changing index of refraction.

Refraction was not new. As long as there'd been telescopes, there'd been an understanding of refraction. Padraig yearned to point that out, but then pulled himself up short. Children and madmen, Padraig. Children and madmen. "Let me see it then, will you?" he said, and then Vort was already thrusting the thing towards him. Looked a little like a scope already, he noted, and obviously there'd been a lot of work put into the device he held in his hands. Polished wood and brass, a bit of art and some good workmanship. Lifting it then to his eye, Padraig took a look, pulled back and frowned, blinked, and took another. And then he smiled.

What he saw wasn't some distant object and it certainly wasn't the stars. Instead it was an array of colors, little bits of geometrically shaped color falling and tumbling as he turned the device in his hand, forming and reforming themselves into larger images like snowflakes or starbursts and any number of other things. Smiling again and lowering the thing from his eye, he uttered, "Now that's a wonder all it's own. Here, have a look," he said, handing the thing to Faith so she could look into it as well.
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Re: [Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

Faith was moderately positive that she did not like being called the Spirit of Chaos. She gave the man with the wild hair a slight glare and she nudged Padraig again before whispering. "I'm absolutely fine, you know, stop it." She was half amused, but equally he didn't need to keep putting himself between her and the Boomstick man. Her hand was on Padraig's back, though, and she knew that he was more than aware that she had no real objection to him jumping to her defense. It was something which she found challenging, and probably always would, but equally it made her feel very precious. Feelings, Faith considered, were very complicated things indeed.

But as the man ranted about something, Faith turned her head so that she wasn't looking at him and instead just leaned her head against Padraig's back and whispered. "Gently," she said, her voice low enough that he would only just hear it himself. He was tense about something and Faith knew better than to think that it was the situation - no, it was what the man was saying which could only mean that he was getting something wrong or stating something obvious. Both of those things Padraig would find very difficult not to discuss or correct, expanding the man's knowledge in some way or questioning it. Or putting him right when he was wrong. Her hand patted him, reassuringly.

Padraig persuaded Vort to hand over the boomstick, which he looked at. "Be careful," she urged him. What if this was something which exploded in his face? She didn't like the idea of him risking himself like that and Faith would be much happier if he'd let her do the looking, but of course he didn't, and he wouldn't so she didn't bother trying to ask. When he pulled back, though, she tensed, ready to jump but then she saw Padraig's face and her body immediately relaxed. He was frowning, but it was in interest and Faith looked at him, her own intrigue building.

When he smiled, Faith looked at Padraig and raised an eyebrow and then he offered her the boomstick. Vorp frowned deeply at that, not at all sure about the spirit of chaos being near his boomstick, but he looked between the two of them and saw the way that Faith held it, reverently almost. Lifting it to her face, she closed one eye and held it against the other and her face lit with a smile as she gasped. "Oh, it's wonderful!" Vorp, it must be said, beamed in delight and jumped up and down a little on his feet. "See!? SEE!?" He yelled that at Padraig, still utterly convinced of his evil doings.

"You stole it! But I did it first! I did and look at what it shows!" He looked at Padraig and leaned forward. "Alright. From one scientist to another, what is it, do you think? Stars exploding or tiny organisms too small for the naked eye?" Seriously, in a brief moment of semi-lucidity he added, "I hope that the voices like it, you know? But why did they tell you first?"

Semi lucid was, it seemed, the best it was going to get. Faith, meanwhile was utterly entranced and was twisting the boomstick around and looking completely delighted. "Padraig, this is so clever!" Vorp frowned at her. "I think she steals the thoughts from inside you know. That is what the chaos spirit does."

Sensing that he was about to lose a sale, the shopkeeper turned to Padraig. "Would you like me to ask Mr Vorp to leave, sir?"
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Re: [Egilrun] A Bad Case of Mutual Refraction

If Faith remained uncomfortable with Padraig's habit of jumping in front of her every time the slightest hint of danger came their way...which was fairly often, it was probably better she got used to it. It wouldn't change anytime soon. The maneuver wasn't one that he thought through, so much as one that just happened on instinct. But even if he had thought it through, He'd have done it anyway. As for the wild haired madman, Padraig wasn't convinced that the man was capable of plotting any real harm to anyone. Clearly he wasn't in his right mind. But that in fact was the most dangerous thing of all. Although he did have to admit that the Spirit of Chaos thing amused him a little, and he'd be sure to tease Faith about it later.

She was right about one thing however. Every bit of him wanted to instruct the fool. Refraction, indeed. He'd refrain however. He knew as well as Faith did that it would only wind the lunatic up, more than he already was. And of course she wanted him to take care when he lifted the boomstick to have a look through its end. And of course he'd do it anyway, even at the risk of losing an eye..or life and limb. What he saw was wonderful, just as Faith said when she too looked through the eyepiece. Was it great science? Probably not. But it was extremely clever.

"I do see," he said when Vort confronted him. "But I can assure you I did not steal it. I've never seen anything like it, in fact. Never even considered it." Spirit of chaos or no, Faith was right. It was clever. But there was no need, he told the shopkeeper when asked, should Vort be made to leave. Thus far there was no harm done. Still, better not to ask about the voices. There was a trickier question at hand. What was it. Padraig paused, realizing that the correct answer might not be the right one in this case. Bits and flakes of colored wax, tumbling around inside....Nope. But if not, he was stumped. "I think....it might actually be some sort of medical device. What do you think dear?" he said, glancing at Faith.

Sure, there was a bit of lighthearted mischief at work that caused him to hand the question over to Faith. On the other hand, clearly this man was suffering from some sort of mental malady, and wasn't that her realm of expertise, rather than his?
word count: 437
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