Magic Horseshoe

5th of Ashan 721

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Magic Horseshoe


5th of Ashan 721

Nio'no stared apprehensively at the big... man... thing that approached. Rakvald thought he looked friendly enough, even though he was a horribly mutated Paltharnum Ithecal - or occupying the totem of such - he had a way with people, or so he liked to think. And anyway, animals didn't mind his company. And Ash-Flaw was friendly enough. However, often enough animals were his go-to company these days since Ildred was getting harder to deal with. Maybe their relationship wasn't going to work out...

Nio'no drew in a breath, and said, "You're here for the old mare's horseshoes?"

Rakvald beamed and waved his good, most humanish hand, which just happened to possess sharp raptor-like claws that protruded from their fingertips. Not the left one, that was made up of tentacles and might put the man ill-at-ease. "Yes, I have just the thing for the beast."

Nio'no followed Rakvald with his eyes carefully, as he guided him toward the stables where the horses were housed. Rakvald made conversation on the way, "So what manner of horses do you keep?" He ventured, wondering if the man was a breeder or some such. "Draft animals, racers?" Secretly Rakvald was intrigued if the person he was dealing with might be involved in the upcoming race at mid-season. If that was the case, he might be able to scope out some of the competition. Although he was sincere about helping the animal with its hooves.

The Sev'ryn shook his head, and replied, "No, no, just the old horse to carry my baggage as I go foraging. Most people in Desnind keep a horse if they're likely to venture out into the wilderness."

Rakvald nodded, it was a sensible answer. And he supposed nobody was likely to enter an 'old mare' into a ground race. So he went along and followed the Sevir to his small stable where the animal was housed.

The area was clean, with plenty of hay gathered for the horse and water. It looked well-taken care of for an older animal. Nio'no watched carefully as Rakvald went over to check the animal's coat, patting it and getting a rapport going with the beast. "So... mister Rakvald?"

The mage kept patting the horse on its hide, familiarizing himself with the texture of its coat, its flesh, and enervations. He was trying to suss out it's a physical condition even as the spark reached out to try and enact the changes immediately. However, Rakvald took his hands away from the horse, resisting the spark's desire to delve into the creature's physical makeup.

"Yes?" Rakvald returned, once the momentary temptation had passed.

"What manner of farrier are you? Do you know... have you ever shoed a horse?" Nio'no squinted at the ithecal skeptically, looking him up and down apprasingly.

Rakvald tapped his chin with a tentacle finger, causing Nio'no to audibly gasp. "Aye... Once or twice. But I have something much better in mind, you'll never need to shoe your horse again!" He smiled broadly. "That is, if you've nothing against a little magic?" Rakvald wanted to be sure, as not everyone was accepting of mages, even in Desnind. Becoming tended to be well regarded among the populace, but Graft might be another matter.

Nio'no didn't look sold yet. He squinted his eyes and crossed his arms, "What manner of magic?"

Here, Rakvald gave him a winning reptilian smile. "Well you know Becoming? Skin changers and those who can take on the forms of beasts? Well I can do the same! I can use a... uh... an extension of those abilities to manipulate the physiology of other animals..." He lied through his teeth, of course, but it was a widely disseminated misconception - mostly spread by rogue grafters - that grafting was just a branch of techniques from becoming. It was not. But laymen need not know that.

Nio'no looked much relieved to hear that Rakvald was one of the sacred types of mages, and not some heretic here to harden his horse's bones or turn him into a zombie horse! Obviously, that wouldn't do, if the man was to enter the amateurs race coming up. His mind made up, he stood aside and led Rakvald over toward the kept his horse. The old mare did indeed seem to have seen better days. Instantly, Rakvald's reptilian heart ached to see the poor, proud creature so worn down.

The horse, perhaps sensing this, warmed to Rakvald, and he was easily able to caress her snout with his tentacle arm. He didn't wish to try his right, as he hadn't gotten used to the claws yet. It was a strange reversal, where the tentacle arm was being used more in lieu of more dextrous digits.

Rakvald took a few moments with the animal, just basking in her presence, and admiring the makeup of her flesh. Nio'no seemed none too concerned with the familiarity of the Ithecal animal trainer, taking care of his horse. Rakvald communed with the beast a few more moments, before whispering to her, "Hello there, may I take a look at your hooves?" He asked, gently caressing her with a tentacle finger. A few moments later, the horse seemed much more relaxed than before. Rakvald smiled and knew he had the beast's trust for now. He knelt at her side, behind her, and with his tentacle hand, gingerly lifted her hoof off the ground.

It really did need work. Not only was it worn down, but it was also almost gone, the keratin that made up her hoove nearly ground off at the foot, exposing its flesh to the ground. No wonder the horse was looking so sick!

Rakvald shushed the horse as she whinnied lightly, as he laid his tentacled fingers on the base of her hoof. He began channeling ether into it, exploring the enervations. He knew the shape and signature of keratin, especially of Mammalia. As the information began returning, of how the shape of this horse's flesh was meant to be formed, he began making small alterations at the hoof. He would first have to rewrite the way it functioned if he was to get this job done properly.

She would need harder, sturdier hooves, but then that would mean they'd grow out of control, without anything to wear them down. He devised what he thought was a decent plan. Slow down the rate of growth, and enhance the durability of the keratin. Thus decided, he began channeling that change into her front two hooves.

The process took a full ten bits, which took much of his concentration as he energized the cells and makeup of the keratin on both hooves. Nio'no didn't seem impressed, but then that was to be expected. All he saw was a strange Ithecal laying hands upon his horse, and whispering sweet nothings from beside it.

Once the first two hooves were done, he moved on to the back ones. These, he examined once again the growth rate of its enervations, its base sturdiness, and adjusted as he needed to in order to make it so their hooves would wear evenly with the others.

About a break later, after making final touches on the horse, he stood up, and approached where Nio'no had just about fallen asleep on his feet, leaning against the walls of his stable.

"Hey! I'm done!" Rakvald shouted.

The horseman startled for a moment, and then came to. He looked from Rakvald, to the now more comfortable-looking horse, and squinted once more. "You... are?"

Rakvald waved his clawed hand for the man to take a look himself. Which he did. Once he found that the hooves had perfectly formed around the foot of the horse, and were in near perfect condition once more, he gasped. "I owe you for this..."

Rakvald smiled at that, "Well, maybe you can help me... I have a situation with Irorun Steading... My wife had kicked me out. Maybe you could put in a good word with her, and slip a few nels my way into the bargain?"

Nio'no agreed with those terms, and soon enough, Rakvald was headed back to his rooms in the Karshe. It was a long walk, but he had plans now, and an idea what he would do. He would enter that race, by hook or crook, and win the admiration of his Ildred back! He only hoped she didn't mind the scales of his new body...

He would return home soon. He could feel it.
word count: 1458

Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: Magic Horseshoe


Review Rewards

Name: Rak

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: 5 (Graft)

Animal Husbandry: Shoeing a horse.
Animal Husbandry: Taking care of a horse's hooves is central to its health and well-being.
Animal Training: x 3
Grafting: Corruption (Enhance): Making the hooves of a horse regrow slower, but become sturdier.

Renown: 5 (For helping out, creatively, with a problem)

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level

Okay, this was an absolutely wonderful, creative piece. Using graft to make hooves?

As always, you write your npcs with life and color. I'm super-jealous of writers that have that ability because it's something I myself struggle with. I think the thing about this piece that I enjoyed the most was the meshing of magic and animal husbandry. It's not something one would think of being a natural match but everything flowed beautifully.

As for Rak, he's a solid character with multiple facets, which is hard to write, but you do a great job with it. All of your characters are rich and complex, and I appreciate the depth you carefully instill within each one of them.

Great writing!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!


word count: 219
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