Finding the Place (Part 3)

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Finding the Place (Part 3)

Vhalar 18

Gennadiya emerged from her tent wondering why people enjoyed camping. She was aware that she wasn’t ruffing it the way others did. Pablo had not talked about his training camping trips but some of his buddies had made it clear that she with her tent, and warm sleeping bag, and such was nothing like the Knights training. Where they had a thin pad, and blanket they could carry with them. She didn’t care that it could get rougher, her back wasn’t happy with sleeping on the ground. She glanced up at the hill she had felt drawn to the night before. She sighed and looked around.

Light filled the world but sun was still behind the horizon. She was surprised to see that fire was already burning merrily away and water was heating next to the fire and a pan with some strips of bacon beginning to sizzle. She continued to look around and saw Pablo walking up from the lake. It wasn’t to far and Genna felt her breath catch as she watched his approached. His hair was wet, as was his upper torso. Her fiancé was shirtless and as she looked she could see his torso was damp as it appeared he had gone down to the lake to wash up. She watched as he continued to walk the distance back. It appeared he had a bucket of some sort filled with water. Genna felt like she should stop staring, but then a little voice in her reminded her that the fit handsome young man would soon be hers. So instead of turning away she dropped some of her self control and walked towards him, allowing a interested smiled to spread across her face.

Pablo seemed more focused on not spilling or slipping as he climbed back to the camp so Genna was almost on his when he looked up and saw her. Then he saw her expression and paused in surprise. Genna came up and reached up to wrap her hands around his neck, but intentionally made contact with his damp skin and slid her palms upward before wrapping her arms around his neck, and then standing on tip toes brought her lips up for a kiss. There was a thumb as the bucket was hastily put on the ground and Pablo lowered his head to meet her lips. She felt his arms wrap around her and pull her close. The kiss wasn’t very long but it seemed to be. Genna was no expert in kissing or other such skills, but in that moment she had restrained much of her own restrained, she let down that inner wall to allow Pablo in. So as they held each other and kissed there was nothing fancy about it, but it was an honest kiss. One that had emotion and desire.

After a moment they both pulled back for air, but neither removed there arms, and just smiled at each other, happy. Finally time tapped them on the shoulder and reminded them it was passing, and both with drew their arms. Pablo picked up the bucket and indicated to the fire. “How is the bacon doing.”

“Oh.” Genna said and then rush back realizing that she had completely forgotten about it. She was pulling the very crisp bacon out of the pan and Pablo returned, having been slower to make sure he didn’t spill the water. The two continued about their morning. Pablo had brought water up to use for washing, both Genna and dishes. The young woman did take a chance to use the water to clean her face. It wasn’t long before both were done and ready for their hike. Pablo looked down at the shore and motioned farther along. “You mentioned wanting to look in on the Mer rumors we heard about. Did you want to do that first?”

“I think so.” Genna said. The two holding hands began to walk towards the shore. Packs with supplied secured to their backs. The traveled farther along the shore, looking out for any Mer or any signs as to what was causing the rumors. The two went looking for the strangle bobbles that were being placed one the plant and trees in this area. Both kept their eyes open as the approached. Genna hand understood the Mer were peaceful, so this could be a call or a warning. So the moved with caution.
Last edited by Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor on Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 743

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Re: Finding the Place (Part 3)

Bubble Bobble

As Gennadiya and Pablo toured the area they were scouting to find a suitable place for Ymiden's shrine, Gennadiya would hear the faintest sound in her ears. At first it cascaded like the breath of the wind blowing off the waters. Eventually she came to understand it as the voice of Lovalus. She spoke to Gennadiya alone, "I know why you have come to these shores. While I respect the sentiment, the Immortals and world of Spirits have not always gotten along. Like oil to water, we do not always make for a perfect mixture."

The bubbles popping up from the waters of the lake began roiling, as if they were nearly boiling now. It appeared there were many mer, or else something far larger than a mer emerging from the waters, that had not yet reached the surface. "However, Ymiden uniquely among the Immortals, is respectful of the spirit world. I consent to his shrine being scouted around my shores."

The bubbling and roiling of the waters came to a head, literally, as a pair of Jacadon rose from the waters. They nipped and playfully swiped at each other as they emerged from the waters, groaning their majestic voices as they crooned over the treelines, pure water sluicing from their scales as they rose above the land and danced above the Lake.

"Magnificent, aren't they? These majestic creatures sought refuge in my waters, and use it as a spawning bed." There was some amusement in Lovalus' cadence as she spoke to Gennadiya on the arrangement. "I offer them fish and food, if they leave my mer folk alone. So far they have honored this arrangement, and thus I've made every Jacadon that bathes in my waters a creature of my own."

"Your blessing as a Warden protects you from their sight, as a object of predation. And thus it extends to your mate as well."

Lovalus sighed into Gennadiya's hearing, "But there is one thing left to be done between my Jacadon and I." Lovalus sent rivulets and ribbons of shining water up to chase after the Jacadon, giving them sport as they played over the water with each other. "There is a piece of ceremony missing from the puzzle, of how to marry these Jacadon to my realm. I wonder if your Ymiden might help me with that?"

"Would you call to him? And see if he answers?"

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Re: Finding the Place (Part 3)

Vhalar 18

Genna walked with Pablo down towards the edge of the lake and the spot where the had heard reports about the Mer and their activities. She walked carefully in the moist ground, she wasn’t sinking in, but the ground did hold, though the young woman was glad that she was wearing her boots. She was also glad to have Pablo with her. He walked next to her as they went down to the shoreline. She could feel him standing next to her. She could feel him there to help in case anything happened. Which Genna accepted was possible. She was under no delicious about her and ruffing it. Though she felt that this was important and would push. She was happy that Pablo was there to support her.

Soon they reached the general area they were aiming for. I was while they were doing this that Genna began to hear something. She turned to look at Pablo pausing for a moment so they could talk. “Do you hear anything?” she asked. Pablo paused and looked at her for a moment as if considering his answer. Finally he said.

“Nothing I wouldn’t expect to hear.” He said carefully. Genna felt her self smile at his response. Her question had been rather vague. If he wasn’t hearing something then that would be a problem.

“I feel like I am hearing words on the wind.” Genna said giving more clarification.

“Well that has been known to happen.” Pablo said calmly. “Sometimes it is just in your mind though. Standing in the middle of the night on a watch tower, I have felt that the wind spoke to me. Sometimes it the sound of something far away on the wind.”

Genna nodded her head, she couldn’t argue with his statement, and understood enough about the mind to know he was speaking true. In this context though, she wasn’t alone, nor was she scared. She stayed their for a moment and closed her eyes to listen more intently. She could feel Nayeli with her, and drawing to attention. In her mind the dirri said. ‘It is Lovalus.’ Then it was as if the barrier was broken and Genna could understand what was being said. Genna as she realized who it was curtsied to the lake. She paused and listened to the conversation. Pablo stood by her and aware of the various beings she served guessed she must be talking with one of them. His military training came in hand as he didn’t fidget while waiting.

“Thank you Lovalus.” Genna said the spirit explained that she was willing to let a shrine to Ymiden be constructed here on her shores. The conversation wasn’t over though, and Genna felt Pablo step up behind her as the water bubbled and then as the Jacadon came racing out. Genna reached up her hand and placed her palm again Pablo’s check in a sign to not worry. She believed the Induk that they would be safe from the predatory animals. She could feel Pablo though at the ready, his body behind her and his protective instincts there. He felt the palm on his face and looked down at Genna, her expression calm, and her touch reassuring. Pablo was still tense but he trusted her.

“They are beautiful creatures Lovalus,” Genna said and continued. “I will be glade to see talk with Ymiden about helping you and these creatures finish your bounding.” The young woman had some thoughts as to what would be needed but wasn’t exactly sure.

Genna raised her arms up towards the sky. The sun had risen already but it was still at the tale end of dawn which always helped. Genna thought for a moment and breathed in and out a couple times and then said, she didn’t shout, though she spoke loudly and firmly. “Ymiden, Dawn Lord, beloved of the Summer, of thoughts who see a new start, and thoughts who pass through forgiveness. Your servant seeks your aid. The Induk Lovalus, guardian against the flameborn, blesser of these lands, wishes to make a request of you.” Genna realized that she was trusting both of these entities. They had both earned her trust and was willing to see what would happen. “Will you please confer with her to see if together you can grant her desire, to bound these creatures of the water to her.” Genna honestly had no idea if Ymiden would answer in person or some other way, she had felt his hand many times but only seen him once or twice that she was aware of. She did feel confident that he would at least hear her call.[/Knolwedge]

Genna closed her eyes and waited for a sign even as the Jacadon’s danced around her and Pablo.

Last edited by Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor on Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 807
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Re: Finding the Place (Part 3)

Like the passing of a summer breeze, Gennadiya's prayer was answered thus. "It is not my season..."

"This is not mine to resolve, however..."

"Use my gifts. Reunite them with their eggs. Restore them from their grief."

It appeared based on this, that Ymiden was sending it back to Gennadiya to fix and resolve the situation. He would not intervene beyond the gifts that he owed to her loyalty and devotion.

However, she was gifted with a vision of Zynyx Market, a bustling place, and large, stone-like eggs sitting in a clutch of four. They were Jacadon eggs. Cruel men and women gathered around them, tossing nels and valuables in an effort to purchase these coveted eggs.

"Their children are in peril. Bring them here, in the wake of the season of Ymiden, and I will join with Lovalus and these magnificent creatures."

This said to Gennadiya, Ymiden went silent once more, and she was left with a lingering memory of that bustling market, full of dishonest poachers, smuggelrs, and worse. What was she to do?

Lovalus waited, Ymiden anticipated their return. In the meantime, she knew she had Ymiden's blessing as well as Lovalus to continue planning the shrine, but it seemed this final piece of the puzzle must be that she would have to bring the Jacadon eggs to these shores in the season of next Ymiden, where Ymiden was empowered to act more directly. The Truce between the seasonal Immortals was ironclad, beyond a couple of the anomalous seasons of Cylus and Saun, and he would not violate Vhalar by taking direct action under his season.
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Re: Finding the Place (Part 3)

Vhalar 18

Gennadiya stood as the middle woman between a Induk and Immortal. She nodded her head as she understood what was being asked of her and what the conditions would be for the achievement of it. Lovalus wanted to bring these creatures into her realm but needed their young. Ymiden was willing to help, but need her to retrieve the creatures in question, but also needed to do it during the trials housed within his season. Genna bowed her head to both, though neither was physically there. “I will retrieve these eggs and bring them back her during the time of Ymiden. It is then when what is desired can most effectively be achieved.” Genna felt a mutual acceptance of what was proposed.

She stayed there standing by Pablo as the Jacadon’s moved about them. Genna felt her love slip his arms around her as the two waited. It took only a little time before the two could freely move away from the edge of the lake and back towards the hill that they had originally chosen to survey the area around this part of the lake. Genna was surprised with how well she kept up with Pablo. She didn’t deceive herself that she was any great hiker. Pablo kept pace with her, but she could tell that he had to make a effort not to go faster. She didn’t feel like he was upset by the pace they were taking, just that he would have gone faster. Soon they were walking up the hill and Genna discovered that she wasn’t as fit as she had thought. The healer regular walked up and down the city to and from her home. This hill was harder. The backpack was the starting difference but even the ground itself was very different. The rocks she didn’t see and the shifting ground added a new element to the hike.

Genna trudged on though and didn’t say anything. Pablo kept pace with her and Genna was gratefully when a rock slipped out from under her foot and Pablo grabbed her arm to keep her from falling.[/knolwedge] Genna looked up and smiled. “Thank you.” She said with a smile.

“It’s a steep hill.” He said, and in that moment she could tell that while he was doing better even he had a bit of shortness of breath. The two eventually reached the top of the hill and looked around at the world beyond the hill. Genna felt that while the location for a monastery for Ymiden should be by the lake it should be right next to the lake. She looked down the hill and saw a couple different hills a pit further on.

The two continued to walk among the hills. It was mid afternoon when Genna came upon a shallow valley. She paused and looked around, and felt that this place was the correct place. It was hard to say how, but even Pablo seemed to sense it. The two each took a seat and sitting next to each other looked down upon the valley. There did appear to be a path into the valley coming in the direction of the lake.

“So I am guessing by lack of comments this place seems to fit the bill?” Pablo asked. Genna turned and smiled at him.

“Yes. I think it does.” Genna said and point. “The monastery and gardens can be in the valley itself, and the tops of the hills can hold the shrines.” She paused and looked around and frowned. “Its distance from the lake might be an issue.” She said and then looked at Pablo. “Though we have wandered so much I am not sure how close it actually is.” She said.

“I believe that was the originally hill we climbed.” Pablo said. “I think we started on the other sides and have just wandered around it.”

“I think your right.” Genna said. “Do you mind if we explore it for a while.”

“On one condition.” Pablo said. He grinned. “You race me down the hill.”

Genna looked at him surprised and then grinning started running down the hill into the valley. Pablo seemed prepared and started shortly after her. Genna found herself laughing as she ran while at the same time trying to keep from falling. Pablo came upon her as they reached the bottom and suddenly enfolded her in his arms and lifted her off her feet and finished carrying them down the last part of the hill. Genna clung to him smiling and laughing. The two half fell/collapsed on the ground. Genna still grinning put her hands on either side Pablo’s face and kissed him.

[After a while Genna and Pablo returned to exploring the valley. Eventually the two returned to there camp for the evening. The valley was good and while the walk as a distance from the lake it wasn’t unreasonable. The two settled in for the evening enjoying their time to themselves.
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Re: Finding the Place (Part 3)


Gennadiya Lyosha


Well Gennadiya is a lucky individual to get a friendly Jacadon sighting, just there out while scouting a spot for the Ymiden Shrine. Lovalus seems amenable to the idea, and Ymiden too in case she sets it up in time for Ymiden.

In either case, I look forward to the next stages of this process, and hope that Gennadiya finds success at reconciling the Jacadons with Lovalus

Good writing. Happy to mod you here.


  • XP: 15
  • Warden Faction Points: 6


  • Cooking: Bacon is editable even when burned
  • Cooking: Cleaning the cooking dishes right away.
  • Field Craft: How to walk across muddy unstable ground
  • Detection: Distinguishing between a voice and the wind
  • Socialization: Acting as a diplomate between and Immortal and Induk
  • Endurance: Pushing on during Hiking
word count: 131
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