Freezing Winter Snow

A settlement east of Rynmere across a stretch of water called 'the eastern trench' broken into three regions: Welles, Oakleigh, and Berwick.
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Freezing Winter Snow

23 Zi'da, 716
They had prepared for this day. She knew it was coming, and if she was honest she had known it since Malcolm had leaned forward in the Inn and listened to what Padraig had to say about what he could do. It was rare that Faith felt anything resembling envy, but it had to be said that she rather wished that she had been able to go with them. The last of the food preparation was done and now it was time to wait. She knew that she had been helpful to the group, knew that her ideas and Padraig's had bounced off each others, like bubbles which collided and joined together to make something new and different. But still, when the order had come through of what they were going to do, Faith had known what she needed to do.

She needed to stay here.

Not for herself. She was quite content to run into the fray like the undoubted lunatic she was. But if she was there then Malcolm, Elyna and, most especially Padraig would have their attention split. Their focus would be lost ~ even just a tiny part of it. Malcolm and Elyna were military and professional enough that she believed that they would not be impacted. But Padraig? His military experience was less than hers and she knew from very personal experience that he would put her safety over his. Which was fine if it was just the two of them (although secretly she didn't think it was fine ever) but right now, he might make the different between a victory and a defeat.

If anyone hurt him, she swore to Famula, she was going to hunt them down and send them to Her inside out

Wiping the counter, the last thing she had to do, she put the cloth back and she sighed. It was hard to be the one left behind. She had smiled brightly, though, and told him that he should go. That she was safe here, look, she had this person who was going to be protecting her. Faith smiled at her guard as she said that and considered the irony in the fact that she could probably fold him in half without him knowing what hit him. He smiled back. Marvellous. Because she was safe here and yet she was relegated to worrying, not doing, to helping with the preparation, not doing the actual job. Such it was and that was her role, but there was just that small bit of her.

And then, from outside of the tent she heard the shouts. Something was happening and there was the unmistakeable sound; high pitched, desperate and cut short. Someone had died. Faith didn't stop to look at her guard, didn't pause to consider anything other than grabbing the sword and crossbow which she'd stowed on the side and she ran out of the door of the tent. Just as the shouting turned into screams.
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Freezing Winter Snow

His feet were carrying him left and then right, across the muddy road along which most of Malcolm's knights had set out earlier. Sintih stopped and peered out of the camp in the direction of where he'd seen the last knight disappear. All his hard work, arcs of study to prepare for a moment just like this one and he had been put on the sidelines. He turned to the left and continued pacing back and forth. His hands were clasped together behind his back, on the inside of his cloak, as he walked. What a waste of time.

Sin had hoped that Elyna would have trusted him enough to take him along to test his worth in an actual fight. Had he not given her enough reasons to understand his worth yet? Even if she didn't trust him enough to take him along, she should have distrusted him enough to not leave him alone. Sin clicked his tongue again as he turned and paced back. He'd been here so long now that his boots had cut a smooth path through the many hoof and footprints leading out of the camp. Now all he could do was to wait here until someone returned with word of the attack. He expected quite a few casualties, especially considering Malcolm was in charge and he wasn't there to mitigate any of it. He did hope Elyna returned. Despite their strenuous start, Sin respected her enough to not wish her death at the hands of some former knights turned farmer-rebels.

Yet, she had left him behind so whatever he thought of her was not something she thought of him. He understood that he couldn't skyride with her, that was obvious, but she could have at least told him to go with the unit she would join once her mission was done. Although, he didn't expect Malcolm to realize that the skyriders wouldn't be of much use in a fight like this after the melee had started unless they landed and joined the fray or were kept at the absolute outskirts of the army to protect from flanking attacks from other rebel troops.

Despite his constant pacing, the cold of the season was beginning to affect Sintih and it cut into his desire to be out here, grumbling about things he couldn't do anything about. Actually, he could do something about them but nobody wanted him to. As he pulled his cloak around him again, Sin sent one last look in the direction of where the knight shad disappeared. Shouldn't they be done by now? Sin turned away from the sight and started walking into the camp when he heard the noise. Shouting started and then suddenly a scream cut short, as if someone had stopped it on purpose. That only meant one thing: someone had died.

Sin's hand went to his side, reaching for the handle of his weapon, and finding only air. Elyna still had his blade. Around him, the guards looked in the direction of the noise as well and then to each other, not really knowing what to do. Either Malcolm had left only the new guys to guard his camp or his troops were about as well trained as Sin had imagined them to be. He sucked in a breath of air before shouting. "Look alive! Prepare for an attack! You there, come with me." There was one thing that any member of the Iron Hand understood. The one with the loudest and most authoritative voice was usually the one in charge. It seemed to work as the squire ran up to him. The other guards seemed to become more alert before Sin turned away from them and started running towards the sound of what was now screaming and death.
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Freezing Winter Snow

There were only five of them. The four on foot were scouting in a usual pattern, hoping to find the enemy camp. Their job was to do that, because if they could find it without it being known that it was found, that would give them the edge they needed. The Qe'dreki needed that edge, because winter (as they say) was coming and it had been a long hard struggle since Saun. But they had a number of advantages and they planned to exploit every one they could.

So, the scouts made their way around and they hoped that they would find the camp where Malcolm Krome and Elyna Burhan were. Because then, there would be death. But their orders were clear. Find but do not engage. Get the information, do no more than that and then get out of there.

But thankfully, Malcolm was a seasoned, experienced man and he did not make the mistake of leaving his camp unguarded or weak. So, the four Qe'dreki scouts caught sight of the camp, but one of the Iron Hand lookouts left behind - in this instance, one of the ones in the trees saw them and raised the alarm. Then the fighting started, with the Iron Hand soldiers knowing that they had to stop these four. They had to because that information couldn't be allowed to escape and because they had very clear oders.

It was that battle engaging which Sintih and Faith heard, both of them running to it, from very different directions.

"Mi'lady!" Her guard moved with her and, as Faith exited the cooks' tent, she realised that the crossbow and the sword would do her no good at all. She sheathed the sword and held the crossbow, figuring that running into combat went directly against every promise she had made Padraig and also, she knew that the people left at camp were better swordsmen and women than she was. She would just, in fact, get in the way. So, she held back and stood, in the middle of the clearing outside the food tent and she watched, looking around and taking stock. Trying to make sense of what was happening.

The one squire who moved over to Sintih did so, it seemed, as much to stand next to him and make sure that the demoted man did not try anything funny as he did anything else. The troops moved, those left in camp and whilst four of them peeled off to the fight the others formed a defensive perimeter. Sintih was running toward the furore and his running took him directly past Faith who was standing, crossbow in hand and scanning the treeline, a guard standing next to her with his sword out.

The sound of one of the Qe'dreki scouts screaming out and dying was what they heard. Sintih could make out, as he moved, the battle that was going on. Three people attacking, now that one of them had died. And Sintih could be left in no doubt that, as orders were barked out and the troops left behind moved to defend the non-combatants amongst them, that he was being guarded as much as Faith was. For whatever reason the Warden had seen fit to do that. The battle against the remaining three was in sight, they were fighting desperately, trying to make it so that at least one of them got away.

That, after all, would be enough.

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Freezing Winter Snow

As the sound of battle picked up in intensity so did Sin's pace. His boots splashed through the mud that was the camp's main road, going from one side to the other, passing by the main tent in the middle. The squire did good to keep up in his heavier armor, Sin had to admit that. Whatever was going on was certainly interesting if the sound of the battle could be heard all the way over where he'd been. The fact that he lacked a weapon as he was about to charge into it didn't seem to hold his step one bit.

What did make him slow down to a walk was Faith. As he ran around the tent, she stepped out of it, flanked by a guard with his weapon at the ready. For a moment, his eyes made contact with hers. While it was nice to see that he wasn't the only person he knew stuck in this stupid camp while everyone else was off doing useful stuff, Sin couldn't say he was pleased to see Faith here. If she hadn't overreacted like that he wouldn't have been in this sort of situation. Where was Padraig then? Shouldn't he be making himself useful as a human shield or something? He turned his eyes away from her and focused back on the direction the sound of battle was coming from before picking up speed again.

Sin came to a slippery sliding halt in the half frozen mud near the battle. At first he thought maybe he had misheard and the fight was more to the left or right. There were only four or five people attacking here. Listening intently for the sound of the real battle, Sin waited in vain. There were no other noises coming from anywhere except from the scene in front of him and controlled shouting of orders around him in the camp. More knights had gathered up around him in defensive positions as he walked up to the edge of the camp, the squire on his heels. "This is it? Just four people? What a bunch of useless idiots..." Sin threw his arms up at their idiocy.

As the fight continued on, Sin noticed that the attackers were slowly backing away from the fight, trying to survive or have at least someone survive the encounter. So maybe not attackers but unlucky scouts. "Alright, kid. Let's do something useful." The scene reminded him strongly of something he'd been a part of last season, although their side of the encounter was much bigger than the last time, they had been evenly numbered back then. Not that any of that mattered for the strategic mind of the Yludih. Numbers didn't factor in very much when it came to tactics. Sin checked to see that the squire, who had drawn his weapon now that they were so close to the fight, was following before setting off out of the camp.

If he could get some speed in despite the snowy landscape, he might be able to circle around them and have them run right into his arms. Or into the arms of the squire next to him who would be doing most, if not all, of the aggressive negotiations once they met up with them. If everything went as he had planned it, the rebels would escape from the knights, or at least one would and Sin would be there to welcome him with open arms, as well as the recognition that would come with it. And then he could get on with doing useful stuff instead of playing pretend remorse as he cleaned skyrider equipment. Maybe Faith... Screw you, Sin, for thinking about that. Forget that backstabbing woman and focus on the task at hand.
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Freezing Winter Snow

Faith's gaze looked at Sintih as he moved past her, just for a brief trill. Her eyes met his and she did not drop her gaze nor look away. She saw him, she firmly believed, she saw him truthfully and for who he really was. He turned and kept moving and Faith's face settled into a deep frown. "Just a scouting party, M'lady. Nothing to worry about." The squire with her had a friendly, honest face and the kind of intense gaze which reminded Faith of Kylar a little. He really wanted to do well and she admired him for it.

"How do you know?" She wondered, glancing at him.

"Over there. He told me." The squire pointed to one of the others falling into a defensive position, guarding the camp. "Still, back inside, m'lady, please." He had that sort of hopeful look which meant he knew what the answer was going to be.

"No. I need to see what's going on, be able to respond. Cover, though, I'll take cover." She glanced at him and he nodded, leading her off to the side of the tent, still in view of the main group but close to some boxes she could shelter behind. She would, in just a moment, but she wanted to just keep an eye out. Because for scouts, there was a lot of noise. Why, she wondered, was there so much noise?

Sintih, meanwhile, had lost faith in the organisers of the rebellion in much the same way as he had the leaders of this camp. Just four? So it seemed. So, Sintih decided to not join in the fray exactly, but to skirt around. The squire who had been assigned to him moved with him, but as quickly as Sintih moved, still with only four of them attacking, one of whom had died in a loud and messy manner very early on, there were now just three left. Two lookouts were already there, and four of the squires had peeled off to fight the attacking Qe'dreki. When the numbers were that small, they mattered very much; especially with regards to time. By the time Sintih circled round, then things would certainly be almost over, if not over completely. But, he made his choice and around he went, as quickly as he could.

While all this happened, Faith was moving to behind the cover that her guard suggested when she glimpsed movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning, she saw the fifth member of the scouting party, the one on horseback. While his companions had made a lot of noise for just four men, he had ridden silently around to where he would be able to get away unnoticed. The young woman realised in that instant what was happening and she knew that, right now, she might be able to catch that man on horseback. So, she ran. Nitelight was there, tethered with the other horses and Faith jumped on to him. Her guard, hearing a noise, turned and his eyes widened in stark disbelief as the woman he had been assigned to protect rode into the woods for, as far as he could tell, no apparent reason. He cursed and moved.

Sintih had skirted around and, as luck would have it, as he and his guard rounded a tree, there was one of the four. He was half walking, half dragging himself through the snow with an arrow through his leg and another in his side. There was no way the man was going to live long, and the archers would be following him very soon. But the Qe'dreki looked up and saw Sintih and his guard and snarled in defiance, holding his sword and doing his best to not stumble as he did.
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Freezing Winter Snow

The snow didn't make it easier to move in. While in and around the camp it had all been turned into a brown sludge that was easy to walk in, albeit a little slippery, further out the ground was virtually untouched. The snow made it harder for Sin to move at maximum speed and the squire had taken up a position slightly before him, moving more easily despite his armor and shield. Lucky bastard. Sin and company skirted around the fight as the noise slowly died down. Another death scream quickly followed by a second one. Three dead so far. Sin hoped his movement wouldn't be a waste of time.

When they finally arrived about where Sin imagined the opposite side of the fight was, the squire came to a halt before him and Sin almost ran into him. Before he could complain about the man's communication skills, Sin noticed the wounded rebel. He was barely able to stand on one leg, dragging the other through the snow. When they saw each other, everyone froze in place for a trill before the rebel moved for combat. It was a pitiful sight but the man seemed intent on getting away or killing at least one of them. Sin put his hand on the squire's shoulder and gave him a little push forward. "Come on, go get him. Kick his ass. You're the one with the fancy sword. Look, he's been shot twice already. You could probably sneeze on him and win the fight..." Sin pushed him again and watched the squire move. Whatever his thoughts about Sin's words or actions, there was no denying the fact that this wounded rebel was a free whatever for the squire. He doubted anyone under Malcolm's command would be clever enough to see the man as the free fame that he was.

Although, Elyna was under Malcolm's command and she seemed to have all her facilities together. Sin took a few steps forward with the squire but then left him to advance on his own. The sounds of battle in the direction of the camp had died down, literally most likely, as the squire brought his shield up, ready to attack the rebel. While both men tried to seize each other up before attacking, Sin wondered if this were the only rebels around. Surely, four people meant that somewhere more rebels were waiting or preparing. If they got lucky maybe they'd have a fight on their hands in this camp as well. He'd be able to do some proper work if that came to pass.

Sin blinked and returned to reality where both squire and rebel were staring intently at each other before preparing to exchange a blow. As Sin's face seemed to crack into various pieces, he lifted his right foot up and back, as if about to kick the snow in front of him. Purple light softly glowed from the cracks as he disappeared in a puff of lighter purple. His tether pulled him over both men and landed him behind the rebel in the same trill, with the same puff of quickly dissipating smoke. With the rebel's focus entirely on the man who had been right in front of him, about to stab him, Sin tried to take advantage of the surprise to attempt a simple kick to the man's family jewels.

Nobody would praise him for the move and mostly every knight in this camp would question his honor for doing it but if something as little as this was capable of staining Sin's honor he wouldn't have even wanted honor in the first place. What others thought of him and his honor meant very little to the strategist. It was all about the end results. If he could win a fight by biting, eye gouging, sand throwing, taunting or nut crushing he would. None of those things had any capacity in staining his honor, Sin had realized a long time ago.

It mattered very little what armor someone wore to protect those when a single finger flick could create so much pain for a man, what could a full strength, surprise kick do? Sin seemed quite casual in his assault as he swung his foot forward in a downward and then upward arc aimed for the man's weakest spot. Or any man's weakest spot. Even in the worst case scenario where the rebel had noticed his disappearance or his reappearance behind him and dodged Sin's attack would be a win for the demoted Eidisi because the squire could, and Sin hoped he would, take advantage of the shift in the man's attention to attack him from the front and end the fight. It was a win-win situation any way Sin could look at it. Except if that monster from the burning mountains he'd heard so much about was in the middle of pouncing on his back, of course. Father, please don't let there be a giant, unkillable, mass-murdering monster about to jump on my back. I'd appreciate it ever so much.
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Freezing Winter Snow

It all froze into that moment and there, in front of Sintih was the wounded Qe'dreki. Sintih put his hand on the squire's shoulder and pushed, but the squire stepped forward with his sword raised and spoke, simply.

'There's no need to die here. Surrender, we will treat your wounds.'

He ignored Sintih's second push, although he noted it and would note it later, but right now he was focused. Too focused, perhaps, on the rebel in front of him. But the soldier, the young squire's eyes widened in amazement as Sintih disappeared and re-appeared behind the Qe'dreki. The rebel himself didn't notice and Sintih's kick was well aimed, albeit unskilled. The man was unprepared and his stance left him open to such an attack. His foot impacted and Sintih had the possibly satisfying sensation of the crunch of a hard kick to a soft place.


Faith had jumped on the horse and was off, after the scout on horseback. That had been the reason for the too much noise, she was sure. That had been the reason for the fight when scouts should run or surrender or something sensible. That was why ~ so that this man would not be noticed. It made sense to the earnest young woman and she dug her heels into the horse, spurring Nitelite on with an urgency which was very, very genuine. If she did not catch that scout in front of her, then the whole camp would be compromised. Everything that Padraig was risking would be for nothing and they would be lost. She couldn't let that happen. Couldn't risk every life in the camp and all those due to return to it any moment. She dug her heels in the horse and pushed, using every bit of riding skill she had to push the horse to run faster.


And the Qe'dreki rebel fell to the ground, his eyes crossing in pain and he vomited as he did. All things considered, it was not an unreasonable reaction. So, the remaining rebel fell to the floor and the squire ran forward, grabbing at the bag he wore, pulling bandages and other medical supplies from it. He looked up at Sintih and spoke, his voice at once urgent and yet calm.

"Minimum casualties. Can you help?"

Sintih therefore had the chance to try and save a man who was currently dying without medical attention. The sounds that he heard seemed to indicate that the battle was done with the others, though what state the enemy was in, given the "minimum casualties" order, who knew? He could help, or he could do something else, of course, depending on his preference. But he knew that the other four squires could be here at any moment.


It is not an easy thing to ride a horse at full gallop through the woodlands. It takes a rider of skill and confidence. As Faith urged Nitelite to go faster, faster, it was worth noting that she was neither skilled nor confident. And as Nitelite simply decided that enough was enough, the horse stopped dead, her inexperienced rider took flight in a beautiful display of physics in action and Faith just had time to wonder what was happening before she wondered no more.


The young squire assigned to guard Sintih would work, with or without Sintih's help, though it would be better with. Two of the four who had peeled off to deal with the attackers were about to round the corner to them. Maybe Sintih also had a moment, then, where things hung in the balance?
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Freezing Winter Snow

Sin was glad to see the effects of his kick. Even though he'd pulled his own face in pain when he had connected, successful tactics were always nice to pull off. As the rebel slumped down in the snow, the squire ran to him, trying to treat him. Sin stood there for a moment, looking at the squire in surprise. When he asked for Sin's help, the young Eidisi walked up to the fallen rebel and reached for the weapon he had dropped right next to him. "You might want to start with this next time you want to help an enemy." Sin carefully held the weapon by the blade so as to not look threatening, you never knew with these squires.

Apart from picking up the weapon and putting it in his belt, Sin provided no help. Instead he moved to the front of the rebel and hunkered down. "Hey? Hey." He snapped his fingers near the man's ear to see if he reacted in any way. "You're bleeding out here. I'm going to need some answers before we can waste our precious resources on you. Hey." Another snap of his fingers. Sintih gave the man a moment to react before asking his questions. "Where's your camp and how many of you are there?" Sin asked with a voice that sounded like he didn't really care, like he already knew the answers.

Where they really going to waste their supplies on some rebels? He doubted they'd get any back from raiding the enemy camps. They were just a bunch of rebels, when were rebels ever known for having decent supply routes? Sin moved to the side of the man and started to pat him down while the squire was working, fishing everything he could out of the man's pockets and relieving him of any rings or trinkets he might have. If he found any Iron Hand insignia, he'd take that one especially quick. If he couldn't have one after grabbing a civilian by the shoulders then this guy definitely didn't deserve one.

It didn't matter if the rebel spoke or not. Once Sin was done with patting down and looting the man, he grabbed one of the arrow shafts sticking out of him and wiggled it a bit. He didn't particularly enjoy the torture but with his estimate of the man's life span he didn't have time to talk things out and give him some alternative choices in life. "How many and where?!" Sin waited for an answer or for a certain amount of trills to pass before he stood up and stretched. Staying hunkered down like that was painful on the legs for the physically limited strategist. When he noticed the other squires coming in view, Sin started walking in the direction he had come from before. He only had to retrace his own snowy footprints to get back home.

The way back was easy to find. You didn't need any wilderness or survival skills to follow two sets of footprints through an ankle deep snow covering. As the threat, well threat was a big word for what had just gone down, was over Sin allowed his mind to wander to different things. How would you hide your tracks in snow if it wasn't snowing or it wasn't hot enough to melt your tracks? The thought kept him occupied until he got back to the edge of camp. There were guards on duty everywhere now, whoever had been left in camp was currently on the lookout. Sin approached the nearest one and gripped his sword by the hilt, pulling it out far enough so he could grab the blade with his other hand, being careful not to cut himself in the process. "For you." Sin said as he handed the sword to the nearest squire. At least it hadn't been that much of a waste of time.
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Freezing Winter Snow

The squire who was kneeling in front of the Qe'dreki glanced as Sintih mentioned the sword, but said nothing. He was busy treating the man of his wounds as Sintih started to loot the guy, patting him down and so on. The squire put his hand on Sintih's hand and looked at him with a very calm and controlled gaze. "Don't do that. Minimal casualties, there are procedures to follow. You're in my way. Help me, or step away, please." Because, fundamentally, someone patting down and then looting someone whilst you are trying to perform life saving first aid on them was really, the opposite of helping.

Asking questions was fine, clicking his fingers too, but if he tried to touch (either to loot or torture) the man on the floor, the squire would shoot out hand, grab his wrist and say, very clearly and calmly "I said step away. Do it, and do it now. Where I can see you, but keep your hands off him."

Yes, it seemed that they were prepared to waste resources on injured rebels.

When Sin got back to the camp, the squire he handed the sword to nodded and took it. It transpired that, for all the noise that had gone on, all the screams and shouts and fuss that had been made, none of the four had actually been killed. The onere was one who was, now, unconscious, but the four of them had their wounds seen to and were secured. The camp stayed on high alert but, whilst the four rebels were being tended to, the shout came that the Warden and the knights were returning. Sintih's guard stayed with him the whole time.

Meanwhile, as Sintih's kick had connected with the unfortunate Qe'dreki, in the moment that the Qe'dreki had impacted with the floor, so too had Faith. She fell, sliding down the tree in an entirely ungainly manner and lay motionless in the freezing winter snow. Thankfully, her black hair and tendency to wear dark clothes stood out against said snow and there was no chance that her guard, who galloped after her, would miss her. He jumped down from his horse, cursing again.

The guard had no idea why Faith had been riding like she had; in truth he assumed that she had panicked and was running away. He, too, though, glanced at the ground as he jumped off his horse. Another rider had come through here, and recently. Was that why the cook was riding away at lunatic speed? Was she chasing someone? He paused, for a trill, and then turned his attention to the cook. She was breathing, which was good, but she didn't respond when he spoke to her and she looked as pale as the snow.

He checked and cursed again at the fact that he couldn't wake her. She was banged up and covered in small cuts from where she had hit the tree and then the ground, but it wasn't enough to keep her out cold. She must have hit her head, he reasoned. In that moment he had a decision and he tethered one horse to the other, then scooped the small woman up into his arms and started back to camp as quickly as he could.
report given to Malcolm
General report:
A scout was spotted by one of our lookouts. At that point the scout, and his three companions attacked and did so very loudly, very obviously.
The squires left behind managed to incapacitate all four - one is quite badly injured.

Sintih's Guard reports:
When Sintih saw there were only four he double backed so he was coming up on the four scouts from behind, even though the rebels were outnumbered and our troops were obviously going to win at that point. Guard considers that this was unnecessary, so includes it in report.
When one of the rebels stumbled away injured, Sintih used magic to "teleport" behind the Qe'dreki.
Sintih had urged his squire verbally to go fight the rebel - and had pushed him (the squire) twice.
Once teleported, he kicked the rebel between the legs from behind. This was a non lethal blow.
As the squire started to perform first aid, Sintih decided to pat the guy down and loot him - squire told him to back off.

Faith's Guard reports:
She stayed back and took cover when instructed to.
She also took cover because she refused to go back into the tent.
She then ran, without warning, jumped on a horse and drove the horse too fast. It threw her.
Her guard gave chase, found her and brought her back to camp. He assumed she had been panicked because of the battle
When she awoke, it transpired that she had seen a fifth rebel on horseback. She had chased him because it was (she perceived) the only chance to catch him. He got away - we are compromised.
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Posts: 529
Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:16 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Hero :|
Renown: 183
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



Freezing Winter Snow



Tactics: When small, numbers do matter
Riding: Jumping onto a horse
Riding: Pushing a horse to the limits
Physics: Horse stops, you fly away
Padraig: No military experience
Padraig: You'd kill whoever hurt him
The sound of death
Winter (as they say) is coming!
Several cuts and bruises - Will take 7 trials to fully heal if treated, 14 if not; A concussion - You'll be feeling dizzy for several trials afterwards, and will experience mild headaches. If resting, it will take 10 trials to fully heal, if not 20
These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic




Psychology: Why you pace
Leadership: A loud and authoritative voice
Tactics: When good enough, can overlook numbers
Running: Easier in mud than in snow
Unarmed Combat: A kick to the family jewels
Interrogation: Questioning a bleeding man
Interrogation: Torture helps
Pick Pocketing: a bleeding man
Torture: Messing with a man's injury to cause pain
Philosophy: Honor, coming from dishonorable men, means nothing
Elyna: Left you behind
Faith: Backstabbers are not worth your time
The sound of death

Before the squire stopped you, you managed to loot a silver star that suggested the rebel was once a sailor, 3 copper nel and a silver ring with the words "Forever, I am yours" engraved on the inside. Knock yourself out.
-1 To Sintih for poking a bleeding man's wound (General bad deed), -2 For using magic*
These points can be used for Rupturing


General Comment:
This was a nice little thread, basically a Home Alone movie from Idalos. I really enjoyed the dynamics of it, and I have to say, you two work well together as writers, I'd love to read more of your collabs :D Faith I'd just like to say that you probably could've given more attention to your own PC, which is why I didn't award you many knowledges. Sorry about that.

Story: Really good, you two passed the plot along quite nicely, even though Faith did take the lead several times.(which I presume was agreed upon?)
Collaboration: This was a tough choice, and I came close to taking a point from both of you, since you two basically told different parts of the same story here. Alas, it was Faith's clever manipulation of Sintih's environment (which I presume you two had agreed upon, prior to the thread?), and Sintih's cool response to it that kept me from doing it. I'd mind this one in the future however, since some reviewers definitely could've taken a point here from both of you.
Structure: All good, no issues here :)

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Really sorry if you've seen the review before this, I forgot to add the negative fame for magic, which is why I placed this here to personally apologize for the mistake :/ If you're of the suing sort, feel free to sue me to the mods above, for I have messed up
word count: 550
"A hero is someone who steps up when everyone else backs down"
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