• Solo • There's No Way My Roommate Is A Demigod I Accidentally Summoned From Another World! 2: Electric Boogaloo

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There's No Way My Roommate Is A Demigod I Accidentally Summoned From Another World! 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hi! Hadley here!

So I know in my first post I promised to add updates to my blog every week, and I know I haven’t been doing that. Things have been rather hectic and I’ve not had a lot of free time. In between coming to terms with a bona-fide demigod (Yes, he’s real. Believe you me, sometimes I wish I’d been dreaming. More on that later) appearing out of thin air, reigning him in, classes, my part-time job and family visits, I’ve been feeling fairly tired and low on energy.

But! My New Years resolution was to post more often on my blog, as to not let the few of you who actually took the time to read my first blogpost down. I’ll do my best to keep you update regularly from now on out! No promises this time, just in case RL decides to wallop me again. If I miss a week, I’ll try to make the next post extra long to try and make up for it.

Anyway, all updates out of the way, let’s get to what you’re here for, yeah?

Djas –or Oberan, which he says is his ‘mortal’ name—has been staying with me for some time now. I thought someone was pranking me at first. You know, some sort of elaborate setup with a realistic-looking projection on the ceiling and a paid actor. My family should have been in on it then, but they didn’t know what I was talking about. I also didn’t discover any of my friends hiding around my place, nor did I find any hidden cameras. Oberan did seem as confused as I was. As an actor I would expect him to pretend to be unaware of what’s going on though. Still, it’s weird to be pranked and there not being anyone nearby to watch my reaction, nor there being any cameras around to record it.

In the end, I simply decided I was hallucinating from a lack of sleep and went to bed. The portal thingy had already vanished, but the strange dude hadn’t, but I figured he’d be gone in the morning. Spoiler alert: he wasn’t. I did sleep very well though, better than I had in a looooong time. I woke up refreshed and not tired at all. I didn’t even look like a sleepwalking zombie! Very unusual.

I did nearly shit my pants when I saw Oberan lazing around in my living room though. I mean, can you blame me? An unknown man in strange clothing I wasn’t expecting to be real, in an apartment that’s usually not occupied by anyone other than me shouldn’t suddenly say ‘Oh, you’re awake’ while I’m going to the kitchen to make breakfast. It’s not polite!

Once I recovered from the shock and put down the knife I tried to defend myself with (my hands trembled way too much for me to look threatening, I’m pretty sure he raised his hands out of pity rather than fear), we chatted a bit. Turns out he used some of his magic-Bercy Yackson-demigod powers to put me to sleep. Apparently the summoning created some kind of psychic link between us, which sends my primary emotion and desire and such through.

That link also allows him to understand and speak our languages –that is to say, any of them that I know. It helps him adapt to our world quicker as well. At least, that’s what he told me. I don’t know how or why he knew that, and neither did he. Needless to say, I didn’t believe him. It could still be some elaborate prank, with a tiny camera embedded in a button on his clothes or something.

I changed my mind rather quickly. What? You would too if someone snapped their fingers and you suddenly grow a tail! Hell, everyone in and around my apartment building grew one, Oberan said. Which explains why my neighbors refused to come open the door when I knocked to ask if they had some eggs to spare. Anyway, I was lucky I grew a fluffy rabbit tail that I could easily hide, but I still refused to leave the building for three days, unless I absolutely had to. If not for Oberan reassuring me it’d disappear on its own, I might have gone crazy with worry and panic. I can’t imagine what the other people caught in his range went through… While this event was completely out of my control, I feel really guilty about it still.

So yeah, he’s not bullshitting me. That tail was real, the sudden blast of … something (power?)... he expelled when he made everyone around grow said tail was also real. The place he claims to be from, Idalos (I tried goobling it, but I didn’t find any mention of such a place on the first twelve pages) is probably real as well.

Oberan is a bona fide demigod from another world.

And he’s my roommate.

--Davidtsen, Hadley (2020) ‘My Roommate Is A Demigod?!’, Blogspot.com. https://my-roommate-is-a-demigod-hadley ... ogspot.com
word count: 882
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Re: There's No Way My Roommate Is A Demigod I Accidentally Summoned From Another World! 2: Electric Boogaloo

Cylus 10th Arc 720

I stared at the image in the bathroom mirror.

“What the fuck?!”

There was a strange mark on my chest. On the left side of my ribcage, right about where my heart sat. A black circle of two inches in diameter, with patterns on the inside, close to the edge. It looked strangely familiar, apart from the runic symbol in the middle. I recognized the patterns to be the same I’d drawn in salt on the floor of my living room last night during the ritual. Back then I’d been sitting in the spot where the large rune was, so there hadn’t been any runes or symbols in the middle.

I rubbed at it with a thumb, but it didn’t come off. Scratching didn’t help either, that only caused redness to appear. I tried some water and soap, to no avail. Fuuuuck. Of course this wasn’t a temporary tattoo. I groaned. My dad was going to kill me if he found out. Not that he would, necessarily, but if he so much as caught a glimpse…

Oberan barged in, hand on the door handle.

“What’s the matter--” he began, eyes scanning the room.

A yelp escaped me, and I quickly covered myself up with my arms to the best of my ability. It didn’t help much, but at least it prevented the loss of all modesty. In the mirror I could see my face flush red as a beet.

“Haven’t you heard of knocking!”

He frowned. “So everything’s fine then? I sensed your distress, so I figured--”

“I don’t give a shit. Get the fuck out!”

The towel near the washbasin was so close by, but so far away. I desperately wanted to grab it so I could cover up a little more, but that would mean moving one of my arms away from the bits they were obscuring. If I turned and bent sideways a little though, I could just about grab it. It unfurled, large and soft. A few risky maneuvers brought it in position. While I still needed one hand to hold it up against my body, I had the other hand free. Just a towel covering my front didn’t make me feel comfortable, but at least I wasn’t fully on display anymore.

Amusement that wasn’t mine permeated a corner of my mind. Somehow, I knew it was his. My struggle and embarrassment were rather entertaining to him. Oberan hadn’t left the doorway, because of course he hadn’t.

“Why are you still here? I said get the fuck out!”

I threw the closest available object at his stupid amused face. It was a toothbrush. He caught it handily and lobbed it back into the washbasin. Thankfully, he left after that, closing the door behind him.

“Is basic human decency not a thing in your world? Do you know what privacy is? Learn to fucking knock!” I yelled after him.

“How was I supposed to know you were naked in there?” he responded through the door.

“It’s a fucking bathroom! Of course I’m going to be naked in here! You could have just closed the door again the moment you noticed I wasn’t dressed!”

There were a few moments of silence. Maybe he’d left.

“Well, I suppose I could have, yes,” he said then. Begrudgingly.

I waited for a couple moments longer, but he didn’t add anything else. No apology. There wasn’t any indication he had left either. I wrapped the towel around my chest, tucking one corner underneath so it’d stay in place. Gingerly, I opened the door on a crack and stuck my head out. No-one on the other side. I called his name just to be sure. A response came from the living room.

“Stay there,” I said, “if you come in here again I’ll kill you!”

No verbal response was given, but I sensed his laughter. Clearly, he wasn’t impressed.

With a sigh I retreated back into the bathroom. I hurried through my usual morning rituals, half-convinced the oblivious demigod would open the door just to taunt me. Not sure how or why I determined that was something he would consider doing, but I was absolutely convinced he might. Or had at least entertained the idea.

No such thing happened. For the moment, Oberan seemed to respect my wishes.

I got dressed and brushed my hair, not caring enough to blow it dry today. My new rabbit tail made my underwear sit uncomfortably, and the tight pants I’d worn the day before really smothered it. I changed into loose yoga pants instead. It still wasn’t great –human clothes hadn’t been designed with tails in mind. Go figure – but it was better than the fluffy tail being smushed between my butt and tight fabric.

Oberan was hanging on the couch in the living room, reading a magazine. It was one about healthy foods and diets and such I’d bought a month or so ago. The demigod didn’t seem terribly fascinated by its contents. When he noticed my presence, he made a show of covering his eyes with the pages.

“Ah! Are you dressed now? Can I get permission to open my eyes or do I have to live the rest of my immortal life in self-imposed blindness?”

“Go fuck yourself. Do you think I’m some kind of exhibitionist or something?”

He shrugged. “You never know with people. You look good the way you do, by the by. No need to diet.”

An abnormal amount of heat crept up to my face and I quickly stomped over to snatch the magazine out of his hands. The wide grin on his face made it hard to tell whether he was just messing with me or if he’d meant what he said.

“And you look in dire need of a shower. So fuck off to the bathroom and clean yourself up. You stink.”

He didn’t move, having no intention of getting up and doing as I said. The twinkle in his eye reminded me of a toddler who began counting after you said ‘give me a second or two’.

“Weren’t you going to kill me if I set foot in that room again though?”

Yup, there it was. Called it.

“I’ll kill you if you barge in the bathroom while I’m naked inside,” I rephrased, feeling irritation bubble up. “So get under the damn shower. Or do you fear water, Mr. Demigod of Dirt, Grime and Greasy hair?”

He gave me an annoyed look, mouth opening and closing as if he was going to say something. Nothing had left his mouth when he finally kept his lips sealed and frowned. Oberan produced a sound that was mix of a sigh and a groan as he got up, trudging off to the bathroom.

“The white bottle is bodywash. The blue one is shampoo, and the green is conditioner,” I told him.

He glanced over his shoulder with a quirked eyebrow. I pointed at my head.

“For your hair. First shampoo, rinse it out, then conditioner. Oh, and there’s towels in the closet under the washbasin.”

He shrugged and continued on his way.

“And don’t make a mess! Clean up a bit after yourself!”

In response he raised a hand, but didn’t stop or speak. I could only hope that meant he’d acknowledged my words and would try to keep my bathroom somewhat tidy. Last time I’d cleaned the entire apartment had been two days ago, and I didn’t want to go through that trouble again so soon.

The demigod disappeared behind a corner, into the hallway. A moment later, the bathroom door opened and closed. I sighed as I plopped down onto the couch, and switched on the TV.

Continued here

word count: 1331
Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't.

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Re: There's No Way My Roommate Is A Demigod I Accidentally Summoned From Another World! 2: Electric Boogaloo


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Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=20657&p=143689#p143840

This was an interesting thread. And it was my first time reading one of your blog posts. The shattering of the fourth wall is an interesting concept. It was rather entertaining. Though just for future references and such, I am obligated to quote a bit of the following to you.

"Dream threads may well be wild and wacky - but you must remember that Idalos is a fantasy setting. Please remain in context." wiki/index.php?title=Category:Dreamscapes

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