• Solo • Lost in the [Mistral] woods

27th of Ymiden 724

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Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Lost in the [Mistral] woods

To-trial, Elowen was walking deep inside the Mistral Woods. It wasn't uncommon for her to venture far into the forest. After all, some herbs could only be gathered further away from the shack. But what was usually a pleasant expedition was giving her the chills a little this time around.

The sky overhead was cloudy which made the forest itself darker and cooler. Nothing unusual there either. Elowen know of the interconnectedness between nature and weather. Still, for whatever reason, the girl did not feel right in her own skin. So much so, she wondered whether her bleed was about to start for she had no other logical explanation.

But she also remembered the cry that rang between the trees just two trials earlier after she had found her grasshopper trap and was on her way back to the shack. That sound was embedded in her mind. Of course, the Mistral Woods had its predators and prey, and it was only natural for them to engage in chase and kill. Animals, like humans, were, after all, driven by survival and one could not survive without food.

Still, that cry she heard was nothing like she had heard before. Or at least, not in a long time. And the forest shifted then. She knew it. She felt it.

So despite nothing appearing to be wrong with the woods that trial - no sounds, no unexpected shifts - Elowen considered the trees around her. The shadows that clung between the trunks. And whenever she came across a small altar, she would place a little something on it - a berry, a piece of bread, a little flower - in hopes that the woods would take care of her as they had always done and not drag her into whatever it was that had upset it the other trial.

Eventually, Elowen arrived at a marker stone that she had been looking for. On occasion, these were placed along the trails as landmarks. The girl didn't know who placed them, but she was glad for them regardless. This particular stone was oblong and about two and a half feet tall. It had three horizontal grooves near its top. That's why she remembered it and she knew that now she had to turn south west and continue that way until she'd find the Sumac trees she was after.

The Sumac was a rare tree in these woods. It grew sparsely and irregularly throughout the forest. But it was much easier to find further south from the Creeksong. So the girl ventured into the woods, as she had done before many times. The collecting basket in her hand was swaying with her steps and a few cone shaped flowerheads of the Goldenrod were poking out over the edge.

Now came the moment when Elowen had to focus. She could not rely on the sun to show her breaks in the trees where a Sumac tree might grow. So she kept her eyes forward and her mind alert, unaware that there was more she would come across that trial than what she was looking for.
word count: 519
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Lost in the [Mistral] woods

The woods around her spoke their usual language of rustling leaves. Elowen listened to it for comfort, but also for information. Even though the Mistral Woods were peaceful for the most part, they were a home to various animals. Most, when spooked, ran. If the girl could catch a whisper of such thing as a quicker stirring or a snap of few twigs, she'd know where not to go. It was not her intention, at the end of the trial, to disturb and upset the life inside the woods.

So when she heard the signature sounds of something moving through the forest growth behind her, Elowen slowed, noted the location and cast a quick look over her shoulder. She wanted to confirm whether whatever was walking around was moving away from her or towards her.

Her view was obscured by some new forest growth on top of a gentle hillock and the sounds seemed to be coming from behind it. There were a few young trees that strove to stretch towards the sky to steal for themselves at least a little taste of sunlight, on a normal trial. The one who stole the most would eventually overshadows those who didn't, winning the race. Either way, whatever was coming was still behind the land formation and Elowen couldn't quite tell which way it was going.

So she stopped to wait and see. After all, even in the Mistral Woods, it was best to know what was behind you so it did not come and surprise you. And whilst she waited, she tried to identify the creature based on the sounds she was hearing.

It was a scuffling sound, irregular and frankly rather loud for the usual quietness of the Mistral. Elowen's heart thumped. It could be something large searching for food. Or it could be injured, confused. Any number of possibilities, none of which held a positive connotation if that large something was a predator. Or it could be...

...a person that clambered to the top of the hillock.

Surprised and relieved in equal measure, the girl stayed put, further assessing the situation. She could see, even at the distance, that the person was dressed in clothes a little too fine for a woodsman but not too exquisite to be a noble. They were not out here felling trees. If not the clothes, then the lack of any saw or axe gave that away. She also saw that their black hair was matted. Were they lost?

The person looked up and scanned the trees. But even before their sight fell on Elowen, the girl drew in a sharp breath. The person was blue and the whites of their eyes were piercing.
Last edited by Elowen on Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 454
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Lost in the [Mistral] woods

"Hey! You!"

Elowen jerked when he called to her. There was a bark to his voice as though he expected her to stay where she was until he got to her. But how could he? His eyes were white. He was going to injure himself trying to get down the hillock! And because of his supposed disability, it did not even occur to Elowen to be concerned about a possible ambush. Bandits were rare in these Woods but not unheard of. A decoy like this on an unsuspecting girl would not be so unbelievable.

But as the man began his descent, Elowen left her spot and rushed towards him before slowing down again. The man reached for trees and caught them, placing his feet in ways that weren't stumbling. The girl was confused. Should a blind person be able to do this?

She stopped at some point, giving in to her suspicion about his sight that it wasn't at all gone. The stranger had to walk the rest of the way, brushing off some of the dirt that was on his clothes, confirming her theory, no matter how ludicrous it sounded in her mind.

"You. I need water," he said when he arrived. Elowen frowned, didn't look past the man's knees. There was next to no desperation in the man's voice, but when he stretched out his hand towards her, she noticed that the glove it was clothed in was dirty with some rips, exposing blue skin.

Elowen wasn't one for confrontation even though she did not appreciate the man's attitude. Maybe he had been not been lost out here for long and it was more an inconvenience for him, rather than a life threatening situation. Either way, the young apothecary wasn't going to ask to find out. He had already made her uncomfortable enough to essentially force her into doing what was asked. So she put down her basket and moved her satchel to withdraw a small waterskin, half-full.

The man took it and drank his fill, before passing it empty back to the girl.

"Now which was is the path?" He asked.

She put away the now empty skin, only marginally concerned about it. After all, she would find her way home or to the nearest stream easier than this man it seemed. After that, Elowen pointed behind herself, through the woods. The path marker had long disappeared from view, but she more or less knew the direction in which it lay.

"Hmm, you will have to guide me to it," the man said and waited.

At that point, Elowen remained rooted in spot, frowning. She was used to people's curtness but not to their commands. Thanks to her profession, people came and asked her, very rarely demanded things of her. It was an odd balance between her age and the wisdom inherited from Meira. So, his tone and assumption of compliance rubbed the girl wrong way. She did not want to take him to the path. But she also could not refuse it. It would not be right to leave someone lost inside Mistral.

"So. Are we going or not?" He asked, a hint of irritation and impatience in his voice.

Elowen pressed her lips together. "Me collection to do," she said quietly, pointing at her basket. After all, a trip this deep into the woods had to end in full success otherwise it was a wasted journey. And a success would look like parts of the Sumac tree in her basket.

There was the briefest moment of silence, before the man responded. "What are you collecting?" He spoke slower and though his words weren't as commanding, they were still heavy with something else that pressed into the girl giving her the impression of being cornered and having to answer if she were to free herself.

She shifted in the spot, her body stiff. Somewhere nearby, the branches swayed and leaves rustled. "Sumac bark, leaves, berries," she told him and bent down to pick up her basket, hoping to get out of that cone of pressure she had associated with his gaze.

"Berries in cone shape, red? Thin leaves?"

Elowen raised her eyebrows and couldn't help it but looked over the man's face briefly. His white eyes were bearing into her from up high and his face was pulled into a sharp studying expression. The girl dropped her gaze and nodded, shifting again. She did not like this situation but could not see how to get out of it.

"That way. Over the hillock. I show you. Then you take me out of here," he said and began walking away
word count: 786
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Lost in the [Mistral] woods

Elowen hesitated for a moment before following some five to ten steps behind the blue skinned man. The treetops nearby rustled again and Elowen looked up, expecting to see Pea. But he wasn't there. Why would he anyway? He was free to fly wherever he chose to.

She walked up the hillock and noticed that on the other side it was much steeper with a fallen dead tree nearby. It was covered in moss with some mushrooms taking to it for nutrition. The man climbed over it, making sure not to get much of his body dirty, scanned his surroundings, then kept walking.

The young apothecary also kept looking around. Two pairs of eyes were better than one. But also, she did not fully trust her new temporary companion. She could be walking into a trap for all she knew.

"You live here?" The man asked.

The girl did not answer. He looked over his shoulder at her briefly.

"You seem to know your way around that's all. I could use a proper guide after this...fiasco."

Elowen frowned. She wasn't quite sure the meaning of all he said, but she understood the word guide. Fiasco left her dumbfounded. So she remained silent still.

The man scoffed, shaking his head. "You're either dumb or don't understand Common."

Elowen's frown grew fierce and she buried her gaze into the man's back. That's when she saw the Sumac whilst he did not seem to notice. For a moment, a thought zipped through her mind - leave him. And she probably should have. Only that could mean he'd be lost out here for longer and if he didn't get lucky to stumble on another person or find a path, he could die of exposure. The girl has seen her share of death but this one... She did not want his stranger on her consciousness longer than necessary. So she was sticking to the rescue plan.

"Over there," she uttered and turned off towards their target.

"Huh. I swear it was further that ways on to the right..."

"Forest can confuse," Elowen said, now in the lead, wanting to be done already.

"Yeah? Well this one more than any other. I wonder why..."

The girl worked her lips side to side before saying. "It moves." And she hurried along. There was still some distance to cover.

The man uttered a short barking laugh. "Nonsense."

Elowen gritted her teeth. Her fingers tightened around the basket hoop.

"Unless you're telling me that this is another, maybe smaller, Ywyngyll. Then I might just believe you."

The girl huffed.

"Otherwise, I think you're lying."

At that, she stopped abruptly and turned around. "I not lie!" Though her voice was louder with the irritation, it was nowhere near a shout. "Power in the forest. Shift paths. Change trees. Punish people who disrespect or hurt it." She stopped just as abruptly as she began for a few reasons.

First, the man in front of her had a smirk on his face. Elowen suddenly felt as though she had dirt all over her body. She had some concerns about traps, but never thought the one she'd fall into was that of the mind.

Second, this man was lost in Mistral with the path not that far off.

The girl took a step back. The man did not follow. If anything, he seemed to draw to his full height. For the first time, in a long time, Elowen felt the creeps of intimidation swirling around her body. This man had no visible weapon on him. None but the brain inside his head and he was using it rather well on an unsuspecting forest girl. Why? Elowen did not know but she did not like it one bit.

"A force that moves paths and changes trees. Like a protection of sorts. Protecting what? Dare you say? Hm?"

The young apothecary pressed her lips together and shook her head.

"Oh really? What a shame...you either don't know because you're a lowly, simple girl. Or you won't tell. Either way, I suppose I'll have to look for it myself..."

The sound of his voice was like slime rubbing across her skin, getting stuck in her hair.

That's when she heard the rustling again and that same call, she had heard only few trials ago.

The two of them looked up at the same time. She caught a glimpse of his face with a hint of recognition. Air caught in her throat.

Then the call sounded again, closer.

Elowen knew the woods, its sounds, the way they bounced off the trees. So she looked in the general direction from which she thought the sound was coming from. She saw a shadow. Or was it a tree top moving?

A feeling of dread washed over her. Whatever the forest wanted, it couldn't have been her. Not her.

She looked back at the man and noticed he was observing her, looking a little surprised by the fear inscribed in her face.

Then she bolted. Elowen abandoned her mission of being a good samaritan. The forest wanted this man and she would gladly give him to it. Her feet pounded the first floor as she tried to sprint with everything towards the Sumac tree.

"Hey!" The man called behind her and she heard the hurried stomps. She zipped to a side like a hare on the run, keeping the Sumac in the corner of her vision.


She was sure the sorrowful call was right above her.

She dashed back towards the Sumac, her legs beating as fast as she could, trying to avoid roots but still getting caught at times or not able to anticipate the drop enough.

Then the shift came.
word count: 973
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Lost in the [Mistral] woods

This time, the shift felt more violent than the one before. Perhaps because Elowen was closer to the epicenter, perhaps because her heart was already pumping and adrenaline coursing through her veins. If someone were to ask her what the shift looked like, she wouldn't be able to tell. Nor after the first time, nor now. It was more a sensation than a visual thing. It was like someone tugging the rug under your feet on a mild occasion. Or on this one - someone ripping it out from under you whilst you're spinning.

One thing was for sure, the trill that the shift came, Elowen's foot got caught on a tree root that she did not see a moment earlier. It sent her flying. The girl screamed out, stretching her hands in front of her.

She impacted the ground. The shock of landing went from the butt of the palms, through her wrists and all the way to her elbows before the momentum carried her forward and over onto her side. Only the friction between her body and the ground slowed her to a stop. The skin on her palms was already pulsating a little.

Elowen got part of the wind knocked out of her. It left her with an audible huff. She stayed on the ground even after she had stopped, her eyes bouncing from tree to tree se she was looking back the way she ran. Nothing but trees and shadows looked back at her.

Then she looked behind her and saw the sumac tree. She wasn't sure if it was further or closer. She wasn't even sure if it was the same one.

Her gaze zipped back towards the way she came running from. She focused on the shadows, and wished she could see around tree trunks. Was the man somewhere there also unsettled? Was he looking around? Looking for her?

Then she heard a scream far off in the distance filled with anger and frustration. Breath caught in her throat and she found herself scrambling to her feet. She now knew for a fact that Mistral had just separated her from the man. Why? She didn't know but she suspected there was a reason. She shook a little from it all, naming fear in her as she shook. She was scared of the man and his white eyes. She was also fearful for the forest for she told him things that she maybe shouldn't have. Things that might make the man come back and look as he said.

Elowen turned and started rummaging through her satchel as she walked towards the sumac tree, more often than not looking around. She had to finish gathering and then make herself scarce. Though she couldn't be sure where the path or its marker were now, she knew that staying within a shouting distance of the man was a bad idea. She felt she had already done enough damage just trying to help him and even telling him about Mistral.

All she wanted now, was to go back to the shack where she would be safe and away from strangers in the woods. Or people in general for she still did not understand them and it kept getting her in situations she didn't like.
Last edited by Elowen on Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 553
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Lost in the [Mistral] woods

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Elowen getting lost in the woods and meeting a stranger. Though nothing of violence or untoward towards Elowen happens, it may make some people uncomfortable. After all, it is a stranger in the woods, talking to a teenage girl. I felt a little uncomfortable writing it.

Thread: Lost in the [Mistral] woods
City/Area: The Stormlands

Renown: I don't think so.

Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Doran
word count: 106
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: Lost in the [Mistral] woods


Athletics: 1
Detection: 1
Detection: 1
Field Craft: 1
Medicine: 1

Loot: -
Language -
Losses: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: Scraped palms.
Renown: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: I love the way you write about nature. I could almost see the woods in front of me!

Your description of Mistral Woods also made it obvious that Elowen is very in tune with nature. You didn’t need to directly tell your readers so. You can tell by the way Elowen knows what a snap of a few twigs means, for example.

It made sense for Elowen to be relieved at first when she saw the man – and to think he might be blind because he had white eyes. She was very kind to him even though he was rude.

You managed to make him really unpleasant. I almost immediately disliked him. Good job!

I’m glad that the woods took care of him!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 157





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