• Information • [Scalvoris] NPC Repository

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[Scalvoris] NPC Repository

NPC Repository
Prophet Only NPCs
Scalvoris Council /Current or Former Government NPCs


Name: Brandel
Race: Human
Age: Born 640
Title: Former Albarech of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Previously the resident on Watch, a job he held for 20 arcs, Brandel was unanimously elected to the position of Albarech by his peers immediately upon the decision that there'd be one. He is very focused on the island and its well-being, without family or any other hobbies to distract him he works tirelessly. He hated the Pirate Lords and all they stood for and he is determined that, on his Watch, he will do good for the island and her people. He handed over his role to Kura but is happy to maintain a close relationship with the council and to advise as necessary.

Rand Broson

Name: Rand Broson
Race: Sev'ryn / Human
Age: Born 667
Title: Militant of Scalvoris Council / Militant of Elemental
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Rand is a hard, fair man. He doesn't speak much as he believes that you learn a lot more by listening than you ever will by talking. He is the head of the Scalvoris Military (the Elements) and he is very proud of that job. A hard working man, he tends towards solitude and does not make friends easily. He has a temper, as his troops will attest and he will not back down when he believes he is right.


Name: Sidhe'nn Fraear
Race: Human
Age: Born 679
Title: Former Accountant of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Sidhe'nn is a cold, calculating and utterly callous individual whose bottom line is money. He doesn't care if giving a little bit less money to a cause means the twenty five hungry children or vulnerably elderly folk die. However, what he does care about is keeping his well paid job and ensuring that he maintains his own lifestyle. Therefore, he does his job well and he follows the whim and ethos of the council. He used to do the same for the Pirate Lords and he was probably more vicious than at least seventeen of them put together. He was exited from the Council.


Name: Reza
Race: Human
Age: Born 690
Title: Overseer of the Shrines on Immortals Tongue. Former Devout.
Skills: More than the other write up. But you don't need to know!
Other Information: Reza is a woman of few words. She has responsibility for the island and, somehow, everyone knows this. No one knows who appointed her, but no one argues either. She is a peace keeper and she maintains keeping the peace by whatever means necessary, including drastic measures. She will help visitors by directing them to the shrine they are looking for but no more than that, usually.


Name: Marcelle Tren
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 687
Title: Trainer of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: An educator of children by trade, Marcelle would be the first person to tell you that she is out of her depth in this whole Council thing. But she's doing her best and she has a sharper mind than she gives herself credit for. She is a passionate teacher and a friendly woman. Also, she isn't afraid of conflict and has the skills of managing a classroom of five arc olds. Veteran soldiers have quivered and quaked at her stare.


Name: James Witchbane
Race: Human
Age: Born 664
Title: Former Academic of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: James is an enthusiastic individual whose personality strongly resembles that of a puppy. He is enthused by learning, loves people and thinks the best of them. He is a dreamer, an optimist and determined to see the good in everyone. He loves swimming in the ocean (even when it's freezing) and never feels more free than in that moment of diving into the water.


Name: Francis LeShard
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 687
Title: Merchant of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Francis is a shrewd businesswoman who is here representing the Merchants' Guild. Really that is exactly and only who she is representing. She has worked as a businesswoman throughout the north and east of Idalos and her bottom line is the profit. She is nice, friendly and polite to everyone. She would also sell her grandmother for the right price.


Name: Jo'ne Tide
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: Born 691
Title: Almund Representative of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Jo'ne is the Mayor of Almund. Her father was a pirate and his father before him. Her mother was a whore and her grandmother a drug dealer and the bane of the seas. Jo'ne is a foul mouthed, tobacco chewing woman who will take no nonsense from anyone.


Name: Elliot
Race: Human / Sev'ryn
Age: Born 679
Title: Chief Ranger
Skills: Bow: 70, Sword: 55, Hunting: 50, Animal Husbandry: 50, Animal Training: 50, Fieldcraft: 50
Other Information: Elliot is a stern man who will not suffer fools at all. He is a hard working individual who has no family ties; there have been many women and men who have attempted to attract his attention but he appears to be completely married to his job. He is a man of few words and will act rather than debate. He will defend Darbyton and Scalvoris with fibre of his being and is as loyal a man as can be.


Name: Liza
Race: Human / Sev'ryn
Age: Born 694
Title: The Merchant Queen
Skills: Socialization: 65, Appraisal: 65, Business Management, 60, Seduction: 50, Glassblowing: 50
Other Information: Liza is a friendly woman who has taken the rag tag nature of Egilrun and turned it into a place for trade. She is keen business woman who is more than able to strike a hard bargain. She is hoping to strengthen trade negotiations with Viden and to be able to supply them useful and unusual goods. She is loyal and tenacious and will always work for the betterment of Egilrun specifically and Scalvoris generally.


Name: Shania
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Title: Accountant for the Council
Skills: Unknown
Other Information: If there is one thing which everyone agrees on, it is that Shania is a nice lady. Friendly, helpful and always willing to help out, she is the backbone of the growing region on Gunvorton. She knows everyone, it seems, and she's always there should anyone need a little bit of information. She used to run the local inn and now she runs the economics and budgets of the island. When she ran the Home and Hearth, she saw it as her job, as she tells everyone, to make sure that all who came to her establishment leave just a little bit happier. Now, it's her job to make sure that the numbers add up.


Name: Linca
Race: Biqaj
Age: Born 678
Title: Chief of the village of Havardr
Skills: Other things too. Need to know....
Other Information: Linca is the chief of Havardr, the hardest worker on the island, some say, and a straight talking fellow. He will trade, but he won't be fiddled and is a hard negotiator.


Name: Leigh Birch
Race: Human
Age: Born 693
Title: Scalvoris Town Representative of Scalvoris Council
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Leigh is the Mayor of Scalvoris Proper. She lives there and has her offices there. She is a friendly and very well organised woman who is keen to listen to all of the opinions on offer. She has trouble sometimes as she can have a bit of a tendency to avoid conflict, but that just means that she sits back and doesn't take sides. It certainly doesn't mean that she's lacking opinions.
Other Prophet-Only NPCs


Tasha von Dwight
Name: Tasha VonDwight
Race: Human
Age: 14th Ymiden, 692
Title: The Pale Queen of Faldrass
Moderation Type: Moderator Only
Able/Willing to Mentor?: Yes
Skills able/willing to Mentor in:

Other Information: Tasha was born to a family of doctors on Faldrass. She was raised to be a smart and compassionate person, and her naturally calm temperament and love for learning helped her to develop her skills at a prodigious rate. However her family had a secret: Tasha's great grandfather, Xavier VonDwight, had been a necromancer madly obsessed with becoming immortal. Within a secret laboratory beneath Faldrass he researched many different paths to obtain this goal. Although family history claimed he died insane and alone, his own research notes claim that found such a method in the local legend of the Phoenix Stones.

One day to her surprise a mirror that'd been passed to her as a family heirloom stopped showing her reflection, and instead showed an image of a old, dank laboratory. Following a map Xavier had left, Tasha found her great grandfather's laboratory and within it the necromancer Tio Silver, who had come across the place whilst hunting for a Phoenix Stone and claimed it for himself. Bartering with her hereditary right to the lab, Tasha convinced Tio to take her as an apprentice, and not long afterwards was initiated into necromancy.

Tasha turned out to be a natural and found wielding her spark came easily. Perhaps too easily. She accepted the mutations the spark made to her without a hint of concern, and her love for learning started to take on a more obsessive edge. Tio however was too proud of her talent to notice these changes taking place within her. Soon Tasha came to realise that Tio lacked the commitment to reach the true heights of necromancy, and that if she remained his student she would be condemned to the same fate. When the two went to Yaralon to investigate a strange experiment happening in a Necropolis, Tasha saw her opportunity. Whilst her master battled with another necromancer they found there she stole the secret books and relics within the Necropolis and fled back to Scalvoris, where she reclaimed her great grandfather's laboratory. Ever since her undead minions have been scouring Faldrass for another Phoenix Stone, kidnapping the occasional lone travellers for her to use in her experiments.

Credit: Tio Silver

Scalvorian Waters

Kizoran Mer Tribe
Kizoran is the collective name for the series of undersea volcanoes and lava-flows that are located to the far, far east of Scalvoris' coast. It is not a name or a place known to many surface-dwellers, and those few Akktava mer who have ever chanced upon the volcanic mountain range regard it as nothing more than an empty, underwater wasteland.

Which is exactly what the inhabitants want you to think.

In the arc of 467, a civil war broke out amidst the mer of the Akktava clan. It was not a war of resources or of territory, but of ideology. There were those that believed that the Leviathan Sotong should continue to lead their clan the way he had for generations, and those that believed that the mer should instead lead themselves. It was said that the leader of the rebellion had found out some horrible secret of Sotong's that sparked the revolution, but what that was or even if that was true has been lost to history. Brother fought brother, sister fought sister, and bloody conflict consumed clan. War raged from the shadows for so long that eventually the great Sotong deemed it necessary to intervene, and with indiscriminate judgment, slaughter entire families of dissenters. Sotong had won, and the entire conflict, along with the names of every mer who was deemed a rebel, was erased from every record the Akktava had. To their clan, the war had never happened.

To the thirteen dissenting mer that had escaped Sotong's slaughter, they would remember it forever as the Bloodtide War.

This group of thirteen would wander the waters of Idalos for arcs, searching for refuge and a place to raise families safe from their former clan. But Sotong's reach was long, and the group was hunted relentlessly throughout their journey. Thirteen would become nine before they finally found a place free from even the Leviathan's interest. Kizoran.

Not known for its hospitable environment, the Kizoran Volcanic mountain range was not easy to settle when the mer arrived in 473. Undersea lava-flows, earthquakes, and eruptions were only some of the constant environmental hazards that the tribe of mer faced while attempting to tame the sea. Scarce food and terrifying wildlife were others. It proved only due to the dedicated leadership of their sea-shaman, a Defiance mage named Raes, that their group managed to not only survive the dangers of the area, but in time begin to thrive. A new clan was formed in secret, kept intentionally small so that their Akktavan enemies would never find them again. Named after the volcanoes which hid and protected them, that small group of mer would be known as the Kizora Clan.

Arcs after its inception, the Kizora Clan have adopted a culture entirely unique from their Akktavan predecessors. The mer exclusively worship their ancestors and the Kizoran itself, paying tribute to both through elaborate ritual and offerings thrown into lava-flows. They are fiercely xenophobic group who carefully monitor both their borders and the number of their own clan. They are never more than fifty Kizora alive at a time, a number deemed large enough to defend the clan should they encounter conflict and small enough that they may continue to keep their existence a carefully guarded secret. The clan keep their numbers so well regulated by a highly selective and ritualized process of breeding. To be chosen as a mate worthy of reproducing is one of the highest honors a Kizora Mer can achieve. Because of their low numbers, every member of the clan is valuable and considered an equal. Their roles in society are based on merit and constantly shifting depending on what is needed for their survival, with two notable exceptions.

The first permanent position and the unofficial co-leader of the tribe, the Abyssoul is the spiritual guide of the Kizora Clan. Always a Defiance mage and a great sage, many in the tribe will turn to this individual for guidance on the clan's future and its past. It is their job to listen to the elements' warnings of possible intruders, pay homage the ocean and the great volcanoes, and lead the clan to the safest places in the mountain range. They are also the great historians and healers for the clan, telling their people's stories and healing their wounds so that they can build a better future for themselves. An Abyssoul may not be the only Defiance mage in the clan, but they will always be the most skilled. When one of their kind passes, a type of tournament is held by the remaining mages in the clan. They are sent into the heart of the Kizoran, and the one that masters both their opponents and the volcano emerges as the Abyssoul.

The second permanent position and the war leader for the Kizora Clan is known the Shaper. The Shaper is the clan's chief armsmith, and they alone guard the clan's secrets of undersea metallurgy from outsiders. Responsible for the creation of advanced armaments and the organization of the clan's defense, the Shaper serves the clan by ensuring that they are prepared to mount a viscous defense at a moments notice. A fiercey xenophobic clan, all the Kizora must be prepared to mount a defense against prying eyes in order to protect their secret nature. Unlike the Abyssoul, there is only ever one smith, as well as their apprentices, in a clan at a time. A Shaper may only ever have three apprentices at a time, and together these four are the only in the entire clan to know the secret of undersea smithing. This is not out of a need to keep secrets from their fellow mer, but instead because of the immense time one needs to dedicate to craft and the amount of skill forging requires. When a Shaper passes, each apprentice take a bit of bone from the corpse and includes it in the forging of a new weapon. The apprentice with the finest weapon is heralded as the new Shaper, and a new apprentice is selected from the clan.

The Kizora Clan have lived this way, in secret, for hundreds of arcs. Very few of their clan ever leave their borders, because all of the Kizora mer know that discovery is death. Not just for them, but their entire way of life.

Submitted for Development: May 2019
Approved: May 2019
Added to Prophet-Only Npcs: January 2022
Developed by: Faerro
Kizora Clan - The Abyssoul

Name: Koreal
Race: Mer
Age: 40th of Ymiden, 657
Title: Abyssoul
Skills: Defiance 73
Swimming 52
Storytelling 49
Medicine 46
Meditation 40
Attunement 35
Other Information: Koreal is a patient and gentle soul. It is a rare trial he ever raises his voice, and he can often be found helping the sick in the clan to recovery. He is aware that most others in the clan look to Asva for leadership rather than him, but he is happy to help in an advisory role. He takes great pleasure in his job as the clan's storykeeper, and if given the chance he will spin a truly astounding yarn about the history of the Kizora.

Submitted for Development: May 2019
Approved: May 2019
Added to Prophet-Only Npcs: January 2022
Checked for Skills Scale Down by Avalon. Amended skill for NPCs January 2022
Developed by: Faerro
Kizora Clan - The Shaper

Name: Asva
Race: Mer
Age: 16th of Ashan, 672
Title: Shaper
Transmutation 70
Defiance 44
Hone 30
Smithing 50
Swimming 30
Polearms (Trident) 26
Other Information: Asva is a severe looking mer, but her hard, warrior's exterior masks a truly caring heart. She holds herself up to impossible standards, and she knows it. She feels it necessary as what is asked of her position is often impossible. The clan's chief crafter and primary leader for 27 arcs, her shoulders bear the heavy burden of defending the Kizoran borders from any curious creatures. Still, despite the weight of her responsibility she is proud to serve her clan in the best way she can, by being its chief defender.
Submitted for Development: May 2019
Approved: May 2019
Added to Prophet-Only Npcs: January 2022
Checked for Skills Scale Down by Avalon. Amended skill for NPCs January 2022
Developed by: Faerro
Kizora Clan - Sypha

Name: Sypha
Race: Mer
Age: 3rd of Saun, 690
Title: Shaper's Apprentice
Swimming 55
Strength 44
Endurance 32
Smithing 30
Polearms (Spear) 26
Other Information: Sypha is often wearing a smile bright enough to match her eyes. A dedicated worker with boundless curiosity, her inquisitive energy has often gotten both her and her fellow apprentices in trouble with Asva for asking too many questions or exploring to far. Still, despite her skeptical nature, Sypha shows great respect to their clan's leader. At times she feels restrained by her role as apprentice, but she still put her all in her work. Dedicated, cheery, and pleasant, Sypha has her fair share of suitors among the available Kizora but the Abbysoul has yet to approve a single one for mating.

Submitted for Development: May 2019
Approved: May 2019
Added to Prophet-Only Npcs: January 2022
Checked for Skills Scale Down by Avalon. Amended skill for NPCs January 2022
Developed by: Faerro


Enri von Smooglenuff

Name: Enri von Smooglenuff
Created by: Doran
Race: Mortalborn (Xiur x Human)
Birthday: Cylus 3, Arc 380
Title: The former Baron von Smooglenuff
Location: Travelling
Skills: Master Cartography, Master Storytelling, Expert Navigation, Expert Writing, Expert Investigation, Expert Seafaring, Expert Socialization, Competent Caregiving, Competent Cryptography, Competent Disguise, Competent Tactics, Competent Blades, Competent Athletics, Competent Swimming, Competent Fieldcraft, Competent Hunting
Blessings: Sojourn: Exalted. Nalos: Exalted
Domains: Puzzles, Salvation, Optimism.
Details: To those that know what the Immortal of Hope looks like, it is obvious that Enri is his son. He has the same dark hair and the same dark eyes, and he is of a similar height and physical build, although his skin is a hint lighter than his father’s. On his right forearm is a prominent scar – the mark of Cassion.

Enri is an adventurous individual, highly creative and a born storyteller, but he is never violent and cruel. He has dealt with a fair share of monsters – of the four- and of the two-legged variety – over the course of the centuries, but he has defeated them with wit and cunning rather than with brute force. He has a penchant for anagrams, for riddles and secret codes and often uses a pseudonym.

Enri wants to understand the way the world works. Once described as one of the finest star cartographers he’d ever seen by one Admiral Mosra, he has travelled Idalos far and wide and been to places such as the lost city of Valaris and the Old Ruins of Fensalir in Melrath, but he always returns to the island where his story began as he cares about Scalvoris deeply.

Enri was made Baron von Smooglenuff for his actions in 416 – the story is well-known in Scalvoris by now – and lived on Faldrass for several decades, fathering several children, a daughter named Xaria and a son named Xad among them. He eventually retired as he thought that his daughter who took over after him as well as her descendants should have a chance as well, but he never stopped protecting his beloved island.

He helped out after the collapse of the docks in 718, for example, and told the children that had been affected by the tragedy stories in order to comfort them, although few know that it was him.

Once upon a time, Enri was close to his cousin Araman, a Mortalborn of Qylios who later became known as the Warden of Slag’s Deep. Once upon a time, the two of them were as close as brothers, but things eventually changed.

Notes: Moderator/Special Permission NPC

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Scalvoris NPC Repository

NPC Repository
City NPCs
Scalvoris Waters


Name: Sot
Race: Female Mer
Age: Unknown
Title: Eggmother

Animal Husbandry: 80
Socialization: 80
Logistics: 80
Mathematics: 80
Intelligence: 80
Meditation: 75
Leadership: 75
Detection: 75
Research: 75
Medicine: 75
Swimming 75
Polearms: 50
Hunting: 50
Jewelcrafting: 50

Other Information: The Archivist and Director of the Deori, Sot has seen hundreds and thousands of mer come and go from the Deori, helping them to create and engineer families, tribes, and clans.

She's a Category 1 Mer, scales of purple and black. Her upper torso is more humanoid-like than the typical Category 1 mer, with flowing, dark purple hair.

She's said to be able to tell one of her own mer that emerged from the Deori by sight, even after they've grown from an infant and long been out of the Facility.

There are rumors that the price she asks of those seeking to start a whole new offshoot tribe are required to give a bit of themselves, more than wealth. And that she uses these pieces of them to craft coral jeweled totems.


Name: Philip Carey
Race: Human
Age: Born 680
Title: Watchman
Skills: 30 Seduction, 20 Writing, 15 Woodworking
Location: This NPC may be used in Watch only.
Other Information: Once an apprentice carpenter who became a lover of Vaniel the Vain, Philip let himself get entirely invested in her, and was broken when she discarded him as she eventually discards all her lovers. Now he lives alone on Watch, pining, taking full advantage of the alcohol allotted to him, and penning bad poetry when he's sober enough to wield a quill.
Sweetwine Woods

NPC Bear

Name: "Bear"
Race: Human
Age: 4th Vhalar, 680
Title: Woodsman
Skills: Fieldcraft: 50, Hunting: 35
Other Information: No one really remembers Bear's real name, having used the moniker for so long even he calls himself that. A rather befitting name for the bald headed, beaded human. With a hairy barrel chest and arms like tree trunks, the woodsman makes a living chopping down trees in Sweetwine Woods for sale in the townships. He has an exceptional knowledge of the woods, and as such acts a guide when required. He only has one living next of kin, his daughter Talilah.

Credits to: Kali'rial
Submitted for Development: 24th June, 2017

NPC Talilah

Name: Talilah
Race: Human
Age: 15th Ymiden, 707
Title: Scout
Skills: Athletics: 35, Hunting: 30
Other Information: A scrappy little thing in comparison to her father, Talilah is the only living relative of her father Bear. She has wild curly red hair, blue eyes and a face full of freckles. She loves to run and play in the woods, acting as a scout or messenger for her father and the campsites from time to time when he takes people into the wood. The young girl isn't afraid to tussle with the boys or get her hands dirty, and is a huge fan of her Dad. He is just the bee's knees to her. Where her mother is, Talilah couldn't say, and doesn't really care. Her father provides and cares for her and to the girl that is all that matters.


Name: Argua
Created by: Nir'wei
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 12th of Ymiden 658/62 years old.
Title: Wildman of Sweetvine.
Skills: 76 Animal Husbandry, 76 Animal Training, 51 Blades: Dagger, 51 Detection.
Details: Nobody really understands where Argua first came from - since it seems from the moment they arrived, Argua was already there. He takes refuge in the Sweetvine Woods, hunting with scores of animals he picks up along the way, and always seeming to be surrounded by both predator and prey - and what he does to make sure they don't eat each-other is a secret that he never shares. While Argua is a grumpy and often hostile presence in the Sweetwine Woods, he's been known to offer nuggets of wisdom and insight to those that can provide an offering, or if one of his pets takes a shining to them.
Scaltoth Jungle

Eirnala Suffock

Name: Eirnala Suffock
Created by: Avrae Kyric
Race: Yludih
Birthday/Age: 32 Arcs on Saun 17th, Arc 684
Title: The Witch, The Wildling Woman
Skills: Medicine - 80/100 - Master
Graft Magic - 50/100 - Competent
Note: Can only be used in the Scaltoth Jungles. Is not available to be used to initiate anyone
Details: Eirnala Suffock has lived in Scalvoris for a very long time- and been despised almost as long. Even though she is a healer, she is also a mage. While this may not have been an issue, when she newly learned Graft magic, her little sister got terribly injured. In an effort to save her, Eirnala used her graft magic- and not only did she not save her sister because of her own inexperience, but she also turned her body into a disfigured, grotesque mess that was unrecognizable. Those who knew it was her fault, blamed her, and Eirnala fled to live out in the wilds surrounding Scalvoris. She practices her healing and magic in secret. Her advantage is that she has studied a variety of diseases, even old ones that are thought to be eradicated. Sometimes, if the Order of the Adunih fail to save someone, that someone's loved ones might seek out Eirnala for help instead. Eight times out of ten, she has an answer when no one else does. When she doesn't, she isn't afraid to use dark magic to find one. Eirnala only comes into Scalvoris town once a season, and otherwise can be found in her hut in the Scaltoth Jungles.

Tarrith Marit

Name:Tarrith Marit
Credit to / Created by: Nalin Marit
Found In: Direct whereabouts are unknown, last was seen leaving Havardr towards the Scaltoth Jungle in Cylus of 710. Has not been seen since.

History: This man is the father of one son and one daughter. Finding out that his daughter was mute broke this man mentally with the possibility that his male spawn might have Ink Bloom. As there was always a fear of this. He started beating his daughter when she wouldn't respond to his questions. Insisting that she find her voice no matter what. But of course that was too much to ask. The wife and kids were often seen with bruises and sometimes even blood on their clothing just before the mother helped the children get away. When the delusional man finally figured out what happened to his children it was too late, the authorities were already on him. In his escape he killed his wife and two of those authorities that were after him.

He was well known as a drunkard, seaman, and excellent fisherman, ocean or river, deep or shallow, along with being a great spear-man

Crimes: Abuse upon wife, and children. Rape, and attempted rape on many occasions, and finally murder of 3 people, two of them being military officials there to try and take him in.

Bounty Price: Havardr and Almund are looking for this man and have a bounty out for him of 250gn, and an extra 100gn if he's brought in alive.

Fame: Will gain quite a bit of fame with those of Havardr +10 and some with those of Almund +5(Any other amounts to be determined by a mod)

Other Information: This mans children are still alive, if you know of their whereabouts and run into this man do NOT give him this information or you bring them harm.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please speak to a Scalvmod before using this NPC


Name: Oinine Hyde
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: Vhalar 98 691
Title: Chief Ranger - Scaltoth Jungle
Skills: Field Craft - Expert: 75/100, Hunting - Expert: 63/100, Stealth - Master: 87/100, Detection - Expert: 70/100, Longbow - Expert: 68/100, Medicine - Expert: 61/100, Unarmed, Combat - Expert: 74/100, Athletics - Master: 93/100
Details: Often referred to simply as Hyde ( as in run and hide ), one would not think that she had once been a child in the lap of luxury. Deciding that she would much rather "trapeze about the jungle" than carry on in the family import business, Oinine has a notable determination and sense of adventure that has lead to her being a chief ranger. As a protector and mediator for the Scaltoth Jungle, she takes her job far more seriously than she does herself, and is known for being a particularly brutal prankster.


Name: Hendrick Marlo
Race: Human
Age: 51st Ashan, 649
Title: Elder Monk
Skills: Meditation: Master, Discipline: Master, Unarmed: Expert, Instrument - Flute: Expert, Teaching: Expert, Medicine: Expert, Endurance: Competent
Other Information: The oldest monk in the Monastery, Elder Marlo is seen as the pinnacle of ability in the group, respected above all others for the wisdom he provides and the service he has given the monastery. With deep blue eyes, a warm smile and a shaved head - Marlo is warm to all who enter his monastery.
word count: 1508
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Scalvoris NPC Repository

NPC Repository
City NPCs
Scalvoris Small Islands
Immortals' Tongue

Overseer of the Shrines

Name: Reza
Race: Human
Age: Born 690
Title: Overseer of the Shrines
Skills: Dagger: 63, Medicine: 50, Cooking: 30
Other Information: Reza is a woman of few words. She has responsibility for the island and, somehow, everyone knows this. No one knows who appointed her, but no one argues either. She is a peace keeper and she maintains keeping the peace by whatever means necessary, including drastic measures. She will help visitors by directing them to the shrine they are looking for but no more than that, usually.

Expedition Leader

Name: Zach
Race: Human
Age: Born 688
Title: Expedition Leader
Skills: Dagger: 63, Fieldcraft 60, Appraisal: 60, Animal Husbandry: 55, Hunting: 50, Art, 45
Other Information: Zach is an eccentric fellow who is entirely engrossed in the task of recording every single creature on Idalos. He is delighted to be here, ignoring the cold and doing his best to jolly everyone along. He is a kind mind, but very focused on the job.


Name: Shau'na
Race: Aukari / Biqaj
Age: Born 693
Title: Owner of 'Faldrass' Retreat & Spa'
Skills: Seduction: 60, Medicine: 50, Business Management: 45, Leadership: 45
Other Information: Shau'na is an astute business woman who makes sure that the invariably attractive men and women who work at her establishment are happy, so that they keep the customers happy. She seems to be driven by coin, although when she returns to the island, she is often seen spending it.


Name: Forbick Irongrip

Race: Human

Age: 4th Vhalar, 674

Title: Blacksmith

Skills: Smithing: 85, Business Management: 65, Teaching: 70, Strength: 66

Other Information: Forbick is a rather short human male, standing at 5'5". He makes up for his vertical mass with his muscle mass however and weighs in at nearly 200 pounds. A massive brown beard covers the majority of his face and reaches down to his hips when braided. The rest of his head is coated by a thick mane of brown hair. He's particularly thickset and often wears a stern glare, giving most people the impression that he's just another brute. But for those who have the courage to approach and talk to him, he's very open and friendly. Those who take the time to converse with him while at work or even on his time off (as rare as it is) will find that he's very passionate about working metal.

The Oasis

Name: Brendan Fennec

Race: Human

Age: 7th of Ashan, Arc 692

Title: Attendant

Skills: Etiquette: 40, Psychology: 30 , Business Management: 45

Other Information: Brendan is the first face anyone sees when entering the Oasis. With a welcoming smile and a warm demeanor, he quickly puts everyone at ease. His hair is a sandy brown that matches well with his hazel eyes. He is customarily dressed in the loose flowing robes of the other attendants, although he wears a red sash to display his position as lead attendant. Brendan is responsible for managing the day to day comings and goings of the Oasis. He handles guests upon arrival, ensuring that they are made comfortable in their rooms.
Name: Lissa Maewell

Race: Biqaj/Human mixed blood

Age: 29th of Cylus, Arc 690

Title: Therapist

Skills: Psychology: 60, Socialization: 45 , Caregiving: 50

Other Information: Lissa is the head therapist at the Oasis, serving various clients throughout every trial both in public group sessions and in private one on one sessions. She possess an eerie sense of calm around others as nothing ever seems to ruffle her feathers. Her face is marred by a strange and terrible scar that has left her blind in one eye. Lissa’s hair is a startling white and her remaining eye is a soft blue. It is rumored that she was attacked by a mage as a young girl and she lost all color in her hair and earned her infamous scar as the result. Some suggest she is the victim of a failed flaying or was attacked by a troublesome spirit. Regardless of the details, she wears her scars like a badge of honor and has used the pain of her past to motivate her to help others.
Name: Nyji Toraj

Race: Biqaj

Age: 11th of Zi'da, Arc 648

Title: Owner of the Spirit's Rest Oasis ("The Master")

Skills: Attunement: 80, Meditation: 75, Psychology: 50

Other Information: Nyji is the esteemed master and owner of the Spirit’s Rest Oasis. This elderly man has brought his teaching of meditation and peace to Faldrass where he can aid others in their quest for spiritual freedom. Very few members of staff are aware that he is indeed a mage, granted his magic is perhaps the gentlest and quietest of them all. Nyji is quite old, with papery skin and white hair that he often keeps pulled back in a bun. He is almost always seen garbed in a rich array of golden robes that drag the floor behind him. Nyji specializes in treating individuals who have endured high levels of stress, especially soldiers. He is known to aids mages from time to time who struggle with the nature of their sparks with the use of Attunement. He is a kind and patient man who’s gentle nature immediately puts people at ease.
word count: 894
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Name: Rocsan Kiles
Created by: Oram Mednix
Race: Cadouri
Birthday/Age: 1 Vhalar 700
Title: Undersecretary, Darbyton Rangers
Forum Location: Darbyton Ranger Headquarters.
Skills: 35 Socialization, 26 Logistics, 26 Writing, 51 Mathematics, 26 Business Management

RPG Details: - Rocsan (pronounced like “Roxanne”) is a squirrel-shaped cadouri who just recently graduated from Saoire’s school, having studied accounting and clerical skills. She had just started her first job at a business in Almund when the pirates attacked, destroying her workplace and severely injuring her boss.

Although still traumatized by that event, Rocsan is a fundamentally positive person with a strong work ethic and solid people skills to go with her clerical abilities. Her background does not provide her with much knowledge of the Rangers’ work; thus, she tends by default to approach her job as a generic office bookkeeping/recordkeeping assignment, and is occasionally caught up short by the Rangers’ peculiar requirements. To deal with these, she relies on guidance from the Chief Ranger, much as he relies on her office skills to keep the place running.

Name: Oinine Hyde
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: Vhalar 98 691
Title: Chief Ranger - Scaltoth Jungle
Skills: Field Craft - Expert: 75/100, Hunting - Expert: 63/100, Stealth - Master: 87/100, Detection - Expert: 70/100, Longbow - Expert: 68/100, Medicine - Expert: 61/100, Unarmed, Combat - Expert: 74/100, Athletics - Master: 93/100
Details: Often referred to simply as Hyde ( as in run and hide ), one would not think that she had once been a child in the lap of luxury. Deciding that she would much rather "trapeze about the jungle" than carry on in the family import business, Oinine has a notable determination and sense of adventure that has lead to her being a chief ranger. As a protector and mediator for the Scaltoth Jungle, she takes her job far more seriously than she does herself, and is known for being a particularly brutal prankster.
Name: Naheim Olin
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Mixed Blood - Ellune/Human
Date of Birth: Cylus 23
Title: Chief Ranger - Trade Route Wilds
  • Mount - Master: 97/100
    Detection - Expert: 71/100
    Spear - Expert: 65/100
    Animal Training - Master: 89/100
    Discipline - Expert: 72/100
    Hunting - Expert: 67/100
    Field Craft - Master: 85/100
Details: There is not known of chief ranger of the trade route wilds. Even for those that work alongside him, the most they could tell you is that he cares a great amount for his albino raven companion, and seemingly only that. Naheim proves to be incredibly private, and in most instances, indifferent to those around him.
Name: Mariam Folk
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 120
Title: Chief Ranger of the Sweetvine Woods
Skills: Detection - Expert: 75/100, Field Craft - Master: 98/100, Blades - Expert: 63/100, Hunting - Master: 87/100, Stealth - Expert: 72/100, Athletics - Expert: 69/100
Details: An apparently hardened woman, Mariam doesn't quite match her appearance. She seems much more like a child exploring the woods than a chief ranger. Her jovial nature tends to put off potential explorers, especially as she delightfully details the risks of they would be taking. She doesn't much match up to the seemingly pleasant woods in which she was in charge of.
Name: Singhar
Created by: Amaris Nyme
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Saun 11
Title: Chief Ranger of Scalvoris Mountains
Skills: Mount (Ram) - Master: 83/100, Strength - Master: 98/100, Field Craft - Expert: 75/100, Athletics - Expert: 72/100, Hunting - Expert: 67/100, Detection - Master: 76/100

Details: Singhar is a proud ranger that quite lives up to his position. He's most noted for his companion, a rather fierce ram named Shatterhorn. He remains an intimidating presence and few can get past him or Shatterhorn

Docks Boss

Name: Larksong Willow
Race: Mixed Race
Age: Born 687
Title: Docks Boss.
Skills: Bow: 60, Sword: 55, Strength: 50, Endurance: 50, Logistics: 50. Others: TBD
Other Information: Larksong was what her parents called her in the hope that she would grow into a beautiful, delicate little creature. Sadly, they were right out of luck and instead Larksong Willow is a foul mouthed, good tempered and hard working woman who fits into Darbyton very well. With honey blond hair, piercing blue eyes and a real fondness for hats, Willow is stronger than most men, can drink harder than almost everyone else and when it comes to polite conversation, she takes no prisoners. She's a friendly soul, for sure, and she's kind too. But if there was a drawing in the illustrated dictionary next to the phrase "rough diamond", the illustration would be of Larksong Willow.


Name: Francine Devoi
Race: Human
Age: Born 690
Title: Seamstress for Darbyton
Skills: Sewing: 65, Gambling: 60, Resistance: 50,Others: TBD
Other Information: Francine, or Franc as she likes to be called, is a fairly typical Darbytonian. Hearty laughter is usually heard from Franc and she can drink most men under the table without breaking a sweat. She works sewing and mending working clothes, creating new ones. It isn't imaginative and beautiful, but she's performing a service and she seems content. She lives in a small wooden home, well kept and clean but largely lacking anything personal as she doesn't like to get too wrapped up in such. She is a fan of playing cards and drinking games.


Name: Beula
Race: Human
Age: Born 695
Title: Undersecretary for the Darbyton Rangers
Skills: 61 Business Management, 52 Logistics, 44 Appraisal, 39 Mathematics
Other Information: Beula was installed as Undersecretary of the Rangers by her sister-in-law, Cornel Sherapo. Beula is often described as "extremely nagging and annoying" by the Rangers. By others, "professional and boring" is what they often call her. Ever since her installment as pseudo management, the amount of paperwork Rangers must complete went from none to excessive. She hounds them to keep detailed accountings of days they work, what work they do, what supplies they use. She maintains the finances for the organization and only answers to Cornel.

The Doctor

Name: The Doctor, name unknown
Race: Yludih - Human form
Age: Saun 12, 665
Title: The Doctor
Skills: Medicine 55, Caregiving 46, other skills are Mod Secret.
Other Information: The Doctor is a private man. He never speaks of his past, never mentions family or relationships. He has no friends, just clients and patients. He is a man of strict routine and cleanliness. Every morning he eats his breakfast of two boiled eggs on the steps of his Shack. He then walks through town, checking on any of his patients from previous trials. His lunch is usually provided by a patient, or former patient. He eats in silence, always outdoors. After lunch, he stops by the Logging Consortium to receive his daily retainer pay. He then returns back to the Sawbones Shacks, and isn't seen again for the rest of the Trial, except for when he eats his dinner at nightfall. He is a man easily found, and runners, usually child apprentices, are sent to retrieve him when he's needed. And he answers every call, no matter the time of trial.

The Scholar

Name: Lyam
Created by: Kyreen
Race: Mixed (Human/Biqaj)
DoB: 10 Vhalar 660
Title: Scholar
Skills: Logistics 45, Research 77, Writing 63, Teaching 51, Mathematics 35, Science 27
Details:Lyam is an aging, somewhat androgynous, scholar, who keeps track of of the bloodlines in Darbyton. Their presence is part of every Naming Trial celebration in Darbyton as each mother brings her new child/ren to be formally named and recorded in the family bloodlines and geneology. As a sideline, Lyam also oversees the children's basic education once they are old enough.

Lyam is patient but firm with the children, meticulous in their recordkeeping, and beginning to suffer from arthritis in their hands which sometimes results in needed someone to scribe for them.

Consortium Owner

Name: Cornel Sherapo
Race: Mixed Blood, Sevryn/Human
Age: Born in Saun 23, 673
Title: Business Owner of the Logging Consortium
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Cornel Sherapo is the daughter of the now deceased founder of the Splintered Hatchet Logging Company. She grew up keeping the books, payroll, and organization for her father's company. She worked as his secretary, receptionist, and shopkeeper. She negotiated trade deals, dealt with customers, and dealt with every employee's issue that arose, including the end to a labor strike, a hostile takeover by employees, and many other problems.

Cornel Sherapo attended many classes at the University, and there she excelled. She joined several extracurricular activities, and was soon leading them. When she came home from University, she became more aggressive in her business practices, and proceeded to start buying out other logging companies. In a matter of a decade, Darbyton went from dozens of small logging companies to three, with the Splintered Hatchet as the largest, taking Sweetvine Wood and other lesser woods around the island as their claim.

She continued to branch out, acquiring shipping vessels and teams, the Darbyton Lumber Yard, and sponsored several smaller businesses around the island, all handlers of her product, including furniture makers, shipwrights, carriage builders, etc. But in 716 AV she made the biggest moves with her company when she bought the remaining two logging companies, the Sweat Brow Company and the Golden Cut. With nearly complete control over the largest industry in Darbyton, nearly the entire population owes their jobs, their homes, and the food on their table to her.

She now mostly focuses on giving to charitable organizations, rubbing elbows at events, and meeting the need to know people. That said, some have suggested she's looking at spreading her influence all over the island.


Name: Harond Bethelsa
Race: Human
Age: Born in vhalar 11, 671
Title: Foreman of the The Logging Consortium, Sweaty Brow Company; former owner of The Sweaty Brow Logging Company
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Harond Bethelsa worked for the Sweaty Brow Logging Company from 13 arcs of age when he left his home in Egilrun to make a go at it on his own. At first, he worked hard, learned the craft of felling trees and surviving within the Scaltoth Jungle, the realm where Sweaty Brow specializes. But as he continued to become an adult, he grew tall, strong. And soon he began to bully his fellow lumberjacks. He intimidated the meek, turned friends against the defiant, and destroyed the strong. A saying among the company was born, "Cross Harond, and no one will hear your tree fall."

In his early twenties, the previous owner of the Sweaty Brow Logging Company died under suspicious circumstances. The man died without heirs, so the company went under the control of Harond, the highest ranking worker at the time. Harond began hiring criminals, brigands, and other generally tough people who would do most things for nel. Harond used these workers to run out or acquire the other Scaltoth Jungle logging companies. They threatened, assaulted, blackmailed, stole, and killed to get what he wanted. His company was never as rich or as large as the Splintered Hatchet, but the special woods from Scaltoth were valuable enough to keep him competitive.

In 716, when Cornel approached him about combining forces and resources to create the Consortium, Harond readily agreed. He barely does any work anymore sitting in his luxury cabin in the center of Darbyton, a blight on the town's aesthetics, but enjoys the perks and pay of being upper management and having partial ownership. His workers still log the jungle, and Cornel acquired his methods of intimidation and underhanded business.


Name: Kyniya Sherapo
Race: Mixed Blood, Sevryn/Human
Age: Born in Cylus 05, 685
Title: Foreman of the The Logging Consortium, Shattered Hatchet Company
Skills: Skill Name: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Kyniya Sherapo is Cornel's little sister. Where Cornel went to University, Kyniya interned for and eventually came to be assistant to Sidhe'nn Fraear, the Accountant of the Council. Under his tutelage, she learned many valuable skills, particularly those having to do with trade. She took on his cold, calculating nature, and now applies it to her business and those that come around it.

Where Cornel is the more pleasant face of the Consortium, Kyniya is the stranger in the shadows. She seems to know everything going on in both Darbyton and Scalvoris Town, and usually has a good read on the other villages as well. For every charity event her sister attends, Kyniya spent time learning about those who worked the event. She knows nearly every waiter, courier, guard, and other service industry worker in Scalvoris Town and Darbyton by name, and they all know her.

in 716, she was given control of their family's company portion of the Shattered Hatchet Company, but that's just to give her a bit of public legitimacy. She manages her business shrewdly, and is behind every cent that flows through the consortium. And there's nothing going on within her employees lives that she doesn't know about. And when that knowledge is useful, she doesn't hesitate.


Name: Arvid
Race: Lotharro
Age: Vhalar 80, 665
Title: Foreman of the The Logging Consortium, Golden Cut Company
Skills: NA: Prophet only NPC. You don't need to know! :D
Other Information: Arvid is the foreman of the smallest of the three companies within the Consortium, the Golden Cut. His company specializes in finding the absolute perfect lumber for a job. They are unparalleled in their ability to find the right tree. Products made from their lumber is of a higher quality than most, and because of the difficulty in achieving such a perfection, their prices are higher. His company functions all around the island, and in both Scaltoth Jungles and Sweetvine Woods.

Arvid was a foreman for the Golden Cut and was the most experienced lumberjack within its ranks. The previous owner was going bankrupt due to his penchant for wine, prostitutes, and other vices. So when Cornel came calling, he quickly sold the company. But when she went to restructure the company, lower its quality, and hire questionable employees, Arvid put his foot down. He and his friends among the company refused to work. Cornel though it wasn't as big a deal as it was, and replaced them with lesser lumberjacks, many with little or no experience at all.

And quality suffered. Customers who were used to the Golden Cut standard complained. And it was beginning to look like a blemish on the new Consortium. So she returned to Arvid, asking for him and his workers to return at a pay increase. And he accepted that with an additional condition, that he run the company. She acquiesced and business resumed at the beginning of 717.
Most of the wood the Consortium gathers goes straight to the lumber yard, to be made into planks, beams, ship parts, and other types of lumber. The Consortium will sell raw wood to any interested buyer. The link below to the Construction Materials is a guide for purchasing. If purchased from the Golden Cut there's a x5 modifier attached.

The Merchant Queen

Name: Liza
Race: Human / Sev'ryn
Age: Born 694
Title: The Merchant Quen
Skills: Socialization: 65, Appraisal: 65, Business Management, 60, Seduction: 50, Glassblowing: 50
Other Information: Liza is a friendly woman who has taken the rag tag nature of Egilrun and turned it into a place for trade. She is keen business woman who is more than able to strike a hard bargain. She is hoping to strengthen trade negotiations with Viden and to be able to supply them useful and unusual goods. She is loyal and tenacious and will always work for the betterment of Egilrun specifically and Scalvoris generally.

The Lemon Messy

Name: Tarnborg
Race: Human
Age: 37 (DOB: Saun 11, Arc 679)
Title: Brewer and Proprietor
Skills: Brewing: 60, Socialization: 10, Intimidation: 10, , Endurance: 25,
Other Information: A large human with shoulder-length, messy blonde hair, covered in tattoos, and often shirtless. Tarnborg established the Lemon Messy some seasons ago, with the mission of providing the best drinks this side of the Isle. He's always up for a good story, a boasting competition, a drinking contest, or a bar fight. The only rules that go with fighting in his establishment is that anyone who breaks a glass, plate, or tankard, gets their nose ground into the shattered remains.

The Mill

Name: Sasha
Race: Human/Sev'ryn
Age: Unknown
Title: Millslave
Skills: Strength: 40, Endurance: 50, Others to be revealed as discovered.
Other Information: One of the few slaves who has survived here any length of time, Sasha has worked at the Mill as long as anyone can remember. She is as poorly treated as any other slave in Egilrun, but she has some strange dogged determination not to die which, thus far, seems to be working.
Name: Maddie
Race: Human
Age: Arc 695
Title: Mill Owner
Skills: Business Management: 60, Endurance: 60, Cooking: 50, Others to be revealed as discovered.
Other Information: Maddie is a pretty human woman who runs the Mill with an iron fist. She is a strict disciplinarian and she makes sure that the workers and slaves are busy constantly. Focused entirely on profit, she doesn't care who she tramples on in the process. To the customer, however, she is charming and helpful. Nothing is too much trouble. Frankly, if she thought they'd pay, she'd sell them her grandmother.

North End Lodge

Name: Cornelia Caldwell
Race: Human
Age: 42, 20 Saun 677
Title: North End Lodge, Manager and Owner
Skills: Etiquette (80/100), Socialization (30/100), Caregiving (60/100), Logistics (50/100), Seduction (40/100), Appraisal (30/100), Deception (30/100).
Other Information:
Cornelia is the youngest of the Six Caldwell-Zyma Heirs. She was born in Scalvoris Town, and grew up moving between estates as her parents expanded their homes. Coming from family money made directly through trade and business (rather than any blood lineage of inheritances), like most of her family, Cornelia has an enterprising spirit. Her greatest love has become the North End Lodge since she acquired it in Arc 717. It is her third lodging establishment she's run. She is known as a fair, but shrewd negotiator, and has the best interests of Egilrun in mind. Proud of her Scalveen heritage, she is incredibly law-abiding and does not tolerate criminal behaviors within her establishment.

Two Queens Shy

Name: Grant Lowen
Race: Human
Age: Ashan 100th, Arc 689
Title: Proprietor
Skills: Socialization: 60, Deception: 30, Seduction: 10
Other Information: Black, well groomed hair and handlebar mustache hangs over a portly face, creased by laugh-lines. Glistening brown eyes, set deep within their sockets, watch delicately over the common room as well as the balcony above.

His fair skin charmingly compliments his dark hair and leaves an impression of a man who's led a fortunate life.

He's wearing a clean shirt and buttoned it up halfway with a loosely fitted tie around his neck. On top of the shirt he's wearing a stylish, blue vest with 7 silver buttons, it has a fairly deeper v-line than the shirt, which causes the vest to line up perfectly with the jacket's v-line when it's buttoned up.

The jacket fits him like a glove, a tailored glove. It has an elaborate houndstooth pattern which gives the suit a stylish look. The 4 buttons of his single breasted jacket are all buttoned up.

The jacket is slightly longer at the back, it has vents at either side, there are two pockets on either side and there's a breast pocket which contains a pocket watch.

He's wearing green pants, which compliment the deep burgundy of the jacket. On his feet he wears a pair of well-polished white and black leather shoes.

To top it all off he's wearing a luxurious belt, from which hang a couple of cloth gloves and silver cufflinks.

Watchers' Union

Name: Tobias Lamkey
Race: Human/Biqaj
Age: Arc 695
Title: Union Boss
Skills: Socialization: 40, Leadership: 50, Appraisal: 10
Other Information: The man wears simple attire to match the rest of the watchmen, sometimes sporting leather armor, but usually wearing a tabard that displays the colors of Egilrun. The Merchant Queen Liza, has his full support, and one would think the support of the entire Union. His Union has prospered well under her administration over Egilrun, during which the demand for watchmen, bouncers, and couriers has increased many fold.

His political position doesn't demand that he always keep his workers' best interest in mind, as his eye is on the bigger picture of prosperity for all of Egilrun, not just the unskilled cogs that turn the wheels of commerce. Still, there are dissidents among the ranks of the Union. Those who wish he would negotiate better positions on their behalf. There may come an economic crisis where his position gets challenged and he's supplanted by the voting in of just such a person within the Union, but for now the majority hold him in high esteem. Not all who undertake courier or watcher work are beholding to the Union, although they do rope in many of the newcomers, for the benefit of being able to find work through their system of contacts and connections with the Merchant Queen.


Raven Fleetfoot.
Race: Human
Age: Born Cylus 5th 693
Role: Harbormaster
Skills: Socialization (Expert), Discipline (Expert), Detection (Master), Logistics (Expert), Business Management (Expert) and others, as yet unrevealed.
Appearance: Tall, dark, brooding and rather cruel of feature.
Personality. Raven is all business, all the time. He is a shrewd business man who is out for the love of money and nothing else, or so it seems. He is always polite, albeit cool, and he is deferential to Shania and anyone who works with her. He runs the docks and harbour like a well-oiled machine and nothing goes on here without him knowing about it. He doesn't play favourites, he doesn't make special deals. He simply drives a hard bargain and gets on with his job.
Pet Fleetfoot
Race: Human
Age: Unknown
Role: Raven's "daughter"
Skills: Detection (expert), Larceny (expert), Medicine (expert), Endurance (competent), Strength (competent) and others, as yet unrevealed.
Appearance: Small, slight, very thin and nervous looking.
Personality: There is no slavery in Gunvorton, everyone knows that. And yet, if Pet is not Raven's slave then his parenting leaves a lot to be desired. The young girl is always at the docks, running around and keeping the place tidy and the people happy. She ducks under the many apparently casual blows which Raven aims at her and she wears ragged clothing compared to his well dressed manner of being. But, ask anyone and they'll tell you. She's his daughter.


Pete Wolstencroft
Race: Human (possibly a bit of biqaj in there)
Age: Born Cylus 5th 691
Role: Stablemaster
Skills: Animal Husbandry (Master), Mount (Master), Business Management (Expert), Teaching (Competent) and others, as yet unrevealed.
Appearance: Tall, dark hair and flecks of grey appearing at his temples.
Personality. Pete is a quiet and soft spoken chap who works to make sure that his clients leave happy. He has adopted the "Gunvorton Approach" and provides a good service for a fair price with a genuine smile. He is very keen that his business is successful and he works very hard to that end.
Wes Westerton
Race: Human
Age: Ashan 12th 698
Role: Stable hand
Skills: Animal Husbandry (expert), Mount (expert) and others, as yet unrevealed.
Appearance: Small, slight, very thin and always looking around
Personality: A nervous type, Wes was rescued from slavers by Pete and brought to Gunvorton where slavery doesn't exist. The young man is recovering from a lifetime of being enslaved and is likely to be shy always. He is skittish and tends towards running away from, rather than towards. He is calm and confident, however, around horses.
Sarah Wolstencroft
Race: Biqaj
Age: Saun 12th 689
Role: Stable hand
Skills: Animal Husbandry (expert), Mount (expert) and others, as yet unrevealed.
Appearance: Short, medium build with long brown hair and constantly swirling biqaj eyes.
Personality: Sarah is a Pete's wife and the couple make a concerted effort to always be working and, more importantly, working together. They are very much in unison and Sarah is a friendly and content woman. She will go the extra mile for the clients, to ensure their success.

John Waters

Name: John Waters.
Developed by: Areia.
Race: Human.
Birthdate: 21st Ymiden, 665.
Title: The fisherman.

A day or two's walk from Gunvorton. John goes to Gunvorton when needed. Most of the time, though, he's out fishing on his ship or in his isolated home on the water's edge.

Engineering~ Expert.
Hunting~ Expert.
Medicine~ Novice.
Navigation~ Novice.

John Waters was, for most of his life, nothing more than a fisherman. He had a wife, Lovey, and a daughter, Johne, who was named for him. Lovey and Johne were John's whole life, other than his love of fishing. He made a modest amount of money for Gunvorton in the fishing industry, and he, Lovey, and Johne lived in a little home outside of Gunvorton for many good years.

In 704, when his daughter Johne was 16, both Johne and her mother Lovey were lost in a fishing incident which left John without his wife and daughter, and without his ship~ his means of income. For a time John was too grief-stricken to do much. But, as time went on, he went back to his fishing. In 705, a group in Gunvorton contacted the fisherman to do some minor smuggling. John smuggled goods for this contact in Gunvorton til his new ship was paid off, and then he quit smuggling. With his new ship paid, John went back to fishing.

For long years John kept to himself in his little, empty home. Then, in 719, when out fishing he rescued a badly-injured mer. With the modest medical skill he'd learned through years of fishing the seas, he mended the mer's injuries. When it was time to let her go, though, John decided that it was better to hold onto the mer than it was to let her go. If he let her go, she might die in the seas. She wasn't a person ~John didn't think mer to be people~ but nonetheless the mer made him think of his daughter.

Having decided not to let go of her, John thought to build an enclosure for the mer.

Initially, he didn't have skill in engineering, but with time John began to build his enclosure for the mer~ the tank. His old contacts in Gunvorton let him get hold of materials for the tank that he otherwise might not have had. Before he was able to complete the tank, though, the mer got away. He looked for her, and though he was dispirited by the loss of the mer, John went on building the tank.

In 722, John will complete the tank. But what is the tank, without the mer?

John is an NPC interested in interacting with mer.


Name: Linca
Race: Biqaj
Age: Born 678
Title: Chief of the village of Havardr
Skills: Hunting: 70, Socialization: 55, Fieldcraft: 55, Cooking: 50, Blade: 40, Bow: 25
Other Information: Linca is the chief of Havardr, the hardest worker on the island, some say, and a straight talking fellow. He will trade, but he won't be fiddled and is a hard negotiator.


Name: Gaul Jundland
Created by: Rakvald
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Saun 25th 672
Title: 'Jungle Jim'
Skills: Hunting: Master, Fieldcraft: Master, Endurance: Expert, Blades: Expert, Engineering: Expert, Storytelling: Expert, Swimming: Competent, Leadership: Competent, Athletics: Competent

Details: A fairly well known big-game hunter operating out of Havardr, Gaul makes regular excursions to the Scaltoth jungle, and other locales around the island. He charges a good fee to accompany anyone around specific locales. His prices are fairly high, as many prior clients claim his expertise as invaluable.

Little is known about his past, but tall tales have it he once wrestled a King Crocodile at the age of 13, overpowering it with nothing but the leathers he wore and a rusty spike. He's as much a proponent of spreading his fame and deeds as any, and many times when asked about having accomplished one deed or another, he rarely fails to spin it out of all proportion. The stories are rarely believable but always entertaining.

Depending on the danger of the expedition, Gaul or one of his apprentices will generally accompany a person for a set fee:

Mild Danger: 1 wp for 10 trials
Moderate Danger: 2 wp for 10 trials
Serious Danger: 4 wp for 10 trials
Certain Death: 10 wp for 10 trials.
word count: 4886
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Scalvoris NPC Repository

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Scalvoris Town

Black Cats

Name: Kemp Zy'Nacj
Race: Human/Biqaj
Age: Born Arc 667
Title: Sergeant
Marks: None
Skills: 40 Unarmed Combat: Brawling, 40 Combat Blades: Short Sword, 20 Investigation, 20 Teaching, 30 Endurance
Other Information: Kemp was and is a successful soldier in his own right, but was chosen to man the recruitment office in Almund for a single reason. His connections. As well as being born and bred on Scalvoris, he's also the uncle of Vadni Ratsa, the Pirate Lord known as the Bard. He was never close to his nephew and, if he knows anything about the disappearance of the Pirate Lords, he's never mentioned it to anyone.

Kemp is a rough, hearty man with a black gallows humor. He firmly believes that any young man needs at least a decade working with a sword in his hand before he can really consider himself a man. He likely would have been a pirate if he didn't suffer from debilitating seasickness in any body of water larger than a bathtub. Life with the Cats suited him just fine, and while he'd like to be back in action, if he has to be retired, being paid to go home, have a bed and meals provided just for steering likely prospects into the Cats doesn't seem so bad.

Garden of Remembrance

Location write up: here
Name: Palhin Mert
Race: Human
Age: Arc 678, 13th of Zi'da
Title: Gardener
Skills: Field Craft (Competent), Gardening (Expert), Socialization (Competent), Intimidation (Competent), Strength (Competent)
Other Information: Originally from Athart, Palhin is a former slaver who became so ashamed of his way of life that he moved to Scalvoris in an attempt to escape his past. He spent two arcs as a labourer at the Scalvoris Docks, before he was trapped when the docks collapsed.

Rescued by Faith Augustin, the first person he ever took as a slave, he vowed to make amends as best he could. He announced his past to those present at the remembrance service, before deciding to take on a new role as a gardener. In this rather solitary occupation, he has discovered a new passion, and he can be found in the garden most trials.

Palhin stands an imposing 6'4" tall, and has a medium build. Although he is approachable, he tends to give people their space, knowing that for most, a visit to the Garden Of Remembrance And Thanks is a sombre occasion.

Order of the Adunih

Location Write Up: Here
Name: Galena Valed
Race: Human
Age: 38
Title:Mistress, Healer, the Gold
Marks: None
Skills: 70 Medicine, 55 Discipline, 50 Logistics, 20 Etiquette, 30 Teaching
Other Information: Galena has studied in Viden and Rynmere, and is quite frankly, absolutely baffled about how she wound up on Immortal-forsaken Scalvoris. Some healers join the Order because they want to see the world. Galena was not one of them. At the very least, the sheer size of the area she is responsible for and the need to provide care for the whole island means she is kept busy and does feel like she's progressing as a healer.

Her harried attitude is not helped by her three greencloaks. Rami is entirely too unfocused, and her cloak while green is certainly not regulation, though her needlework cannot be faulted in skin or cloth. Dhatri winds up the patient rather than the healer far too often with his attempts to woo Rami when he's meant to be learning. And Squid! What sort of name was that for a child? At the very least, he might grow up to be something, if she can just make sure he doesn't fall in with the wrong crowd.

In short, Galena is not only a mother hen, she's a decorative breed who's somehow found herself in a flock of seagulls trying to keep track of three exuberant chicks.

She has very little patience for self-inflicted woes, and people she suspects got what they deserved tend to be treated without any anesthesia, their medicine unsweetened. Despite this, she'd never dream of denying anyone treatment.

Name: Dr. Aaron Shelby
Created by: Hookor Crook.
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 5th of Saun, Arc 677/40 Arcs
Title: Senior Surgeon, Scalvoris Hospital/Clinics
Skills: Medicine (Expert: 66/100), Socialization (Expert: 52/100), Leadership (Competent: 40/100)
Details: Doctor Shelby, or "Shelby" as most call him, has been a senior member of the medical staff in Scalvoris for some time. He left his position as chief of staff at a hospital in Rynmere, under mysterious circumstances. Some say he was tired of the politics, still others say it was more personal in nature. Regardless, he now considers the north eastern island his home. Well established as one of the best surgeons in Scalvoris, he works tirelessly to save lives, often working late into the night. He has even been known to give occasional lectures at the Viden Academy Campus, though he misses more invites then he attends, as a case often causes him to be a "no show".

Name: Arjori Vyn'yahn
Created by: Nalin Marit
Race: Sev'Ryn/Human
Birthday/Age: Ymiden 20, 690 / 27 til this coming Ymiden
Title: Gold Trimmed Blue Cloak of Order of Adunih
Skills: 70 Research, 50 Socialization, 50 Medicine, 40 Seduction, 40 Writing, 30 Science, 25 Mount(Horse), 20 Bookbinding
Details: Arjori is a bit of a fanatic when it comes to medicine and researching it. She will actually chase down patients and people that have strange diseases just to ask them questions about it. She doesn't really "Treat" Patients, more just learns about them, so it's a wonder that she's made it all the way up to Gold Trimmed Blue in the Order. Currently she is living in Almund and has been snapping up every chance to learn about the sicknesses in the area.
Name: Bren
Created by: Ronan
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 5th of Vhalar, 701
Title: Gold trimmed, green cloaked healer of the Order of the Adunih
Skills: Socialization 15, Medicine 30, Caretaking 5
Details: Bren is a simple farmer who took up the mantle of healer after seeing the good that came from the Order. He's only been working as one for the past few arcs but recently earned his promotion in Arc 717 to gold trimmed healer by assisting in the surgery of and afterwards looking after Ronan. In doing so he fulfilled the last of his tasks to get the increase in rank. Bren is not particularly skilled or talented but shows a strong empathy towards others, looking after and checking up on them long after his actual job has been done. He's stationed in the Order house in Scalvoris town.
Name: Rami
Race: Human/Avriel
Age: 27
Title: Greencloak, Apprentice
Marks: None
Skills: 30 Needlecraft, 40 Medicine, 20 Caregiving, 10 Psychology
Other Information: Rami is the first and oldest of Galenas Greencloaks. Her arms and legs have light downy feathers rather than hair, prompting her to favour long-sleeves even inside. She did have vestigial wings, but they were amputated, likely by a mother trying to hide a child that would be put to death. Only scars remain. This is conjecture however, as her first memories are of being chained in the belly of a ship as a child.

She eventually wound up in Scalvoris, and when the novelty of a Half-Avriel wore off, her then owner was happy enough to gift her to Galena when she showed interest in healing. In return, he got lifetime beyond basic care and healing for free.

Particularly skilled with a needle, Rami would go further if she concentrated on the here and now a little more. Often off in a daydream, she misses much of what Galena tries to teach her. She does on occasion show a startling insight into other peoples motivations.

Name: Dhatri Zyq'Nacj
Race: Biqaj
Age: 25
Title: Greencloak, Apprentice
Marks: None
Skills:20 Business Management, 35 Medicine, 20 Caregiving, 25 Socialization
Other Information: The second of Galenas Greencloaks, Dhatri is unique in that he was freeborn and chose to join the Order in Scalvoris himself. Having seen family members come home mauled or not at all, Dhatri wanted to learn to heal and preserve life. Despite this, he finds it hard sometimes to behave in a way Galena approves of, his love of the Nel and tendency to find trouble often rearing its head.

He's also entirely in love with Rami, who remains entirely oblivious, despite his continued attempts to woo or otherwise impress her.
Name: Squid
Race: Human
Age: 8
Title: Greencloak, Apprentice
Marks: None
Skills: 35 Medicine, 25 Athletics
Other Information: Squid, the final of Galenas Greencloaks, just sort of showed up one day four years ago. Scrawny, malnourished and with the beginnings of frostbite, the boy would tell his name and nothing else. Despite Galenas best attempts, he remembers nothing, and stubbornly refuses to give up the one thing he does remember. Squid might not be a name for a little Lord, but it's his. Although Galena insisted on calling him Bernard for a year straight, his refusal to respond to it finally had her giving up, and it's been Squid ever since.

With a penchant for climbing places he shouldn't, and a natural gift with herbs, Squid is a happy, relatively carefree if occasionally unintentionally morbid child. He also really loves the hat Rami made him.
Name: James Monohue
Created by: Yeva
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 41 Ymiden 655
Title: OoA: Gold Cloak
Skills: 35 Medicine (Master), Teaching (Master), Socialization (Expert), Gardening (Expert), Psychology (Competent), Caregiving (Competent), Science (Competent)
Details: Master Monohue is a patient and kind man, sought after by newer recruits to the Order of Adunih for his great ability in teaching. He truly seems to care for the success of each of his pupils and will go above and beyond to make sure that they are skilled and well-rounded in the art of healing. Born in Melrath, he is a spiritual man and believes in maintaining balance in all areas of life and makes a trip back to his homeland once an arc to visit his son and two grandchildren. Unfortunately, Master Monohue is getting older and his body aches more each day. He struggles with arduous physical activity and his eyes aren't what they used to be, but his hand is steady and his mind remains sharp. Selfless, compassionate, wise, humble, intelligent, and content. Part of a group containing: James, Yeva, Demaki, Ras'sa, Donovan
Name: Demaki Moonshore
Created by: Yeva
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: 3 Ashan 692,
Title: OoA: Blue Cloak
Skills: Gardening (Expert), Brewing (Competent), Science (Competent), Singing (Competent), Caregiving (Novice)
Details: Demaki is a clever and flirtatious Biqaj, but only with the same sex. Born on the open water like many of his race, Demaki has always desired to stand out among the crowd. The most attention-loving of the group, he does not like idle time or silence. Instead, he must be moving, acting, or learning. This might be countered only by his love of nature, with aspiration of becoming a renowned botanist and creating new medicines for apothecaries everywhere. More than once, his sharp tongue have created friction around him, but his lighthearted jests and smarmy demeanor tend to win over stubborn individuals after awhile. Quite a caring soul, Demaki often masks his weaknesses and keeps others at an emotional distance until they gain his complete loyalty.
Playful, witty, confident, bold, quick to call bullshit. Part of a group containing: James, Yeva, Demaki, Ras'sa, Donovan
Name: Ras'sa
Created by: Yeva
Race: Mer
Birthday/Age: 8 Saun, age unknown.
Title: OoA: Blue Cloak
Skills: Swimming (Master), Psychology (Expert), Medicine (Competent), Caregiving (Competent), Alchemy (Novice)
Details: Ras'sa can come across as a bit unsettling, silent and watchful. When she does reach out to someone telepathically, her voice sounds deep and somewhat gravelly, but holds an observant wisdom. She is fluent in Common Sign and is attending the university to obtain her certifications n Psychology. She finds the human mind a scientific wonder and is a patient Mer, although has a tendency to approach them as objects of study rather than with heavy emotion. Often seen in the library, Ras'sa favors research and aspires to have a breakthrough in psychological sciences. In her free time, when not reading, she stays close to the beaches, studying marine life for new medicinal ingredients. Precise, calculating, level-headed, meticulous, alien. Part of a group containing: James, Yeva, Demaki, Ras'sa, Donovan
Name: Donovan Blair
Created by: Yeva
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 16 Cylus 689
Title: OoA: Blue Cloak
Skills: Medicine (Expert), Research (Expert), Socialization (Competent), Discipline (Competent), Caregiving (Novice)
Details: Rumors will claim that Donovan Blair has never smiled. Clearly untrue, those who know him cannot help but admit that the handsome surgeon has a stern, no-nonsense approach to his work. He has thrown himself fully into the Order's affairs and strives to create new procedures that will take over Idalos' medical community. He can have a bit of a short temper, perhaps from all the caffeine he favors and insomnia, but is sharp, ambitious, and unrelenting when it comes to finding cures for his patients. With much effort of Demaki's part, it was discovered that he came from somewhere near Etzos and growing up his family was no stranger to wealth. Donovan does not like talking about himself and is reserved, almost painfully so and struggles to maintain close relationships. This has largely to do with the loss of his young wife, who died in Zi'da 697. Devoted, controlled, dominating, quiet, mature, aggressive. Part of a group containing: James, Yeva, Demaki, Ras'sa, Donovan

Aeon's Hope

Location write up: here

Name: Flora
Race: Mixed
Age: Saun 6th 690
Title: Receptionist
Psychology: Competent Logistics: Expert, Medicine: Competent
Other Information:
Flora is a friendly and organised individual. She enjoys working here because she feels like she's really making a difference to people and their lives. She has a tendency to be a bit soft and gentle with folks, who might feel they can take advantage of that. So far though, she's managed alright.

Name: Simon
Race: Human
Age: Ymiden 60th 695
Title: Head of Security
Detection: Expert, Discipline: Master, Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Expert, Strength: Expert, Endurance: Expert. Combat (Blades): Competent.
Other Information:
Simon is a quiet, usually serious man who is very much a presence in Aeon's Hope. He would much rather be judged for his crimes than mourned for his death and so he will not hesitate if he feels that a situation is escalating. He's not easily distracted and he maintains an admirable focus on his job.

Name: Clint
Race: Mixed
Age: 19th Vhalar 698
Title: Therapist
Psychology: Expert, Detection: Competent, Socialisation: Competent, Discipline: Competent, Caregiving: Competent
Other Information:
Clint is one of the many therapists who work here. He's a soft spoken chap who is able to listen very well indeed. He has worked in the Order of the Adunih on and off for some years, but his passion is working with people with mental health issues. He has a real focus on his patients and will argue for their best interests at all times.

Cally's Restaurant

Location write up: here
Name: Jo'get
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 1st Ashan 690
Job: Sous Chef / Farm Hand
Skills: Cooking (50), Brewing (30), Detection (10), Gardening (30)
Appearance: 5ft 7, slim build. No scars. Jo'get has brown hair and brown eyes.
Personality: Friendly, quiet and eager to learn with something of a tendency to be over critical of herself.
Details: A native to Scalvoris, Jo'get has wanted to be a chef all of her life. She has worked in a number of small businesses, but this is her first step into higher end fine dining. She is a quiet and determined woman who loves to learn. She doesn't know a lot about farming, but she is doing her best to learn as she wants to ensure that she understands every aspect of the business.

Jo'get lives alone and has a secret ambition to attend the university and study cookery but knows that this is a long way off as the Institute in question has not yet opened. She is quite shy and timid, not yet developing the skills needed in order to lead a kitchen, but is a solid and dependable member of the team
Name: Paul Lemont
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 34th Ymiden 695
Job: Waiter / Farm Hand
Skills: Socialization (30), Logistics (30), Gardening (50), Storytelling (10)
Appearance: 5ft 10, slim build. No scars. Paul has brown hair and blue eyes.
Personality: An outgoing and friendly fellow who really likes people. Paul is happy to work indoors or out, he enjoys the sun and company. He can be a little forgetful if he has too many things to do at once.
Details: Paul Lemont is one of those rare people who is just quite content with his life. He doesn't want fancy promotions, doesn't want more responsibility. He enjoys his life, enjoys his job and thanks very much, he's sorted.
Name: Taylor Merk
Race: Mixed Blood
Birthday/Age: 31st Saun 698
Job: Farmer / Kitchen Help
Skills:Gardening (40), Cooking (30), Engineering (40), Woodworking (10)
Appearance: 5ft 10, muscular build. Scars up left arm. Taylor has black hair and pale green eyes.
Personality: Much happier when working the fields or being solitary in his work, Taylor is not one for talking much, but prefers an honest trial's work for an honest trial's pay. He is loyal and dedicated, but not really friendly.
Details: Taylor is a farmer by history and preference. He comes from a family of farmers and wishes to make sure that he always does the very best that he can in order to grow the absolute best produce.
Name: Trudi Tousand
Race:Biqaj/ Sev'ryn/ Human
Birthday/Age: 5th Cylus 694
Job: Waitress / Farm Hand
Skills: Socialization (50), Cosmetology (30), Singing (10), Seduction (30)
Appearance: 5ft 8, slim build. No scars. Trudi has red hair and bright blue eyes.
Personality: An outgoing, flirty woman who spends her time making sure that every customer feels well cared for. She is an outrageous flirt, but a fine and very useful member of the team.
Details: Trudi flirts with anyone. The more unobtainable they are? The more Trudi flirts with them.

Neis Woodcraft

Location write up: here
Name: Azira Neis
Race: 1/2 Sev'ryn, 1/2 Biqaj
Age: 99th Ashan 685
Title: Wood carver
Skills: Appraisal: 50, Basket Weaving: 35, Caregiving: 30, Gardening: 40, Jewelry Crafting: 50, Art: 50 Teaching: 50, Woodworking: 90
Other Information: Azira is the only daughter of a well known wood carver. Now that he is getting on in arcs, she and her brother have inherited the shop that has been passed down in their family for generations. Azira follows in her father's footsteps in that she is far better at carving wood than in running a shop. So she focuses on what she does best for the most part. Her specialty is making wooden beads, and creating all sorts of things with them. She is also quite skilled in judging the quality both of various types of wood, and the finished products made out of them. When someone shows a genuine interest in her craft, she is happy to teach them everything she knows in the hopes that the skills she was taught will never die out. She will also hold woodworking classes when she has the time as an additional source of income for the shop.

When her mother, younger sister, and infant son died in a devastating house fire many arcs ago, she was devastated. Her depression left her unable to work the wood that she loved so much, and left her with little will to live. She spent much of her time wandering the Sweetwine Woods aimlessly hoping that some animal might find her a suitable meal and end her suffering. That changed one trial when she found a mysterious clearing where a strangely twisted tree stood. She continued to return to this clearing, finding a measure of peace there. In all the times she returned to that clearing, the tree never sprouted any leaves. Despite that, it was very much alive and healthy. There was a beauty in that stubborn old tree that defied explanation. After a while, Azira decided to create a memorial for her lost loved ones in that clearing. Over time, she cleared away debris and planted flowers, turning the clearing into a hauntingly beautiful garden. The process of creating the memorial eased her grief and she regained her ability to work with wood once more. When she was finished, she began hearing the voices of her lost loved ones echoed in the wind that always seemed to blow through the garden. She continues to maintain the garden to this trial, and can often be found there when she isn't busy at the shop.

Azira is a member of the Guild because she has inherited his beliefs as well as his skills when it comes to working with wood.

This NPC is free to use within the shop she works at, and the memorial she created.

Name: Tarik Neis
Race: Biqaj
Age: 1st Ashan, 655
Title: Wood carver
Skills: Appraisal: 75, Business Management: 30, Jewelry Crafting: 50, Art: 50, Teaching: 30, Woodworking: 100
Other Information: Tarik inherited his shop from his father as it had been handed down from parent to child for many generations. Unfortunately, he was far more skilled at working with wood than with running a shop, and business might have suffered because of it if he weren't as skilled at what he does. He can create just about anything it is possible to make in wood except for sailing vessels. But he prefers to make practical things such as chests, furniture, and bowls. Tarik can teach if he wants to, but he has no patience dealing with anyone who isn't as passionate about wood as he is.

In the last few arcs, his hands have begun to give him trouble, so he has turned his shop over to his children, and cut back on the amount of work that he does. But his love of working with wood refuses to let him give it up entirely while he still lives.

Tarik is a member of the Guild.

This NPC is free to use in the shop where he works.

Name: Ren Neis
Race: 1/2 Sev'ryn, 1/2 Biqaj
Age: 16th Cylus, 683
Title: Manager
Skills: Business Management: 80, Logistics: 50, Socialization 80, Woodworking: 30
Other Information: As a young boy, Ren tried desperately to please his father by following in his father's footsteps. But he had little interest in working with wood, and less skill in it. His mind was filled with numbers, and ways of making his family's shop truly thrive. So while he is something of a disappointment to his father in one way, Ren has an important role in the family business. He runs the shop while the rest of his family provide goods for him to sell. His passion for business rivals his sister's and father's passions for working with wood. And because of that his father is proud of him for that, even if he favors his sister more because of the passion that they share.

This NPC is free to use in the shop where he works.

Name: Quinn Neis
Race: Sev'ryn
Age: 15th Saun, 683
Title: Wood carver
Skills: Appraisal: 35, Business Management: 40, Psychology: 50, Socialization: 75, Woodworking: 80
Other Information: Quinn grew up on the streets of Scalvoris Town. He survived because he quickly discovered two natural talents; the first was that he was quite good at whittling carvings out of bits of wood that he found, and the other was that he was very good at convincing people to buy what he made. When he met Azira at the age of 15, it was love at first sight. His natural talent with wood got him a job at Tarik's shop, and he quickly fell in love with working with wood. As he grew older, his love for Azira grew stronger, and she fell in love with him in return. Quinn got Tarik's blessing to marry his daughter when he created his first master work at the age of 20; not a bad feat for someone who grew up on the streets. They were married soon after that.

Now Quinn works at the shop. He works with wood whenever he can, but he will help Ren run the shop whenever is needed.

This NPC is free to use in the shop where he works.

Name: Erin Neis
Race: 3/4 Sev'ryn, 1/4Biqaj
Age: 63rd Ymiden, 705
Title: Wood carver in training
Skills: Appraisal: 15, Basket Weaving: 10, Jewelry Crafting: 45, Art: 25, Woodworking: 45
Other Information: Erin has been learning her mother's craft ever since she was five. With a natural talent for working with wood, and arcs of hard work, she has made a lot of progress in learning her chosen craft. But she is determined to become the very best that she can be, so she will never stop learning. Like her mother, her specialty is making wooden beads and using them to create all manner of things.

This NPC is free to use in the shop where she works.

The Scribe

Location write up: here
Name: Tobias the Owl
Race:Mixed. Human/Biqaj
Birthday: 24th Trial of Ymiden, 644th Arc
Title: Owner and scribe
Skills: Storytelling(90), Writing(60), Intelligence(70), Discipline(50), Science(45), Teaching(40), Seafaring(30)

Other Information: Born to a human mother and Biqaj father on the shores of Scalvoris, they taught him to embrace it’s culture. Growing up, his father tried to ready him for a life of piracy on the sea, and for most of his young adult years he made his dad proud as a cabin boy and crew member. That was where he learned about seafaring, the workings or ships, and how to deal with pirates. However, the older he became, the more time he spent on land, wandering across Scalvoris. During his travels he realized how isolated and clueless some of the villages were to the happenings of the island and realized what he wanted to and needed to do. He would travel from village to village and write down the stories they told him. Collecting and binding them into leather book. It wasn’t long before people started calling him Tobias the Owl, Scribe of Scalvoris. Those in need of information sometimes travel to Scalvoris Town, where Tobias resides when he’s not travelling. But in most cases it’s best to wait until he comes to visit your own place of residency.In his old age travelling has become more difficult, so he relies on his understudy to travel in his place.

Crowther disappeared in Arc721. : details here - he may not be used as an NPC by players after 38th Ymiden 721.
Name: Crowther
Race: Biqaj
Birthday: 7th Trial of Vhalar, 689th Arc
Title: Scribe Understudy
Skills: Axes/Bludgeons(80), Fiddle(70), Research(60), Endurance(55), Storytelling(50), Fishing(40), Cooking(35), Writing(30)

Other Info: Something of a bard, Crowther and Tobias have a natural kinship. While Crowther sometimes thinks Tobias is boring and stale and Tobias doesn’t understand Crowther's lighthearted and juvenile demeanor, the two do enjoy each others company. When Crowther isn’t traveling for his mentor, he entertains him with music and makes songs from the stories he’s told. Providing more than just entertainment and filling the role of understudy, Crowther has taken on the responsibility of cooking his mentor and acting as protection against those who might mean harm to him. Because of the time consuming task of gathering information, behind his mentors back, he’s hired others to travel from Almund and Egilrun to meet him in Scalvoris Proper and report the happening in those corners of the island. It’s not a matter of being too lazy to travel the entirety of the island, but a matter of protecting his mentor so that he may die peacefully whenever the day comes.

Cabin Boy

Location write up: here
Name: Anton Callipo
Race: Human
Age: 2nd Cylus, 686
Title: Newspaper Editor
Skills: Socialization: 80, Business Management: 55, Intelligence: 55, Art: 45, Intimidation: 30, Writing: 20, Storytelling: 20

Other Information: Not all the people who enter Viden Academy are smart enough to be there. Anton arrived in Scalvoris in Ashan 717 believing he could make something of himself as a researcher for the newly opened Scalvoris Campus by studying the strange new flora and fauna that had appeared across the island, however it soon became apparent that he had no talent for the job. He was too eager to take things at face value or bias his studies with his own prejudices, and was kicked out of the academy after he was caught fabricating the data in a report because he'd gotten too hungover to do the real work.

His pride wounded, Anton swore he'd make the academy rue the day they insulted him! He set up The Cabin Boy and began spreading Scalvoris' first newspapers all across the island, not so that the people could learn the honest truths of what was going on in their home island but so that he could make sure that his opinions became the opinions of the public, and naturally took every opportunity to blame the academy for the bad things happening across the island. He is willing to call rumours from the sketchiest sources solid information in his newspaper as long as it aligns with his opinions, and firmly believes in telling the public what they want to hear rather than the truth. Unfortunately opinionated as he is, the man does have a knack for getting people riled up...

Little Korlasir

Location write up: here

Name: Hurk
Race: Human
Age: ARC 663
Title: 'The runt of Korlasir'
Marks: N/A
Skills: Smithing: 90,Strength: 84, Endurance: 82, Mining: 78, Needlecraft: 75, Appraisal: 74, Woodworking: 62, Jewelry Crafting: 50, Business Management: 48, Polearms, Great Hammer: 48

Other Information:
Hurk is a simple man with simple goals. His dream of becoming blacksmith started out when he had gone to the market with his mother to pick up some cooking utensils made by a local smith. The roar of the forge called to little Hurk and became the goal he sought out. His father, long passed, was from Korlasir. Hurk only saw the beauty of Korlasir once, the beauty of their craft reinforcing his dreams of becoming a notable blacksmith. For years, Hurk toiled away, ignoring the woes of a married man to instead, remain a firm bachelor with eyes only upon his forge and his anvil. Hurk lived his life simple; with no affairs, no romance save for his passion, only a single child was made after Hurk impressed one of his customers with his hard-working determination to make himself big in Scalvoris so that the smiths of Korlasir would acknowledge him as one of their own. Unfortunately, she did not stay for long, with rumors of her 'occasional visits' being when ever Hurk takes one of his vacations inside of his own shop.

Name: Carl
Race: Human
Age: ARC 691
Title: N/A
Marks: N/A
Skills: Smithing: 62, Musical Instrument: 62, Socialization: 52, Athletics: 52, Seduction: 45, Singing: 32, Running: 20, Endurance: 20, Acting: 1

Other Information:
Carl never liked the simple life, always day-dreaming and losing focus of the legacy his father had set out for him. Carl was given his name due to his father's obsession with Korlasir and their culture. Unfortunately for Hurk, Carl was more interested in their women rather than the culture itself. Carl wished to be an artist in his own right, not in the legacy his father created. He wished to be the life of the party, the center of attention surrounded by adoring fans. Although he practices the art of blacksmithing out of conditioning, rather than habit, Carl still seeks his own name and fortune. Carl has, more often than not, been seen associating with a peculiar raven. There are claims that the raven is actually Carl's mother visiting her son, to make sure that Hurk and Carl are taking care of themselves.

Name: Carl's Raven
Race: ???
Age: ???
Title: 'Carl's mom'
Skills: ???

Other Information:
One thing is certain about the raven's appearance. It has been, largely out of speculation and relation to Carl, that it is actually his mother using her raven totem. Not many remember who she was or what she looked like, but all agreed that she had certainly spent one too many trips to Hurk's shop. Since Carl was but three, that particular raven has been visiting the shop every warm season it can. Despite Scalvoris' naturally cold temperatures, the Raven prefers to visit during Saun mostly, with occasional visits during Ymiden and rare visits during Ashan. Vhalar is the last Season the Raven will visit before returning to the Unknown.

Scholars' Nook

Location write up: here
Name: Cassandra "Caz" McNulty
Race: Biqaj/Human
Age: Arc 683
Title: Owner & Proprieter: The Scholars' Nook
Marks: N/A
Skills: Business Management: 65, Psychology: 60, Mathematics: 50. Furthermore, Caz seems to know something about almost every subject out there. If she doesn't, then she does know where there's a book here on the subject!

Other Information:
Caz is a friendly woman who is either blessed or cursed with an insatiable hunger to learn. Unfortunately, this has led to her never settling down to do any formal studying because, as soon as she starts one thing, her attention shifts to another. She has read every book in the Scholars' Nook, knows each of her regulars and she is absolutely loving life. She has never wanted qualifications, much preferring to just soak up knowledge. Therefore, the Scholars' Nook is her dream, she is absolutely delighted to be, finally, where she has always wanted to be. She is going to make it a success and her passion, drive and determination are all one hundred percent focused on customer satisfaction.
Name: Theodore "Flea" McNulty
Race: Biqaj / Human
Age: Arc 691
Title: Server at the Scholars' Nook
Marks: N/A
Skills: Writing: 60, Socialization: 50, Research: 50, Linguistics: 50.

Other Information:
Flea, as everyone knows him, is a student of words. He loves words, language and all things associated. He spends most of his time in a state of mild bemusement and often appears a little lost. However, if you get Flea talking then it becomes apparent that he would not ever use one word where twenty would do. He is verbose in the extreme, but he is also always excited about what he is saying.

Flea is Caz's younger brother. Whilst, obviously, the two of them know the origin of his nickname, neither of them are telling and so it is considered to be the best kept secret in Scalvoris.

Name: Maz
Race: Sev'ryn
Age: Arc 689
Title: Server at the Scholars' Nook
Marks: None
Skills: Unarmed Combat: Brawling: 65, Basketweaving: 55, Art: 55, Socialization: 50, Meditation: 20

Other Information:
Maz is the muscle of the Scholars' Nook, something which she is often teased about. She is generally a friendly and outgoing young woman who is willing and eager to help people. Maz, however, will be the first to admit that she has 'a bit of a temper' and, should anyone ever insult Caz or Flea, that temper will certainly spark. When she loses her temper, Maz has been known to break things ~ usually bones and noses. She is working on calming down and is trying to meditate but the young Sev'ryn orphan finds it hard to control. She loves her job, though and, unless provoked, she is a truly pleasant individual for whom nothing is too much trouble.

Other Information:
Maz is the muscle of the Scholars' Nook, something which she is often teased about. She is generally a friendly and outgoing young woman who is willing and eager to help people. Maz, however, will be the first to admit that she has 'a bit of a temper' and, should anyone ever insult Caz or Flea, that temper will certainly spark. When she loses her temper, Maz has been known to break things ~ usually bones and noses. She is working on calming down and is trying to meditate but the young Sev'ryn orphan finds it hard to control. She loves her job, though and, unless provoked, she is a truly pleasant individual for whom nothing is too much trouble.

Peytr's Pots & Potions

Location write up: here

Peytr disappeared in Arc721. : details here - he may not be used as an NPC by players after 38th Ymiden 721.
Name: Peytr Lovan
Race: Human
Age: Arc 683
Title: Owner & Proprieter: Peytr's Pots & Potions
Marks: N/A
Skills: Business Management: 65, Alchemy: 50, Science 50, Medicine: 45, Socialization: 40

Other Information:
Peytr is determined that he is going to make this business work. This is, in fact, his fifth business and the other four have all failed. He and Callie have made their way through a number of hardships to get here, but he is optimistic that, with a bit of luck, this is going to be the place for them. He is an optimistic man who enjoys the push and pull of negotiations. He never wanted to become an apothecary, but he didn't have the constitution for the military.

He is pleased, though, that he and Callie have settled here and he hopes that this will be their home for some arcs to come. He is a very private individual and unlikely to share any personal details with anyone.

Petyr disappeared in Arc721. : details here - he may not be used as an NPC by players after 38th Ymiden 721.

Name: Callie Lovan
Race: Human
Age: Arc 686
Title: Co-owner of Peytr's Pots & Potions and Consultant
Marks: N/A
Skills: Medicine: 60, Cosmetology: 60, Psychology: 55, Business Management: 50, Logistics: 40. Extensive knowledge of herbs / herbalism

Other Information:
Callie is a quiet woman who has a gift ~ she is able to make people feel better about themselves. Whether that is by helping them to choose just the right make up to accentuate their skin colour or a perfume which suits them or it might be by helping them to deal with a skin condition or ease anxiety. Whatever it is, Callie is usually able to see to the heart of the situation and help. She has an uncanny knack for getting it right first time, it seems, when identifying what the real problem is and she has a calm and easy to get along with attitude.

She got along with her husband well enough, although there was obviously no love lost between the two of them. They seemed to be business partners more than anything else, which they both seemed quite content with as a relationship. Since his disappearance, Callie has been quiet and reserved.

Knight's Rest

Location write up: here

Name: Whit Freidston
Race: Aukari (1/4), Human (1/2), Biqaj (1/2)
Age: Arc 653
Title: Owner & Proprieter: The Knight's Rest Inn & Tavern
Marks: N/A
Skills: Blades: 70, Tactics: 65, Leadership: 50, Business Management: 65.

Other Information:
Whit was once the knight who is now resting, and so named his new business venture the Knight's Rest. He is a loud, friendly man whose mother was a Human/Aukari mixed breed and whose father was a Human/Biqaj mixed. His family have lived on Scalvoris for many an arc and he is a well known chap around most of the island. He is boisterous by nature and passionate about almost everything. He didn't like the Pirates or the Pirate Lords, very much of the opinion that you don't shake the Devil's hand and say you're just being nice. Since they've gone, he's opened up this place with his daughter and he's a happy man.

Whit doesn't talk about his wife, who died in childbirth, but he still wears his wedding ring, all these arcs later. He describes his daughter as his heart and soul; he is fiercely proud of her.

Name: Zana
Race: Mixed Race
Age: Arc 690
Title: Front of house / server / entertainer
Marks: N/A
Skills: Singing: 77, Musical Instrument: Harp: 60, Musical Instrument: Fiddle: 50, Business Management: 40, Psychology: 40, Logistics: 40

Other Information:
Whit's daughter is a quiet individual who often seems overshadowed by her much louder father. Her personality is sweet and she has a ready smile. She tends towards shyness and will often mumble when she speaks. She transforms, though, when she sings. If the bar is full and Zana is singing, there is inevitably silence; her voice is pure and deeply melodic. It is strange, she says, but she is never shy whilst singing. Zana is very loyal to her father who has raised her alone and she is delighted that he has stopped fighting and has started up a business ~ she is determined to do her bit to make it a success.

Name: Lenon
Race: Qi'ora
Age: Arc 679
Title: Chef
Marks: None
Skills: Cooking: 74, Brewing: 74, Gardening: 50.

Other Information:
Lenon is a quiet woman who gets on with her job and does not speak. At all. She has not yet spoken since she started working at the Knight's Rest, as far as anyone is aware she can not. However, her food is extraordinary and she has taken over the small garden to the side of the stables as a herb garden. She is always quite serious and smiles but rarely. However, her loyalty to Whit is not in question, nor is her work ethic. Anything else about her remains a mystery.

Name: Naomi Waelha
Created by: Freya Ducarinos
Location For Use At: The Knight's Rest Inn & Tavern
Race: Mixed Aukari (1/2), Human (1/2)
Birthday/Age: 35th Zi'da 694 / 24
Title: Server / Entertainer
Skills: Musical Instrument: Drum: 70, Singing: 50, Socialization: 50, Storytelling: 40, Dancing: 40, Business Management: 20
Noami Waelha is a bright girl who's suffered much tragedy at her young. Being the niece to Whit Freidston from an estranged half sister, Naomi's relation to the family hangs by threads. The Freidstons never seemed to mind her company, however, and quickly incorporated the girl into their home life shortly after her father erupted. Her mother was never in the picture by the stories she told, but Naomi considered that to be more of a fortune than a curse. Regardless, the half-aukari had a knack for storytelling and offered up any who'd listen a fine tale of adventures she's heard from the company she's kept.

Four In Hand

Location Write up: here
Name: Anida Genrazy
Race: Eidisi/Biqaj
Age: 3 Zi'da, Arc 684
Title: Owner
Marks: None
Skills: 60 Cosmetology, 50 Dancing, 20 Deception, 30 Seduction
Other Information:Anida as well as being the owner of the Four in Hand is also the baby sister of the former Pirate Lord known as The Boar. She does not speak of her brother, nor answer questions about what happened or where he and his peers might be.

Anida is vain and proud, and very much enjoys being the centre of attention. Insults to her (real or perceived) are a quick and easy way to get blacklisted while compliments earn her favour. She's canny and sly in her own way, but not actually particularly smart. She own the Four in Hand only because her brother bought it for her.

Name: Phillipe LeCruet
Race: Human / Biqaj
Age: Born Arc 659
Title: Head Chef D'Extra-Ordinaire (self appointed)
Marks: If Applicable
Skills: Cooking: 18, Deception: 20, Musical Instrument: Flute, 50, Intimidation: 60
Other Information: Phillipe LeCruet is a malicious and self absorbed man who is defined by his failure. He wanted, more than anything, to play his flute professionally but his parents denied the opportunity and instead insisted that he go into the family and be a chef like his father, and his father's father. Phillipe decided that, if he had to do this, then he was going to be the absolute worst chef that Idalos had ever seen and, thusfar, he's doing well.
He is a bitter fellow who would happily spend his breaks wallowing in self pity. He gets no pleasure from anything he does, but somehow he keeps his job. There are whispers that, perhaps, this is because he knows something about Anida that she would rather no one did.

Name: Mixiebelle
Race: Biqaj
Age: Arc 697
Title: "Wench"
Marks: None
Skills: Writing: 30, Logistics: 30, Unarmed Combat: 20
Other Information: Mixiebelle has worked here since the Four in Hand opened a few arcs ago and she loves her job. She gets to balance lots of tankards on trays, to talk to people (or at least.. to talk at them) and she gets good tips too. Mixiebelle is a sweet girl who really shouldn't be allowed out on her own. She's gullible in the extreme but the regulars here have taken her under their wing and are very protective of her. Mixiebelle lives in her own unique little world and there is no doubt that it is a beautiful place.


Location write up: here
Name: Rose Lefluer
Race: Human
Age: She's not telling.
Title: Head Librarian
Marks: None
Skills: 70 Research, 65 Logistics, 60 Writing, 50 Cosmetology, 50 Etiquette.
Other Information: Rose is an overbearing woman who is desperate to please. She wants to help, most genuinely, but she goes about it in all the wrong ways. She has an unfortunately strident voice for a librarian and no ability to control the volume of her voice. However, in her core she is a kind woman who is very lonely. She has spent her life seeking a romantic partner with the kind of fervour usually reserved for fanatics or the dying, but thus far she has not found 'the one'. However, hope springs eternal in Rose and the influx of academics has led to her believing that this might be her Big Opportunity to catch Mr Right. Therefore Rose, who is always impeccably dressed, is taking extra efforts with her appearance and will often show up to work in outfits more appropriate to a high society wedding, complete with hat and the overwhelming wafting aroma of her very very floral perfume.

All of that aside, Rose is probably the finest librarian Scalvoris could hope for.

Name: Lissie
Race: Human / Biqaj
Age: Born Arc 689
Title: Junior Librarian
Marks: Nope
Skills: Writing 65, Research 50, Meditation, 20
Other Information: Lissie is a daydreamer of the worst order. If she put her mind to it she could, possibly, be good at her job but she has to be constantly watched as she sits, chin in hand, considering all the beautiful stories which fly around in her head. She writes them all down but her hands never move fast enough to capture them all and there is always another just waiting to be told. If you can get her to focus she is friendly and helpful.

Name: Rafe
Race: Biqaj
Age: Arc 687
Title: Linguistic Expert / Translator
Marks: None
Skills: Linguistics 80, Research 50, Writing 50
Other Information: Rafe is a pleasant man who has a fascination with languages and the spoken word. He can read many languages, no one knows exactly how many but he is always the first port of call for translations which need to be done. The written word fascinates him and he is usually to be found with his head in a book somewhere in the library. Usually as far away from Rose as it is possible to be.

Spirit of Adventure

Location write up: here

Name: Friell
Race: Human
Age: Born Arc 694
Title: Owner
Marks: None
Skills: <it's a secret.....>
Other Information: Friell lives and works in this shop. He wants nothing more than to be able to say that he does his job well and he is, or appears to be, always working. Inventory, accounts, dusting or snoozing in the chair in the corner, Friell is always busy, busy. He knows a story about someone using one of each and every 'thing' in his shop and will share them whether asked or not. No one has ever really seen him outside the shop ~ come to that, isn't that a little odd?

His mannerisms are friendly and he has very intense brown eyes which are so dark they are almost black. He is quite mocking towards other men, but obviously appreciates the female form.


Please note. The Viden Academy in Scalvoris has a LOT of NPCs. These can be found in the first post here

Glass Temple

Name: Stan
Race: Tunawa
Age: Arc 686
Title: Head Priest
Marks: N/A
Skills: Unknown
Other Information:
Which of the Immortals Stan worships is open for debate - but not with Stan. He is a cheery and chipper soul who greets most everyone who comes through the doors of the Glass Temple. No matter what question you have about which Immortal, he always seems to know the answer. He is friendly and helpful but refuses point blank to answer any personal questions about himself.

Elements: Air

Name: Lyari
Created by: Kylar
Race: Sev'ryn
Birthday/Age: 22nd Zi'da, 697 (20 Arcs)
Title: Trainer for Troops
Skills: Blades: Longsword (60)
Ranged Combat - Crossbow (60)
Mount (45)
Animal Training (40)
Animal Husbandry (35)
Details: Lyari came to Scalvoris when he heard what had happened, with the hope of making a name for himself. But he soon found his purpose. Thanks to his previous training in the Iron Hand of Rynmere, he had the knowledge to use enough weapons to make his way through every section of the Scalvoris military. He was soon recognized for his versatility and use, given the role of tutor for individuals at a time. His last partner was promoted, so he is now waiting to train and work with someone new.

Elements: Fire

Keim'an Thojo


Born: 7th Vhalar, 680

Skills: Bladed Combat (Sword): 70, Shield: 70, Domain Magic: Defiance: 65. Others: TBC

An experienced military chap, Keim'an is a member of the Flame Troops. He is a friendly individual, despite having quite a scary appearance. His eyes seem to be red more than any other colour and his face is very scarred. He is very proud of his hair, which he wears pulled back in a high ponytail at the top of his head. In terms of what he does, he is proud to call himself both warrior and mage and his last partner, who he worked with for a long time even under the old regime, has just retired.
Name: Heve Tare-Flame qalar-Treid
Created by: Ronan
Race: Ellune
Birthday/Age: 2nd of Cylus, Arc 678
Title: Scalvoris Flame Trooper
Skills: Writing 40, Intelligence 15, Linguistics 20
Details: Heve didn't have much to offer to the world. He enjoyed words on paper, writing and reading them but outside of that he didn't seem to have much in the way of useful skills. A path in the printing or scribing business wasn't something Heve saw himself do so he decided instead to explore the world a little. He ended up in Scalvoris, enjoying the cold climate there, allowing him to operate almost the entirety of the year, give or take a dozen or so trials during the hot season. Here, he was discovered by a fellow Flame trooper while he was summarizing conversation he heard around himself, keeping track of multiple stories at the same time, accurately writing them down, albeit in a summarized form. While not a hundred percent accurate, he was able to recreate the conversations afterwards, given time. His flame trooper badge was on his uniform not much later. Heve works mostly during interrogations or important court sessions and has handled more delicate conversations than most other troopers of his rank.
Name: Samantha Reid

Race: Human

Age: 72nd of Zi’da, Arc 686 (Age 32)

Title: Administrator

Skills: Discipline: 35, Intelligence: 30, Investigation: 40

Other Information: Samantha serves as the administrator for the Flame Troops command post. Like other administrators at the other posts Samantha manages the flow of communications, arranges training for the troops when requested, and manages the necessary upkeep for the Redoubt. However she is an excellent judge of character as she was previously an investigator. Her ability to read people’s intentions is so impressive that the Flame Deputy requested that she serve in the command post to keep an eye on individuals as they come and go. Even if someone of ill intent makes it past the guard posted outside, they won’t be able to lie their way past Ms.Reid.

Elements: Menagerie

Name: Elise Flarsdotter
Race: Naerrik
Age: Arc 686
Title: Animal Trainer
Marks: None
Skills: Animal Training (80), Animal Husbandry (70). Others TBD
Other Information:
Elise loves animals, loves her job and really hates people. She would be much happier if she never had to see another person again and could just spend her life amongst her beloved pets. That is what she sees them as, each animal here is hers and she'd really rather that no one took them away. However, she accepts that they must and she gets on with it. She is a surprisingly good teacher to those she accepts, but in order for her to get there, you have to really love animals too.

Elements: Other

Sylvia Macklin


Born: 7th Vhalar, 667

Sylvia is the receptionist at the Element Hall in Scalvoris Town. She is a very efficient, very friendly and very nosy individual who really does enjoy getting into other folks' business. She is a very good source of gossip, but is abysmal at keeping a secret. She doesn't consider her dreadful habit to be dreadful at all, in fact she would consider herself a model citizen. Despite her tendency to gossip, Sylvia is a kind soul and is very good at her job.[/googlefont]

Elements: Water

Name: Eshilda

Race: Mer

Age: 21st Zi’da, Arc 691 (Age 27)

Title: Administrator

Skills: Discipline: 35, Unarmed Combat: 20, Swimming 40

Other Information: Eshilda is a Mer of unparalleled discipline. She is curt and to the point, caring little for needless prattle. She is incredibly loyal to the Water Troops and works tirelessly to keep this command post in ship shape. She is responsible for greeting guests, setting up training requests for troops, and dealing with daily communication with the two Element Halls on the island. Frequent communication with the Water Assistants ensures that the Water Troops deal with their assignments with clockwork efficiently.

Bank of Scalvoris

Location write up: here
Lukar disappeared in Arc 721. : details here - he may not be used as an NPC by players after 38th Ymiden 721. He has been replaced, but his replacement has never been seen.
Name: Lukar Shadowstom
Race:Mixed. Human/Biqaj
Birthday: 5th Cylus 646
Title: Manager
Skills: To Be Discovered

Other Information: There is a theory in Scalvoris Town that Lukar Shadowstom hides some deep secrets. He is a stern man and the most that anyone knows about him is that no one knows anything about him. In his dealings in the bank he is unerringly fair and will not make an exception for anyone. He is not seen frequenting any of the Inns or Taverns in Scalvoris Town and keeps himself to himself. He has, as far as anyone can tell, no hobbies or friends which helps with the long hours that he works.

Name: Broka Crowfoot
Race: Biqaj
Birthday: 7th Trial of Vhalar, 689th Arc
Title: Teller
Skills: To Be Discovered

Other Info: Broka is a loud and boisterous fellow. His booming voice can be heard reverberating through the building and, if you want to discuss something privately, it's probably best that you tell him that first. He appears to be a friendly fellow and he has a good way of being with the customers. He's more inclined to listening sympathetically to someone than his boss, but equally, won't make any exceptions. He likes his job, though, he says that it means that he meets people and gets to spend his trial surrounded by money. Judging by the expensive cut of his clothes and the subtle but expensive touches to what he wears, Broka likes money.

Luna's Dream

Location write up: here
Name: Felicia Hounsworth
Race: Mixed race, predominantly human
Age: Saun, 682
Title: Manageress
Skills: Caregiving: 68, Medicine: 53, Cooking: 51, Logistics: 40
Other Information: A kind soul, Felicia is the manageress of Luna's dream, overseeing the care of the children and making sure that the place is run smoothly. She is a well organised woman who seems calm even amidst total chaos. Her hair is usually tied back and is a deep brown. She has pale skin and dark brown eyes.
Name: Nats Bettes
Race: Human
Age: Cylus, 680
Title: Teacher
Skills: Teaching:76, Writing: 53, Mathematics: 51, Singing: 40, Musical Instrument: Harp 60
Other Information: Miss Nats as the children call her, is the teacher for Luna's Dream. She is a focused individual and an excellent teacher. The children seem to universally adore her; she knows every name of every child she has ever taught. Outside of the classroom, Nats is a quiet young woman who gets on with her job. She doesn't tend to socialise much, preferring her own company.
Name: Chris Jonson
Race: Human/ Biqaj
Age: Zi'da, 675
Title: Gardner
Skills: Gardening:70, Storytelling: 63, Unarmed: 60, Sword: 60, Crossbow: 60, Acting: 51, Athletics: 50
Other Information: Mr Chris is adored by the children. He tends the garden but, on any given trial, he is as likely to be found with a gaggle of children around him, listening to him tell a story or showing them magic tricks. He seems to be quite a dour individual yet the children bring out a side of him that is not often shown around adults.

There are whispers among the adults that Mr Chris is more than he appears. Some say that he is the son of Cassion, but there is no evidence of that. However, his storytelling is something of a legend and, there is no doubt, that he worships that Immortal.
Name: Nicolette
Created by: Yeva
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 2nd Saun 712
Title: Orphan at Luna's Dream
Skills: Storytelling (Competent), Acting (Competent) Art (Novice), Needlecraft (Novice), Caregiving (Novice)
Details:Nicolette is a girl who was left in the custody of Luna's Dream Orphanage shortly after her birth, abandoned upon their doorstep much like many of those who are admitted. She is a highly creative child and perhaps a bit forthcoming with blunt truths, but prefers to play games of imagination more than most. Her biggest aspiration is to become a queen, although a princess or very, very rich person - preferably a member of the merchant's guild - would suffice. Her favorite hobbies include make believe with her two best friends, fellow orphans known as Lucan and Elijah (Eli, for short).

While not an aggressive or disobedient girl by nature, she is not afraid to rally against liars and people who cannot share. Her favorite toy is a stuffed bunny, hand-knit, whom she calls 'Bert' or "Bertie', often found cradled under one arm, or ready nearby to join in any of her games as an extra cast member. She has a lot of promise as a future actress and believes Friell in the Spirit of Adventure to be 'magic".

Other: Adoptable

Council Office

Name: Leshli Vy'Ihadi

Race: Biqaj

Age: 7th of Zi'da, Arc 699 (Age:19)

Title: Receptionist

Skills: Etiquette: 15 ,Writing: 30, Politics: 20

Other Information: Leshli is a bright young woman who was only recently employed at the council hall. She is often soft spoken and only speaks when spoken to, however she is fast learner and is sometimes asked by other members of staff to help them with their duties. The only time she is known to raise her voice is when she is faced with impatient individuals who do not have appointments to speak with the council members. Leshli is sharp of tongue in these instances and is quick usher people out of the building if they are not willing to wait their turn.

PB Printing House

Name: Penny Bones
Race: Human
Age: Give date of birth, please, saves me updating everything
Title: Owner & Operator
Skills: Writing (Expert), Storytelling (Expert), Bookbinding (Comptent), Investigation (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), Socialization (Competent), Art (Novice), Business Management (Novice)
Other Information: Penny Bones is a wiry woman, shaped similarly to a willow stalk with angular shoulders and tiny hands. Her face is average at best, her nose a bit upturned and rather stunted, always pink with a thin upper lip that gives the impression of a perpetual worry. While perhaps a bit blindsided in her ambitions and eccentric nature, she is a shrewd business woman, putting her work above all else. Despite her positive approach to her career, her sister, Rose, is convinced she is jealous of her and her marriage to mutual childhood friend, Benji Copper.

The Docks

Location write up: here
Name: Erik Ki'Ufnaj
Race: Biqaj
Age: Arc 676, 22nd of Ymiden
Title: Harbour master
Skills:Socialization (Expert), Seafaring (Expert), Business Management (Competent), Intimidation (Competent), Logistics (Competent).
Other Information: Erik Ki'Ufnaj is a no-nonsense man who takes his job seriously.

A former sailor himself, he knows what it takes to ensure the dock operation runs smoothly, and he speaks the language of the men and women who rely on the sea for their livelihoods.

Erik was involved in the rebuilding of the docks after their destruction in Arc 718, but the incident came at great personal cost, with his wife having died in the collapse.

Proving Ground

Name: Bramwell Foy
Race: Human
Age: Arc 668, 93rd of Zi'da.
Title: Owner; Head Trainer
Skills: Combat: Blades (Master), Combat: Unarmed (Master), Athletics (Expert), Strength (Expert), Business Management (Competent), Seafaring (Competent).
Other Information: Bramwell Foy does not, at first glance, appear to be particularly intimidating. A relatively stocky individual, he stands at only 5'8" and his polite manner and gently spoken voice has led many people to underestimate him.

To do so is folly.

A highly skilled fighter, Bramwell is a master of his chosen combat disciplines, and he has taught tough lessons to combatants much larger and younger than himself. In doing so, he has earned a reputation as a fine teacher, making The Proving Ground the most respected training facility outside of the Element Hall.

Little is known about Bramwell Foy's personal history. His presence in Scalvoris Town began in arc 716, in the wake of the Shadow Beast attack and the subsequent disappearance of the Pirate Lords. It is widely believed that he is a former pirate himself, and there are even hushed rumours that he once served the famous Pirate King Dianarv Aznat, though he himself has never publicly made such claims.

Vibrancy Jewels

Location write up: here
Name: Skye
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Saun 17 Arc 700
Skills: Socialization (30), Seduction (30), Deception (20), Cosmetology (10), Endurance (10)

Skye has a splendid figure and devotes hours a day to maintaining it. Her face is often covered with makeup and her hair is never seen without professional quality treatment.
Personality: Skye is a very persuasive woman who has made a living off of taking money from rich men willing to buy whatever she was selling for a chance at earning her favor. She is very competitive and has mood swings when being outperformed.
Job Role: Salesman

Name: Angee
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 24 Arc 699
Skills: Jewelry Crafting (30), Endurance (30), Seduction (30), Leatherworking (10)
Angee could care less about her physical appearance but she is never without many pieces of jewelery.
Personality: Angee can often be found daydreaming which attests to her very aloof characteristics. She tends to keep to herself and enjoys monotonous work so she can autopilot. If given anything complicated to work on she is almost guaranteed to mess up.
Job Role: Jewelry Crafter

Name: Terhe
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Zi’da 5 Arc 689
Skills: Jewelry Crafting (30), Deception (30), Seduction (30), Cooking (10)
Terhe has medium length hair and hides her complexion with poorly applied makeup.
Personality: Terhe never feels comfortable when things stay the same. She changes romantic partners and jobs with the season and never likes to make the same kind of jewelry repetitively. She loves to experiment, even though her ideas are usually terrible.
Job Role: Jewelry Crafter

Name: Flora
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 30 Arc 700
Skills: Jewelry Crafting (30), Athletics (30), Seduction (30), Endurance (10)
Under the impression that she is very beautiful, Flora does everything she can to accentuate her features. She wears tight clothing and ties her hair into complicated patterns.
Personality: Beautiful on the surface, Flora is often haughty and difficult to manage. She always believes her ideas are best and she will do whatever she wants unless supervised. She is the only crafter in the group that isn’t allowed to handle custom orders.
Job Role: Jewelry Crafter


Name: Minus
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 24 Arc 699
Skills: Jewelry Crafting (30), Blades (Dagger) (10), Athletics (20), Seduction (30), Endurance (10)
Minus usually wears a ponytail and revealing clothing. It’s rare to see anything covering her shoulders.
Personality: Minus was kidnapped for a year and the resulting paranoia defines her characteristics. She is always wary of others and carries a dagger on her at all times. Despite this, she is the most personable member of the crafting group. She enjoys talking to people and hearing about their problems.
Job Role: Jewelry Crafting


Name: Reyku
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Saun 35 Arc 699
Skills: Politics (30), Etiquette (30), Discipline (30), Endurance (10)
While working, Reyku is never dressed in anything less than black and white formal wear. He believes in the saying “dress for the job you want”. Reyku stands tall at 6 feet and has messy black hair that has to be forced into submission.
Personality: A bit of a know-it-all and very nosy, Reyku makes for a very personable employee. He spends most of his time gossiping with customers and making them feel at home. Like the rest of the employees he has a knack of using seductive compliments to butter people up.
Job Role: Greeter / Assistant


Name: Raito
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ymiden 12 Arc 698
Skills: Socialization (30), Discipline (30), Seduction (30), Etiquette (10)
Raito dresses in formal wear, but typically wears something casual underneath. This allows him to change his outfit on the fly to better relate to whoever he’s selling to.
Personality: Ambitious as they come, Raito is often at odds with Skye. He has a way of reading a person and finding out what matters to people.
Job Role: Salesman

Name: Thorn
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Ashan 1 Arc 685
Skills: Etiquette (30), Politics (30), Seduction (30), Cosmetology (10)
Thorn has brown curly hair and about 5’ 6” tall. His only remarkable characteristic is his extremely clear complexion.
Personality: Charming on the surface, somewhat uninteresting underneath. Most people don’t like to talk to Thorn for very long as he loses interest very quickly.
Job Role: Greeter / Cleaner

City NPCS Free to use, but please contact a Scalv mod if you want to make any significant change / impact

Alicia Aroniero

Name: Alicia Aroniero
Created by: Cad Revel
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 15th of Zi'da, Arc 693
Title: Favoured of Gwelliph
Location: Scalvoris Town
  • Investigation - Expert
  • Intelligence - Competent
  • Detection - Competent
  • Combat (Unarmed) - Competent
  • Larceny - Novice
  • Socialization - Novice
Details: A private investigator in Scalvoris Town who, through her strong sense of morals, earned the attention of Pier and Pre, who saw fit to grant her their favoured mark of Gwelliph. Though she had assisted The Elements from time to time she prefers to stick to civil or public cases when possible rather than criminal, as she'd much prefer not to risk her life. Despite this she has never yet someone who has come to her in need of her, and as a result has ended up getting involved in dangerous situations more often that she'd like. NPC mark abilities can't be used for PC gain unless pre-approved by a mod.

Ozbourne Kerrik

Name: Ozbourne Kerrik
Created by: Tio Silver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 3rd Cylus, 630
Title: Warlock of the Scalvoris Seekers Cell
Skills: Defiance; 80. Abrogation; 30. Combat: Unarmed; 30. Teaching; 25. Brewing; 20. Intelligence; 15. Leadership; 15.
Details: Ozbourne, simply called Oz by most, has been a member of the Seekers ever since he was a young man. Brought into the group by his uncle and trained by him in defiance, Oz was always a firm believer that magic was a tool that should be shared with all of humanity and used to defend it from injustice. He spent his youth fighting instead of researching, using the power of the elements to defeat bandits, monsters and many other evils.

However youth does not last, and Ozbourne slowly found himself more and more tired after each battle, and more affected by the backlash of pushing his magic too far. This culminated after he overstepped himself fighting another mage and found that the earth, his kin element, had grown offended of being used as a weapon and abandoned him, no longer heeding his calls. To this day his kin element has yet to completely forgive him, and without its help the once powerful mage became too weak to face evil head on as he once had.

In recognition for his years of service but still wary of his now weakened power and lack of research skills Ozbourne was awarded Warlock status of Scalvoris, an island with one of the weakest Seeker presences. Since his appointment Ozbourne has stubbornly kept the Seekers presence on Scalvoris from fading, but has not been able to encourage growth under his leadership either.

Edward Ketchum

Name: Edward Ketchum
Created by: Balthazar Black
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 45, 46 Ashan 675
Title: Spokesman, Protestor, Advocate
Skills: Socialization (73/100), Psychology (60/100), Intelligence (30/100), Stealth (37/100), Cosmetology (78/100)
Details: Edward Ketchum is a chameleon of a Scavite who works to turn the public in favor of whatever organization is willing to pay him to improve their image. Factions pay him a good number of nels to obtain his services and once they have, Edward Ketchum works tirelessly to help that faction achieve their goals. As of Arc 720 it is believed by the Elements that Ketchum works for or has worked for the Church of Eternal Mercies, the Phoenix Faction, the Mer, and the Elements themselves(everyone needs good PR).

Maximilian Kale

Name: Maximilian Kale.
Created by: Darius Baer.
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Arc 668, 3rd of Vhalar.
Title: Captain of Ufrek's Duty.
Skills: Navigation (Master), Seafaring (Master), Leadership (Expert), Socialization (Competent)
Details: Maximilian Kale was no pirate, but he had already shared the seas with them for many arcs before their mysterious departure in 716.

With a reputation for being firm but fair, Kale has earned much respect from those who have served under him. He is known to be calm in a crisis, and capable of navigating the waters of the Hollow Sea with ease.

He has travelled further afield, most regularly to Viden, but his vessel, U'frek's Duty, calls the docks at Scalvoris Town its home port.

Silas Guthersun

Name: Silas Guthersun
Created by: Darius Baer.
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: Arc 658, 72nd of Ymiden.
Title: Senior member of The Crafters.
Skills: Socialization (Expert), Politics (Expert), Leadership (Competent), Woodworking (Competent)
Details: Proudly Scalvoris Town born and raised, Silas Guthersun has supported The Crafters for more than twenty arcs. He opposes magic and dislikes trade with other parts of Idalos, thinking of it as Scalvoris Island depending on those from further afield.

He has regularly engaged with those in his social circle in a bid to persuade them to his views, with varying results. Although he holds strong views, he is not stubborn; he doesn't let his personal politics get in the way of his personal relationships, ensuring that he remains friends with those who disagree with what The Crafters are trying to achieve. As such, he is more approachable than some might expect, and is usually willing to hear the views of others.

He is also a hobbyist woodworker, and when he is not meeting with other members of The Crafters, he can often be found at one of the workshops in Scalvoris Town, working on a pet project.

Demetria Safora

Name: Demetria Safora
Created by: Darius Baer.
Race: Half-human, half-biqaj.
Birthday/Age: Arc 683, 4th of Zi'da.
Title: Acrobat.
Skills: Athletics (Expert), Endurance (Expert), Strength (Competent), Writing (Competent)
Details: Renowned throughout Scalvoris Island for her acrobatic prowess, Demetria has been amazing audiences wherever she goes for several arcs.

Standing at 5'4", she is often underestimated because of her size. She is deceptively strong, however, with a toned and lithe body that is capable of climbing, tumbling, flipping, and performing all manner of extraordinary acrobatic feats.

Demetria travels the island, going from town to town, earning her income with her performances. When spending time in Scalvoris Town, she can often be found training at The Proving Ground.

She is also eager to see others learn her vocation, and has written an instructional book titled The Art Of Acrobatics: From Balance Basics To Tumbling And Everything In Between.

Keanu Razor

Name: Keanu Razor
Created by: Alyssia
Race: human
Birthday/Age: 45, 83 of Ymiden 675
Title: Sacchrine Knight
Skills: Stealth(C), Dual Wield (Blade)(M), Intimidation(M),
Details:Keanu Razor is a large man that works for the Sacchrine Knights from Yaralon. He began working for the group when still a minor criminal; it did not take long for him to rise through the ranks of the knights. The knights are a group that help to "rehome" lost children though that's not what the children that have gotten free claim. When someone goes "missing" from the care of the Sacchrine Knights, the bosses send Keanu. A tall imposing man that would make anyone nervous. He is silent by nature while holding an imposing height. Not much is known about how the man does his work finding people. Only that when he has his targets in his sights they will go with him one way or another.

Caldwell-Zyma Family

Family Info
The Caldwell-Zyma family has been around Scalvoris for several generations, but they haven't been of much note until a fortune was made in trade with a recent generation. Originally, about eighty arcs ago, the Caldwell Triplets and the Zyma Twins were known as a union of business, and it was a time of adventure within industry. They pooled whatever money they had made through expeditions and jobs, supplemented the rest with investors, and started a trade business headquartered in Almund.

While they have no "noble" or "old-money" ties, the Caldwell-Zyma name became known because of a tabloid-like interest when the Caldwell Triplets and the Zyma Twins wed to each other in an entangled mess of romances that entertained a lot of people in Scalvoris. Newspapers, bards, and gossipers frequently performed/shared about the family, their parties, and relations with sneak peeks into their private lives. Especially when a suspected murder occurred to one of the triplets. Many bards were convinced that Regina Caldwell had taken out the other; for within a season, the widower Tito Zyma married Regina Caldwell. Whether this was true or simply earned the bards more coin, has never been confirmed.

Regardless, Regina and Tito combined the family's name rather than taking one over the other. What followed was even more unfortunate accidents as the other Caldwell Triplet and Zyma Twin found untimely ends during their own business dealings. In their death, Regina and Tito claimed everything and took on guardianship of their two children. Regina and Tito went on to have four children of their own.

These six children who are known as the Six Caldwell-Zyma Heirs.

Regina and Tito taught their children that hard work and independent effort was vastly more important than inherited wealth. To put a point on this, they set a deal that if the children renounced their monetary ties and managed to build themselves up to a respectable level of wealth through a proper and law-abiding business, then they would be included in the massive sum of wealth that'd been accumulated under the Caldwell-Zyma name. If they didn't, they would be taken care of - to an extent - but they would not be included in the will.

So, it was that the Six Caldwell-Zyma Heirs spread out across Scalvoris to build businesses under their name. It is now this that most people are aware of, rather than the lurid scandalous history of the previous generation. The Six Heirs have gone on to have their own children, expanding the family (about twenty children and grandchildren) and often having similar aims with teaching their offspring the importance of industriousness.

Regina Caldwell
Name: Regina Caldwell
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 82; 23 Zi'da, 639
Title: Mother of the Caldwell-Zyma Heirs (Travels)
Skills: Politics (90/100), Deception (70/100), Logistics (60/100), Business Management (50/100), Socialisation (40/100).
Details: In retirement, she has very little interest in the Heirs' businesses, but a great deal of interest in the private lives of her descendants. She loves gossip, and has a constant companion in an enigmatic, androgynous bard who constantly regales her with song, poetry, and rumors. It is said that the bard is also her bodyguard, and shouldn't be tested if one doesn't want to get their throat slit. Most of Regina and Tito's later wealth was made through acquisition and investment of smaller businesses.

Tito Zyma
Name: Tito Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 80; 18 Saun, 640
Title: Father of the Caldwell-Zyma Heirs (Travels)
Skills: Business Management (90/100), Mathematics (70/100), Logistics (60/100), Politics (50/100), Deception (40/100).
Details: In retirement, mostly, he likes to secretly meddle in the Heirs' businesses to see whether they can handle competition. He likes to take walks and say hello to people, though he has to use a cane due to a bad knee. Most of Regina and Tito's later wealth was made through acquisition and investment of smaller businesses.

The First Heir: Franciszka Zyma
Name: Franciszka Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 54; 39 Vhalar, 665
Title: Scalvoris Town Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Etiquette (80/100), Textile Production (70/100), Socialisation (60/100), Business Management (50/100), Needlecraft (40/100), Art (30/100).
Details: One of the two children from the other Caldwell-Zyma couple. Franciszka (or "Franci") had the hardest time adjusting to her new guardian as she was a child when her parents died. She dislikes the agreement made by Regina and Tito. She does not have an extraordinary business, but rather runs a small-time shop

The Second Heir: Tytus Caldwell-Zyma
Name: Tytus Caldwell-Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 51; 82 Ymiden, 669
Title: Faldrass Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Etiquette (80/100), Textile Production (70/100), Socialisation (60/100), Business Management (50/100), Business Management (40/100), Caregiving (30/100).
Details: First born of Regina and Tito. The Golden Child who is assumed to be the one that might actually get the entire will, despite the agreements made. The other Heirs distrust Tytus a great amount, even though Tytus tends to be a friendly and happy man. He has a lovely wife, five children, and six grandchildren.

The Third Heir: Violet Caldwell
Name: Violet Caldwell
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 48; 14 Cylus, 672
Title: Almund Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Intelligence (80/100), Socialisation (70/100), Intimidation (60/100), Investigation (50/100), Business Management (40/100), Deception (30/100), Politics (30/100).
Details: One of the two children from the other Caldwell-Zyma couple. The Black Sheep of the Family, Violet refused the idea of the whole Heir deal for a good portion of her young adult life. She was heavily into the black market and drug trades, until about her mid-30s when she pivoted and decided that she did want to try to be included in the will. Since then, she has built up a highly lucrative mercenary company that provides personal security protection services.

The Fourth Heir: Rupert Zyma
Name: Rupert Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 48; 20 Ashan, 672
Title: Darbyton Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Cartography (80/100), Business Management (70/100), Logistics (60/100), Art (50/100), Engineering (40/100), Socialization (30/100).
Details: A quiet, stern man who keeps to himself but operates a mapping business for trade routes - mainly to keep updated maps, so he manages scouts to check on trails/new dangers.

The Fifth Heir: Izolda Caldwell-Zyma
Name: Izolda Caldwell-Zyma
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 46; 74 Ymiden, 674
Title: Gunvorton Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: 30 Business Management; 30 Logistics; 30 Appraisal; 10 Etiquette
Details: Skills are a little less than would otherwise be because this is Carver's Personal NPC (approved here). Runs a storage and warehouse construction company that also deals with architectural designs.

The Sixth Heir: Cornelia Caldwell
Name: Cornelia Caldwell
Created by: Carver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 43; 6 Ymiden 677
Title: Egilrun Caldwell-Zyma Heir
Skills: Etiquette (80/100), Socialization (70/100), Caregiving (60/100), Logistics (50/100), Intimidation (40/100), Business Management (30/100), Deception (30/100).
Details: A friendly woman who enjoys work in the hospitality industry. She is located in Egilrun and is the proprietor of the North End Lodge.
word count: 13853
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Scalvoris NPC Repository

NPC Repository
City NPCs
Shops & Locations:

Almund Bazaar

Name: Jacien Raque
Race: Human
Age: 3rd Saun, Arc 687
Title: Master of the Bazaar
Skills: Business Management: 90, Discipline: 70, Linguistics: 70, Intelligence: 65, Socialization: 55, Intimidation: 50, Writing: 30.
Other Information: The undisputed master of the Almund Bazaar, Jacien is a cunning and ruthless man who rules the sea of stalls with an iron fist. He lives in the administrative office at the centre of the bazaar and issues sales permits to anyone who wishes to set up a stall, though makes a point of meeting each of them in person to make sure they know that he's the boss, and auctions off the most popular stall spaces on a near daily basis. The Element soldiers patrolling the bazaar are firmly in his pocket, and any merchants who wont pay his permit fees or customers caught disrupting the peace are only given one warning before being harshly dealt with.

Jacien came to Scalvoris as a young boy with his father, a merchant from Nashaki, though was left stranded after his dad was killed by pirates over a price dispute in the bazaar, which at the time was ruled by one of the Pirate Lords and was a far more violent and disorderly place. With no one to turn to and no possessions except for a handful of his fathers merchandise Jacien was forced to fend for himself, and became a small street peddler in one of the dingy back alleys. He was constantly robbed and scammed in his early years, looked down upon because he was a kid, but through those hardships Jacien learnt to be shrewd, ruthless and clever, and slowly but surely built his way up from a simple peddler to the biggest stall owner in the bazaar. When the Pirate Lords disappeared Jacien saw his chance and teamed up with an officer in the newly established Elements, seizing control of the bazaar with military might and establishing order within it for the first time since the founding of Almund. Not once has he ever forgotten what it was like to be at the bottom, and because of that he works tirelessly to ensure that the order he has brought to the bazaar is never broken.
Name: Borik Ikalgo
Race: Human
Age: 19th Ashan, Arc 685
Title: Bizaar Guard Captain
Skills: Tactics; 50, Polearms (Halbard); 40, Mount; 30, Deception; 30.
Other Information: Borik is one of the Land Assistants in the Land Troops, overseer of the guards in the Almund Bazaar and perhaps the most corrupt officer in The Elements. Firmly in the pocket of Jacien Raque, Borik hand-picks the members of the land troop who seemed to sign up only for the money to serve as the guards at the bazaar, and keeps them all on a steady bribery payroll to overlook the black market and work hard to keep the place free of thieves and violence. Though not especially bright Borik is undoubtedly good at following orders, and so has been able to keep all evidence of him and his underlings corruption away from the eyes of his superiors by doing exactly what Jacien tell him too.

The Bones

Name: Efah Chazon
Race: Human
Age: 48
Title: Reader
Marks: None
Skills: 50 Meditation, 30 Storytelling, 20 Psychology
Other Information: Efah does not claim to see the future, she herself possesses no mystical arcane powers. What she has done however is dedicate her life to learning to interpret the runes on the bones thrown in her shop. Whether her customers believe or not does not make very much difference to her, she will speak what she sees all the same.

The Kennel

Name: Gibney Conneck
Race: Human
Age: Born Acr 666
Title: Hound Master
Marks: Blessing of Velduris, Favoured
Skills: Animal training: 70, Animal Husbandry: 40, Investigation: 40, Larceny: 40, Unarmed Combat (Brawling): 30

Other Information: Gibney just barely missed making a living as a criminal. Brought up rough as many Scalvorians are, he very nearly turned to a life of crime, until he realised that those same talents could be put to use in other endeavours. He started running errands for those around town, and made a name for himself as both reliable and close-mouthed.

It wasn't until he began using his pet hound to help him that he became truly successful. He very first hound was a mutt of no particular breeding he found on the street and kept for company. Aside from defending him, it had no real talents. Still, he used it as an effective lookout, scout and guard. When it eventually died, he looked for another, this time choosing more carefully. It was this second hound that eventually led to his current, Ari. It was also at about this time that he was noticed and marked by Karem.

Gibney doesn't care about much beyond his hound and his own simple pleasures, though he does look after his partner Dana even if they don't always see eye to eye. These days, Gibney can afford to only go out on particularly lucrative jobs, or ones that take his interest, otherwise contracting out to his Hounds.

Name: Dana Guiscard
Race: Ellune/Human
Age: 879
Title: Kennel Master
Marks: None
Skills: Business Management: 60, Socialization: 40, Appraisal: 40, Intelligence: 60

Other Information: At very nearly seven feet tall, and with skin more grey than not, Danas Ellune side is clear. Many who do not know the man find him intimidating. The truth is that although he possesses a keen intellect and a flair for business and nels, Dana is a gentle man, and a gentleman.

His friendship with Gibney might come as a surprise then, the two being very different, but they both possess a love of nels, and their differences are usually complimentary, even if they do clash occasionally. Its usually Dana who will chat with a prospective Hound and see if they are suitable to take on a job, and to represent the Kennel.

Name: Ari
Age: 3
Skills: Intimidation: 30, Hunting: 60, Endurance: 30, Unarmed Combat (Natural Weapons): 30

Other Information: There's nothing uncanny about Ari, though she is the result of several generations of careful breeding, her grandfather was Gibneys first scent hound.

She is a highly trained, extremely loyal scent hound, and once on a trail will not be deterred by anything except a command from Gibney or a perceived threat to him. Though fairly smart for a hound, and able to recognise and respond to a fair number of commands, she is still a hound, and it is possible to outsmart her.

Gibney plans to eventually breed her, in the hopes that at least a few of her pups show the same potential as their mother.

Prospect Tavern

Name: Jackson Hallorand
Race: Human
Age: 6 Ashan 658
Title: Tavern Owner
Skills: Caregiving (40/100), Cooking (20/100), Brewing (32/100), Business Management (54/100), Psychology (64/100), Medicine (15/100), Bludgeons (Hammer) (65/100), Deception (50/100)
Other Information: Jackson is the mild mannered proprietor of Prospect Tavern. He claims to have always been the owner despite the face that the building itself predates Jackson. Jackson is a good host who values privacy- both his own and the privacy of those staying in his tavern. Jackson is the public face of the tavern, he is the one who stands behind the bar taking orders for drinks and food. He is the one who shows guests to their room. He does everything that requires being seen and it causes service to become rather slow during busy days. There are a few other members of the staff but they're relegated mostly to the kitchen and the laundry. Whenever someone sees one of the other members of the staff, it is always briefly and in passing.

The Decked Halls

Name: Durden
Race: Human
Age: 35, 12 Cylus 685
Title: Fight Organizer, Club Owner
Skills: Axes and Bludgeons: Hammer (80/100), Unarmed Combat: Brawling (74/100), Intimidation (40/100), Endurance (63/100), Strength (57/100), Socialization (30/100), Deception (20/100),
Other Information: Durden is a large man with a great love of all forms of combat. He was born and grew up in Yaralon where he fought many battles both for his country and for his own honor before that same honor forced him to leave his home. He sailed to Scalvoris around arc 715 and has been living here since. Many people know this much about him and nothing else but those who get close enough to him can learn he began working on this grand club in arc 717 and it has been successfully run by him since 718. He is a man of bold action, honor, justice, and a fair chance... until you cross him.


Name: Mad O'Rourke
Race: Human
Age: 54
Title: Owner
Marks: None
Skills: Unarmed Combat (Boxing): 28, Business Management: 25, Intimidation: 40

Other Information: Mad O'Rourke had his money as a boxer. He eventually won enough to open his own business. Since the majority of his boxing had been done in Taverns, he figured he knew enough about how they ought to be to open his own. As well as meaning that he wasn't getting punched in the head everyday, always a bonus, this meant he had somewhere safe and secure for his Mother to live in her old age.

Mad O'Rourke is an interesting fellow. He still feels most problems or disagreements can be solved with his fists, but he is very protective of his establishment, and the people who work in it, seeing them as sort of an extended family.

The only sure way to win his approval is to help his Mother, win favour with his Cat, or beat him on one of the days he feels like reliving his glory days and indulging in a little boxing.

Name: Mama O'Rourke
Race: Sev'ryn/Human
Age: 76
Title: Cook
Marks: None
Skills: Cooking: 70, Brewing: 30

Other Information: Mama O'Rourke is, while undoubtedly an extremely good cook, starting to go a little funny with age. When not actively cooking, she is often slightly confused, and has become lost on more than one occasion. Mad and his employees all do their best to keep track of and care for her. Insulting or reacting badly to Mama O'Rourkes eccentricities is perhaps even more dangerous than not liking The Cat.

She also owned a dun cow in her youth, she was quite fond of it, but not fond enough not to make meat pies out of it during a particularly hard season. She feels they were the best pies she'd ever made, and what she's been aspiring to recreate since 'If I could just find a spice like hunger!'.

Name: Ripi Dj'Akor
Race: Sev'ryn/Biqaj
Age: 21
Title: Waitress
Marks: None
Skills: Dancing: 20, Cosmetology: 40, Socialization: 40

Other Information: Ripi is perpetually cheerful, and has a quick and clever wit. Born and raised in Scalvoris, Ripi found herself a job when The Cat tooking a liking to her and O'Rourke was understaffed. Probably one of the wilier employees of the Pie Shop, Ripi helps keep any hucksters away.

Name: Raeburn
Race: Human
Age: 18
Title: Bartender
Marks: None
Skills: Brewing: 40, Socialization: 30, Cooking: 15, Seduction: 21

Other Information: Rae is O'Rourkes admission that his mother might not last for ever. The cheeky young man is an up and coming brewer and cook. He does tend to suffer from too much cockiness and an inflated sense of his own appeal to women. Luckily his fellow employees, especially Ripi, help keep his ego under control.

Name: Dunha Qua'Ihadi
Race: Biqaj
Age: 26
Title: Waitress
Marks: None
Skills: Seduction: 40, Socialization: 30, Woodworking: 40

Other Information: Dunha loves life. She loves good food, drink, company and songs. She has a kind word for everyone and an ample bosom for those who need a hug. She remembers people names, and quite often their life stories. On her breaks, she can be found making tiny wooden toys for the children, and when asked nicely, will give them away.

Name: The Cat, Kitty, Darlin', Princess, Her Highness, The Queen

Other Information: The Cat is probably one of the main reasons for the 'Mad' in Mad O'Rourkes name. He loves that cat. No ones quite sure where it came from, it just sort of showed up one day and he took a shine to it. It now basically runs the Tavern. If The Cat likes you, free drinks might be in your future. If The Cat decides it doesn't like you, you might meet Mad O'Rourkes fist, regardless of whether you've done anything to deserve it.

The Cat, like all cats is fickle. Favour one day does not mean favour the next. In addition any drinks knocked over by The Cat will not be replaced by the establishment.

Dukahrn's Medical Facility

Name: Doctor Dukahrn
Race: Human
Title: Owner
Skills: Medicine 93, Business Management 86, Leadership 79, Needlecraft 70, Alchemy 20, Blades (Cutlass) 27, Torture 85, Seafaring 34, Intimidation 51
Other Information: Once a pirate the local Doc spent his younger days out sailing, but didn't earn a lot of coin hunting for treasure at the time. With his busted knee the man turned to earning his money solely through his medical skills. He is a grouchy individual that is generally disinterested in what people have to say. "Pay for me to care," he usually says. Money is his goal and although he is a good medical practitioner if he doesn't like you, he'll make it hurt more than necessary or alternatively make it worse. He's always up for haggling with prices and loves to barter, though many a confused patient has found themselves paying more than the initially quoted price after trying to haggle.
Name: Eboryl Blackblunder
Race: Biqaj
Age: 24
Title: Head Doctor
Skills: Caregiving 69, Medicine: 74, Needlecraft: 30, Seafaring 41, Navigation 35, Alchemy 30, Singing 27
Other Information: Only a working practitioner as a doctor for a few years now Eboryl found his passion in helping people. Although fond of the sea like many of his Biqaj cousins, Eboryl is a very patient soul with a very down to earth attitude toward others. He is aware that his boss overcharges others for the wares that he sells and tries to sell the goods for a fair price. Usually with the excuse "I liked them, so I let them haggle it down." While Durkahrn is suspicious of his activity and tries to corrects him, the older man recognizes that Eboryl as a decent doctor and brings business to them in one form or another.
Name: Lilianna Joteyn
Race: Mixed Blood: Biqaj & Sev'ryn
Age: 31
Title: Head Surgeon
Skills: Medicine: 83, Detection 67, Animal Husbandry 52, Animal Training 35, Needlecraft 56, Storytelling 17, Cooking 38
Other Information: A sweet, kind and welcoming lady at first sight Lilianna is a very loving and very caring person, at least until you meet her more sadistic side. Secretly all she wants to do is cut you up and look at you from the inside. She spends a lot of time watching people, most men and women often catch her staring at them and she often is; wondering what they look like from the inside. With a fascination for blood, she is often excited for the news of a surgery and lights up whenever she gets the opportunity. Lilianna has a pet otter called Troy. Much to Dukarhn's chagrin he lets the creature skitter around her at risk of it sneaking in anyway without her supervision and messing up the tools.
Name: Jim Chanter
Race: Avriel
Age: 67
Title: Head Psychologist & Nurse
Skills: Psychology 97, Medicine 70, Business Management 29, Caregiving 31, Seafaring 80, Storytelling 57, Detection 83, Enscrollment 27, Attunement 45, Meditation 30, Socialization 63
Other Information: An old man and once a pirate Jim was a seafarer and a feared pirate. His use of the magical arts made him a great ally aboard 'The Unstoppable' he retired however many moons ago. Growing too old to pirate a ship the man took an interest in the psychology of others. A patient man with a lot of time for asking questions, he enjoys telling stories and figuring out puzzles. More experience in medicine he help Dukahrn with the less surgical side of the infirmary, dealing with more of the drugs and medicines for patients.

Berlwin's Brews

Name: Berlwin Shnifer
Race: Human
Age: Born Arc 623
Title: Poison Master
Skills: Medicine 100, Alchemy 86, Business Management 70, Intelligence 63, Blades (Daggers) 57, Intimidation 67 Deception 73, Stealth 40, Endurance 59
Other Information: A collector of cursed goods Berlwin is a passionate man, obsessed with pain. His wares are considered questionable to most and he isn't great at conversation. Cunning about his work the man finds it easy to lie and overcharge for his goods, his customers are mostly thieves, cut throats and questionable folk. As an old man he knows he has to be careful of the strength of the younger folks. He has a reputation for being shady, not a man to make a deal with if you can avoid it but his poisons are known to be some of the most lethal and he is, therefore, one of the most feared men in Scalvoris.

Buckle & Chain

Name: Tilda Klein
Race: Human
Age: 36
Title: Bar Woman & Owner of the Buckle and Chain
Skills: Business Management 67, Strength 40, Combat (Unarmed) 20, Brewing 67, Socialization 91, Detection 87, Singing 28, Seduction 69
Other Information: Tilda is a stout and charming woman with a warm and kind heart. She loves her beer as much as she loves her men, and puts a lot of time into both. Not much of a sailor the woman learned to put her talents to a use of a more common interest, her father owned this pub before her and she was raised around it. She knows every nook and cranny of the place, even the dark corners where the one-night wonders try to hide.


Name: Helen O'Hare
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: 36 (680 Ymiden 10)
Title: Madame Nellie
Marks: N/A
Skills: 50 Blades: Dagger, 60 Seduction, 40 Socialization, 35 Business Managment, 30 Intimidation

Other Information: Born fatherless to a Biqaj prostitute, Nellie grew up in an environment of seductive and sultry women. Knowing nothing more, she felt content in her life of using her body to get what she wanted- until she was fired due to a disagreement with her previous brothel. Now operating under her own terms, it's common to see this Madame working alongside her girls "entertaining" the patrons. As she views her employees as her own kin, Nellie is the most frequent perpetrator of violence against the customers due to their aggression, with her signature mark of an x on the cheek shaming those who hurt her lovely men and ladies.

Name: Molly
Race: Human
Age: 40ish (Sometime in 676)
Title: N/A
Marks: N/A
Skills: 30 Cooking, 26 Seduction

Other Information: Born a slave, Molly (as she is known now) has been shuffled throughout Idalos due to her homely appearance and lack of talent. Ending up in Scalvoris, she was snatched up by Nellie and has worked for her ever since. Although she's timid and awkward around customers, she's never been happier- after all, swift retribution is brought to those who try and take advantage of her.

Siren's Embrace

Name: Zihida Reinhardt
Age: 29 (Arc 697)
Race: Biqaj
Title: Owner
Skills: Seduction 90, Seafaring 60, Unarmed Combat 82, Business Management 95, Endurance 79,
Other Information: A former first mate on The Guardian, Zihida had a reputation for being elegant, thick skinned and dangerous for her wiles. Negotiation was known to often go in her favour, she was a hard woman to resist and broke many a man's heart. The sea only grasped her interests, she was in love with it... at least until her other half died. Nobody really knows the full details, but after that Zihida retired and started a business on land. Pirates and residents of Scalvoris a-like come to her brothel, keeping Zihida well connected with the private lords. Although crime is well known throughout Scalvoris, thanks to her reputation and connections; most don't try to mess with her property. Those who have tried have suffered greatly.
Name: Yuloen Neyundarni
Age: 25
Race: Avriel
Title: Right Hand of Zihida
Skills: Seduction 75, Athletics 53, Endurance 40, Business Management 37, Medicine 43
Other Information: Yuloen is Zihida's right hand, a soft woman with a lot of patience for people and when she is not working is often the first point of contact in the store. She helps all the women in the brothel with any problems that they may have, she is a bright, cheerful, and loyal woman who enjoys the lifestyle she lives.
Name: Zaxis
Age: 27
Title: Left Hand of Zihida
Skills: Seduction 70, Strength 32, Endurance 53, Socialization 29, Business Management 35, Unarmed Combat (Brawling) 40
Other Information: Zaxis is Zihida's left hand, he is a strict man with a sharp wit and despite his mer heritage is often a point of sales. Popular with many of the women Mer or otherwise, Zaxis has had to earn his keep from the start and believes in hard work. He is very close with Yuloen and is protective of her despite being aware of some of the job descriptions that are taken in the Siren's Embrace


Name: Curtis Fletcher

Race: Human

Age: 65th of Ashran, Arc 693 (Age 25)

Title: Administrator

Skills: Discipline: 30, Unarmed Combat(Brawling): 15 , Endurance: 35

Other Information: Curtis is a warmhearted and friendly individual. Loyal to a fault, this Land Troop administrator will do nearly anything to serve his homeland. In a demonstration of his loyalty a couple arcs ago after joining the Land Troops, Curtis was breaking up a street brawl when his left leg was badly injured, and since he has walked with a limp. To ensure he could continue to serve with the Elements he was assigned to this command post to his current position. Curtis sees to the day to day running of the garrison; passing on messages, setting up training sessions for troops and keeping the lodge itself in good working order.
City NPCs
available for anyone to play. Please contact a Scalv mod if you want to make any long term changes / impacts


Name: O'leon
Created by: Baya
Race: Mixed Blood (Human/Biqaj)
Birthday/Age: 39th Trial of Saun in the arc 687/30
Title: Pirate
Skills: Blades: Cutlass | 66, Larceny | 88, Seafaring | 75, Intimidation | 45

Details: O'leon is a pirate of no important who calls Almund home, he is known for his hand in the slave trade and connections. He is always open for shadier needs of the seas and is a well known face that frequents the ports. He is not an immediately frightening man but his ragged appearance and perpetual scowl that borders on petulant lead one to be wary of him. Rather than walk he has a nasty habit of stomping everywhere which only lends to the idea of avoiding him, he is never seen without a cutlass and cares little for keeping up appearances he could be a typical vagabond or beggar if not for his well-kept hair. Quick witted, calculating, and bitter make up the essential parts of O’leon followed closely by his dislike of ignorance, strong sense of competition and paranoia. He holds grudges like they were loved ones and when he does speak it is hardly kind or without a point. There is very little that could be considered good about O’leon save for his intelligence and ability to work hard and persevere. Rumor has it that as of 717 he is looking for a particular Tunawa within Scalvoris and is willing to pay for information.

Walt Holgate

Name: Walter "Walt" Holgate
Created by: Victor Amielle
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 71st of Ymiden, Arc 650
Title: The Mad Mage
Skills: Empathy 65, Animal Husbandry 60, Alchemy 55, Transmutation 40, Fieldcraft 40, Hunting 30, Engineering 30, Polearm (Quarterstaff) 25
Details:Once upon a time Walt was a reputable alchemist, Trasmuter and Empath and also a student of zoology at the prestigious Academy of Viden. Due to a bad case of Overstepping he lost his mind and ran away. For the past four decades he has been travelling around Idalos, making animals as well as people go crazy and conducting experiments of a very questionable nature.

Walt suffers from paranoia as well as wild mood swings. Sometimes he appears to be a a nice old man that wants to share his wisdom with the world around him, and sometimes he tries to kill you. He also frequently talks to himself which is either another sign of his madness or perhaps simply due to him being lonely.

He usually sleeps in a house entrance, a tent, a cave or a hut in the forest that he has built from twigs and branches. He has not had a proper job in ages due to his fragile mental state, but he sometimes sells the things that he finds in the wilderness. Sometimes people also give him money because they think that he is a just poor, mad beggar.

Walt has white hair, a thick beard and questionable bodily hygiene, he smells, and his once fancy robes have been mended so often that they are nearly unrecognizable. His favourite animals are fish that he often eats raw. Sometimes he also eats mice or roasts a squirrel over a campfire because meat is meat, right?

Credit:Victor Amielle

Curse Eater

Name:Gwyqora Zy'Akor
Created by: Qit'ria
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: Saun 3rd, 689
Title: Curse Eater
Skills: Medicine 45, Intelligence 40, Engineering 37, Deception 34, Cosmetology 32
Details: The Curse Eater, as she is known, for her real name is kept secret, is a bit of a pariah in Almund. She was formerly a "curse maker" for hire, sailing from port to port, seeking jilted lovers, jealous spouses, and anyone else who wanted to get revenge on someone close to them. Gwyqora sold them "curses" which in reality was her typically using poisons, traps, and her manipulation to ruin their lives. There was nothing magical about it. Her business was successful, and she made quite the reputation, and just her arrival in port sent husbands scurrying home from their mistresses.

Until she picked the wrong victim. She poisoned a man who was in a trade dispute with another merchant. The poison was meant to just make his hair fall out and his bowels loose for a season. But he had a bad reaction to the poison and ended up dying. Unfortunately for Gwyqora, that man was the lover of an immortal, though which is still unknown. The immortal decided to give Gwyqora a taste of her own medicine, and afflicted her with over a hundred lesser curses, one of which that prevents her from dying until the curses are released.

The immortal wasn't completely cruel, and told the woman that for each curse she helped release in another, one of her own would be lifted. So Gwyqora's life was dedicated to researching lesser curses, often caused by mages or spirits or other magical phenomena. Every day she suffers under the pains of her own curses, and is now an outcast of Almund, never approached except for those that seek her insight into curses.

The Raven

Found In: Almund

Title: Drug Kingpin - The Raven

Race: Human / Avriel

History: The Raven has history reaching back to the desert coasts of the western world, having grown up within harsh, dry climates and unbearable heat. It was a struggle, living among the tribes there, as they not only had to fend off the constant promise of death from lack of food or dehydration, but they also had to fight for control of territories. More often than not, it was constant manslaughter and the persistent sight of the dead left many of the young desensitives to its horrors.

Not many a sure where Zachariah came from exactly, but some are certain it is from a tribe in the west due to the body scaring he wears under his tunic. There are many who are even less sure of how he escaped such a harsh environment and survived enough to end up in Scalvois, though some speculate that it was due to the help of one of the Pirate Lords. Nevertheless, Zachariah is a calculated, cold killer who will make an example out of anyone if it means holding power over the people of his crew: The Red Ravens.

Crimes: Theft against the city, Arson against the city, Assault upon an Accountant of the City, Assault upon a Militant of the City, Murder of a Militant upon the City, Murder of multiple citizens of the City, Kidnapping of multiple citizens of the city, Involvement in illegal organizations to distribute drugs throughout the region, Drug Trafficking, Slave Trafficking, Raiding of commercial trade caravans, disruption of merchant trade routes.

Bounty Price: 10,000 GN

Renown: 50

Motives: This character is motivated by power. He is drawn to actions and demonstrations of power and control and becomes calmingly infuriated when the situation turns out to be the opposite. He is not above violence and murder and will use fear to motivate others into working with him or bending to his will. His loyalty is in himself and he will gladly exterminate a member of his crew in order to advance ahead in his line of work.
The Red Ravens


Name: Sava O'Ne
Created by: Freya DuCarinos
Race: Aukari / Sev'ryn
Birthday/Age: 104th Vhalar Arc 700 / 18 Arcs
Title: Supplier / Drug Crafter
Skills: Science - Expert, Mathematics - Expert, Alchemy - Expert, Medicine - Competent, Gardening - Competent
Details: Sava is branded with the mark of a slave, having been abducted by Zachariah from her home in the farmlands surrounding Etzos only five arcs ago. At the time, she was experimenting with a new kind of drug that was meant to help relax and focus the mind, to maneuver quicker, faster, and better. Having forcibly requested to try the drug, The Raven liked it so much that he "hired" her onto the crew. Sava used to believe that she would be returning home, but as the arcs ticked by, she's grown used to working with The Raven and his band.


Name: Ulum Sutton
Created by: Freya Ducarinos
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 100 Ashan 653 / 65 Arcs
Title: Supplier / Drug Crafter
Skills: Science - Master, Mathematics - Master, Alchemy - Expert, Medicine - Expert, Gardening - Competent, Hunting - Competent, Fieldcraft - Competent
Details: Ulum has always been an oddball, even in his younger days, though he was wise enough to know when to stay quiet and when to bounce before things went south. He was in the drug scene once before and quit due to new found love. However, such pleasant things don’t last long in this world and while out on an educational expedition one afternoon, his family mysteriously disappeared. Several seasons passed as his searched for them, his living conditions deteriorating into homelessness until he finally gave up and drifted. By the time he became aware of his situation, Ulum found himself in Scalvoris, begging for enough change to get a jug of ale from the local Tavern. It didn’t take long for his path to cross that of drug dealers and black market shade looking for the best hit from new drugs the streets could offer. Nothing was up to par, however, and so, he decided to use his previous training and nature knowledge to craft out of the world drugs. After a rather brutal business meet with The Raven, Ulum was hired onto the crew as a drug supplier.


Name: Asher Makov
Created by: Freya Ducarinos
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 17 Saun 683 / 35 Arcs
Title: Distributor
Skills: Intimidation - Expert, Strength - Expert, Unarmed Combats (Brawling) - Expert, Detection - Competent, Socialization - Competent, Mathematics - Novice
Details:Asher has lived a life as rough as the region that he lives within. Being a born native, the man takes everything in stride given that there’s not too many horrific things he hasn’t fallen witness to. The good, the bad, and the ugly are just simple moments in a day to him. Asher isn’t one to linger in a place too long and knows the back routes, best corners, and keeps regulars on the side. There is only one person he’ll ever admit to fearing and that’s The Raven.


Name: Bria Lestel
Created by: Freya DuCarinos
Race: Yludih
Birthday/Age: 90 Ymiden 681 / 37 Arcs
Title: Distributor
Skills: Socialization - Expert, Unarmed Combat - Competent, Intimidation - Competent, Intelligence - Competent
Details:Bria is a weathered soul, young at heart, but trapped in a body that’s been a victim of time and ruthless obstacles. Her flesh is littered with scars, both self afflicted and inflicted by others, and gaudy makeup is used to cover them, along with the deep, stress wrinkles that mar her expressions. Her personality is every bit as pleasing as her appearance, as it is both ugly and rough to be around. She makes good selling drugs and that might be the only reason why The Raven keeps her around. Bria could negotiate the coin from your pocket, even on a bad day.


Name: Kal'um Mouri'wa
Created by: Freya DuCarinos
Race: Sev'ryn
Birthday/Age: 34 Ashan 696 / 22 Arcs
Title: Distributor / Material Fetcher
Skills: Fieldcraft - Expert, Hunting - Expert, Gardening - Expert, Unarmed Combat (Dagger) - Competent, Intimidation - Competent
Details:Kal’um is a Sev’ryn still searching for his familiar. He found his way to Scalvoris through means of poor navigation and communication and decided to settle here while he awaits another vision of his familiar. Through odd means, he stumbled upon the Red Ravens while looking to offload animal carcusses and herbs one afternoon. It was odd that an old man would by the whole lot from him but Kal’um didn’t care. He had coin for food, shelter, and clothing. This business deal carried for quite some time until Ulum suggested to Kal’um that he be hired onto the Red Ravens. He doesn’t distribute much and if he does, he sell drugs fairly cheaper than the other do. He knows how to survive though and wouldn’t mind training other who cross paths with him.


Name: Taylon Agca
Created by: Maxine
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 27th Cylus 687/ 30
Title: The Enforcer/Shark
Skills: Unarmed Combat (Brawling) - Expert, Leadership - Expert, Intimidation - Expert, Axes and Bludgeons - Expert, Discipline - Competent, Detection - Competent
Details:While Taylon is a man of infamy in Almund and one of The Raven's few confidant's, he's also one of very few words. The stoic man has been with The Raven for as long as the crew itself has existed. His loyalty and natural knack for leadership has made him an invaluable asset, as well as a key to the group's cohesion and focus. His blunt demeanor and heavy-handedness keeps even the most wily of the sharks firmly under his thumb. Much like his boss, The Enforcer elicits loyalty through fear rather than adoration. The dread of even garnering his attention keeps most average citizens out of The Red Ravens' business, and even the Elements have been known to turn a blind eye to his dealings rather than confront him.


Name: Koygen Fenathel
Created by: Maxine
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: 7 Ashan 676/ 41
Title: Shark
Skills: Socialization - Expert, Intelligence - Expert, Deception - Competent, Investigation - Novice
Details: Koygen is one of The Red Raven’s more recent additions. Prior to his membership, the charming Biqaj was a talented con man with vast connections throughout Scalvoris. Those he can’t swindle into doing his bidding are skillfully blackmailed, extorted, or bribed. When Koygen sets his mind to an outcome, there’s almost no line he won’t cross to see a goal to fruition. Nowadays he uses his gifts to keep The Raven well informed and The Elements off the crew’s back. Rumor has it he has a brother or a cousin in the Element ranks.


Name: Kenna Delvet
Created by: Maxine
Race: Naerrik
Birthday/Age: 80 Ymiden 690/ 27
Title: Shark
Skills: Unarmed Combat - Expert, Intimidation - Expert, Stealth - Expert, Thrown Weapons - Competent, Seduction - Competent
Details: No one but The Raven is entirely sure why Kenna left the Augiery. Most are too afraid to ask. The only whispers on the subject tell tales of a blossomed romance between the Naerrik and the Red Ravens boss when he dabbled in the slave trade. All that’s certain is Kenna is rarely absent from The Raven’s side. While Taylon is the undisputed right hand man, Kenna undoubtedly has the boss’s ear. She’s more than just a pretty face though. Short tempered and quick to aggression, few have ever escaped Kenna’s wrath unscathed.


Name: Talara Helviani
Created by: Maxine
Race: Eidisi
Birthday/Age: 30 Saun 671/ 47
Title: Shark
Skills: Linguistics - Expert, Stealth - Expert, Seduction - Expert, Investigation - Expert, Larceny - Competent, Medicine - Novice
Details: Like any Eidisi, Talara is known to have a very curious mind. She arrived in Scalvoris with hopes of receiving an education in linguistics at the prestigious Viden Academy. The door of opportunity came slamming closed on her after she was caught too many times abusing illegal substances. She spent some time working at The Siren's Embrace and quickly became a favorite thanks to her surprisingly sweet demeanor. It was there she became acquainted with some of Almund's shadier characters. As a member of The Red Ravens, Talara now spends her time working closely with Koygen, researching people of interest to The Raven and disposing of the crew's enemies quietly. Her pretty face and long legs make her a favorite among her male constituents. Talara and Kenna, on the other hand, are kept separate at almost all costs on The Raven's orders.


Name: Marciel Gordevash
Created by: Maxine
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 12 Zi'Da 695/ 23
Title: Shark
Skills: Blades- Expert, Unarmed Combat (Brawling) - Expert, Interrogation - Competent, Investigation - Competent, Whips- Novice, Psychology - Novice
Details:Marciel is best described as The Red Ravens' resident loose cannon. Taylon discovered the young, ambitious man when he was nothing but a purposeless troublemaker plaguing Almund's streets. Under The Enforcer's watchful eye and armed with newfound direction, Marciel now dedicates most of his time to terrorizing opponents of his new crew. His specialty, however, is extracting information of The Raven's interest from stubborn subjects. Its not uncommon for the young shark to take his sadistic methods too far to get the job done. Some say he enjoys it just a little too much. His undeniable value and promise in Taylon's eyes keeps him protected from most backlash he probably deserves. The Enforcer and The Raven alone seem capable of keeping Marciel in check.
Ship's Crew


Name: One-Eyed Frank
Created by: Emerit Nji’Hadi
Race: Mixed race (Human / Biqaj)
Birthday/Age: Who knows, but the best guess is somewhere in 50s. (DOB: 660s)
Title: Captain
Skills: Seafaring (75), Navigation (30), Leadership (60), Woodworking (15)
Details: One-Eyed Jack is a man of direct humor or a smack behind the ear if you don’t listen to what he's telling you. Usually a barked command. He has sharp gaze however and the one-eye moniker comes from the fact that he always seems to be looking at people with only one eye. His face turned enough just to see what he needs to see. Where he might sometimes lack in properly motivating others in words, he makes up in leading ships through the trickiest passages around Scalvoris. That earns him enough respect that even if sailors talk about him behind his back, they all know that without Frank, they’d be sometimes as good as dead so they generally listen. Because as he says: “I knows me stuff so you butt off or you gets me boot up yer arse."

First Mate

Name: Dubh “Dubby” MacGollan
Created by: Emerit Nji’Hadi
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 35 arcs (45 Ymiden, 683)
Title: First Mate
Skills: Seafaring (70), Blades: Twin Daggers (50), Appraisal (60), Art (65)
Details: This one? Well, he is a shady character through and through and everybody knows it. He comes to the ships only to have at least one legitimate reason for his earnings. But at night you’ll find him in the back streets - dealing, forging or backstabbing. After all, man’s gotta make a living.


Name: Starry Eyes
Created by: Emerit Nji’Hadi
Race: Biqaj
Birthday/Age: 26 arcs (DOB: 15 Cylus, 692)
Title: Navigator
Skills: Navigation (75), Cartography (80), Writing (45), Detection (73)
Details: His real name is Lyari but everyone calls him Starry Eyes for two reasons. One is that his eyes are generally grey or silver resembling the colors of the stars. The other is that he is often caught staring – either up at the sky or off towards the horizon. Yet, his navigation skills are next to none for the nel he asks for. He is happy to be underpaid as long as he can get on a ship and map the coast, the seabed, anything. Starry Eyes doesn’t talk much which sets him apart from the rest of his kin. You won’t see him much in taverns or socializing for that matter.


Name: Toothless Jack
Created by: Emerit Nji’Hadi
Race: So shriveled up it’s hard to know, but many say human.
Birthday/Age: Goingstrong past 70 arcs but still shimmies up the rigging like a 20 year old. (DOB: 642)
Title: Good ol’ sailor
Skills: Athletics (80), Endurance(85), Gambling (60), Stealth (15)
Details:Jack is your lewd sailor from the docks. Half the time it’s hard to understand what he’s saying since most of his teeth are missing, but by the bawdy expression on his face it does not take a genius to figure out what words he spat all over his chin and the audience. He might be old, but he will beat any fresh blood to the crow’s nest and trick the un-observing out of all their money in a good game of cards.
word count: 7136
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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