Thread Name: The Family Tree
City/Area: Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: Abandoned thread. This should probably be "mature", to be honest, but unfortunately I didn't make the first post and thus can't add thread tags.
Requested Rewards:
Cosmetology: The many uses of beards
Etiquette: Cleaning your hands with your shirts is practical, not bad manners!
Linguistics: Words don't always mean what you think they mean
Linguistics: Nicknames
Sculpting: Peake 2.0
Sculpting: Working for a difficult client
Sculpting: Branching out and making prosthetics
Sculpting: Sometimes sculptures don't reflect reality
Peake Andaris: Gay?
Peake Andaris: Lost a leg
Peake: Might keep a harem of sows somewhere
Peake: A great man, in every aspect
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Tristan was going to make a sculpture of a really important man, so maybe?
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no