The Pirate Finale!

1st of Cylus 723

A richly diverse island with a wealth of unusual flora and fauna and an ecosystem unlike any other. From ice caves to a volcano and lots more this is a place for explorers, scientists and those with a sense of adventure! Suggested starter area for new players.

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Re: The Pirate Finale!

The Pirates Finale ......

Welcome to the Scalvoris seasonal event for Rebirth 724!

It's going to be done in a way that's heavily influenced by Pigs' awesome Fire event in Rharne - first things first, massive thanks to him!

Next, apologies for the delay. RL, you know?

Then, without further ado, lets get going!


  • Holo cams sorted.
  • All other things done.


    • When he uses his ability - it seems to not work. Maybe that's part of the whole "magic isn't working, marks aren't working" thing.
    • However, he sees and experiences in his minds' eye (as does Balthazar) the situation you describe in your post. You speak the words, etc. But it's like you're watching it through misted glass or something. Weird, huh?
    • Once you see your shared vision (?) of this, a doorway to Level 7 becomes open to you. This seems to happen as a sort of strange coincidence, it doesn't just appear. Like (for example) you give up on that and turn to go back and notice a very small winding passageway, down which you find a tiny, really hard to get through opening. That kind of thing (you decide).
    • You access Level 7. This provides you with a LOT of information. Namely:
      • You find that it is completely empty of life - but there are lots of dead bodies. Those bodies are in one of two states. The majority of them are desiccated, all liquid has been removed. There are over 1,000 here. If you investigate, they include former prisoners (judging by their clothing) and those who disappeared after the Pirate Attacks. Then, there are about 20 of them who are just ... dead. Much like Rand is and others were found as. Just dead. Let me know if you do any further investigation but note that NO magic / marks / etc work here.
      • You find what amounts to a drainglass creation facility. It's in a large cavern at the edge of Level 7. It's also got a small cove there and there is evidence of lots of movement there. Many boats have come in and out of here. There is a lot of drainglass here but, more importantly, there is enough information for you to understand how drainglass is made. It involves a mixture of ingredients which come from both Scalvoris and Viden. Without going into massive detail now - it must have involved Videnese ingredients.
      • You find sufficient information to be able to investigate this further, should you choose. For now, though, I'm going to just keep it at "you've got enough info" so that we can keep this on track.
      • This has been happening for years. Literally, years.
      • However, what is also obvious is that whatever was being done here is being done no longer. It's been abandoned - recently. Investigation of this suggests that it's been permanently closed down - this isn't people leaving temporarily, it's done.
    • Of the transformation of the drainglass, no immediate answer is given. Yet, there is a sense for Woe that his message has been heard - even accepted.
    • Whatever Chammy thinks of Woe's apology goes unrecorded / unnoticed.
    • Famula's tear is black. Like it has recently been used (you know it hasn't).
    • His NPCs work well - assume success there.
    • While in Scalvoris Town Hall, he walks into his office and finds himself in the Tea Party. Cassion is the first person he sees and he drops Woe a conspiratorial wink and bows with a flourish of his hat.


  • See the list for Woe above.
  • Balth's excellent Detection skills means that he can really be sure that the concealments etc were magical / alchemical / not mundane. There are lots of hidden compartments / items throughout Level 7 - from it's many former inhabitants. Exploring them will take time. Let me know what you do and I'll tell you what you find so you can include in your next post, ok?
  • Balth sees the Tea Party either via a holocom or via what looks like it just happens. See Tea Party.


  • The miners become unconscious by bear-thump to the nogging.
  • Removing the marble (which most certainly is exactly what you encountered before) is a careful business but, once done, it's done. You now have that marble. You will find that it is one of the strange ingredients Woe and Balth find in Level 7
  • When they wake up, the miners have almost no memory of what happened. This is a useful thing - because they have almost no memory of the last few months - like, since the middle of last Cycle, sorta time. One of them has no memory since the Pirate Attacks on Hopetoun.
  • See Tea Party below......


  • Eclipse Portals get shut. This slows down evacuation but I think that between everyone doing it, it should still work ok.
  • Vega said no to the arial sweep but had already done one and has the report.
  • "Drain Glass" from Viden is not Drainglass at all. A quick investigation fin[ds it to be a very poor copy that must have been fairly quickly made.
  • All other drainglass found is drainglass.
  • See Tea Party below.......


  • Righteo. You are out of this thread. Lets talk for how you wanna play it - you can solo (with input) or be modded. Effectively, though, you'll miss the rest of this. However, the misty miasma awaits! Nir'wei does NOT see the tea party.

 ! Message from: Winston

  • Winston is assigned a bodyguard of two people, that attempt not to let the tiny Cadouri out of their sight.
  • Vega runs into no problems that she cannot solve in Harvardr, Egilrun and Darbyton. Please assume success and aid given.
  • The residents of Beacon are not opposed to moving to Egilrun to help, in the short or long term, but Vega runs into a problem where evacuation to Rharne is concerned. With the closure of the Eclipse Portals, the prospect that portals might no longer be an option causes some short term panic to rise (short term because of the Tea Party update and Vega’s Leadership). The prospect of having to sail anywhere, for even the reason of escape, terrifies most. The idea that they would be on the sea that currently was making a habit of swallowing ships whole on a daily basis at the whims of Chrein threatened to stall her efforts.

    Even so, with her Logistics and Tactics skills, you can assume she is aware of and dealing with this problem. The largest challenge is getting people all over Scalvaris TO the portals on mass.
  • Her presence at the Tea Party is noted and has a very positive effect on its running as Winston et al leverage her Leadership and Tactics to get the most out of the event. Anyone ‘on the fence, will consider Vega’s position as a leading option in their own choices.
  • She heals Winston some.
  • RE: The portals an' the echo scrolls are bein' weird. Is that because of the strangeness goin' on?

They respond in the positive, with the drain glass sucking the magic out of Scalvaris.
  • RE: We need those portals to get people out.

    Saiore gladly agrees to bolster the remaining Portals to ensure they are stable, keep running and are up to the load her evacuation is going to put on them. She also offer what she refers to as ‘the means’ to get from their homes, via their own doors, as per the portals that usually lead to Saiore’s Dream once a Season.

    She also refers to the drainglass’ affect on magic draining the Echo across perhaps, but is open that this is a likely cause, not a definate one.
  • RE: And as for the alchemising of the glass.

    With the generous offer from the Immortal of Glass, this might seem to be resolved, assuming she consents to have it occur.

  • Finally: Her suggestion that they separate the fracture site from Scalvoris to allow Chrien to pass is well met (vote pending).
The Tea Party.

Winston had set everything up and he was meticulous in his preparation. He was also singed and, as he arrives he feels a warm and fuzzy fuzzyness. Saoire smiles down at him and heals him. He's still a little bit bald, though, she doesn't grow his hair.

The story that Winston tells is shown to them - and across Scalvoris - and it's real. It pours out before them as though Cassion himself was telling it. The Immortals and the Induks stand and listen. There was, largely, silence from most of the mortals present - Winston had specific questions, Kura had a point to raise and Darius gave information. Vega had an alternative to Winston's idea. They heard it all. They heard it and they listened and then, Saoire spoke.

Your heart is soft and pure and beautiful, Winston," she said softly. "I understand your desire. Is anyone else in disagreement?" She motioned to Vega as an example of who was in disagreement, and there came a voice.

Cassion spoke.

"Yes," he said. "I am in disagreement. Fei is dead and yes, we have to help Chrien. But what would opening the fracture do? It does not change that Scalvoris itself is a desecration of that grave in her eyes. It does not change the fact Fei is dead. What it does is open everyone up to danger - and I love me some danger, but it's important that you understand what purpose it would serve. " He gestured around. "There are two things here, and one is that Chrien's siblings have tried - of course they have tried - to talk her down. The other is that your story can be told another way. Why not build Scalvoris into a memorial to Fei? I just see this story as not changing in the way that you believe it will should we do what you suggest."

It was U'frek, then, who spoke. Even those who watched or saw via a holo-com could smell the seaweed as the Immortal of the Sea stepped forward. "In answer to your question, Mr Miller, I would tell you then. Chrien knows the way to Fei's fracture. We all do."

The Immortals nodded. Ziell turned to Winston and spoke, his voice was soft like snow, but bit through the room like ice. "When you have decided a path, I will help you with peace and non-violence, however you are scuppered by the currently volatile situation." It was then that Chamadarst spoke. Even Cassion looked surprised, none of the other Immortals seemed to know he was there. His face was - of course - a study in neutrality, but there was a sense that he was just a little bit amused at that.

"My Champion has requested that I change the vials to the glass created by the Cadouri named Winston." He spoke like he didn't know who Winston was - perhaps not willing to assume that it was the still-singed ferret. "And it will be done the moment this meeting ends, or at a time you all decide, if it is more convenient to your plans." He looked around then and his ice-cold eyes stared. "When there is no negotiation to be had, no commerce to be made or deal to be struck, then the sensible thing is to walk away. I advise that you turn your attention to stopping Chrien's violence, Ziell."

Ziell nodded. "You have the box," he said to Darius. "The box which renders you immune to Chrien's abilities. I can give you the ability to make it impact a group or a wide area, but it will be useful only once and it will destroy the box after. Use it to protect the island. She will throw herself against it until she tires. With the glass negated and the liquid neutralised, it would be effective, I believe"

For the first time, Xiur spoke. "I would be there at my sister's side, to give her hope in the event that her fury runs out. It will, eventually." His dark, star-filled eyes turned to Winston. "You, my small and furry friend, are in danger. They will try and take you. If they do, they will bring you to her. I could protect you, should you wish it, and you wish to speak with her. She may speak with you."

"If that happens," Chamadarst said, "I would wish for those who represent us gathered here to also be able to communicate."

Qylios smiled. "I could bond them together. Those ties will not be broken by the Storm. But know that Ziell's protection is not a guarantee, Winston. if you - or a group of you, which I think would be preferable, choose to go, then it is extreme danger for very little, as far as I see."

All of you ......

So - that's happening.

In your next post please stick to the Tea Party. You can OOC anything that is outside of the Tea Party, but the Tea Party stuff should be IC, posts.

You each get one chance.

Make your plea / case for what you want to happen of the options put forward and / or other things. That can be Winston's original idea, the "lets get you kidnapped" one, or the "use the box!" or all of the above, none of the above, or a combination.

Your job is to
a) Make your case - persuade the Imms and others, please.
b) When EVERYONE has posted I will give you a TWO DAY period to PM or DM me your vote.
c) Each Immortal and Induk also gets a vote.

... majority is the plan.

If you're IN the tea party, you get a vote.
You can post as other pcs (the ones who've missed), as Balth, as Nir. But only people IN the tea party get a vote. No late joiners.
As always, if I've forgotten something. Nudge me.

Please post by THIS TIME NEXT WEEK (It is the 1st May at 2:20pm when I write this). I will then close the thread and will THEN PM for votes.

Then I'll post. Thank you - apologies for delays. We're nearly done!
word count: 2389
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!

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Re: The Pirate Finale!

I chose life....

At the Party!

To suggest that he didn't consider declining Vega's offer would have been a lie as the entire foot of ferret looked up at the kind and terrifying woman (in equal measure) and longed for a good night's sleep. "Oooooh, ef yuh insist." He replied with a giggle and a tone that that said 'I'm fine' on the surface and 'Oh god yes' underneath. "Bot jost a littal."

It would very likely not be a surprise to Vega to find that the ferret was holding himself together despite himself. As she placed a hand on him, he softened into it, letting the comfort reassure him just for a moment amid the organised chaos that was the Tea Party to end all Tea Parties. She would have no difficulty at all seeing through his outward facade with her ability. The tiny ferret knew he would need time, eventually, to pay the cheques he was caching and accepted what she had to offer gladly in the meantime. With a gesture that said 'lets do this then shall we?', he held his shoulders high and repainted his expression with vigor as he set off.

When Saiore healed him, he giggled with glee and unbounded love for the limitless imortal of being the best ever thing EVER! He appraised his body with delight as surprise and joy filled him. "EEEeeeeeeeeee... Don't tell de oddas me said dis. Bot you de best one." He said with a playful wink, a nod of absolute conviction, a cheeky little giggle and no real intent for that to remain a secret.

To Kura he nodded in thanks. There was no pretence, whether she or anyone agreed with him or not. He was most genuinely grateful for their presence and their opinions. "Thank yuh far de warning, really. Bot me gat tuh try dis an' me es very cute an floffy. Ef she splat's meh... soh be et." There was no arrogance in his tone. He simply believed that if it WAS possible this might work, he might stand the best chance of doing it without violence.

When Chamadarst appeared and made his offer, the ferret's face lit up like sunshine. "Oh! OH! Yes please! Dis! Dis ting, right away... Yes?" He looked around the crowed for a general verdict, careful not to suggest he had any authority to make the decision himself, but seeing no reason but hubris to delay even for a second the disarming of the explosives under the island.

Looking out over the sea of faces, he nodded as Vaga shared her, ever frank, assessment of his proposal as she saw it. He could remember the first time he met her, completely star struck by her very presence. As he could every single one of the faces he could see before him. That feeling had not vanished, but he didn't have time to dwell on how such an insignificant and naive creature such as himself had managed to be in the presence of so many heroes and gods alike and so he embraced the absurdity in order to fight his nerves as he replied to her... and perhaps everyone.

"Me know yuh right. Af cars. Bot me choose life, even ef it's only de 'ope far et.... Ef de choice es between fightin' tuh 'elp a persan in need dat might kill me an' simply finghtin' a persan en need dat might kill meh... Et's a choice me already made. One way, dere es 'ope far everyone. De odda dere es only 'ope far one ar de odda. Eidda we die ar she does... An ef we win, wat doh we 'ave den?"

He could feel a knot in his belly forming like a fist, threatening to steal the very air from his lungs. Even just thinking this could be blasphemous and he was going to SAY it TO them! He drew on the inspiration given to him by Vega and pressed on.

He looked at the many immortal beings around them, Immortals and Induks alike. Still pulling on his momentum from storytelling, smiling to Cassion as he started, knowing he would see it for what it was before the first word even left his mouth. "'ow does dat story end? Wid annoda af our great immortal beings gan? Luck cleansed from idalos? Wat happens if annoda should fall fram dare nature? What ef de cost an' sacrifice required tuh 'elp dem regain balance es as great as the cast af fightin' dem?"

Was it even possible for all the immortal to die? Who knew? Who cared? It was not important to his narrative that they could... Only that people could see the slippery slope he was trying to portray in his own naivety. Were immortals really anything like mortals? Did they have emotions as we understood them? Winston hoped to play on their best interests without tipping the balance of the suggestion so far as to be a threat. Objectively speaking it was just a question with a self serving answer.

He was enormously bolstered by the offer of both protection and the chance to speak with Chrien. The idea that the Immortals themselves were suggesting that once Chrien had finished taking her rage out on someone, there might just be room for hope filled HIM with hope. Would they suggest it if it were not even possible? It was exactly what HE thought. Once the rage was spent, could she focus again on a more balanced existence between storms, luck and spite? Was this better than the cost of eradicating her from existence completely? He certainly thought so.

He stepped forward, his gut pulling at his feet and his resolve dominating his form. Nodding, he proclaimed definitely to the room... "Do et." He said to Xiur. "Please... *cough* ...Sir. Me will nat turn down de protecshun af anyone ar anyting, but ef anyone retaliates, den et becomes a fight an' dat removes all 'ope af resolvin' dis widdout mar death..." He paused... The next words from his mouth caught for a moment as he looked around at those that would undoubtedly throw their lives into the fire for 'the cause'. He would not suggest he didn't trust them, far from it. In fact he did... With his life... And there was the problem. He trusted them to try to save him if it looked like he might perish and this was not what he needed. Not what Chrien needed.

This time his heart hurt with the words he spoke as
appeared by his side, floating silently, harmlessly and offering reassurance to the ferret with his presence. He wasn't trying to lie or hide his emotions necessarily, more he was simply not allowing them to stop him from continuing. "I would never presume tuh say me 'ave anyting so grand as most 'ere present... Bot ef talk es tuh work... Et cun only be in de complete absence af aggreshun. Ef talkin' fails, me wud nat ask anyone tuh do any less den dere conscience required af dem, bot ef et looks like me will fall, den dat most play out wid camplete convicshun." He had no thought that the conviction of those around him was in any way lacking and so skated the line carefully to avoid suggesting with his tone that this was a slight of any kind. There was no time for wounded egos or offended sensibilities and so in his words was laden the acceptance that Immortals were powerful, the great spirits of Idalos were powerful, the hero's of Idalos were powerful, the PEOPLE of idalos were powerful and everyone was deserving of great and unbounded respect... This is what his tone suggested, even if they didn't agree with what he said.

He delivered his final statement with a charismatic, knowing and accepting smile that suggested he was not taking anything lightly. "Me know wat dis cud cast meh. Soh please, any warning yuh might affa about me safety... Me know." Naive perhaps, but not daft, this was the sentiment of someone that believed with his whole being that if there was any chance his personal sacrifice could spare his daughter's life... It was a cheque he'd pay out on gladly.

If any argument was put forward for a group presence for any reason connected to 'being ready if things go wrong and a fight starts'. He would be clear... This is not welcome. In the most absolute, but polite way possible... No one goes into the meeting with the intention of leaving by any means but discourse.

Reply to Vega (approved for edit)

Winston spoke to a lot pf people, both openly and descreately during the time they ruminated on the options before them. Woe's words didn't seem to cause him any offence at all. In fact, it made him smile with pride as the reassurance that should it look like a hard choice had to be made, Woe would make the same one Winston would... Even if only in this occasion.

The offer from Vega to come with him however was one he chose to respond to with subtlety and tact. "Vega..." He said as he approached and gave her a hug. "...yuh most stay 'er." He began with a grateful smile. "Ef me fail, den Scalvaris will need gud leadarship en de battals dat wud fullow. An' dat es you." His words were soft but frank, as was the way (he knew) Vega preferred them to be. He had no doubt that she'd see the sense in this and probably even have come to the same conclusion herself, but if being told it by Winston helped let her 'off the hook' in any way with regard to her want to protect him, he was both glad to do it and certain with every fiber of his being that it was right.

When she offered him 'things' his eyes lit up. They sparkled with something that might (on him or anyone) be a terrifying expression to anyone that knew him well enough to see what it meant. It was the look he got when inventing a new device, considering the infinite possibilities as his mind span and built impossible inventions... Suddenly reality itself became little more than a malleable substance that with the right ingredients could be made into a souffle with a rise of perfection.

The Devil on My Shoulder
Curiosity: OMG!!!
Winston: What an Idalas shud me do wid dat?
Winston: No mun, dis es to much powa. To moch power far anyone tuh 'ave.
Curiosity: Well, it exists whether you want to use it or not and if not you... Who?
Winston: Bot me don't know wat makes a perfect world.
Curiosity: Look around you... You think any of THEM do either? Think of the good you could do! Peace on Idalos. All evil abolished! No SLAVERY!
Winston: ...
Curiosity: Seriously, THINK about it. That necklace, your locket, your innocence and a good story and your all set!
Winston: So moch me cud doh... So many passibilities...

He took Vega's locket and held it like it is was the most cherished thing in all of existence. Looking up at Vega, disbelief in his eyes, he said plainly. "Dere es a very gud chance dat no one shud eva 'ave dis powa." He was not refusing the item or arguing against the idea that he should use it, as he took it and placed it sefely beside his own
Locket of Cassion

He didn't take lightly the offer of other items either. Dariu's Anti-Chrien device and a mirror from Vega, from her other collection of items, the
Mirror of Perfections
. "Dis. Me need dis also, please." He asked, with a smile as a plan began to take form in his mind.

His mind was energised. For cycles his creativity was bringing impossible things to life and every neuron used to do these impossible things, was now crafting events of late into a story to rewrite all stories.
Action Summery
Important simple clarifications:
  • Votes (all made in character, so just her for clarity):
    • He votes to convert the drainglass to chaos glass without delay to rid the island of the explosive threat immediately.
    • He votes to try to talk to Chrien, to let her thrash herself against an impotent force (himself) until exhausted in the hope she can be reached by his cuteness or the other immortals once done.
    • States/votes/strongly outlines that he meets Chrien alone (fully aware of the risk this poses him) or with the support of only those that WILL NOT FIGHT.
  • He accepts healing/support from peeps.
OK, so skill summary:
  • Storytelling (Master, boosted from Competent by the Flag of Fliberty)
  • Leadership (Novice) - But he's using Vega's Capstone: WHEN IN DOUBT, SHOUT as she can share her Capstones with the residents of Sweetsong.
  • Acting (Competent)
  • Detection (Expert)
  • Discipline (Master, boosted from Expert by Vega's song to deal with the pressure of all of this)
  • Socialisation (GM)
  • Endurance (Competent)
Edit for Vega:
  • Tells Vega that she should stay behind and lead scalvaris if Winston should fail.
  • Accepted the loan of the necklace from her father
  • Asks for the Mirroer of Perfections
Thanks goes to Pyrre Ej'qy for inspiring this template
word count: 2243


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: The Pirate Finale!


The vision of Woe and Balthazar getting dragged into the Palace of Wealth floated before him as if obscured by foggy glass. It seemed like it happened, but somehow part from them. Woe could only presume the drainglass had thrown a kink into the process of using mark magic as well as domain and spiritual. He couldn’t help wondering what the purpose of all this anti-magic, anti-Immortal, and anti-spirit material had been borne out of. He knew of the Centipede, but frightfully ignorant to their reasons. “It seems like this is the Centipede’s doing.” Woe said to Balthazar as they arrived at the seventh layer. “It’s no coincidence that the Centipede hate all mages, marked, and spirits, and just so happen to have a production facility for drainglass.”

Woe frowned. “I’ve heard rumors that Viden is markedly less tolerant toward mages and marked individuals lately.” He looked over the drain glass production apparatus. He could easily identify the make and nature of just about most things that were there. Some of them included Scalvoris ingredient residuals, as well as things that were only found in Viden. Having spent some time in that city, Woe could be certain of it.

“These are some videnese apparatus. They don’t bear a makers mark, but I’ve only seen such sophisticated equipment in the ownership of the Academy.” Woe frowned. “I need to return. Will you investigate theses dead people? You’re better suited to deal with them than I am.” This said, Woe assigned some elements to help Balthazar, s many as could be spared. Although they weren’t obliged to obey Woe, he tried to convince them to aid Balthazars efforts as much as they could, to drag bodies to a place where he could do his magic.

Then he returned to the surface, trekking for the rest of the day until he arrived outside of it, where he would take flight, and make his way across the water toward Scalvoristown.

Woe had the Viden and Yvithia question, the question about her intentions and Viden’s involvement in the sabotage of Scalvoris. He knew what her mark looked like, having known Llyr Llywellyn, who bore it. He recognized that Kura did as well. He’d long had suspicions that her occasional blindness to certain problems in Sclavoris was not explained by ineptitude. Perhaps they were suggestions from Yvithia, if he was inclined to be kind to Kura. Or else, perhaps she was a willing agent of Viden.

In either case, she was compromised. He couldn’t let it go unsaid. And he’d have a chance to confront her about it, should she arrive at the Tea Party, which he was now a part of.

He listened to the ideas on offer, and many of them had merits, and were predictably tied to the domains of the Immortals in question. Woe wanted to give his own thoughts first before addressing any of those.

“Videnese instruments were found in the deepest depths of Slag’s Deep. These were used to produce Drainglass in bulk, probably enough to fill Slag’s deep, and certainly enough to place stashes of phials of that explosive throughout the Island.” Woe turned to look at Kura, who bore Yvithia’s mark. “I’ve seen the mark of Yvithia before, and you bear it Kura. So what is it? Are you an unwitting pawn of Yvithia and Viden, a willing one, or is this all some grand coincidence?”

“Yvithia’s interests and Viden’s actions cannot be divorced from each other. They are one and the same. You may argue that a rogue scientist from Viden has done this, perhaps stealing Viden’s equipment, or their materials.” Woe scoffed at the idea, “Yvithia has eyes everywhere in Viden. I daresay even those who ‘escape’ are only allowed to do so. Yvithia’s silence here in this matter of the drainglass is deafening.” He pointed at Kura. “I would exclude Kura from any form of council we hold with Chrien. If she allowed this sabotage to persist, then she has not the island’s interests at heart, and her servants cannot be trusted similarly, regardless of their intentions.”

Doubtless Kura would have a thing or two to say about that. So he’d allow her to defend herself if need be. “I propose we exclude Kura from any councils or intelligence gathering, perhaps even bring her leadership and loyalty into question and position as Albarech. But that can wait for later.”

To Winston’s ruminations on the nature of immortals and their ownership over their domains, Woe had only this to say: “Immortals may claim power over their domains such as luck, storms, spite, and so on. But they are not those things, however many of them might claim they are. Immortals have died before, and through the efforts of those at the Forging their natures can change. Immortal death isn’t the disaster that many of them would have us believe it is.” Bold perhaps, given the presence company, but it was true as far as Woe knew.

“To the idea of the drainglass conversion, obviously I’m in favor as it was part of our proposal.” Woe nodded to Chamadarst. “I think Winston should go alone, but with the support and backing of those who won’t fight. Also, I would greatly discourage the idea of having Chrien thrash against Winston. Once she learns it’s futile to do so, she would turn her spite toward the things he loves instead. That’s how spite works.” Woe shook his head. “A choice has to be made, save and protect Scalvoris or save Winston. I vote for the former.”

"As to moving the Fracture, if it can be done safely, then I would agree."

This said, Winston hopefully knew Woe meant no malice toward Winston for it. He went over to the small ferret, and used Divine Grace of his Sevrath Mark to heal Winston, from head to toe. Hopefully it would work in tandem with Vega’s.

Then he waited, having given his peace and voted.

Woe tries to convince the elements to help Balthazar with the body transport.

Woe gathers some evidence of the viden materials and instruments. and takes note of them.

Woe flies back to Scalvoristownn.

Woe uses Divine Grace to heal Winston as much as he can.

Woe accuses Kura of witting or unwitting treason.
word count: 1080
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: The Pirate Finale!

The Tea Party

She was pleased, but low-key and non-fuss-making about Winston's acceptance of her healing him. That was because she figured that the small Cadouri was deliberately wanting the focus not to be on him, but on what they were here for. So, she did her best, ruffled his head a little bit with a grin and nodded.

The way that Winston's story happened was intense. Vega had seen it when Arlo did that - it being a mark of Arlo being a Champion of Cassion. It was, however, something quite different when done in the presence of - or by, she didn't know - the Immortal himself. Vega looked and listened and - other than to say a quiet but genuine "Thank you," to everyone who answered, she said no more for a moment. One of the things that Vega had learned - and quite early on in her life, was that listening brought a lot of positives with it.

However, Vega was also aware that, as a person in a leadership position here - she had to speak. Especially in light of what Woe said. But first things first - she responded to the Immortals. "My way of thinkin' tends to be along the line of my father-in-law," she said with a slight smile to him. Grandfather to her children, her husband's father - and an all-round ne'er do well, she thought rather fondly. Also, her first ever kiss, but she tried not to dwell on that.

"But, bottom line, I'm 'appy to support Winston. Jus', if we can, I'd like to move Scalvoris out of the way. We've had enough crazy badness last few arcs, so we have." She considered it from a tactical viewpoint, but when so many of the moving parts were Immortals that was tricky. So, she thought about it for a moment. Just a moment, and then.

"I agree with Winston. Sooner rather 'n later on that awful stuff, please if you don't mind." Chamardarst was the Immortal of "All The Things I Don't Care About Or Do" as far as Vega was concerned - but who knew that they'd be able to bond over glass? Life was most bizarre.

And then, she turned to the Immortals and the Induks and she spoke. "The way I see it, the best thing that we can do is to try an' do as Winston's askin', but to separate the fracture site from Scalvoris. To give Chrien a way to access her mother's tomb, an' a way to keep it safe an' apart from the island." She looked at Winston and spoke honestly. "The thing that you're missin' is that she won't even break stride before she splats you. So we need to make sure that - as far as is possible - you have a chance with her, we need it to be that she can't jus' splatter you." That was the bottom line for her - "By separatin' Scalv an' the Fracture, we also have the chance of actually doin' somethin' to memorialise Fei if Chrien wishes - without any death of our people. I have no issue with a suicide plan, Winston, to be clear, an' it's your choice, but it has to have a chance of succeedin' an' .... "

She frowned slightly and turned to Darius. "You got a box that makes the user immune to her?" One questioning eyebrow raised at that. " I understan' protectin' the whole islan', an' I reckon that's a great offer. If you're happy." To Ziell, the immortal who made the offer "If you an' Xiur an', frankly, all the siblings an' anyone that isn't goin' to antagonise her are there, will that help too?" She nodded to Woe. "I agree, by an' large, but I would say that we can try an' protect Scalvoris first an' Winston second. But you raise a well important point. This only works if we can make sure that no one can leave where they are. If Chrien can leave an' go splatter somethin' or someone Winston loves to irritate him, she will. This only works if you can keep them all in one place." But it seemed that a plan was forming.

With the slightest shrug, she added. "I can go. I can hold my tongue an' temper an' I can be a moma-bear if needed. But the reality is that I'm spiky by nature an' I'm not sure I'd make it better. I might though. I have skills that help people bond an' grow an' work together." COnsidering it, she wondered, "Maybe I could be in a background, supportin' role? I dunno. My music can help, you know?" That was, everything about her said, up to Winston.

And then, there was the issue of Kura.

Vega had been thinking about it as they spoke. She didn't feel that Kura was deliberately sabotaging, but there was no doubt in her mind that things had not been great. The link with Yvithia was news to her but it certainly didn't help any. There had been some tactically dodgy decisions, but Vega didn't think that this was because of malice. However, she didn't know that. Woe had sufficient concerns and - currently anecdotal but certainly more compelling than it should be - information. Vega sighed.

"We need to be sure that this is airtight an' any concerns about security need to be dealt with. We're clear that no communication is going out from here, yes?" It was a question, looking around. "An, tactically, I suggest that we do the deed as soon as we've got out of here." That made sense to her, it would minimise the chance of information leaking. "An' we deal with those concerns. But I agree with Woe -while there is any concern or doubt, then Kura shouldn't be involved as a marked of Yvithia doubly so, an' as someone Chrien has previously splatted, that's three reasons."

To Winston, she spoke again. "If you go ahead with this, no matter whether I'm there or not, I've got some things what might be useful, once we get that liquid sorted. It's..." she reached in and pulled a chain from round her neck. "It's called the 'Lei'nox locket', my Papa left it to me." She would happily tell him more, explaining what it did, and also offering any other item she had, should he wish it. [ooc: Item list here )

OOC Actions
Listens a lot.
Talks a lot.

Talks specifically to Darius, Woe, Winston (PCs).

Puts forward the idea that:

1. We should try and separate the fracture from Scalv.
2. We should follow WInston's idea - but do it in such a way that he stays alive for more than 0.0002 milliseconds - might need Ziell to make things non-violent there.
3. If we do follow Winston, we should be clear that it's a "Thunderdome-esque" situation of making it so that no one can leave (but hopefully more than one person exits!)
3a: She's happy to be in there - is happy to be in there in the background / supporting / music etc - or not to be there.
4. Agrees with Woe - if there's questions about Kura - and there is by virtue of the Yvithia-mark - then she should stay behind.
5. This should happen immediately. So it minimises the chance of leaks.
6. Offers Winston the Lei'nox locket.

* Note: Because of her Tier 2, everyone in Sweetsong has the impact of her Leadership and Fieldcraft no matter what. Those are:
Irritatin' an' Chipper
Leadin' By Example
When In Doubt Shout
** Note: Because of her Tier 2, everyone she is in communication with (via scrolls included) gets the benefit of her tactics capstones.
These are:
Twice the Distance
*** Because of her Tier 2, everyone she is in a Leadership position of, gets the benefit of her Leadership capstones. Those are:
Irritatin' an' Chipper
Leadin' By Example
When In Doubt Shout
word count: 1356

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

Kura had, of course, shared with the other leaders of the island that the Drainglass that Viden sent wasn't Drainglass, and then it was time for the Tea Party. At that meeting, she had simply shaken her head at Winston's assessment of his odds of treating with Chrien. "I...doubt the fact that you're cute and fluffy is goin' to do much to dissuade Chrien from actin' on her aggression. That would require her to so much and stop and acknowledge you, which doesn't seem like somethin' that's likely to happen if she's all angry and rampagin'." she said, her tone showing her concern for the Cadouri. "In general that seems to be a problem with this idea as a whole, if I'm frank. The idea that Chrien will be willin' to stop and talk to anyone at all about this, or that her fury can even be spent." she said, looking at Xiur in particular. "Don't get me wrong, I know how much it hurts losin' a parent, and that can only be magnified if that's not supposed to be possible. I would help Chrien if it's possible and won't end Scalvoris destroyed and everyone dead. But if even half the stories about her are true, Chrien is stubborn to a degree that the Mortals and Mortalborn here cannot hope to comprehend. If all those scars really are from her attempts to revive Fei and she's still workin' on that, then she's been at it for literal centuries at minimum despite every setback and failure." she said, shaking her head. "To me it indicates she could well throw herself at Scalvoris for centuries more before her fury even begins to wane, if her failure to literally wipe us off the map doesn't stoke her anger yet further. If I'm wrong or misunderstadin' somethin', please tell me, but this does not seem like a plan that has any chance of success." she said, her voice showing her worry.

"As for the idea of makin' Scalvoris itself into a memorial of Fei, I would wholeheartedly support it, but since she seems to find our mere presence here offensive and infuriatin', I don't see that she'd even be willin' to consider it." she said, before looking at Vega as the redhead suggested separating Scalvoris from the Fracture. "If we can separate Scalvoris and the Fracture, I could actually see that doin' a lot to help calm Chrien down. We won't be where she doesn't want us to be, after all. That said, I've got zero clue as to whether that's actually possible." she said, wincing slightly at that admission. "That said, I'm in agreement with the glass being neutralized as soon as possible." she said, inclining her head to Chamadarst. "Still, if we're going to go through with lettin' Winston try and talk to her, I'm afraid I don't have much to offer in terms of direct protection, at least in ways that don't constitute violence. I do have a ribbon that can call on Vri and what I think is a magic tarot card, but I don't know what the latter does." she said, before frowning slightly. "But Vri's Domain of Rememberence might be helpful, if remembering Fei's nature and attitude may help calm Chrien. Though whether that would help is something I leave to Xiur's advice." she said, knowing that Xiur, as Fei's son, would know far more about that than Kura did.

Then Woe more or less accused her of sabotage and treason and there was almost an audible snap as Kura turned her head to face him, her eyes going from their normal icy blue to a very bright gold, a sign that she was incredibly angry. There was a moment where she didn't speak, then she closed her eyes and let out a low huffing sound. "I can assure you, I have not spent the past several arcs repeatedly helpin' save Scalvoris just so it can die at the appropriate time. Nor have I have been tryin' to get its government workin' properly just to turn around and hand it over to someone else entirely." she said, a cold fury in her voice at that particular insinuation. "And if you want to put me to the test on that, you can do it later." she said, her voice starting to echo slightly with her anger, though it didn't seem as though most of that was directed at Woe.

"All that bein' said, the possibility that Yvithia's been usin' my havin' Xypha to spy on us or to enact some other skullduggery without my knowin' is very much a concern. I accepted her Blessin' at the Forgin' to help bring a reconciliation between her and my mother, but if she has been usin' that to undermine and endager Scalvoris, then she's an enemy of Scalvoris and her and Viden will have to be treated as such." she said, the echo in her voice growing into dozens upon dozens of different owl voices as she spoke. Then she took a deep breath and let it out again before opening her eyes, revealing that they'd returned to their usual icy blue. "That said, I do not know that any communication I've had with Viden has had Yvithia's involvement. Despite Yvithia's reputation, there is always the possibility that Chrien's suborned a rogue element in Viden." she said, her voice returning to normal as she regained her calm.

"Regardless, I wholly agree that I should not be part of any meetin' with Chrien. The possibility that I've been compromised would be reason enough, but in truth, I was already not goin'. Vega's right, Chrien and I have too much history and me showin' up alive after she's killed me once may be somethin' she takes as an insult." she said, wincing again. The memory of her smiting wasn't particularly present, what she did remember of it. Then she turned to Vega. "That said, this isn't the first time we've dealt with the possibility of an Immortal gettin' into my head. Last time it was Audrae possessin' people, but the same protocol should work. Vega, as Scalvoris's Militant, you'll have final say in this. If you think Yvithia's done somethin' to make act in her favor, if I'm actin' in any way abnormal, you lock me up until I can be examined and my surety of self confirmed. My daughter Cally knows me better than I do at this point, she'll be able to tell if somethin's up, and Jacien has ways to detect supernatural influence." she said, before pausing in thought. "I'll let you decide if that should go into effect immediately or not, or whether it should be publicly announced if it does happen. My instinct is that it shouldn't, on both counts, since it could add to the panic, but given our concerns, there's reason to doubt my instinct at the moment." she said, her tone calm. "I also agree that we should move quickly, whatever we decide, if I am compromised." she said, her tone calm.
Off Topic
1: Kura tells everyone about the fake Drain Glass
2: Kura raises her concerns about the "talk down Chrien plan", basically those being that Chrien may not bother stopping to talk to Winston at all and might be able to keep wailing at Scalvoris for centuries before the possibility of her calming down becomes a thing.
3: Kura raises concern with the "turn Scalvoris into a monument to Fei" plan, basically that Chrien seems to find Scalvoris existing the area to be offensive and thus wouldn't be open to even hearing the idea.
4: Kura agrees with the idea of separating the fracture and Scalvoris if it's possible, since that might actually calm Chrien down.
5: Kura offers her Vri-calling ribbon in case his Remembrance Domain would help calm Chrien down.
6: Kura acknowledges the possibility that she's been compromised, but firmly rejects any idea that she's knowingly a traitor.
7: Kura agrees that she ain't going to any meeting with Chrien. There's a lot of reasons why and all of them are good.
8: Kura puts Vega in charge of detaining her if she turns out to be mind controlled or some other such influence, with the option of immediately doing so.
9: Kura agrees that this should be done quickly.
word count: 1452
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

Cylus 724
Slags Deeper
Balthazar's trials leading up to and during the Tea Party only ensured that he would not be able to attend, as much as he wanted to support Winston's plan. After Woe called on his patron immortal and they were subject to a strange show through the looking glass, they were about to give up. Maybe it had all been for naught. Then they saw it. The entrance seemed like a crack in the wall. Balthazar thought to open it with magic but remembered his sparks were being suppressed. It wasn't quite as powerful as the paradigm but it was keeping him from casting. Instead, he slipped a few fingers into the crack in the wall and began to pull. It didn't take very much force. The crack spread and a large stone rolled aside to reveal a winding passage down further into the prison. Down into Level 7. At the bottom of the winding stairway there was a sliver of rock that opened just wide enough for the mage, the whipper, the thief, and the Element's to slide through. It seemed impractical but it would definitely make escaping the level might more difficult.

He noticed something that perhaps only he could have noticed. The entrance had not been there before they saw the vision. One of them would have seen it and while his memory was beginning to feel cloudy, it was still good enough to be certain the entrance was not there before. Whatever Woe had done had some impact. He didn't notice Famula's Tear was black but if he had, he'd have hypothesized that it had some role in dispelling whatever was concealing the entrance- if not the immortals themselves. It didn't really matter. Not considering what they found in the depths.

The one advantage to having your marks suppressed, when you were marked by Vri, was that you didn't get the same impending source of dread and doom. Long shadows. Unseen blood on hands. The very essence of death had an impact that lingered forever. Yet as they descended into the deepest known level of the prison, it was the smell that struck Balthazar first. From living in the streets of Yaralon to investigating serial killers with the Elements, Balthazar had become all too familiar with the smell. Decay. Rot. It was pungent as soon as they passed through the thin rock entrance.

Lyanna's eyes widened in horror at what they found and the Elements covered their mouths. Maybe they were stunned by the paperwork sitting ahead of them. Dark humor. Balthazar's expression never shifted but whether that was shock or discipline would be hard to tell. He took a stumbling step forward and turned towards Woe for a moment like he was going to ask a question before deciding against it and focusing on the dead before them. They had a lot to report now. More than a thousand dead and that was just a number he made up at a glance. He'd have to count. He'd have to learn who they all were.

Woe seemed to have come to his own conclusions and Balthazar couldn't fault him but it was the dead that drew more of the mage's focus. He had seen this manner of death before. He had investigated it with Jacien. The majority of the dead had been killed in the exact same way that the Watchman Philip Carrey had. His mind began to spiral when the mortalborn suggested Viden's involvement. Killing the watchman would have ensured that he was unable to report ships coming to and from Viden. Perhaps he saw something he shouldn't have... perhaps there was a different purpose to the drained bodies? Balthazar's investigation was only beginning.

"So the Centipede has legs in Viden too... any 'help' they've given us is probably... meant to mislead or deceive..." Balthazar seemed mostly to be talking to himself. It happened a lot when he had to think. He looked over the ingredient Woe had referred to and catalogued them in his head. He'd been to Viden himself in the past. He couldn't help but feel a familiar sting when he thought of Viden. He went through all the hoops to save them from an Empty and they turned on him later. They only liked magic when they were in control of it... like so many others. Balthazar realized Woe was saying that he was going to leave a few beats after it was said. He blinked slightly and nodded his head. "I'll see to the dead. There is a lot to learn here and too many questions remain. I'll keep everyone updated as I discover more."

In all honesty he was still recovering from the shock of it all. Viden's involvement. The drainglass production right under their noses. The house of more than a thousand corpses. A single thought that he couldn't get out of his head kept cycling over and over again.

How did we miss this?
While Everyone Else Is Enjoying Tea
Balthazar spent that trial and the following few returning to Slag's Deep to continue his investigation. The first step was to coordinate with the Elements so that they could begin identifying and removing the bodies. Using the small cove that they'd discovered, they managed to bring in a few ships and load the ships with the dead. They were transporting the bodies out of the lowest level and resettling them on the ground floor. There were too many to bury or burn on such short notice and investigation required they be relatively unaltered. The first few trips didn't yield anything remarkable except a decent work out. No one really considered the weight of a body until it was dead weight. One of the bodies that hadn't been drained was brought up along with a few dozen of the desiccated corpses and Balthazar intended to use his marks and his magic to learn more, but the effort in and of itself revealed all he was going to be able to find out. It wasn't just the seventh level of Slag's Deep stopping his marks and sparks.

There was nothing to find.

Whatever had happened to these people had drained them of everything. No life, no soul, and even more frightening- no frequency. Even a teacup had a frequency. What had happened to these people?

Lyanna worked with the Element's available to figure out a cause of death and eventually Balthazar put his own mind to the taskBalthazar's leadership skills have developed through hard work with different small teams across Idalos for various purposes making him a versatile leader who can adapt quickly and inspire those working with him. He drives those he works closest with to perform their best regardless of the job before them. His leadership will not, as a result of this, inspire people to follow him passionately to their doom but rather it encourages those working with him to perform their best at whatever the given common goal is. Mechanically this would mean that small groups working with Balthazar, comprised of no more than a half-dozen people, operate as if they were one level higher in a single key skill that Balthazar is tasking them to use. This enhanced aptitude only lasts so long as Balthazar is within the same location as the group he is working with, within the same season to give them their tasks and this does not effect Balthazar's own aptitude and performance in the key skill. as well. It was like Philip Carrey. Identical in form. They'd assumed it was flaying at the time but this seemed different. There were too many to examine them all personally but Balthazar kept his focus with the medical evaluations long enough to draw some solid conclusions.

Whatever had happened wasn't natural and it had happened quickly. Almost instantly. That ruled out flaying... mostly. Many of the bodies were injured and all of the desiccated were in dire states. It seemed that some of them had been brought here while injured and then drained. Others, some with such bad burns across their bodies it was hard to tell if they'd been drained first or burned first, were harder to categorize. Balthazar hadn't put it together yet. All he saw was the manner of death.

The longer he worked, the more he saw. The more he saw, the more the pieces seemed to come together. When he found Baron Von Smooglenuff's body among the desiccated dead, the timeline became absolute. Not everyone in the seventh level had been killed there. Most seemed to have been collected from other tragedies that befell Scalvoris. The burned bodies from earlier must have come from a fire. Almund had seen its fair share of those in recent arcs. No. The damage was worse than a fire. Baron von Smooglenuff had been crushed by his house- even desiccated it was easy to see that. The burned bodies had been crushed as well in different ways.

His brow furrowed and he thought back to a story he and Elisabeth had been told by Erik at the docks. The story of the collapse. They were investigating something then- a disappearance. Four disappearances. Raine LeFluer's missing daughters. They never found any leads but now... Balthazar thought back to the family of ghosts who had been searching for their missing sisters. He could recall what they looked like perfectly. They'd been in the dock collapse. That much was clear. Finding them would prove that the victims had come from that tragedy. It would further cement the timeline and act as evidence to prove that the dead had been gathered and drained by someone who was there each time. Someone who kept sweeping the bodies of the dead out from under the watch of everyone else.

More importantly, finding the daughters would allow him to give the family some closure.

It wasn't easy to find four sisters among a thousand dead bodies but it was possible and Balthazar cared enough to work through it all. He knew he hadn't seen them yet in any of the ships he helped load before so they must have still been on the seventh level. A break of searching confirmed the suspicion. His heart sank. They were desiccated like the rest. They'd never be able to be reunited with their family... but at least their family would have closure... Balthazar struggled with the morality of the thought. Would they really be happier knowing what had happened? A trouble for another time but one that would linger in his head.

Balthazar thought on how to handle the dead while he continued to investigate the facility at large with the Elements. Robin and Croft hadn't reported anything more unusual than what they'd found in Slag's Deep so Balthazar kept working there. The prison had too many corners to look at for him to do it all in one swoop but every time he poked his nose somewhere, he found signs that this had been an even larger operation than they initially thought. Much larger.

As mentioned before he wrote to the Albarech and the new Militant requesting access to Rand and Shania, but when he heard the Militant's response he hesitated. He'd been a bit reckless with his efforts in the past and he didn't like falling into traps- even ones he felt like he could endure. He wrote back with a different request, asking for Rand and Shania's bodies to be brought to Slag's Deep and kept with the others. Normally, Balthazar would have been more willing and eager to travel but he was sitting on an oddly historical mass grave and he didn't want to leave long enough for something to go wrong until he knew what to do.

The trial of tea party came and Balthazar was beginning to feel desperate. All the dead. All the corpses. All the souls lost. The question began to burn in his mind again. How did we miss this? How did I miss this? Balthazar stood before a room repurposed and filled with the dead who could fit. The tea party played out to him via the holocom sitting on a table in the corner. He could hear what was happening but his mind wasn't there. Woe's bold accusation didn't even draw a raised brow from Balthazar. Vega and Kura's words following received the same reaction. Unless Chrien decided to pop in and visit him, he had faith they'd figure something out to handle that problem. He had to handle what they'd found in Slag's Deep.

The four daughters of Raine LeFluer had been laid beside each other. A similar grouping had been made for Baron von Smooglenuff and anyone who Balthazar recognized from the mansion that trial. He tried to put the families and friends back together but he didn't know them all.

When he couldn't group them by family, friends, or coworkers, he grouped them by the incident he thought brought them to this unfortunate place. The dock collapse people were together. The pirate attack people were together.

Then he tried to group them by profession. If they seemed like a prisoner, they were put together. If they... it didn't matter. It was never enough. It was never right. Someone had taken everything from them. He could move the corpses however he wanted but it wouldn't give back what had been ripped from these people. He always found himself standing back at the foot of the four daughters and wondering if he could ever have saved them. Ghosts were people too. Just moodier.

Cold, rotting air filled Balthazar's lungs. He closed his eyes. He was never good at this. He didn't know how to do it but he knew he was out of his depth. How was he meant to honor the dead when there were so many from so many different places? People he knew and people he didn't. It was painful to think how long these bodies had been left... discarded like they were never people. Even the criminals deserved more than that.

"Vri, please, I don't know what to do. All this now Rand and Shania too." He opened his eyes again. The field of corpses felt as raw as the first time when he looked upon it. Arcs ago he might have raged against his patron. How could Vri know and do nothing? But now it felt wrong to think that way. This had to hurt Vri as much as it hurt Balthazar. Probably more. Vri needed to know and Balthazar needed- "I need help. I need guidance. How do I make these people whole again? How do we fix whatever this is? What can I do for them?"
- Balthazar works with the Elements and Lyanna to begin moving bodies out of Level 7 and relocating them on the ground floor of Slag's Deep so they can investigate.
- Balthazar reports his findings to Vega, Kura, and Woe.
  • Found the body of Baron von Smooglnuff, Raine LeFluer's 4 missing daughters (Terra, Aer, Ignis, and Hydra), and various individuals who went missing after the Pirate Attack. (In addition to the dead prisoners and other disaster victims that were found - so he is reporting the full thousand and naming as many names as he can remember/find).
  • Level 7 seems to stop everything/anything supernatural from functioning.
  • All of the bodies have been drained of everything. Magic and marks have no effect on them, even once removed from the protected level in Slag's Deep.
  • These murders are identical to Philip Carrey's murder, which left the Watch without a designated Watchman. Balthazar thinks Viden was involved in that killing.
  • There are clear signs that this has been a massive operation that has been running for arcs. The drainglass production area has been made to look like it was smaller in scale than it actually was. However, as far as he can tell, this massive production facility has been shut down permanently. There were no signs indicating people planned on coming back.
  • It seems as if the bodies have been collected from various different disasters that have occurred over the last few arcs. This indicates that whoever did this was at those events and collected the dead/injured/dying to drain.
- Asks for Rand and Shania's bodies to be brought to Slag's Deep so they can be compared to the others.
- Balthazar reaches out to Vri to ask for guidance with the dead.
Abilities / Items Used:
Taskmaster Capstone - Used to boost the team's medicine skill.
All Seeing Tier 2 Ability - Used same way as the last post to investigate the building.
word count: 2852

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: The Pirate Finale!


It was difficult to not be overwhelmed. Although this wasn't the first time Darius had been in the presence of multiple Immortals, he swore he would never get used to it.

And while such thoughts remained in the back of his mind, he refused to let them dominate his attention, for Scalvoris was beset by a crisis, and he wanted to do what he could to help.

Plans were put forward, and others had their say, mortals and Immortals alike. Much to his surprise, Darius himself even got a mention, courtesy of Ziell.

This prompted a question from Vega, which made the Scalvorian feel a little awkward. It wasn't as if he'd intended to keep it a secret - he just hadn't realised that's what the box was capable of doing.

"It's a long story," he muttered in response to the redhead.

In truth, it had been a source of frustration. Darius had tried to rid himself of it - he had even cast it into the sea - but no matter what he did, it always seemed to find its way back to him.

"So the box is not the bane I thought it was?" he asked aloud, though he didn't direct his question to anybody in particular.

"Do you not remember, youngling?" Katara spoke quietly from her perch upon his shoulder. "The other sailors were struck down by Chrien, but you were not."

While it was not clear if Katara had only just come to this revelation, that was certainly the case for Darius. And he realised, almost only in retrospect, that while the box had seemed to bring him bad luck, the charm that was attached to it had provided a sense of comfort.

It seemed clear what Darius had to do.

"I will bring the box," he announced, "so that all of us who go can be protected."

"I see a glimmer of hope with this plan," Xiur spoke, focusing his attention on Darius, "but that glimmer grows more faint the closer you get to Chrien."

Darius nodded, but took an extra moment to take in what was being said. His encounter with Chrien had been less than peaceful - perhaps fitting, then, that it had been a peacemaker like Ziell who had reminded him of the box - and the mere sight of him might be enough to unwittingly sabotage the entire plan.

Darius had not been a good student, but he did know that Chrien could be volatile.

"Then I won't go," he acknowledged, after a moment of thought. "But the box can still be of use."

The bearded blond had quickly come to the realisation that the box was never really for him. He might have become its unwitting custodian, but the box belonged to Scalvoris.

"I would like to gift the box to Winston and anyone else who encounters Chrien, so that they might be protected."

Darius sent the singed cadouri a reassuring smile, hoping the ferret would be able to hold his nerve.

And perhaps - just perhaps - this might mean the box would return to him no longer.

Ignored the 'noise'.

Agreed not to go.

Offered to give the box to Winston and anyone else who goes.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Fri May 10, 2024 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 541
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

After all that had happened and all the research had done, there was a level of normal that Varlum wished he could return the island to. But the whole of Scalvoris knew what had happened. It was hard to move past something like that, the knowledge that an entire island had been blown up, only saved by a single stroke of luck. Had Varlum not been here, had he been somewhere else in the world, Scalvoris would be rubble.

Of course, the knowledge of what Varlum did came with a level of respect from the people of the Island, but that didn't change the level of fear and panic that people felt. Which is why it came as no surprise to Varlum when Vega approached him with a potential problem. The people of Almund were in uproar, the issues growing, people in need of being dealt with. Some were likely panicked civilians, others seemed to mention the Centipede a number of times. But regardless of their motives, they were doing little to help the situation.

"Consider it done. Focus your attention elsewhere, Militant. I'll do what I can." he smiled at that last word. As much as his mind was still greatly occupied by all that had occurred, he knew that Vega needed what morale-boosting she could get. His sister had always spent so long worrying about the rest of the world, some trials it felt as though she left no time to worry for herself. Which meant during those times Varlum would do all the worrying himself.

And, as promised, he did.

Varlum spent trials ensuring the safety of anyone in Almund, as well as clashing heads together. Some groups were talked down, especially civilians that were simply lost and confused. After all, the entire island had seen Varlum save them, even with his lacking leadership it didn't take much. His mark of Ethelynda and his new status among the people of Scalv was enough for most. Those that had their own doubts, or those that simply would not see reason, had to be dealt with in other means. Varlum would never kill someone without cause, nor did he believe panic and hysteria to be cause. But he'd read plenty about the Centipede. Any that were deemed to be a member of the group would be knocked out or restrained.

Any resistance past that, however, would be met with equal force if needed.

Unless called on elsewise Varlum would remain where Vega needed him, regardless of where it was. It had been a while since he'd acted as a soldier of any kind, but it was all too familiar for him. Varlum had worked as a knight during the peak of the Aukari hate in Rharne, after all. Fought off crowds trying to attack innocent Aukari, defended a village from a man that sought to kill the Aukari among them. These crazed Centipede cultists would be no different. If they threatened the lives of innocent people they would be treated the same way any other would.
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Sorry for the late response, and a fairly barebones one, but all Varlum is doing is peacekeeping for this round! More engagement next round :D
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

The Pirates Finale ......

I have locked this thread.

Why? Because now, it's VOTING TIME!

I'd like you each to PM me on site please. Give me the following information

In the Tea Party, my PC has heard all the arguments etc and their vote is for: <insert course of action>

They are anti / would vote against: <insert anything here>

It's fine to mix and match, etc. Tell me anything - basically - that has changed from what you posted for them. If they still wholeheartedly support their idea, say just that, that's fine. If they have been swayed by others, that's fine too.

Any questions -I'm a ping or pm away!

You have 3 days. It is nearly noon on the 11th May here. I will Tuesday.

Thank you!!

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Re: The Pirate Finale!

The Pirates Finale ......

Welcome to the Scalvoris seasonal event for Rebirth 724!

It's going to be done in a way that's heavily influenced by Pigs' awesome Fire event in Rharne - first things first, massive thanks to him!

Next, apologies for the delay. RL, you know?

All Of You

There was discussion and debate, there were questions and answers - some accusations, too.

But eventually, they came to an agreement. Not an easy one, not one that had a big consensus, but an agreement. Of sorts.

The Immortals were largely silent, but once the mortals had spoken, Cassion responded.

"It is agreed," he said. "The story will unfold thus. Winston will go, the lone mortal, and speak his story. He will do that through the locket bearing my gift. You will be accompanied by Xiur and U'frek, by Qylios, Ziell and Treid" If the names of those Immortals - or some of them - was a surprise, Cassion didn't seem to notice. Considering it, he looked at the others. "Meanwhile, we will work, here, to separate the fracture from Scalvoris. It is a risky proposition and one that will require careful consideration." His words were sombre and foreboding, yet he gave a wide grin and a wink as he spoke. It was the sort of thing he craved, after all.

"I am concerned," Saoire said softly. "I do not believe that the separating can work without harming the Induks, but they have agreed to work together to attempt it. We will need to tap in to Nir'wei, who Qylios has sent, at his request, to the Misty Miasma."

Chamadarst stepped forward then and he looked around. "It is likely that decisions will need to be made. If we can work with the Induks, which is not guaranteed, and separate the fracture from Scalvoris then we risk killing everyone here. We know that, if we do manage to do it, the effects of it will be lessened and will, over time, cease entirely." He spoke calmly, matter of factly.

" It is possible that we could focus our efforts so that there becomes one part of Scalvoris which takes the damage caused - we could focus it like a glass focuses sunlight. That would mean that fewer probably die. It is possible that we could channel the Misty Miasma in the place of fracture - and maintain Scalvoris. But we are not sure what that will do. Having Nir'wei act as a counter-balance, to channel the Miasma back here will provide a potential pivot point."

He looked at them and spoke, calmly. "But we do not know what will happen. We can do this, while Winston keeps her occupied, but the risk is great."

He listened then - they all did - to what the mortals had to say. Once they had, they first arranged and sent Winston on his way. He found himself in a clear glass room, huge and spherical with what seemed to be eternal stars shimmering around him, the night sky in which he was suspended bright with lights. There were four Immortals around him - very far away but right there, too. They were like presences in the space and then, he heard the crack of thunder and he knew that Chrien was approaching. Wherever Ziell was, he could not tell. But he'd find out in a moment or two, whether Ziell's protection worked.

She had accepted the invitation.

Once Winston had gone, the Immortals looked at each other.

"There is another thing," Cassion said, his brow furrowed and his expression dark. "We could attempt to contain Chrien, to entrap her in the glass, if she comes. It will take all of our power and it runs the risk - the very real risk - of harming Winston or allowing him to come to harm. We could also protect Scalvoris, permanently, against her. But that will anger her greatly, we believe, and her wrath against other mortals will be great." The responsibility for that would be on them, there was no doubting it.

Those in Saoire's Dream could see and hear all that happened with Winston. He, however, had his own unique focus. Meanwhile Nir'wei was seeing the room they all stood in, and they saw him. To him, they were as though they were ghostly half-solid figures who were overlaid over the reality of what he saw. For them, he was the same.

"I will not deliberately act in a way which harms anyone," Saoire said. "But what that is, I do not know. I believe that entrapping Chrien is not the right thing to do. I suggest that harming Scalvoris in any way, or risking harm to it, is not the right thing. Yet, Chrien needs to be stopped. If Winston fails - we need to respond. We need to act. The question I have for you is this - do we attempt to separate the Fracture from Scalvoris? If so, under what circumstances?"

Chamadarst gave a slight, cynical smile. "What price is too much? The more extreme the action, the more likely an undesired result. The consequences are unknowable and so we deal in scale. What scale of risk will you accept so that an Immortal's grief is calmed?"

All of you ......

So - that's happening.

Please could you:

1. Split your post into "before Winston leaves" and "after Winston has left" - there are time issues going on that I need to keep track of.
2. Winston: Do your thing. Talk to me before you do, so's I can answer questions.
3. Nir'wei: If you "agree" to this (and agree means in principle / thought - not in word, no written contract - if you're willing to be whatever the heck this "counterpoint" is, then he knows (somehow) that it'll be risky and painful.
4. Everyone else. So - you have a decision of scale here. While Chrien is occupied do you
a) Go all out to separate Scalv and the Fracture?
b) Not do so?

If you go all out - what level of risk to Scalv are you willing to take before deciding not to proceed?
5 - - Massive Risk (could destroy the island)
4 -- Could seriously damage the island and / or destroy one bit of it (decide which bit!)
3 -- erp... this could really be bad.
2 -- ok. Try it, but nothing too bad.
1 - only if there's no badness. First sign of danger - stop.

^ All of these are accepting that - if you succeed - if could fundamentally change the island totally.

Please post
a) What you'll agree to.
b) What moment you'll yell "STOP!" at (not saying they will stop) when things start happening. Let me know!

Please do that by THIS TIME NEXT WEEK (It is the 10th June at 18:35 when I write this).

Then I'll post. Thank you - apologies for delays. We're nearly done!
word count: 1150
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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