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91st of Ashan, 718
There was no doubting it, Vega needed more sleep than him. Especially since Cassion's blessing, which complicated things on a number of levels regarding them sleeping, she had slept longer than him. She didn't like it, but it was what it was; however Vega being who she was, and them together being who they were, it meant that, by the time they fell asleep at Immortals knew what hour in their tent, Vega slept hard and longer than him. This night had been no different and one of her last lucid thoughts as she felt sleep overtake her was that she was going to need a lay in come the morning - which might well be already nearly there. She didn't mind, far from it in fact. That moment, the one where she was trill away from being asleep but was still awake was one she loved; his arms around her were what she felt and the sound of his heartbeat slowing back to normal was what she heard. Somehow, they were all encompassing and though she opened her mouth to tell him so, the only sound which she made was a contented sigh.
She still wasn't dreamwalking much, although now and then she would waken in her dreams and be fully lucid it was still a very rare thing that she did. Mostly, her dreams were simply growing less jumbled, less jagged and were instead more or less back to what they had been. Inside and out, her scars were healing and there was less and less sign that anything had ever been wrong. As she heard the voice in her head trying to wake her up, Vega was dreaming of running through a field with her cousins, her father and uncle chasing them and the sun beating down on them. There was a picnic to be had, but they were playing a game of tag before eating - her uncle was currently 'it' and they were running and giggling.
"Vega!" It was Iris, her familiar, who whispered to her, trying to rouse her but Vega's mind simply incorporated her into the dream. Iris found this immensely irritating, but it was what happened. "Vega! Will you wake up!" But the stubborn half-Sev'ryn was as determined in her dreams as in her waking state and so she slept. Between the noise outside, though, and his small companion who was both a companion and a guard meant that Arlo had woken. Outside, there was a noise, Lyova said and showed him what she was seeing. A single wolf, but unlike any sort of wolf that either he or his diri had ever seen before.
It stood at maybe four and a half foot at the shoulder and it was pure black. It looked like a huge shadow moving around and it was walking towards the clearing in the woodland where they slept. Or at least, where one of them did. As Arlo whispered her name in her ear and gently shook her shoulder, Vega's eyes immediately shot open. Wide eyes and rather surprised, she nonetheless recognised that he was waking her for some reason which was unusual. "What is it?" she signed, not speaking but looking at him with a bleary alertness.