
The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Saun 4 Arc 717

Yana compared the address written down on the slip of paper with the shop she was standing in front of. This seemed to be the place indeed. Ericor’s Elegance, it said, the handwriting cursive and pompous, though still neat and legible. Yana very much doubted that the Empress herself had written this note, it was likely she had merely dictated the contents to a scribe, who had graced the paper with his art. The Yludih did not think such writing was efficient to use when lengthy letters needed to be written, but then again, the nobility were a different breed of people. Appearance was everything. All they did had to ooze class and superiority, and this slip of paper surely did both.

What surprised Yana the most was that the Empress knew about this tailor. She was under the impression that it wasn’t such a well-known one, especially considering its appearance and location. Then again, with shops one couldn’t always judge them from outside. If the Empress had picked this shop, it probably was a good one. Yana did not doubt that the future queen would want to flaunt her generosity and good-will at every opportunity. The wedding itself was one, and this was too. They did not just reimburse he for the dress, no, they would pay for a completely new one made by a talented tailor. Yana was sure the Empress was well aware that whatever Yana’s dress had cost, it wouldn’t be as much as the price the tailor would name for the new one.

Once again she checked the address on the slip, confirming the name of the shop for the third time. This was it for sure. She took a deep breath, and stepped inside. A bell rung as she pushed the door open, and Yana was met with the interior of the shop. It was clean (of course), and rather luxurious looking. There were comfortable chairs scattered throughout the showroom, mannequins lining the walls, a series of thick curtains to separate the showroom from the changing rooms, and … tables with cheese, cakes, and wine? Weird.

A man wearing a fine suit came to greet her, bowing like an actor would, adding a flourish to his movements. “Ah, welcome, welcome,” he spoke pleasantly, “I am Ericor Eddrick Esquire. Can I be of assistance?”

Yana gave the man a quick, though thorough looking-over, then scanned the room just as quickly. There seemed to be no-one else present, which was rather strange, Yana had thought the shop the Empress had sent her to would be very busy. “I wanted to have a dress made. I received this note from Empress Sands.” She offered the slip of paper to the man, who took and read it quickly.

“Ah yes, the mademoiselle with the ruined dress. Empress Sands has deposited a sum in an account for you. It is more than enough to cover the cost of even the most impressive of dresses.” He beckoned her to follow him further into the shop, leading her to a small space where a couple chairs and a small table stood. “Please have a seat,” he offered, sliding into one himself, steepling his fingers and crossing his legs. “Now, do you have an idea of what kind of dress you wish to have made, mademoiselle? A ballgown? Maybe a halter dress? Perhaps a strapless dress? Or would you prefer a cocktail dress?”

Not one for fashion, Yana wasn’t too sure what exactly this tailor was talking about, except that they were probably different styles of dresses. “Actually, I really liked my ruined dress, so if you could just recreate--”

“Ah, non, non, non, mademoiselle. No can do,” the tailor proclaimed. “You see, mademoiselle, fashion is my passion. To tailor clothes is to create art. My clientèle is my canvas. I refuse to just copy the work of an other artist.”
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            “Ah,” Yana said, a little disappointed. It would have been perfect if he would have just agreed to recreate the ruined dress.

            “Do not worry, mademoiselle. With the budget I have been given, I can create a dress far more beautiful than your previous one. Especially with the budget I have been given.” He gave her a confident smile. “Now then, what kind of dress are you looking for? A replacement for your ruined one, I take it?”

            “Yes. I am looking for something to wear on special occasions. Like balls or other social events. Not something for everytrial use.” It was very likely she would only wear it a handful of times, barely making the purchase a waste of money. However, not accepting the King and Empress’s generosity would be rude.

            “Then I would suggest a ball gown. Do you have any preferences? Fabrics, colors, styles, perhaps?” he asked, fishing a notepad and charcoal pencil from beside his seat. Yana wasn’t too sure on what she wanted. She knew nothing of fashion and fabrics.
            “I would rather not wear a yellow dress.” She already had one, and she wasn’t too fond of the color. Either.

            “No yellow at all, or can there be some yellow accents be worked into the design?” he asked, writing down what Yana said.

            “Not a predominately yellow dress. If possible I would like something with white and purple.” Those colors did fit her, she found.

            “Anything else? Allergies to certain fabrics?”

            “Not really. I have no other preferences.” She paused for a moment. “I do not really have a certain design in mind either, so I will leave that in your capable hands.”

            He looked up from his notepad, then. “Are you giving me carte blanche? he questioned, eyes shining with excitement. He was looking forward to it, it seemed.


            Magnifique! I rarely get to work with such a rare canvas as you, let alone with so much free reign! ! Mademoiselle, you will not be disappointed! I will craft a masterpiece that will make you la belle of every ball!” He smiled widely, furiously jotting things down. Yana could only assume he was already figuring out a design for her.

            After a couple moments he seemed to remember she was there still, and led her to an area separated from the rest of the room by a heavy curtain. “I will need to get your measurements,” he said, holding the curtain aside so she could enter. “I will send my assistant in a bit.”

            The assistant turned out to be a short blonde girl with delicate fingers. She held a measuring tape in one hand, and the other was placed on her hip as she waited idly for Yana to undress. The Yludih could tell from the looks she was given that the woman did not approve of her choice in clothing. Yana did not care though. She liked her clothes, and they were comfortable. What everyone else thought did not matter one bit.

            With the ease and finesse of someone who had done this work many, many times before, the blonde took Yana’s sizes, measuring her height, as well as the circumference of her waist, hips, and bust. After each, the assistant passed the measurements on to the Tailor Wizard, who stood patiently on the other side of the curtain, taking notes. Upon being given the circumference of Yana’s chest, there was a slight pause in the scratching of Ericor’s pencil on paper.

            “If you’d like, we could sew in some padding in the bustline of the dress.”
            “No thank you,” Yana managed in a deadly polite tone of voice. Ericor did not seem to notice. The assistant did though, as she also saw a slight twitch at the Yludih’s mouth, as well as the beginnings of a frown. The blonde gave a bit of a smirk. Yana said nothing of it as she put her clothes back on and left the changing room.
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                      Saun 18 arc 717
                      The Saun heat had been swelling steadlily the last few trials, growing ever stronger and making bodies ever sweatier. Yana, though Yludih, was not exempt from this. To fit in with the fleshlings, her body produced a salty, water-like substance that was nearly indistinguishable from actual sweat. Perhaps an alchemist could identify it as something else, but for that they would first need a sample of the liquid, and anyone collecting sweat in public from unsuspecting victims was probably going to raise some eyebrows. And they may be moved to the Iron Hand headquarters for questioning. Or they might be dragged off to a mental hospital. Maybe both.

                      Fortunately, Ericor’s Elegance was rather cool inside, or at least cooler than outside. The cheeses had been removed from the small tables, Yana noted, and the beverages were placed in a bucket filled with ice water. The tailor himself seemed to have been spared from the heat, as the Yludih could not detect a bead of sweat on his face, nor any damp spots on the clothes he wore. Perhaps he changed outfits every couple breaks to prevent it, she thought, finding his suit looked too fresh and stiff to have been worn for very long. She smirked at the idea, fanning herself with the hand fan she had picked up at the entrance of the shop. There were a dozen of them in a basket of sorts at the door, diplomatically placed there for customers to use. If anything, Ericor did know how to provide customer service.

                      “Here we are, mademoiselle,” the Wizard spoke, gently holding up a purple ballgown. Yana’s eye widened slightly. Those were a lot of ruffles on the skirt. A whole lot of ruffles. It did not look bad though, the dress as a whole was magnificent, but Yana wasn’t quite sure it was her style. Apart from the ruffles, the gown had some white flowers embroidered on it here and there, and perhaps most worrying of all, was strapless. When worn, Yana’s shoulders and arms would be completely bared, as well as part of her upper back. She regretted giving the tailor free reign already.

                      “Impressed?” he asked, interpreting the Yludih’s silence and change in expression the wrong way. “As I promised, with this you will be the belle of the ball. The purple should accentuate the color of your skin and bring it out nicely. The gloss of the taffeta catches the attention, and the white accents prevent it from looking plain and simple. The bare shoulders speak of confidence, and the ruffles of class.” He sounded very pleased with himself. Yana was glad it was bought with the King’s coin, as she wasn’t sure she would ever wear this thing. The ruffles were a bit too much for her. As for the strapless nature of the dress, well, she feared that without support holding the bust of the dress in place, it would fall off and set her up for public humiliation. If there was anything worse than death, it would be that.

                      “I am glad you like it,” the Silk Sorcerer spoke, even though Yana had made no comment on his work whatsoever. “Now, could you put it on please?”
                      “Of course. I want to make sure it fits you absolutely perfect, and make some small adjustments if it doesn’t. These are the final touches.”

                      “Of course,” Yana said, pondering whether she had had to do this with her last dress too. Probably, though she couldn’t quite remember. She followed Ericor to the changing rooms, where the man carefully handed the dress over to his blonde assistant, then closed the curtain behind him as he left. Reluctantly, Yana undressed as much as necessary, placing her clothes on a cushioned stool. Then, with a lot of help from Ericor’s assistant, she wriggled her way into the dress. The blonde woman fastened the corset-like torso part of the gown and expertly worked the cords away in a hidden fold where they would not be seen and not get uncomfortably in the way.

                      As soon as the assistant stepped away, Ericor was back inside the changing room, pacing around the Yludih and observing the fit of the dress, asking some questions on the feel of the dress. Was it too tight there, too loose here? Yana only had to shake her head. It fit like a glove. He nodded contently. He then bade her to turn around, and with a dramatic sweep of his arm he unveiled a large mirror, allowing Yana a good look of herself.

                      Sure, her hair wasn’t done, and she was not wearing any jewelry, but Yana’s eyes went wide again. Not bad. Not bad at all. She wouldn’t walk around like this all trial every trial, but the doubts she’d had about the garment were evaporating quickly. This was one impressive ballgown. Ruffles or no, this was an amazing piece.
                      “You truly are a Tailor Wizard,” she commented, not feeling she needed to say anything more.

                      Ericor grinned widely, bending at the waist with a flourish, grateful for the compliment.
                      “So I’ve been told.”
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                                First things first I am so sorry that this has taken so long - it totally slipped my attention. Thank you for the nudge and apologies again! I loved this thread - Yana seemed totally out of her comfort zone, but I could hear the tailor - Ericor the Wizard - talking. All good, great fun. Apologies again!
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