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16th of Saun 716

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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[Venora] Speaking Clearly

"Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind."
Theodore Roosevelt
16th Saun, 716
Very Early Breaks of the Morning
It was dark and she was feeling something that she very rarely felt, in truth. Faith was afraid. Not because of what they were doing, no not at all. But because for the first time that she could remember, the first time ever in her life, she was away from Master. She had never been out of the school in Athart, had been in Jamal's undertaker for an arc before he allowed her out and even then, it was for one or two breaks maximum. But now there was a job to do and she had to leave him. She pulled the cloak (which Lord Venora had given her) around herself and she tried not to show just how completely terrified she was at the thought of being away from Master. But Lord Venora was here, and she knew that this was important to Master and to him. And, of course, there were other and much more complicated thoughts running through her mind.

The plan, such as it was, was simple. Faith was going with Lord Venora and his many silent guards because she was going to be given as a gift, if the rumour turned out to be true. So far, that was all they had, rumours and dreams and whispers. Of course, she had a split lip and a black eye for her trouble, but she didn't really count that as a positive on a personal level. But they had a job to do and it was one that she knew might make a major difference to Master, to House Venora and to the Kingdom itself. More than that, as far as she was concerned, if this meant that they were helping someone who needed help, then it was more than worth the lip and the bruise. But selfishly, she could not help but wish that Master had come with them.

"I... " she started and then she stopped and looked down at her hands holding the reins of this horse. That was another thing, she considered. Never in her life had she sat atop a horse and if this thing did anything other than keep moving in the right direction well she really wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. But still, there were things that she knew and there were other things that she did not know "Lord Venora?" she said, softly "I wonder if, whilst we travel, I might be permitted to practice some fighting with one of your guards?" It made sense to her, and she explained why "The only kind of fighting I have done is in the slave school if I needed to defend myself or if I was ordered to try to do so when other slaves were ordered to beat me. I think that some more subtle techniques might be useful?" she asked, thoughtfully. "But only if you think so. And anything else you deem appropriate, Lord Venora, of course" she said. She wasn't even sure how long it would take them to get to where they were going, but any help might be good.

It might mean the difference between life and death for her, but more importantly for Lord Venora or Lady Burhan. So, it was worth to do.
word count: 571
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[Venora] Speaking Clearly

He was exhausted. Absolutely fatigued. Tonight had been wild - he had only just mentally recovered from the wildness that was his time with Duncan just a few days prior, and also the perversion that occurred down south in Lamonte. Shortly afterward, Theodore made an unfortunate slip of information to Zvezdana, which had landed the two of them in an exceptionally heated exchange. And now ... at two past midnight, he would be venturing into the darkness alongside Faith - Tristan's slave - to aid Elyna Burhan, a woman he was once betrothed to marry.

There really was no rest for the wicked, and Alistair knew that for certain, as he knew no rest in this life of his. Always running about, from place to place, always on the road. Sabaissant to Andaris, Andaris to Lamonte, and now home to Krome - a place he knew to be one of the least pleasant places in all of Rynmere, with people that stunk worse than the fields of Warrick in Ymiden. Savages that despised the proper code of etiquette that the people of Venora so greatly adored.

To Faith's words, Alistair nodded, though he could barely move his head up enough to do so. He was tired, very much so.

"You may do as you wish, but inflict no harm upon them," he said. "And know that they do not ever speak. Do not inquire as to why, do not question them, and do not remove their cloaks. Their livelihood is mine alone to inspect upon." In the darkness, beyond a vast shadow cast by the palace over the land beneath it, he could see Damien in the distance. He would come with Alistair to Krome, as the two of them had become nearly inseparable as of late, and Damien wished to ensure his student was kept in relatively peak condition for their eventual sabotage of the Coven's activities in Rynmere.

The Lich stepped out from the shadow and approached Alistair and Faith in the night. He had two men alongside him, and Alistair knew who they were - his own 'silent guards', his Necromantic slaves. Weylan and Cynthia. Fellows from the Liches past, long ago. With them accounted for, that made the party as such - Damien, Alsitair, Faith, Weylan, Cynthia, Icarus, Andreas, Grayson and Alaric. Six of those nine were brainless corpses, but regardless, they would be of great use. If things came down to it, they could fight their way out of Krome.

And Damien's guard were special. They were... not like mere men and women. They were absolutely not. If all other options failed, they could rely on Damien's expertise as a Necromancer to protect them. But Alistair knew this was all at the cost of something else - the expectation that he lay his life on the line to do the unthinkable when Damien deemed it necessary. To kill Ellasin.

"This is Damien Noch, Faith," the noble began to introduce him. "He is my mentor, trainer and generally loyal companion. He will assist us in the liberation of Elyna, and you can be assured that there is no other in Rynmere who is more capable than he to assist us in this delicate mission." The Lich bowed slightly, smiling faintly at the woman. He appeared as any other man, dressed in somewhat fanciful clothing and hosting a collection of unique looking accessories on various parts of his body, such as his fingers, neck and wrists. He was tall, fairly muscular, and had a basic unkempt hairstyle with light brown hair and green eyes complimenting his light complexion. The man said nothing for now. He allowed Alistair to speak - after all, it was his mission to lead, at least on the road.

"Is there anything else you would like to ask before we begin our journey? If not, then I suggest we begin. The horses are ready." There would need to be many. His undead stallion was sadly not an option here, as it was too difficult to conceal its deathly nature. Instead, they acquired horses from the stables of Sabaissant, and promised to repay them how they could.
word count: 689
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[Venora] Speaking Clearly

"As you instruct, Lord Venora" she replied with her usual soft tone when he told her what the rules were regarding his guards. If she thought it odd, she did not show it nor did she seem anything other than grateful for the opportunity to practice. She dropped a curtsy to the man introduced as Damian Noth, her voice soft as she greeted him "At your service, Sir". Faith wished, most fervantly that Lord Venora would not refer to it as "their" mission. There had to be some perks, she considered, to being the chattel of a noble house and surely one of those was that one did not get to have responsibility for any missions. But then, she reminded herself that this was happening because of her thought processes, even the contents of her dreams, so she was very responsible and she should be grateful that she was not simply being sent to chase after her own foolishness. But no matter, she just wished that Master was here, because without him she felt lost.

Asked if she had anything else to ask, Faith nodded her head "Yes, Lord Venora. I have made sure that there is enough food for the two of us for nine trials, in case we are delayed, my apologies I did not know there would be so many of us." she already knew that her not eating wouldn't be enough to stop the problem, otherwise she would do so and not bother Lord Venora with it "Shall I go back and get more?" she was not sure that she could get that much food without notice, in truth, but she would try. Once that was dealt with, however, she looked at him and spoke her mind, as much as Faith ever did "Also, Lord Venora, it seems to me that if you are going to gift me, then I might be able to smuggle in a weapon for Lady Burhan. I do not know if she can use them but..." she had the good grace to look at least a little embarrassed at this "Some time ago I dreamt that I hid some daggers in my hair. But a slave, I have found, is often not searched or such. Is there anything which we may wish to smuggle to Lady Burhan and if so shall we have it with us now and how would you like me to proceed?" she asked. It was important for him to consider, she thought, because she did not wish for them to get some trials away and then think about it, it was worth to consider it now.

But once those things were dealt with, Faith checked one more time that she had packed everything, then she climbed up on to her horse. Although, in fairness 'climbed' was a bit of an overstatement. She looked at it and frowned and then she took the reins and put that foot.. well, no, not quite. It took a few moments, but she got up there in the end. And when she did, she gently held on to the reins and said, with quiet timbre to her tone "Alright horse. Go. Forward" then, she looked up and wondered why hers wasn't moving.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 549
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[Venora] Speaking Clearly

Food? He shook his head. "Unnecessary. If we must, we shall hunt for food on the road, or buy from one of the towns along the way. Venora is one of the great distributors of wheat, barley, fruit and livestock in Rynmere. Worry not." Of course, he said this only because he knew his silent guards would not hunger, nor would Damien. They would merely have to consider a cover while they were on the road - likely, Damien would leave Faith with Alistair and guide the many minions off to a secluded location with the pretext that it was their "meal". That, or the woman would simply mind her business, which Alistair considered also with regard to her very servile and unquestioning nature.

Nevertheless, her offer was unnecessary. The Necromancer made that clear.

As for a weapon to give to Lady Burhan - that made more sense. The Necromancer gestured for Andreas to come to him. The minion handed him a dagger - the very one the man used when he was alive - and he held it up to Faith, still sheathed. "Here you go," he offered it. "You must understand, however, something very important. This could be your last mission in this life." He spoke bluntly, knowing the jaggedness of the nobility better than most. "I suggest you hold this dagger well on your person for at least a time, as if I am suspected to be false in my words to Lord Krome, you may be hung or worse. Most nobility in Rynmere regards you as nothing more than an object - your presence an inconvenience if they suspect anything of you, and your death poses at worst that they must task their maids to clean up the mess. If Marcus suspects you to be a traitor or a spy, then the risk of him killing you will present itself. You must be prepared."

The Necromancer was perhaps impartial in that he viewed life, generally, to be fairly insignificant. In his eyes, the life of Faith was no less or more valuable than the life of King Cassander. While he had been trying to change this belief within himself to show more empathy, the fact remained that Faith's presence was - for now - a mere insignificance. But this mission did matter. It would affect everyone in this Kingdom, of that he could be sure.

Regardless, it was time to move on. As they wrapped up their pre-requisite preparations and mounted the horses, Faith's steed seemed to lag behind. Alistair turned back and stared. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, watching her look confusedly. "Maybe the horse is saying it won't listen to a slave?" he chuckled. Perhaps this would have all been easier if he'd just slaughtered them all and replaced them with undead horses.
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[Venora] Speaking Clearly

"As you instruct, Lord Venora" was something that she probably would say a lot, she figured. It was abut to replace "yes, Master" in her lexicon for a time. But if he didn't want food, he didn't want any more than she had and so she did not think of it again. It was not her place to question why or to wonder about his tactics, that was not her place so she did not.

And as for the knife? He seemed pleased enough at that and he handed her a dagger. She took it with a nod "I will practice as much as I can between now and our destinatio, Lord Venora" she said, her gaze and her tone equally earnest.And that this might be her last mission in this life? Faith looked at him calmly and nodded "My life is Master's to command" she replied. "He does not wish me to die, so I will do my utmost not to" but quite honestly, her steadfast gaze informed him, she wasn't afraid if she did. It would be the ultimate hypocrisy, after all, were she to be. "We all get the same. One lifetime. I will spend mine in service to my Master" however long it lasted, when she got to the end of it, she would greet Famula and she would do so knowing that she had done her best to serve completely.

"I am sorry, Lord Venora. How do you make it go?" she asked, looking at him with an expression which spoke to being utterly perplexed. "I have never sat on one of these before. Do they know when people are slaves?" she wondered and looked at the horse with newfound respect. But then, once shown how, she was able to make it move in a generally "that - a - way" direction and it seemed inclined to follow along with the others. So, the unlikely group of them started out and made their way into Immortals knows what.
word count: 343
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[Venora] Speaking Clearly

The man listened to her and nodded as she spoke of her loyalty to "Master", a man Alistair knew only as Tristan. Internally he wondered how she managed to consider him to be so great. Tristan had masters of his own - did that not properly spell his imperfection to her? Alistair considered no man or woman a master of his. There was the chain of command, but he would not mindlessly obey the orders of anyone, not even the Great Witch Ellasin. He would say as such, as he did not fear the woman telling others of his belief. His pragmatism was widely known.

"The only Master in this world is power, Faith. Exhibit strength, and you shall become as your own master. I look forward to your success in this mission." Damien coughed, signaling he was ready for the two to move on. He'd gotten bored of all this waiting and conversation, especially followed by the hours of hanging around with his apprentice for utterly little reason. Alistair cared little for Elyna's faith, and Damien even less. He cared only to ensure Rynmere's death toll did not over-rise, for if it did, it would mean strengthening the Coven.

Still, Alistair would answer her last inquiry before they went off - as to whether horses could determine if someone was a slave. Well... he thought to himself. What's the fun in saying no?

"Yes, Faith, they can," he said. "Horses are very intelligent creatures. They can actually understand common, it's just that their throat doesn't allow them to form proper responses, so they merely neigh to express interest." He had, as Alistair always did, a perfect poker face. Being a sociopath also consequently meant being a master of telling fibs! Though Damien had to cover his mouth and march on to prevent his own laughing from leaking into the conversation. Alistair smiled at the woman and began to move, taking note of her slow and steady control over her horse. "Just remember," he started, "the horse is a slave too. A slave to hunger. Feed it, treat it properly, and it will come to obey you regardless of your rank within this country."

He found that applied to mankind, as well. It was the reason the men in the streets below worked so tirelessly while the nobles of Sabaissant lived their luxurious lifestyle - as long as they got what they wanted, and what they needed, nothing else mattered. Animals were much the same. And so was Alistair. The only reason he was doing any of this was due to his political interest in the civil war. Elyna mattered not to him, and he cared not for her fate. But the ichor of his own life - political intrigue - was valuable, and he sought to bolster his position within the political front of this country. He could do with no less.
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[Venora] Speaking Clearly

Story 5/5
Collaboration 5/5
Structure 5/5
Fame N/a
Basic Knowledge
Mount: Mounting up!
Alistairs Guards: You’re not allowed to hurt them
Alistairs Guards: Do not speak
Damien Noch: Alistair’s mentor
Mount: Horses will generally follow each other
Missions: Danger!
Mount: Horses are slaves to hunger
Specialized Knowledge
Your actions can impact the world
Personal: Separation anxiety
Alistair: Has a sense of humour
Alistair’s Philosophy: The only Master is power

Story 5/5
Collaboration 5/5
Structure 5/5
Fame N/A
Basic Knowledge
Endurance: Burning the candle at both ends
Faith: Likes to be prepared
Faith: Pro-active thinker
Faith: Doesn’t know how to ride a horse
Faith Obedient
Mount: Horses are slaves to hunger
Specialized Knowledge
Missions: Danger!
Nothing is without a price
Faith: Unafraid of death
Philosophy: The only Master is power
War would strengthen the Coven
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