Ymiden 12th, Arc 719
Beginning the walk along the path he noted the amount of Knights that guarded the approach, he'd never seen so many for one person. His sister must have been something truly special beyond what he could comprehend. There was so much he wanted to learn about her, if only he'd not left her so quiockly after they had met. Stopping and smiling pleasantly as two guards approached the warden introduced himself. "I am Lucas Nardovino, Faith's brother and I am here to visit my sister." Spreading his arms and turning around he showed he was carrying no weapons, allowing the two kniights to further search him upon request.
Following the two of them the rest of the way they aspporached the house, it had a large tower attatched too it and was far bigger than anything he had ever lived in. Lucas was happy to see that his sister was doing so well, better than him at least. Stopping at the door he allowed the lightning knight to knock, apparently they would prefer to check his story before letting him see her. Standing clear he allowed the knights to do their thing, there was no reason not too after all.
Looking at his rteflection in a window Lucas attempted to rub some dirt from his cheek but to no avail it was as if it had stained his skin. Sighing he tucked in his scruffy shirt and straigtened his worn out jacket doing his best to look presentable. Even if Faith had already seen him battered almost beyond recognition in the Order the man wanted to look the best he could manage.
"This place is like a bloody fortress." He mumbled under his breath as he looked around at the plethora of guards stationed around the house. Stretching his neck Lucas watched the door, waiting to be let inside.