Ashan 4, 717
It was not often that she succumbed, and when she did, it was primal. The tear of flesh between her teeth, the way her nails slid through skin like it was water; it was divine. A stark change from her usually composed feeding habits, Yndira found those moments when she could no longer endure the sweet song of wanting to rip someone apart. Her own skin was bathed in blood, coating her front as she bit into the man's arm. He was, for the most part, too stunned to react. Or maybe she had properly killed him. A stray brick to the head could do that, even if the wielder had been a petite woman. Especially if it was by surprise.
This thought did not occupy her mind for long. Not much did in this state. Each word she managed to string together was no more than a litany of menu items. Armlegcheekthroatwrist. Directives strung into nonsense that her body somehow understood and moved with. Pupils blown and nostrils flared, she paused for only a moment. Her chewing did not cease in the darkness, faintly illuminated by the dying flames of the man's lantern. She paid no attention to this, merely shuddered in the wind that blew in the alley before continuing with her meal.
Had she been of a rational mind, she would known that this was not the best idea. That she should have retreated further into the shadows. Instead, she remained hunched over her body. The man stirred once, but she silence further struggle as she dug her hand through his chest. It was between blood loss and shock that finally did him in. His murderer remained over him, dining peacefully. The faint slurp of blood through pursed lips echoed. Her body was warmed further by the crimson liquid, a hum of delight leaving her as she tore through the remainder of his shirt. The man was not one to be described as thin or stout, though a preposterous gut bugled forth from his frame. The Naer moved to straddle the corpse, licking her lips.
Her nails served as excellent tools for this task as she cut through meat and fat. Her fingers found purchase on his ribs, the smile on her face widening. It took some effort, but she soon had his rib cage torn asunder like a gift ripped open by an eager child. Her attention fell immediately to his lung, full of pooling blood. It would appear she had cut into part of it in her efforts to go through the cavity of his chest. No matter; it would only make the meat sweeter to her. She didn't bother with her hands, favoring the use of her teeth to pull forth the deflating organ. Dark strands of hair fell over her face, obscuring her features.
As she pulled back, a fresh wave of blood coated the sheer nightdress she wore. She'd worry about it later, most likely. But for now, she ate.
This thought did not occupy her mind for long. Not much did in this state. Each word she managed to string together was no more than a litany of menu items. Armlegcheekthroatwrist. Directives strung into nonsense that her body somehow understood and moved with. Pupils blown and nostrils flared, she paused for only a moment. Her chewing did not cease in the darkness, faintly illuminated by the dying flames of the man's lantern. She paid no attention to this, merely shuddered in the wind that blew in the alley before continuing with her meal.
Had she been of a rational mind, she would known that this was not the best idea. That she should have retreated further into the shadows. Instead, she remained hunched over her body. The man stirred once, but she silence further struggle as she dug her hand through his chest. It was between blood loss and shock that finally did him in. His murderer remained over him, dining peacefully. The faint slurp of blood through pursed lips echoed. Her body was warmed further by the crimson liquid, a hum of delight leaving her as she tore through the remainder of his shirt. The man was not one to be described as thin or stout, though a preposterous gut bugled forth from his frame. The Naer moved to straddle the corpse, licking her lips.
Her nails served as excellent tools for this task as she cut through meat and fat. Her fingers found purchase on his ribs, the smile on her face widening. It took some effort, but she soon had his rib cage torn asunder like a gift ripped open by an eager child. Her attention fell immediately to his lung, full of pooling blood. It would appear she had cut into part of it in her efforts to go through the cavity of his chest. No matter; it would only make the meat sweeter to her. She didn't bother with her hands, favoring the use of her teeth to pull forth the deflating organ. Dark strands of hair fell over her face, obscuring her features.
As she pulled back, a fresh wave of blood coated the sheer nightdress she wore. She'd worry about it later, most likely. But for now, she ate.