• Location • [Egilrun] The Watchers' Union

Just a simple warehouse... on the outside!

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

[Egilrun] The Watchers' Union

The Watchers' Union
From the outside, the Watcher's Union Headquarters appears to be a warehouse, a square high-vaulted building with a large entrance in the front to allow for the movement of pallets and wagons in and out. Once one passes through that door, however, the illusion is dispelled. While it does appear as if it's a converted warehouse, with high ceilings and a great amount of room, it is anything but. Chairs line the floor at the center, and a small dias in the back where members are encouraged to speak their mind on any topic pertinent to the Union.

Desks are set up directly adjacent to the entrance way, whose door hinges outward. There are seated receptionists who make it their business to handle the duty of head-hunting around Egilrun and sometimes across the Island. Mostly they deal with recruits these days, as Egilrun tries to rise from it's former hardships.

The Union nominally pledges their support to the Trade Queen Liza, and the interests of the Union are the interests of the investors and business owners who are the lifeblood of Egilrun. As long as there is opportunity and the ability for businesses to run their own affairs, the presiding philosophy is that workers will never lack for opportunity themselves, even if their rights and privileges are trampled on from time to time.

Tobias Lamkey

Name: Tobias Lamkey
Race: Human/Biqaj
Age: Arc 695
Title: Union Boss
Skills: Socialization: 40, Leadership: 50, Appraisal: 10
Other Information: The man wears simple attire to match the rest of the watchmen, sometimes sporting leather armor, but usually wearing a tabard that displays the colors of Egilrun. The Merchant Queen Liza, has his full support, and one would think the support of the entire Union. His Union has prospered well under her administration over Egilrun, during which the demand for watchmen, bouncers, and couriers has increased many fold.

His political position doesn't demand that he always keep his workers' best interest in mind, as his eye is on the bigger picture of prosperity for all of Egilrun, not just the unskilled cogs that turn the wheels of commerce. Still, there are dissidents among the ranks of the Union. Those who wish he would negotiate better positions on their behalf. There may come an economic crisis where his position gets challenged and he's supplanted by the voting in of just such a person within the Union, but for now the majority hold him in high esteem. Not all who undertake courier or watcher work are beholding to the Union, although they do rope in many of the newcomers, for the benefit of being able to find work through their system of contacts and connections with the Merchant Queen.

Hired Help

Bouncers and Watchmen:
Inexperienced / Novices | Tier 3 or 1WP
Competent | Tier 5 or 1WP
Expert | Tier 6 or 2 WP

Couriers: Pay is negotiable on a case by case basis, based on the size, value, and importance of the cargo, and whether there is a hiring of an escort. Payment half before and after, all before, or higher pay after successful delivery.


As with any career you choose, the jobs given here are based on character skill. The Union mostly hires Watchmen/bouncers/couriers, but there are occasionally some openings for clerks. Jobs are for a specific number of trials only and are not full time etc.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Anyone is more than welcome to visit The Union
There are secrets to be discovered here!


All crdit to: Genuvah.
Credits to: The artists and art.
Submitted for Development: Feb 2017
Posted: Feb 2017
Checked for Skills Scale Down by Elisabeth. Amendments made: August 2021
Updated to Wealth System: August 2021: Peg.
Developed by: Genuvah
word count: 633
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!

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