[As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

35th of Saun 722

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

His alchemically enhanced borax solution, Tristan noticed, seemed to actually be working. The weird, slimy plant matter began to harden, almost as if it were petrifying, which was fascinating to watch. And then it suddenly cracked and turned to dust. Tristan started at it open-mouthed, but only for a moment, before he focused on the task at hand again. He had found something that hurt the plant; now, he needed to apply it to a weapon.

When Genna told him that the ships were connected to the Creep, he furrowed his brow before he told her, “As I said before, it’s a warning. I don’t think the ships are working for the Creep, although …” he said and paused for a moment, his gaze darkening, because he didn’t like the thought he’d just had at all. “… do you think the Creep can convert people? If it’s a parasite, it’s possible that it doesn’t kill immediately upon contact, but changes its victims first”, he explained, drawing upon his knowledge of different parasites, those that affected humanoids and those that affected plants.

“Of course”, he replied when Ilaren asked him if he could apply his mixture and weaponize it and inclined his head respectfully before he turned to Genna and asked her, “What about your experiments? Have you figured out if fire works as well, or do you have any other ideas?” he wanted to know. It would be good if they had two or more effective methods, in case something went wrong, or they simply ran out of borax solution.

Not much was needed to destroy a plant, but he didn’t know what kind of dose was needed to kill a monster that had threatened an entire country and was just …

… creepy.

“If the thing is above water, coating the tips of the harpoons with the mixture will probably be enough”, he then said, turning back to Ilaren. “If it’s underwater, we need to make sure the mixture isn’t just washed off though. We need it to go in as deeply as possible”, he mused and stroke his chin thoughtfully for a moment before he suddenly had an epiphany and the long and thin glass cylinders that he usually used to measure small amounts of liquid. They looked fragile enough that it might work.

“I need to get to the harpoons”, he told people in no uncertain terms. “I’ve just had an idea.”

He’d talked about injecting the mixture before, but in order to use a syringe and inject its contents you’d have to get so close to the thing that it would probably be pretty much suicide.

So, he needed something to do the injecting for them – namely the harpoons. With that thought in mind, he coated the tips of the harpoons with the mixture, and then he began to fill the rest of the mixture into the cylinders. He stoppered the cylinders, and then he glued them to the harpoons, just below the sharp tip, glass side facing forward. Following that, he wrapped a bit of thread around them, to further decrease the risk that they would just fall off in mid-flight.

“If everything works according to my plan, the tip of the harpoon will pierce the thing’s surface, and the glass cylinder will shatter upon impact, releasing the borax mixture”, he explained, just as he had had yet another idea. He took a scalpel and gently hit some of the glass cylinders with it, just enough to hopefully cause tiny cracks to appear so that they would shatter more easily. He tested them to make sure that they weren’t leaking before he filled them.

He didn’t dare to manipulate all of the cylinders – there was always a risk that they would already shatter in the air rather than inside the monster – but he wanted to at least give his idea a try. If you had two options, there was a greater chance that at least one of them would work.


And then a loud sound could be heard, and Tristan pretty much froze and repeated the question he had asked before and that had remained unanswered so far, “What is that?”

The sound was quite terrible, so terrible that Tristan would likely have suffered a mental breakdown if he weren’t so used to all kinds of unpleasant things happening by now.

Even as it was, he just stood there for a moment, feeling quite shaky, before he wanted to know, “Ilaren, can you turn that sound off, please?”

Ilaren was the Immortal of Sound. Surely, she had some sort of control over that particular sound?

A moment later, the volume of his voice increased as he had just remembered something potentially important. Due to Vri’s Blessing, he could remember everything, but the memory of the tournament was especially clear in his mind. “Vivian needs to do her Warden stuff again!” he called out. If it had worked back then, surely it would work now?

And he’d even found a solution when it came to that terrible sound. If it seemed like someone was too affected by it, he’d take some of the cotton balls from his healer’s kit (he usually used them to clean wounds) and shove them into their ears – and urge Genna to do the same. The cotton balls probably wouldn’t render anybody deaf, but with any luck they’d make the sound a little less loud and thus a little easier to deal with.
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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

Genna felt relief at as her companion returned to her cleaned of the corrupting influence of the creep. She hadn’t made it to the stove, which honestly she wasn’t even sure where it was, and then being distracted by Nayeli, followed by being throwing around she just hadn’t run her test in the fire. It was as she embraced Nayeli that an idea occurred to her. Coming back to the room, she did come prepared with an idea as they began to talk about what messages they had all received about the creature up on top.

Finding out about Tristan’s experiment, Genna looked a bit embarrassed at his question. “I honestly didn’t make it to the stove before I was distracted by the Creep trying to corrupt Nayeli, and not knowing where the stove was and then the shake up happened.” Genna looked at him and said. “I did have a thought. I was blessed by Lovalus with the ability to calm creatures or even just put them to sleep. I rarely used it, and honestly didn’t think about it in context of a plant, but I think maybe it might be work a shot since this thing seems to be more alive then a plant traditional is.”

Ilaren’s question about being able to send it as a weapon. Genna dug into her bag and pulled out a metal ring. “I got this ring gate during the siege which allows someone to quickly cover ground. Though not sure if that will be useful in this context.” Genna then listened as Tristan explained his idea. Genna nodded her agreement. “It sounds like a good idea, and a good way of delivering it.”

Nayeli tooted and Genna looked at her Diri who spoke. “Do you have any suggestions for dealing with this creature? Being closer to the spirit world maybe you can understand something I we done see.” Genna would wait to hear back from the octopus shaped Dirri. While Tristan worked on fixing his tubes Genna gathered up the rest of part of the test and rushed to quickly find out what effect fire had on the vines and this creep.

Finding the kitchen stove Genna had placed the her sample of the vines in the oven. Before Genna had felt there was time to study, but she was sure that time was short now. While she was doing that Genna heard the screaming. Genna blinked at the uncomfortableness of the sound. It took a moment and Genna felt herself back in control, but her medical training told her that people in General weren’t going to find that sound pleasant. Looking at Nayeli she said, “go see what that is please.”

The sound was still going as she received word about was occurring, and the presences of a giant sea creature with tentacles. Genna was slightly amused at the indignant comment from her spirit friend. “It looks like a hideous giant version of me.” Genna finished watching how the plant was reacting in the stove and telepathic asked. “Will you please go share that with Tristan and Ilaren.”

“Oh course.” The spirit tooted, and went to share the message with the other two still in the main cabin. Once Genna had an answer she rushed to join Tristan and Illaren to convey the results. The really needed multiple options here, and Genna hope that something they had would work. She also was developing an idea about her abilities and how they could use them to deliver the necessary solutions.
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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

Vivian growled as the creature made a whirlpool where its head had been. They would need to avoid that, which would limit their ability to maneuver in the fight. Then creature let out a roar and Vivian had to clench her hands to her ears to drown out the sound. When it was done, she pulled her hands away and found them shaking. Was she...afraid? Of an enemy? That didn't happen. That never happened. Her thrill at the fight always over-rode any fear she might have felt. She clenched her teeth and looked around, forcing her expression towards neutral. It had affected a lot of the sailors as well, they wouldn't be able to do their jobs as well like this. She needed to give orders, she needed to focus.

Then Fins reported on what the sea life was doing and she nodded. "Everyone focus on your immediate tasks. Keep us away from that whirlpool!" she called out, glad that she was at least able to keep her voice steady. Then she saw the tentacles attacking one of the Melrathi ships. They had to do something, they had to help somehow. But their movement was getting even more limited now, and she couldn't risk leaving the ship to get over there through the lightning. Then Fins reported up what they were saying in the meeting room below, including the part about Vivian needing to do her "warden stuff" again. Unlike Tristan, however, she didn't think of the tournament, she thought of the fight against Rhaum.

"Right, calling in the big guns." she said, straightening up and calling on the Grand Wardens ability to commune with Lovalus herself. Vivian felt the essence of the Induk of the Lake suffuse her, merge with her. Two minds now, working in unison to protect Rharne and its people. Lovalus's essence always changed her. The thrill of the fight left her, replaced by the calm of the lake. The fear of deep water also vanished, for a being that was water made manifest had no reason to fear it. Moreover, Lovalus knew better how to use a Warden's powers better than any of them ever did. Just as before, just as she likely always would, Lovalus offered suggestions. Vivian would need to concentrate for most of them, but until she could concentrate on the big plan, there was something simpler she could do.

First, she formed her Brightgleam and Lovalus helped by pouring water into her ears. It wouldn't deafen her, but it would distort sounds and hopefully protect against the sound should the creature roar again. Then Lovalus explained that it wasn't just Brightgleam water they could control in this merged state, but all water within range. There was so much around for them to work with now and Vivian knew what she could do now. Part of the water forming her armor streamed up from her hands and she focused on forming it into a sphere. The process was simple, but what she was really doing was conveying what she wanted to the real power controlling the water. Lovalus took that effect and repeated it around every ship, surround them in a sphere of water created by the Spirit of the Lake.

Then she reminded Lovalus of how the spirit had sped up the water they had used in the fight against Rhaum, sped it up until it had a cutting power of its own. She felt Lovalus acknowledge the memory, then saw the Induk of the Lake make it real, speeding up the water in the bubbles until they both felt confident that it would not only repel but injure most anything that could punch through it. That was all they could do for now, the more complicated stuff would have to wait until she regained her focus.
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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia


Ilaren’s voice could be heard in Vivian’s mind as she commanded on the deck of the ship. “Something is happening closer to Rharne, in the Stormlands. I fear we’ve been chasing a red herring here. I must away for now, but I know you’ll be able to handle this and I will return for you all.” So saying that, the storm clouds coalesced in a lightning bolt, and Ilaren was off into the east. She wouldn’t be able to help those on the ship at present.

Tristan began crafting his cylinders full of alchemically enhanced borax solution, designed to be attached to the harpoon as a payload. Then coating the tips of the harpoons with them. Once they were attached, the people manning the harpoons and ballistas firing them, took aim, trying to get a shot clear at its open maw while the tentacles flailed.

Gennadiya’s diri, Nayeli, seemed to shrug at her question. But then it responded with its impression of what it’d felt beneath the water, more elaborative.
It was not the same thing
that Gennadiya had sensed when her spirit had gotten closer to the so-called ‘Heart’.

At any rate, Gennadiya took to cooking the vines and what remained of the creep matter. They cooked easily and fast, like any wooden matter might in a functional oven. In the end, they were reduced to char and ashes. So fire clearly worked against dried up plant matter, even if it was potentially some form of evil sentience.

As the people aboard Ilaren’s ship worked on their various actions, the sea monster began thrashing further against the first Melrathi ship. Of which there were four. Until there were three, as the tentacles worked their way easily through the hull, shredding through crewmate and wooden hull alike. Men and women were dragged to their deaths, to be consumed at the center of the whirlpool. Gouts of blood emerged as they were torn apart in that creature’s maw.

Then the creature turned its attention to the very next ship. By then, Vivian began putting her own actions into motion.

As the creature began attacking the other ships, those shields of water were formed, protecting them from its tentacles. It recoiled from the spirit infused power, but then turned its attention toward Ilaren’s ship, and began moving in that direction.

The Melrathi, angered by the loss of one of their ships but also buoyed by the sudden protection that cropped up around their vessels, began firing their ballistas at the sea creature. The harpoons stuck easily through the water, and were even accellerated int heir flight by the shield, seemingly, as one side appeared to reverse the way matter flowed through it.

The water around the creature began taking on a white-water property, as Vivian made bubbles form around it. Giving it less in the way of cover against the ballistas and harpoons. Then, the ones bearing Tristan’s solution were loaded and cranked, then released with their aim on the creature assured.

The creature thrashed in its watery environs, sending its tentacles far and wide but still too far out from Ilaren’s ship to reach it’s shield. It could scarcely navigate this new consistency of water, though, and was effectively pinned in place.

The borax payload unleashed in the beast, but didn't appear to have the same effect on its flesh as it had on the plant matter he'd experimented upon. Perhaps this creature wasn't a thing of the creep afterall? But the harpoons surely did enough damage to make it very angry.

It unleashed another blast of sonic terror, but this was dampened by the watery shields surrounding each of the ships, and so had little effect on those on board.
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I'm posting to this event again in six days. Whoever of you post in that time, I'll post a progression to the situation then regardless.

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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

“That’s encouraging“, Tristan remarked when Genna shared the results of her research with him. “Apparently, fire works, even if you are dealing with evil monster plants”, he said with a small smile before the expression on his face became serious again. Burning the strange plant matter worked, and his borax mixture was a success as well, but they were far from safe yet. There were still a lot of ways things could go wrong. It was possible that Vivian’s Warden stuff wouldn’t work against the sea monster, or that they wouldn’t manage to kill or get the sea monster under control in time, or …

Tristan abruptly stopped that train of thought when Vivian’s protective shields formed around the ships and breathed a sigh of relief. A moment later, when the tentacle creature turned its attention toward Ilaren’s ship – that he happened to be on – his relief made way to concern once more though. The Melrathi fired at the tentacle creature, and so did the people on Ilaren’s ship, but unfortunately, his borax mixture that had been very effective against the plant sample didn’t seem to have the same effect here.

Maybe, it wasn’t part of the Creep after all?

The harpoons damaged the sea creature regardless which was good. What wasn’t so good was that it also got angry – and that the Creep might still make a surprise appearance.

“We need to save some of the borax mixture in case we get another surprise visitor!” he called out as he tried to come up with a new plan, one that involved making the sea creature less angry and thus less likely to cause damage somehow. If he were dealing with a humanoid patient that was out of control, he’d give them a calming draught, and use Zanik’s Blessing on top of it, but he wasn’t sure if any of his abilities worked against tentacle things that came from the ocean. Medicine for humanoid patients often worked on animals as well on the other hand which meant that he needed …

“I need more harpoons!” he exclaimed. If someone fulfilled his request, he’d grab a vial of sleeping potion from his healer’s kit, add something to alchemically strengthen it and coat the harpoons with it. A single dose of sleeping potion, even a single dose of alchemically strengthened sleeping potion, probably wouldn’t make calm the monster down, let alone make it fall asleep due to its size; several doses might have an effect though and hopefully make the sea creature that was already pinned in place a little sluggish and thus less dangerous and more willing to just be killed or stop being a danger.
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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

There was a bunch of things going at the same time. The plant burned, which was actually comforting though Genna would admit it was a dead plant. She wondered how well fire would work on a living thing. Then several other things came to her attention. Nayeli gave a better explanation of her own personal experience with the creature in the water. Genna listened and felt her eyes narrow at the explanation. The water spirit felt repelled by it instead of drawn. Hmm. Genna tapped her chin. She was beginning to think she had clearly leaped to a conclusion.

She joined Tristan on the deck as he tried his harpoon. The effects of the Harpoon made her even more strongly suspect that there was something different about this creature. It affected spirits some how, and for sure what spirits. It was also flesh, and Genna wondered if maybe that was part of the reason the Harpoon and Tristan’s Borax didn’t work the same. It also made her wonder if maybe she was also able to do something. Genna retrieved her own bow, and found one of the ropes used by sailors to anchor themselves to the ship during storms.

She spoke to Tristan then. “My spirit has told me more about this creature. It might be a by product of the creep, but I don’t think it is directly, and it might actually be trying to keep us away from it. I do think it is trying to keep us away from something.” She held her bow and looked at him. “Since this does appear to be a creature of flesh, I might be able to put it to sleep or clam it down.”

Genna then uses her updraft ability to raise her to upwards until she would have as clear a shot as possible to wards the core of the creature. The rope was there to help her stay with the boat on an constantly moving terrain. She also wanted a downward angle that would allow her to added more momentum to her shot. Once it position Genna used her Edict of Lovalus This ability can be cast from Genna's hands at half-effectiveness, infused into any bow she wields for full-effectiveness, or cast from a Spiritborn Weapon for double-effectiveness. This will create a spirit arrow of concentrated ephemera, similar in consistency and effect to Brightgleam Water, however highly concentrated and functioning as a spirit projectile. Upon contact with the target, the energy diffuses into them, and immediately forces a powerful calming effect on their minds, at max effectiveness equivalent to that of a Master-level Empath attack that brings with it an intense feeling of relaxation that can cause unconsciousness if the target cannot continuously resist the attack, and causing docility and aversion to combat in those who cannot completely shrug off the attack. Genna is also able to tailor the effectiveness of each arrow to suit her needs at the moment. Using multiple arrows on the same individual does not boost effectiveness. ability and summon a spirit arrow. She placed it in the bow and grateful the thing was so blasted big shot downwards at the creature.

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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

Vivian nodded as she heard Ilaren's command before the Immortal left the ship. They'd have to deal with this on their own, it seemed. Fortunately, everything they were putting into motion at the moment was working well, though not as well as initially suspected. The plant killing stuff that Tristan made didn't seem to be having the anticipated effect, but the shield were holding so no one was taking additional damage. There had to be something else they could do in the meantime. Fortunately, the effects of the creatures roar had dissipated and the water shield kept it from affecting them again. Taking a deep breath, Vivian thought through her options and what she could do for a moment, the nodded to herself. She saw Tristan loading more ballista and Genna readying her bow and shook her head. "Hold fire!" she commanded, her eyes still glowing from the link to Lovalus. "I'm about to give you a better shot." she said, her tone calm.

There were a few things going on here, first they needed to get the creature in a position where they could really see it, plus apparently there were water-living mammals so putting it to sleep underwater could actually kill it if it was one of those. More-over, they had to make sure the Melrathi ships were both protected and knew the Rharnian ship was a friendly. The water shields would take care of that, and she suspected they already knew, but Lovalus, drawing from Vivian's previous trip through Melrath during the war against Ellasin, made a suggestion of her own and Vivian agreed with it. Fortunately, it was still raining really hard, and Lovalus happily informed Vivian that they could control that water as well.

Now assured of having all the water that she could possibly ask for, Vivian started forming the rain into the shape they wanted. The body it formed was massive, but it was a shape many of the Rharnians would be familiar with, the shape Lovalus had taken when Vivian had first met her back on the Isle of Vyrelle. The water formed into a large, airborne Veshla, an aquatic predator native to Rharne that had similarities to the newly revealed Dragons, now that she thought about it. Lovalus brushed that thought from their joined mind, as they had no time to waste on idle comparisons. Now that they had their physical representation of Lovalus, which was roughly the size of the Rharnian ship, Vivian focused her power on the waters below.

The water around the creature began to lower, exposing more of it. The water lowered a bit more, then there was a loud roar from the water itself as Lovalus and Vivian turned the water under the creature, which they had been gathering from the water they had been lowering, into a geyser to lift the creature into the air. If the water pressure, which was the correct term according to Lovalus, they had was insufficient, the would would keep adding more water to the geyser until they had enough. Once the creature was in the air, their representation of Lovalus reached out and bit down, gently on the torso of the creature to make sure it didn't try to wriggle out of the geyser. Since their representation of Lovalus was clear, and thus not blocking vision, Vivian and Lovalus believed this would give them their first good look at it, allowing for better targeting of weak spots to put it to sleep. Or to see any other oddities to it.
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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia


The harpoons were brought along to Tristan, as he worked on the sleeping potion from his healer kit. The potion was applied as a condensed poison to the harpoons that were brought along.

And While Tristan wasn’t exactly a seige engineer, he did have some experience with crossbows that translated over into the ballistas. It didn’t hurt that the monster was such a darned huge target.

He loaded the ballistas, with the help of the crew, and so would be a moment before they were ready to fire.

Gennadiya meanwhile did her thing, floating above the monster and taking aim with her Lovalus-blessed armaments. The sleep arrow was loaded, and shot directly into the great maw of the beast, which to be frank resembled a massive bull’s eye from her vantage point, with the waters swirling red around it.

The arrow was let loose, and took purchase in its fleshy maw.

Vivian succeeded in lifting the creature out of the air with the geysers, and so the Lovalus avatar took a bite down gently on the creature, keeping it there in place, and easily visible to both Gennadiya and Tristan.

Finally, it came to an opportunity for Tristan to fire his sleep-poisoned harpoons at the creature, which he now did.

One of them flew wide of the mark, a remarkable deed but then Tristan was used to smaller crossbows than ship-mounted ballistas. Fortunately the second bolt hit closer to the mark, grazing the creature and drawing out blackened ichor that was like blood.

The third bolt that managed to get loosed was a direct hit into that first wound, releasing the blood-born sleeping poison into the creature.

At the same time, Gennadiya managed to hit the creature in its maw with the sleep arrow. Gradually, all of the fight went out of the creature, and it began getting heavy, even for the Lovalus Avatar. It gently gripped it on the surface of the water now, allowing it to float.

Then, with a great loud bellowing roar, the creature gave out what sounded almost like a death rattle, then it vomited up a large piece of what looked like driftwood, which floated away, toward the Melrathi ships, but not too far away from Ilaren’s flagship.

The turmoil of the watery manipulations was taking its toll, even as the rain poured down, but Lovalus was in control here, and would not permit the water to move in a way that caused destruction to Rharne.

The large piece of driftwood was strangely in the shape of a great horn, with a hollowed out nozzle it seemed, and several sharp tines or splinterse.

The creature itself appeared to be sleeping soundly, but otherwise wasn’t a threat at the moment. It was wounded.
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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

Things got more and more extreme. While Tristan loaded the ballistae, Gennadiya literally started to fly, and the young man’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment. He didn’t lose focus though, not even for a single trill. Flying healers were unusual, but no more extreme than some of the other things he had encountered since he had left his relatively sheltered life in Rynmere behind, including the veshla that Vivian had made out of water and her other Lovalus magic. He acknowledged it, but nothing more. He needed to make a monster fall asleep before he could think about what had happened in detail!

Tristan wasn’t exactly a skilled siege engineer and not skilled enough at psychology and other sciences to make himself believe that he was one, but his target was so big that a blind man would probably be able to hit it. At least that was what he thought until the first harpoon missed the target. He briefly made a face because he couldn’t believe his eyes before he quickly readied the next one because time was of the essence. This time, he was more successful and hit the creature, and what more, the third bolt ended up inside the wound the second one had created!

And then Gennadiya managed to hit its maw!

He looked at his companions and abruptly raised an arm triumphantly before he turned to watch the monster again. It let out a terrible roar. For a moment, he thought that that was it, and the monster was asleep and finally wouldn’t be able to cause any more trouble, but then it vomited up something, something that looked very suspicious to him.

He didn’t know what it was, but it was floating toward the Melrathi, and he wanted to prevent that!

“Can you move that thing somehow?” he called out, loudly, so that he would hopefully be heard, pointed and continued, “Vivian, can you make contact with the Melrathi? Can you signal them somehow? Can you, Genna?” Ilaren was the Immortal of Sound; and besides, didn’t ships usually have something they could signal other ships with? He wanted to warn the Melrathi that something strange was coming their way; and besides, it might be a good idea to finally get to know them a little bit better.

“Can you help me contact them, Chester, my brave friend?” he asked silently, just in case his diri had decided to reappear. If Genna and Vivian who were likely the most blessed people besides him on the ship didn’t have a means to make contact with the Melrathi and warn them, then he would try to do so.

There was another problem besides the strange piece of driftwood though. “What shall we do with it?” Tristan wanted to know and pointed at the monster that seemed to be sleeping soundly now while he wondered when the rain would finally stop. The rain was the least of his problems right now, but by the Immortals, he was getting just a little bit wet!
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Re: [As One River to Another] The Wages of Thalassophobia

Genna wasn’t exactly comfortable floating in the air above the ship, though she was glad the rope kept her connected to the ship. It had been a while since Genna had watched the power of Lovalus come to bare. Triston fired again, his concoction changed to a sedative, and like well planned chaos the three blessed individuals released there power. Genna managed to get high enough that she was able to shoot into the maw of the creature, and Vivian used water the capture and cradle the creature. The healer approved of that move. None of them really understood what was driving this creature and just out right killing it wasn’t ideal, but Genna also didn’t support killing the crews of all these ships.

Genna clung to her bow and rope as the chaotic water began to settle. Her blue eyes watched as the creature coughed up a wooden instrument. The healer found that odd. It might be important or it might be not, there was still to much about this that was a mystery. Genna was sure how much the horn weighted, but she tried to uses the remaining weight she had for up draft, about fifty pounds, to try and lift it up enough to be not be carried away and picked up by the ship. If it weighted to much she would let those of the ship try and figure out a way to bring it aboard.

Tristan was calling up to her to see if she could communicate with the melrathi ships. Genna did have an ability, Inner Voice that would extend the reach of her voice and when shouted extend it even more. Genna wasn’t sure exactly what to say since her voice could carry but that didn’t mean she could hear back that answer. So she decided to not have a conversation. So shouting she called out to the other ships using Inner voice. “We hope that everyone is okay. Please join us so we can work together to discover a solution for this creature.” Hopefully they could hear, Genna then holding the rope used it to pull herself towards the ship and bring her self back down with out dunking herself into the water.
word count: 376
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