The people have spoken and we have listened! Here is the Rynmere feedback forum. A way to voice any concerns or suggestions to mods so that we can know what you want IC and OOC. You drive not only Rynmere, but ST as a whole and we wouldn't be the same without you.
So without further ado, tell us what you think.
P.s: Keep it civil and constructive, pretty please. :)
Let me start out by saying that I really appreciate all the time and effort the mods (old and new) have put into Rynmere! It's a wonderful place to write and whilst I can't keep up with everyone's stories, I do love reading many of the threads created here and bear witness to many a dark scheme being plotted by various PCs. I really enjoy my time here!
Let me try to break it down into the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is entirely subjective of course:
The Good.
1. The removal of the import/export system and replacement by a noble houses status tracker was a good change imo. I don't think anyone was using the import/export info in any threads. Not that I've seen at least. This was a small but meaningful tweak.
2. Marriage between Cassander & Emerson. I have to say that I would've liked a little more build-up to this, but that's a small nitpick. This is a big fat bomb being dropped on the political climate of Rynmere and it can lead to interesting plots.
3. You're all working super hard and I find the Ryn mods to be very approachable and open. This is great! It's really good that you're seeking feedback and willing to listen to it! Big thumbs up for that!
The Bad (I'd rather say: the less good)
1. Rynmere's Citizen's Alliance. They sort of came out of nowhere. Why is there such discontent between the nobles and the citizenry all of a sudden? (Could be that I missed some info explaining this of course). Would citizen's really rebel so openly against the noble houses who've been around for ages? Aren't people still licking their wounds from the civil war? I am not against the idea that citizens are unhappy with nobility, but I feel this would be something that would span many seasons before a tangible rebellion/underground would form.
The Ugly.
1. I must preface this by saying that I don't keep up with all threads in Rynmere and that I don't know what's being planned behind the scenes...
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel like Rynmere has become a little too nice and fluffy. Because of the civil war the Iron Hand will have lost lots of manpower to dedicate to upholding the rule of law. The Iron Hand won't just have lost manpower in the war, but also experience. I would expect a noticeable uptick in crime because of this. Not only that, but in general I don't think Rynmere is a nice happy place to live in at all. I would expect more crime, more poverty, more injustice. This is a place that has gone through civil war. Families have been divided, people have been imprisoned, hung, killed in the arena, forced to work in the mines, sold off...the lives of nobles might be somewhat sheltered and secure but for the average commoner I would say these are turbulent and dark times!
2. Zvezdana's death and Theodore's death should be broadcasted through the gazette so PCs can learn about it. I don't think any additional moderator incentive is required, all PCs will respond in their own manner. Only addition I can think of is that the citizen's view of the Venora family would probably be affected by this. One Venora kills himself, the other turns out to be some monster. One must wonder what kind of messed up shit is going on in that family. I'd think the citizenry would view Venora less favorably after both events, but that's just my guess.
What I'd like to see:
1. No more bombs. There's lots of plot to work with at the moment. The Qe'dreki are still around. Venoras are dying like flies. The King is marrying the Empress...these are all big, season-spanning plots, I don't feel like any more big plots are needed at this point, just love and attention for the existing ones.
2. More attention to rumours and the gazette please! They were great. I am also happy to contribute here!
3. I agree that the commoner's should also have a role in Rynmere, but I feel like that's something those PCs will have to work for themselves. If you play as a commoner, imo, you're choosing to have to work harder to get to a position of power/wealth/whatever. I think there are BIG opportunities for commoner PCs when they align themselves with certain noble PCs (even if the plan is to later murder said noble PC).
4. I would like to see a handful of small towns/villages written up in the various regions. They don't need super detailed descriptions, but just having a little more than just the house fort's would be nice, I think. I willing to help develop these! (Don't think they need NPC write-ups, just a description of the town, population count and some of the points of interest).
That's about all from me!
I do realize that with some of the points I mentioned I can (and should) take responsibility as a writer and incorporate the elements I'd like to see in my own writing (be the change you wish to see in the world, or something like that). Also, I am not super attached to anything I just said. I am happy with how Rynmere operates currently, but I would warn against making too many sweeping changes. There's lots going on already!
word count: 960
Life is a dark comedy, only you're not in on the joke.
Elyna wrote:I'm reading your reply Raf but I got to this part:
2. Marriage between Cassander & Emerson.
Men arn't even allowed to look at here?! whose stupid idea was that?!
I don't know whose idea it was but I do think it's an interesting plot and there are multiple ways to explain how this came about. Just calling it stupid doesn't really help anyone, I'm afraid. You may certainly have that opinion and you're free to express it, but I would ask you to explain why you think it's not a good idea...and perhaps also give the mods a chance to explain the decision?
Let's try to keep this friendly and constructive please
word count: 127
Life is a dark comedy, only you're not in on the joke.
Elyna wrote:I'm reading your reply Raf but I got to this part:
2. Marriage between Cassander & Emerson.
Men arn't even allowed to look at here?! whose stupid idea was that?!
It was picked up from a conversation I had with Kingdom following Tristan's play. Having spent (Malcolm, I think it was about this amount of time?) ten minutes going "Noooo!?" and her swearing me to secrecy - I couldn't not see it through, although I'm sure we haven't done it the justice that she would have.
1. Where does it say that she and Cassander were married? This isn't in the seasonal events? Surely if the King gets married it's a big deal? - Seriously where is this?!
2. Emerson Sands - as I understood her as an NPC is essentially a holy representation walking on Idalos. Completely untouchable, it's believed that Men that so much as look at her are befallen by a great curse. (This had so many implications as a plot as well, it made the temple that she was head of a safe-haven for women, the idea that there was this sacred place men could not enter.) In the name of all that is sacred, how can this married?
3. Nobility believe the following about marriage:
For a noble, marriage cannot take place in a season with an odd amount of days (trials), or during fasting in Cylus, both of which are considered extremely bad luck. This means all weddings take place in the season of Saun, the hottest part of the year (arc). Commoners, on the other hand, are able to get married during any season bar Cylus. Treasures are exchanged during the ceremony, and though these have traditionally been family heirlooms, rings, or swords, it is up to the individuals involved to choose what it is they gift the other, with men going all out to outdo their forefathers, siblings, and friends.
Despite the fact it gives interesting plots - it directly contravenes to massive points of Rynmere's literally impossible.
@pegasus - I think the intention was an engagement... they would never marry outside of which point players could have gotten involved. It would have been a REALLY interesting plot to see if characters were willing to try and stop this abomination going ahead... If this is really what has happened...I can't help but feel it's been rushed.
They're not married, Elyna - they've announced their intention to wed. Which will, of course yes absolutely, be in Saun. With the aim of giving it as a plot for players to really get behind / ignore as they choose.
@Rafael - I have to say that I agree with everything else you've said. You've set my own thoughts and feelings out much more clearly than I managed in the other forum.
The Bad (I'd rather say: the less good)
1. Rynmere's Citizen's Alliance. Exactly - they've appeared out of nowhere and suddenly they're everywhere? Again I may be missing threads, but I dont know of any pc's in the RCA?
The Ugly. - I just hands down agree.
1. I must preface this by saying that I don't keep up with all threads in Rynmere and that I don't know what's being planned behind the scenes...
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel like Rynmere has become a little too nice and fluffy. Because of the civil war the Iron Hand will have lost lots of manpower to dedicate to upholding the rule of law. The Iron Hand won't just have lost manpower in the war, but also experience. I would expect a noticeable uptick in crime because of this. Not only that, but in general I don't think Rynmere is a nice happy place to live in at all. I would expect more crime, more poverty, more injustice. This is a place that has gone through civil war. Families have been divided, people have been imprisoned, hung, killed in the arena, forced to work in the mines, sold off...the lives of nobles might be somewhat sheltered and secure but for the average commoner I would say these are turbulent and dark times!
2. Zvezdana's death and Theodore's death should be broadcasted through the gazette so PCs can learn about it. I don't think any additional moderator incentive is required, all PCs will respond in their own manner. Only addition I can think of is that the citizen's view of the Venora family would probably be affected by this. One Venora kills himself, the other turns out to be some monster. One must wonder what kind of messed up shit is going on in that family. I'd think the citizenry would view Venora less favorably after both events, but that's just my guess.
What I'd like to see:
1. No more bombs. There's lots of plot to work with at the moment. The Qe'dreki are still around. Venoras are dying like flies. The King is marrying the Empress...these are all big, season-spanning plots, I don't feel like any more big plots are needed at this point, just love and attention for the existing ones.
2. More attention to rumours and the gazette please! They were great. I am also happy to contribute here!
3. I agree that the commoner's should also have a role in Rynmere, but I feel like that's something those PCs will have to work for themselves. If you play as a commoner, imo, you're choosing to have to work harder to get to a position of power/wealth/whatever. I think there are BIG opportunities for commoner PCs when they align themselves with certain noble PCs (even if the plan is to later murder said noble PC).
4. I would like to see a handful of small towns/villages written up in the various regions. They don't need super detailed descriptions, but just having a little more than just the house fort's would be nice, I think. I willing to help develop these! (Don't think they need NPC write-ups, just a description of the town, population count and some of the points of interest).
However - in fairness, we could have put something in the announcements. And this is where, of course, the lack of time and turnover of mods has meant that we haven't got the rumourmill going as well as we should have.
So yes - it was annouced in a 15 pc thread. However, we could have put an annoucement too. To be honest, after reviewing that beast and the three spin offs from it, it didn't even occur to me.