• Graded • The Maze: Round 5: Rey'na and Devin

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The Maze: Round 5: Rey'na and Devin

Round 5
I can feel it coming in the air tonight...
Aesthetics, though, believes all Art
Intends to gratify the heart:
Rejecting disciplines like these,
Must I, then, go which way I please?......

Sleeping minds often find that there are snippets left behind. As though they seek to make more clear, what they saw, or what they hear. As the crow let out a cry, the slumbering man opened his eye. But yet, he had not fallen awake, sleeping still, his mouth agape...

The lights fell around the sleeping form of Anthropos Apteros - his time between worlds was lessening, he knew that. There was a moment, fast approaching, where his future ~ every future ~ hung in the balance. One of those coming towards him would choose. In choosing, they would decide. In deciding, they would act and that action?

..... it began a chain reaction which ended in judgement.

"Jim, are you seeing this?"
"Jim? What's the... JIM!!"
"Immortals, Jim, say something!! MEDIC!"

Both of them were quick to action, decisive and sharp in their movements. They did not hesitate or pause, both of them Devin lifted the mirror he held. It absorbed the light and the orb did not in any way impact him as an individual. Or, at least, not physically. But it also exploded in a massive explosion of light. It was like an incredible display, a light show the sort of which had never been seen on Idalos. Briefly, just for a few trill, it blinded, and he heard a series of strange, random and eerie sounds.

Then, there was the music. Ghostly, haunting. Just out of reach and beyond his grasp.

Which was a shame.

Because in there, the answer lay.

For Rey'na, however, the shield didn't work. She lifted it in time and it should and yet, somehow, she got blown off her feet and landed on her bottom.Pain shot through her body and she found herself unable to breathe in as she landed, winded. The light which seared into her eyes blinded her for longer, she found herself confused and unsure for a moment.

As they both felt their vision returned, they also noticed that it had gone black. Pitch, night time, midnight black.

Darkness wrapped around them both, yet they were more than aware of the fact that there was someone else there. As the pair of them blinked, they caught sight of one another, each noticing the other.

There was also, of course, that other little thing that they both noticed.

As Devin looked out at Rey'na from behind Rey'na's eyes, and Rey'na looked at Devin from behind his, they might realise that they had... Something Of A Problem.

"It's simple really," their animal companions suddenly spoke in an eerie, perfect unison. "A moment in time. A choice. Choose a direction," it seemed that left or right were their options there, "Choices now lead to consequences later. Who wants to remember? Who would prefer to forget? "

Before them were two choices, indeed. Left or right?

As their companions motioned, both Devin and Rey'na might notice....both of them held crystals which were, strangely, glowing. Hmmm.....

Rewards Achieved Last Round
  1. Both of you: All Must Do Objectives from Round 4 met.

OOC Info

Things to note!
  • Sincere apologies: for the delay. Normal service has now been resumed....
  • I will post a plot post again this time next week: Wednesday 5th December
  • For this round your companion may be NPCd by you in your post.
  • Oh, yes. One last thing. You've been body swapped. Rey'na is in Devin's body and vice versa! Enjoy....


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
Please note: You can use items you have previously picked up - they might help you!
  1. Explicitly state what you are going to do (if anything) about this whole "swap"
  2. Explicitly state which direction you are going. PLEASE NOTE: One of you needs to have both crystals in order for you to progress. From this point on, all your posts will be together, so this is your new (and final!) thread!
 ! Message from: Can Do Objectives
Write your post with every sentence starting with only vowels.

word count: 702
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Re: The Maze: Round 5: Rey'na and Devin

Rey'na's eyes looked forward after the searing pain of the blase, suddenly elsewhere. Mute was gone, whoever he had been, however she understood him. All of this maze had been weird so far, from a talking snake to a man that didn't talk but had a voice that she could hear. It wasn't her usual trial, admittedly. But there was one thing that weirded her out more than any of the others. More than the ball of light that ended up being another moment where her life, quite literally, flashed before her eyes.

Seeing her own body without being in it.

That was definitely up there on the weirdest things Rey had seen so far - and her life had shown her many weird things. Her eyes fell down to the crystal in her hand, before seeing the crystal in her real hand. Which hand was really hers, the one she was moving now or the one she was looking at in her body? That was a question best left unanswered. "Hello?" she asked, looking to her own body before the two animals started speaking. She looked to them carefully, eyes falling over the two directions they offered. Whatever their riddle meant, it wasn't much appreciated by the girl admittedly.

"Left" she said simply, looking to the animals. "Whatever it takes to do it. Left". Her eyes then fell to Devin, or herself, and gave a small but nervous smile. "I don't know you, but we need to get out of here. We should both go the same way if we want to get out of here for good" she explained to him with a firm and authoritative voice. She was, after all, a soldier. It was her job to keep people safe, and whoever this man or woman was, she had to do the same for him.

Besides - they had something of hers. She was going to need that body back.

word count: 327
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Re: The Maze: Round 5: Rey'na and Devin

But my dreams, they aren't as empty, as my conscience seems to be...
I have hours only lonely. My love is vengeance that's never free...
Such reasoning is only true
If we accept the classic view,
Which we have no right to assert,
According to the Introvert.

His absolute pre-supposition
Is – Man creates his own condition:
This maze was not divinely built,
But is secreted by my guilt.

Anthropos Apteros grumbled in his sleep, almost awake and he saw them. Each of them as they grew closer and closer. He could almost taste them and he quivered with excitement and anticipation. They were on their way and soon, one of them would replace him. Become him.

And he would, at last, be free. Blue eyes fluttered, almost open for a moment and then, closed once again.

"What do you think happened here?"
"I don't know. But I'm going to miss Jim"
"Yeah, he was a good sort"
"Whatever did this, it was some kind of monster, though"
"I hope they catch him, soon."

Rey'na was in Devin's body. It was a strange and unnerving experience and, for all that she could move - Devin, it seemed, could not. Or, he chose not to move ~ but it came down to the same thing. And so, ignoring her crystal Rey'na chose left

And then, she turned.

Rey'na quickly realised that both animals were following her. There, in front of her, was an impossibly tall wall. A dead-end, the like of which mazes are, of course, prone to having. There was a wide open space before this dead end, where the maze opened up. Large enough for ten people to sit around a table and have a picnic, or for a group of children to play a game of bladder-ball, that space was. Wide and open and it most certainly could be inviting.

Of course, it wasn't.

It was dark and filled with brambles and gnarled roots, twisted vines and the overwhelming smell was of decay and death.

The two animals with her again spoke in unison in that strange voice they shared. "Nearly there. Someone approaches Anthropos Apteros. He will awaken."

There, in front of her, was a path to the very middle of the clearing - it was path-like, at least. Certainly she could go that way if she chose. Both the animals with Rey'na moved, walking solemnly and slowly down that bramble-covered and twisted path. Then, they stopped when they got to roughly the middle and they turned to look at the lone woman.

Again, they spoke in unison.

The centre that you cannot find
Is known to your unconscious Mind;
You have no reason to despair
Because you are already there.

Your problem is how not to will;
They move most quickly who stand still;
You are only lost until you see
You're lost because you want to be."

At that point, as the final syllable echoed and reverberated around them, everything fell silent and still. The animals stood, unmoving, no leaves or brambles moved and there was no wind. No sounds permeated the stillness and even his breaths were muted.

The world, it seemed, waited.

Rewards Achieved Last Round
  1. You met all "Must Do" objectives!

OOC Info

Things to note!
  • Sincere apologies: for the delay. Normal service has now been resumed....
  • I will post a plot post again this time next week: Friday 28th December
  • For this round Rey'na - you may NPC BOTH of the animals.
  • You may post as many times as you like between now and my next post. Please make sure, however, to let me know very clearly what your characters DO
  • Devin - if you choose to post again, please remember that you are alone, in Rey'na's body and have no animal companion. If you do, then you can assume that what happened to Rey'na in this post happens to Devin, just without the animal companions and, when he gets there (if you choose to post again) then he remains on his own and in Rey'na's form.


 ! Message from: Objectives
The next post I make will take some of you into the middle of the maze to see the Wingless Man. It will have consequences for all, from both action and inaction. Where will you be? Please make sure to tell me what your character is doing - detail is important.

word count: 749
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Re: The Maze: Round 5: Rey'na and Devin

Turning left, Rey'na walked in the body she had been trapped in. It had to be said that she would rather go back to her original body some time soon, but now wasn't the best moment to worry about it. Rey was much more concerned with the wall of death, pain and torment that was in front of her. Even as the animals warned her that someone was approaching Anthropos she couldn't help but focus on the wall and path in front of her. Uninviting thorns and brambles twisted around the route she had intended on walking. Cautiously, her eyes looked in to the brambles to spot anything, yet all she saw was the sight of both animals moving forward without her, pausing in the centre of the dark hallway of eternal suffering.

When each of the companions spoke Rey's eyes glanced around, listening as close as she could to each word. It was a lot to take in, though she imagined if she asked they wouldn't repeat themselves. It didn't matter much either way, she figured. She had a general idea of what to do. At the very least she knew what she intended on doing, whether it was right or not. Maybe she would be one of those that was approaching Anthropos, maybe not. So long as they could leave the Maze, Rey didn't care. She was growing rather tired of the big walls. Then again, she would rather miss Maurice the Mamba. In the short time they spent together she had grown rather attached to the man-snake-guy.

In the now silent world, Rey'na walked forward towards the animals, eyes focusing on them with a small smile. "Well. Then there's only one thing to do" she spoke through Devin's body, stopping as she arrived beside the animals before kneeling gently. Her hand reached out for each animal to climb on to her, starting with Maurice who slithered up her shoulder and rested back along her arm. Once she had both animals sat with her she waited as their verse had said, in the centre. Closing her eyes, Rey'na focused on the maze, envisioning her escape. Thoughts ran of her house, of Scalvoris, of Sephira and the other Elements she spent time with. Quiet prayers went out to her Immortals for freedom from this maze.

So she waited.

word count: 402
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Re: The Maze: Round 5: Rey'na and Devin

A morning mare rides, in the starless shutters of my eyes....
The spirit of a misplaced childhood is rising to speak his mind...
If this should fail, perhaps I should. As certain educators would,
Content myself with the conclusion; in theory there is no solution.

All statements about what I feel. Like I-am-lost, are quite unreal:
My knowledge ends where it began; a hedge is taller than a man.”

Anthropos Apteros' eyelids fluttered, his head twisted from side to side and he cried out in equal parts pain and ecstasy. As they drew closer, he felt his physical body form more solidly, become more real.

Then, with a loud gasp, he sat up.

Blue eyes regarded the world.

Devin remained still, where he had been. However, Rey'na moved forward.

Rey'na moved, in Devin's body. It was awkward and not the shape and size she was used to, but she did not let that bother her. She simply got on with what she had to do. And more than that, she did what her companions told her. Rey'na stopped and focused on not being lost, but being... there.

Wherever there was. She concentrated on her life and then, suddenly, there was where she was. A clearing in the Maze, as it had been before, but no brambles or thorns this time.

Just a man.

Or, perhaps, not just a man. This became clear as the wings he did not know he had unfurled behind him, wrapping him in majestic glory and Anthropos Apteros looked at her in surprise.

The wingless man (for what are we if not simply what we believe ourselves to be?) looked at her in confusion as he stood from the ground where he had, apparently, been sleeping. His eyes were blue, the pale blue of ice over water and he seemed at once very young and yet, somehow, ancient. His skin was alabaster pale and his hair as white as snow. He seemed to be human, other than the wings, and his expression was, quite simply, confused.

"Where am I?" He asked, a frown marring his marble features. And who are you?"

The animals with her moved, Rey'na noticed that Maurice was her only companion now. He didn't speak, but Rey'na would see that he was very much with her. The Wingless Man tilted his head as he looked at the beings in front of him.

"What's happening?" He asked. Then, seeming to focus, his blue eyes regarded the pair. "Am I dreaming? I've had so many nightmares, I feel like I've been trapped in them forever"

Behind him, the mortal might notice two shadowy, not-quite there figures. One on his left, one on his right. A woman and a man. Similar, yet different. The form of the Wingless Man shimmered, as though being pulled in both directions at once.

"Or were they just dreams?" Anthropos Apteros asked. "Dreams or nightmares, I don't recall. Three choices. Dream or nightmare, light or dark, desire or duty. Which must I pick? Must I?"

To this orphan of heartbreak, disillusioned and scarred
A refugee, refugee.

Rewards Achieved Last Round
  1. Congratulations Rey'na! You have arrived at the center of the Maze. Please now join the thread with Sephira and Hart. The three of you will finish this together. Assume that, as you all "arrive" where you already were, you see each other. Thread is here
  2. Devin, you are still trapped where you were. If you choose to post next round, you may assume that you have to find your way to this clearing - however, when you arrive it will be brambles and no wingless man. If you make it to the clearing, then your animal companion will meet you there.

OOC Info

Things to note!
  • I will post a plot post again this time next week: Sunday 6th December
  • For this round your animal companion may be NPCd by you in your post - they are as confused as you.
  • The next round is likely to be the last one. Rey'na, you may speak to the Wingless Man as much as you like - for this round only I will go back to checking - and responding - every day. Please note that I will only respond to conversation so, if you're going to perform an action, the response to that will be on 6th December. If you ask the animal NPC something which they would know, I'll control them in the answer, but please assume that they are just as confounded as you are.
  • I will respond each day.
  • Devin- I'm afraid you have only one post, which is to get you to the clearing and to tell me what you do there. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop me a pm.


 ! Message from: Objectives
The next post I make will, in all probability, be the final posting round. There will be a decision made by one out of all of you in these threads (who has already been decided by your actions) whose decision will determine the outcome of the thread.
Therefore, Rey'na - your MUST DO objectives are:
Choose one from each of:
Dreams or Nightmares.
Light or Dark
Desire or Duty
Please state your choices IC, by using the words, even if your PC doesn't realise they are choosing... just have them use the words!

Devin - your objective is to get to the clearing. Thanks!

word count: 919
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Re: The Maze: Round 5: Rey'na and Devin

Rey'na's tale ended in a different thread.

Devin missed the ending and may assume that he has returned too the waking world perfectly fine. I will review this thread asap.

word count: 32
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Re: The Maze: Round 5: Rey'na and Devin




Well, I'm so sorry that this took so long! If you've got any questions or comments, let me know!


XP: 15 (not for magic)

Renown: 10



Detection: Pay attention to what your companions say
Detection: Attend to tone of voice
Discipline: trying not to get weirded out.
Discipline: Keeping going when you do get wierded out.
word count: 65
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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