Rynmere Reopening Announcement

This is an Out of Character forum for the players of Rynmere, Andris and all satellite villages In the kingdom, looking for further information about the area.
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Prophet of Old
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Rynmere Reopening Announcement

The Rynmere Fix-It Project that was started as a collaboration of players and moderators in an effort to update Rynmere's lore has failed. The primary reason for this failure was an inability to have a moderator strictly dedicated to Rynmere overseeing the efforts of this project. I was meant to be handling this and I was not able to give it the time or attention it deserved, and as with all things that drag on too long, it withered and died.

So a course of action was discussed among the Team Leads and we decided on the following course of action. Rynmere will be reopened, under the old/original lore, with a minor update concerning the plague that quarantined the kingdom. There will be no dedicated moderator for Rynmere at this time, which means certain rules will be put into place.

Rules for an Unmoderated Rynmere
1. All Development projects are to be considered pending until a dedicated Moderator can take over Rynmere. Nothing can be approved for Rynmere, by any moderator.
2. All content that specifically states requiring moderator permission or use cannot be utilized in Rynmere.
3. The use of Noble Family resources will require seeking permission from the PSF first.
4. Wages, NPC Skill ups, and other "day to day" moderation duties can be handled via the PSF.
5. Threads may be reviewed as normal in Rynmere.

IC Information

The Quarantine

Since Cylus 1st, 719, Rynmere has been under strict quarantine. No one is allowed to leave or enter the island or eastern territories. The island is guarded by Burhan naval forces, as well as the various flying forces. They're to kill anyone attempting to enter or leave Rynmere, and have done so with great vigor. The territories are maintaining their own quarantine lines, though they appear to be a lot less effective. There are some ships that have been bribed, at great expense, to let some people through, and a few skilled smugglers as well, but those are few and far between. This quarantine is decreed to stay intact until the plague is cured.

The Plague

The Rynmere Plague is highly aggressive, and its ability to transfer is not yet known. It seems able to transfer by touch, by bodily fluids, by water, by air, by all of the above and yet none of the above. In the Rebirth Cycle of 719, it wiped out 60% of Rynmere's population on the island and 20% of the population in the territories. The plague takes a mere 3 days to kill someone once infected, and they appear able to spread it from the moment they contract it. The efforts to stop or slow the plague by the Order in Rynmere, as well as other doctors and healers, has been entirely ineffective, and all known/available medicines have been tried.

Day 1 Symptoms - Vomiting, inability to sleep, diarrhea, blurred vision, high fever
Day 2 Symptoms - Same as day 1 plus sweating blood, hair loss, extreme joint pain
Day 3 Symptoms - Same as day 1 and 2, plus joints completely seizing up, skin peeling off on fabric, splitting and bursting at the lightest touch, anemia, followed by one final vomiting and diarrhea session, which reveals that the entire digestive system has liquidated resulting in death.

No one who has contracted the plague has been cured of it, nor have any recovered by natural means. However, there does seem to be those that are unable to contract the disease, but no correlation among them has yet been discovered.

It should be noted that around the middle of Ymiden, the plague is not increasing in victims, though not shrinking either, holding steady at the 60%. It is not yet discovered as to why. At the same time, the territories declare themselves plague free, after purging enough of the populace by fire.

The Important People

King Cassander is in hiding with those closest to him. His whereabouts are kept purposefully hidden.

Emerson Sands is among those who died.

Many members of the noble houses are dead or missing or locked out of Rynmere by quarantine. Many have adopted a 'fend for themselves' mindset over their own lands.

Other Information

Due to the events of The Fall of Emea, all who died during the first 30 days of Ymiden are forced into being ghosts. Sightings of ghosts and ghostly encounters increase sharply during and after this time. Those who die after the 30th undergo standard afterlife processes.

Ask them in this thread, and we'll do our best to answer them.

word count: 762

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