Review Request 2.1.3

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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: II. Merchant of Death
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Foul Language and Some Violence

Requested Rewards:
Unarmed Combat: Ki'Enaq (Merchant of Death)
Unarmed Combat (Ki'Enaq): Built around Offence and Domination
Unarmed Combat (Ki'Enaq): Using Armor as a Weapon
Discipline: Control Born from Cadet Training
Endurance: Falling, and Rising Again
Tactics: Attack High, and Low (Whatever Works)

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Location: Hall of Rule and Reprimand, Etzos
NPC Corporal Drix: Ki'Enaq Instructor
NPC Sergeant Tantos: Raised Up from The Gutters
NPC Sergeant Tantos: Kasoria's Patron
NPC Faction: Black Guard of Etzos

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Not sure, but maybe - it's a pretty minor Memory
Collaboration: Solo
Magic EXP: N/A
Last edited by Kasoria on Fri Mar 16, 2018 4:54 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 124
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Come Join The Murder, Come Fly With Black
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Nope.
Requested Rewards:


Knowledge: (6 posts, 11 knowledge)
Needlecraft: Crochet draft excluders
Needlecraft: Using "Careful Laying" with crochet

Bellinos Ability: Durge's Stain: Can be overwhelming
Bellinos Ability: Durge's Stain: Allows you to know how many people died here
Bellinos Ability: Durge's Stain: Needs concentration
Zuuda Ability: Ectoplasmic Blood: Very versatile
Zuuda Ability: Ectoplasmic Blood: Allows you to create objects from blood
Zuuda Ability: Ectoplasmic Blood: Lasts for about 30 bits outside of my grip
Zuuda Ability: Sever the Imposter: Destroys the link between necromancer and construct
Zuuda Ability: Sever the Imposter Severs magic to a thrall / construct
Zuuda Ability: Sever the Imposter: Touch

Loot: Nurp
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Probably not since we're alone
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no


Knowledge: (6 posts, 11 knowledge)
Alchemy: Working on the fly (capstone)
Alchemy: Using marked blood as a reagent.
Alchemy: Firefly for light
Discipline: Not descending into panic
Investigation: Determining the purpose of a room
Investigation: Identify resources available.
Lockpicking: Physics of a lock
Lockpicking: Basic locks can still be very difficult
Lockpicking: Time consuming
Lockpicking: Requires tools
Unarmed Combat: Shoulder charge

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Renown: Since we're alone, probably not.
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no
Off Topic
Aegis will review
word count: 225
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Working From Home
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Nope.
Requested Rewards:


Business Management: Holding meetings in informal settings to put everyone at their ease
Business Management: Consider a one-arc plan
Business Management: The order in which you do things is important
Discipline: Overcoming selfish desires.
Leadership: Tell people not just what, but why
Leadership: Plan for the future together

Loot: Nurp
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: NA
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no

word count: 79
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: New Beginnings
City/Area: Scalvoris, Almund
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:

Linguistics: The Scalveen accent
Business Management: Investing in tools of the trade
Persuasion: Subtle flattery
Singing: Traditional Scalveen song (The Tunawa Captain)
Gambling: Placing bets
Detection: Recognizing confidence

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Location: Scalvoris, Almund
Location: Scalvoris, Port Diablo

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: If applicable
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP:No
word count: 70
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Tristan Venora
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: [Soirée] Guilty Pleasure
City/Area: Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: Lots of kissing and touching!
Requested Rewards:[/googlefont]

Cosmetology: Crying ruins make-up
Discipline: Stopping yourself from crying by thinking of happy things
Etiquette: Properly getting to know someone
Intelligence: Asking seemingly innocuous questions to find out what you really want
Leadership: Directing the course of events
Negotiation: Offer something of yourself to get what you want in return
Politics: Considering the repercussions of public actions
Rhetoric: Talking about yourself behind thinly veiled words
Seduction: Holding back
Seduction: The power of kisses
Seduction: Making yourself difficult to resist

Tristan Venora: Stole his grandmother's handkerchief
Tristan Venora: Doesn't care about your outward appearance
Tristan Venora: Kind and considerate
Tristan Venora: Makes naked sculptures and writes plays
Tristan Venora: Made a naked statue of Peake Andaris
Tristan Venora: Has a cat called Mistral
Tristan Venora: Chemist and alchemist
Tristan Venora: Invited you to Oakleigh
Tristan Venora: Has been Ilaren's lover
Tristan Venora: Likes The House of Roses in Andaris
Tristan Venora: Never had a male lover
Personal: Feel comfortable with Tristan Venora
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Up to you!
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no


Discipline: Sometimes you just can't hold back!
Etiquette: Properly getting to know someone
Etiquette: When she wants wine, bring her some!
Persuasion: Convincing somebody that everything will be alright
Politics: A duke is more powerful than a baroness!
Politics: Considering the repercussions of public actions
Seduction: Tell her that she's beautiful
Seduction: Talk about things that she likes
Seduction: Return the favour
Seduction: Humor can be helpful
Seduction: Sometimes you are seducing each other!

Valeria Burhan: Would never hurt anybody
Valeria Burhan: Has a cat
Valeria Burhan: Visited the House of Roses as well
Valeria Burhan: Likes men and women
Valeria Burhan: Not jealous
Valeria Burhan: Addictive

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Up to you!
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no
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word count: 333
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: III. Picked The Wrong House, Lads
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Foul Language and Delightfully Vicious Violence... and here is Part Three! As you can tell from the ending, there's more to come, but this is a good start. A collab or a new three-parter will be following at some point. Until then, enjoy, and thanks in advance!

Requested Rewards:
Unarmed Combat (Ki'Enaq): Everything is a Weapon
Unarmed Combat (Ki'Enaq): Swift Flurries of Punches
Endurance: The Will to Survive
Tactics: Buying Time with Thrown Debris
Tactics: Using a Human Shields (or Pincushion)
Discipline: Don't Get Distracted by Gloating

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A - Memory, so just a couple of scars
Renown: Oh, yes. Up to you, of course, but this is the whole reason why no-one breaks into Kasoria's house anymore
Collaboration: Solo
Magic EXP: No
word count: 150
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: At What Cost, Freedom?
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Nope.
Requested Rewards:


Knowledge: (3 posts, 8 knowledge)
Dancing: Dancing with movements like water
Dancing: Changing tempo mid-dance
Dancing: Punctuate the notes
Dancing: Punctuate between the notes
Dancing: An uninhibited dance is more fluid
Meditation: Allowing silence into your mind
Meditation: Familiar surroundings help meditation
Meditation: Much easier when comfortable

Loot: Nurp
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Probably not since we're alone
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no


Knowledge: (3 posts, 8 knowledge)
Cooking: Turkey, Roast and Greens
Cooking: Poached pears with caramel
Fieldcraft: Preparing a turkey after killing
Musical Instrument: Gittern: Combine strum and pluck for a diverse melody
Musical Instrument: Gittern: Playing music for dancing
Musical Instrument: Gittern: Changing tempo mid-melody
Musical Instrument: Gittern: Playing as a meditative tool
Musical Instrument: Gittern: Not using a pick produces a softer, more organic sound.

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Renown: Since we're alone, probably not.
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no
Off Topic
Aegis will review
word count: 172
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Honeychild
City/Area: en route from Foster's Landing to Etzos
Notes/Warnings: bit of assholery, not much else
Requested Rewards:
  • Medicine: proper poultice making
  • Medicine: burdock as disinfectant
  • Medicine: honey as disinfectant
  • Fieldcraft: blocking the wind however possible
  • Fieldcraft: marking time by star movement
  • Deception: really, I'm fine
Loot: handful of willow bark, handful of chamomile, handful of yarrow root
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: probably not.
Collaboration: no.
Magic EXP: no.
word count: 79
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: A Fated Meeting
City/Area: Venora
Notes/Warnings: Sickeningly cute?
Requested Rewards - Murphy:
-Animal Husbandry: Gently Combing Out a Mane
-Animal Husbandry: Assessing a Horses Legs for Injury
-Animal Husbandry: Providing Food and Water after Travel
-Business: Informing business partners on stock
-Business: Singing the Graces of your Stock
-Leadership: Leading a tour of Oakridge Stabbles
-Mount: Riding At A Canter
-Mount: Slowing A Horse With Reins and Legs
-Mount: Allowing A Horse Some Freedom To Lead
-Mount: Mounting Without Assistance
-Mount: Controlling Turns

-Jonathan: Works as his Father's Partner
-Jonathan: Treats His Horses with Care and Respect
-Jonathan: Doesn't Ride As Much As He'd Like
-Oakridge: The Clyde's Stables in Venora
-Destriers: The Ideal Warhorse

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: None
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No

Requested Rewards - Jon:
Construction: Laying floorboards
Construction: Driving nails
Construction: Reinforcing boards
Animal Husbandry: Letting an animal sniff your hand
Animal Husbandry: Speaking softly to an animal
Animal Husbandry (Horse): Wiping down sweat marks
Mount (Horse): Walking
Mount (Horse): Straightening the saddle
Investigation: General everyday questions
Investigation: Personal questions

Murphy Clyde: Stablehand
Murphy Clyde: Loves horses
Murphy Clyde: Born in Oakleigh
Geo Clyde: Murphy’s uncle
Geo Clyde: Stablemaster
Goldbloods: Bred in Oakleigh
Oakleigh Destriers: Bred in Venora
Oakleigh Destriers: Often used by knights
Location: (Venora) Clyde Stables

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: n/a
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 240
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: There and Back Again
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Requested Rewards:

Navigation: Navigating icy waters
Seafaring: Setting a cautious pace
Seafaring: Hauling in the sails
Strength: Putting weight behind an exerted force
Etiquette: Showing concern for someone's comfort
Detection: Recognizing unease

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Location: Scalvoris, Faldrass
Location: Faldrass, Serenity Garden

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Slight and for getting a new job
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 78
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