1st Cylus 717
With all his shopping done, Fridgar made his way back to the city gates. Slinging the bag over his front, he checked over all the ingredients once more - it looked like he'd remembered everything, but how could he be sure? He looked thoughtlessly into the bag as he walked, not watching where he was going in the slightest. A store to his right caught his eye - the front window was frosted over, but behind all that, he could see quite clearly something he'd been meaning to buy for Rey'na for some time. Flowers, beyond the window were rows of flowers. He approached with widened eyes and looked through the window, cupping his hands to get a better view of the place. These were probably the last flowers to come for some time, what with the lack of sunlight and deathly cold. That settled it, he had to buy Rey'na flowers this trial, now or not until next season. Without hesitating, he walked into the flower shop.
Finally, Rey's cottage came into view. With the bouquet of winter roses in hand and the bag of ingredients on his back, he stepped up to the front door and raised his hand to knock before stopping himself. 'Come on dude, you can do better than that! Give them to her romantically.' He pondered for a moment before lowering his hand. How would he go about that? He could assume the form he was in when they first met, the horse? Or perhaps her favourite form - the wolf? 'She *does* like her puppies, dude.' He nodded at himself in agreement. With a quick glance about his surroundings, Fridgar walked about the corner of the cabin and undressed. By Ilaren was it cold, he was shivering within trills. he folded up his clothes and put them in his bag and gently laid the bouquet of winter roses on the ground. He kept is bag on as he focused his being on the wolf totem, it was likely big enough to fit on the wolf.
His mediation came so much swifter than previous times, taking only half the time to be ready - he thought it curious. He reached for the totem around his neck and only managed to touch it with his index and middle fingers before the transformation initiated - twice as fast as before? He didn't scream either, despite the agony that filled his body and senses he remained strong. After what felt like 3 bits, he'd completely transformed.
Fridgar rolled his shoulders, his bag and totem necklace still intact and in their places. He'd transformed way too fast and he hadn't even unleashed. Perhaps he was just getting better at becoming? The thought forced a smile from his wolf lips before he picked up the bouquet of winter roses with his mouth and padded through the deep snow to Rey's front door. He sat and watched, as if expecting something to happen before he realised he had to knock first. 'Crap. How do you knock as a wolf, you dummy? This was a terrible Idea!' he carefully put the roses down in the snow at his side before stepping up the door and scraping at it with his paws, whimpering in a way that he'd previously used to tease her when they first met. He then barked loud and stepped back, picking up the bouquet of flowers and wagging his tail excitedly into the snow behind him.
The thorns of the roses pricked his tongue slightly as he wagged, forcing a yelp from the back of his throat. He even dropped the flowers for a split trill before scrambling to pick them up, preferably before Rey arrived. Once she opened the door, if she opened the door. Fridgar would let himself in and run circles around the room briefly before approaching Rey and putting the flowers down at her feet, gently.
The thorns of the roses pricked his tongue slightly as he wagged, forcing a yelp from the back of his throat. He even dropped the flowers for a split trill before scrambling to pick them up, preferably before Rey arrived. Once she opened the door, if she opened the door. Fridgar would let himself in and run circles around the room briefly before approaching Rey and putting the flowers down at her feet, gently.
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