Feminine Defences

3rd of Zi'da 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Feminine Defences

3rd Zi'da, 716
Faith was at work and it was, all things considered, rather strange. It had been only a few trials since she had been freed, right at the end of Vhalar, and it was taking some adjustment. It was a slow and difficult task in which progress was stilted and, sometimes, in the wrong direction. It was hard, tricky to manouvere and without doubt something that was going to take time to adjust to. The irony was that this 'adjustment time' was for the people that she worked with ~ far more (in this particular context) than for her. Faith was rather amazed at the range of reactions from the others that she worked with, from shock and horror to pleasure for her. One of the girls had cried, apparently in pleasure, another had wandered away in utter disgust.

People, Faith concluded, were as individual as ever and she could do nothing about it.

However, what this meant, for her and the only bit of it that was relevant to this particular scenario was that it meant that she was now working in her own right and for the benefit of her and Padraig. It was complicated, it was frustrating and she spent one bit thinking that he thought of her as a sister, the next one thinking that he was as in love with her, as she was with him. But there was a bottom line; she loved him, he loved her and that was that in whatever form it ended up taking. Immortals, she thought suddenly, maybe they'd live their lives together like this. Looking down at the dress she was working on she let out a deep sigh and considered that she was going to go insane. But that notwithstanding, she was free and had responsibilities; add in to that the simple fact that they were living together and had bills and she needed to work. Because she needed to be useful, to provide for the two of them. She knew that Padraig felt the same and so Faith went to work and she put up with the strangeness.

And what strangeness there was.

On this particular trial, Faith was working on a beautiful gown which they were making for a noble's party. It was one of a number of them, but she was sewing the intricate shimmering embroidery on this black gown. It was a beautiful thing, there was no doubting it and Faith held it in her hands and looked at it with a critical eye, measuring her work agasinst her own standards. Every stitch had to be the best it could be, in the name of the Immortal she so adored, as she worked she whispered a prayer to Famula that she might serve the ideals which Famula upholds, that respect and reverence for her place in this world should be in her every step, every move thought and stitch.

"Faith! Customer!" Alfonse, her manager called and Faith put down her work with care to ensure that she, or whoever picked it up next, did not hurt themselves. She then made her way out and into the shop itself. There was Alfonse, an overweight and friendly-seeming man who she knew to be manipulative and cruel and a woman. Or, more precisely, what could pass for two women standing on top of each other. Big, muscular woman. By Famula's blessed light, but the woman in the shop was huge. She was tall and broad and it was, or it seemed to be, all muscle.

"Ah! Faith. This is Lady Sapphire De'mont" Alfonse said and Faith resisted the urge to ask him if he was having a laugh. Sapphire? But, Faith was many things and more and more of them these trials, but first and foremost she was aware of who she was and what her place was in this role. So, she dropped a curtsy and spoke in a quiet and respectful voice.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady De'mont" Alfonse smiled, please with his choice. She had been a good slave and, although he disliked having to pay her more, he had been worried that she might leave when she was granted her freedom and, as such, he was in a good mood.

"I'l leave you two ladies to it", he said and Faith moved to get a piece of parchment, a pencil and looked at Lady De'mont expectantly.

"How may we help you, Lady De'mont?" Faith asked, wondering why the enormous and muscular woman was at a seamstress and tailors shop rather than the armourer down the road.
word count: 777
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Feminine Defences

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintence. I am seeking a ball gown for a formal event. I wish to be able to conceal a number of weapons about my person whilst wearing it" Lady De'mont spoke in a deep and well educated voice, but it was so deep that she sounded masculine. Faith looked at her and smiled, nodding her head and making a quick note.

"Which weapons, Lady De'mont?" Faith's tone remained quiet and respectful and the noble woman raised an eyebrow. It was a slight movement, but it was the closest to a look of impressed which ever crossed her face off the training grounds.

"My two handed sword would be an impossibility?" It was a question, but one which Lady De'mont obviously already knew the answer to. Faith simply nodded her head, acknowledging that yes, the two handed sword of a woman who was roughly equivalent to a Faith-squared size person could not, in fact, be hidden under a skirt. She was good. Not that good. "Then a long knife and a folded collapsible crossbow", she instructed and Faith nodded. Where was this woman going!? Not for the first time, Faith marvelled at the politics of Rynmere noble society.

"I can do that. we can attach one to your leg, probably the crossbow. Then, the dagger can be put into the bone of your corset or as a hair piece" Faith suggested and Lady De'mont looked downright surprised. The demure young seamstress glanced up at her and smiled with a twinkle in her eyes "Not my first time", she explained and left it at that. The noble woman gave a crooked, but obviously genuine smile and nodded.

"Both then. The crossbow on my leg and the dagger in the corset. I will bring the other dagger, and you will construct a hairpiece?" It seemed almost too good to be true to the towering woman, but Faith simply nodded.

"As you wish. We serve the best we can"
word count: 338
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Feminine Defences

"Well, Lady De'mont, the first job is to get your measurement. Do you mind stepping into the dressing room, and we can get going on that. If you strip down to your underwear, I'll be there in just a moment" Faith said, and went to get the low steps so that she could reach the top of the woman's shoulder. She had met that Lotharro chap, Kylar, and he was tall. Really tall. But this woman would be at eye level if not a little above it. Faith wondered if she had sisters and if so, if they were as tall.

But, low steps in hand, she just rapped gently on the side of the door to the dressing room and entered when the noble woman responded. Faith smiled at Lady De'mont and held up the measuring tape she had. "I'm going to measure your waist, your bust, the length of your back. Then your legs and your arms, lengths and circumference. Do you know what sort of shoes you will be wearing?"

"Uncomfortable", came the immediate response and Faith smiled up at her

"I hear that. I wore a pair to a party once and thought perhaps my toes would drop off. They are torture implements". It had been a strange party, in truth, it seemed like a different life.

"Your owner took you to a party?"

Faith paused, just for a trill and she realised that she was surprised. For just a brief heartbeat, not even a full trill she didn't think, she had forgotten about being a slave. How very strange. She looked up at Lady De'mont and nodded. She was measuring around the woman's legs, which Faith was unsurprised to note were bigger than her own waist. "Yes. He did", she replied and noted down the measurement. As always, she was careful and she measured once then once again. Making careful notes was vital and when she was absolutely sure that she had every possible measurement that she might need, Faith smiled and motioned for the Lady to get dressed.

When she had done so, it was on to the next bit. Which turned out to be at once easier and a lot more difficult than she had expected. "So, Lady De'mont, we need to talk about what kind of dress you are envisioning." She reached for the book of drawings and samples, a book of ideas when her client answered.

"I don't care", the noble woman raised a hand before Faith started to argue (although, she was right, she was going to argue). "I do not care at all. Make it acceptable to my family and allow me to carry the weapons I need. I have no other concern"

Faith looked at her and considered. Then, she nodded. "As you wish", she smiled in reply and they arranged the final details before her client left the shop.
word count: 492
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Feminine Defences

Faith was determined. Now, those who knew her would not be surprised at that, not in the slightest. She was determined to do her best at this and, therefore, that meant that she had three criteria to work towards. There had to be no sign of the hidden weapons, there had to be a dress which was acceptable to Lady De'mont's family but, most importantly to Faith, the woman herself had to feel comfortable and beautiful in it. Because she deserved to feel that way because, frankly, she was.

Every person was born to be who they were and Lady De'mont was no exception to that. So, Faith determined, she was going to make her a dress which allowed her to feel beautiful. She started with the colour and that one she knew already. Lady De'mont had the perfect complexion for a deep sapphire blue dress, just like her name. It matched the deep blue of her eyes, also, and would really accentuate them. So, Faith chose silks and satins with fine lace and some black velvet trim. Nothing to flouncy, though, she knew. It would not feel comfortable for how Lady De'mont moved, and Faith had watched that carefully. She needed something which flowed with her, but moved with strength and yet softness. She had a design in mind, a dress which she thought of as being like waves of dark blue ocean cascading down her. But it had to have structure, it had to work with the way the Lady moved, and that meant that it could not, under any circumstances, be floaty.

So, the structured but fluid skirt had to move around her and Faith built it that way. It was like building it, she considered as she sewed carefully, Tiny pleats in the skirt which were hidden from view, but which gave a little volume, a touch of movement. She had dozens of the things to sew in, but she did so happily, quite content with the steady rhythmn of the needle and thread. There were pleats to sew in and then she had to attach the base to the waist. Faith had worn enough skirts and corsets which pulled in her waist to the point that she thought that breaking a lower rib might relieve the pain; that was not what she was going to do here. She stitched down the sides of the bodice, creating the illusion of the waist pulling in without actually doing so. Then, she reinforced the chest, so that it would hold up and accentuate those natural curves which Lady De'mont had.

After she had the structure in place, with the illusion of waves of deep blue flowing down her, positioned in such a way that they would move and flow when she walked, Faith started to add in the small details. The tiny sequins which would add to that illusion of movement, each one individually sewn into the edges of the wave details. Then, on the bodice, nothing too fancy but a lighter blue embroidered pattern, subtle and just again accentuating the inward movement of Lady De'mont's waist.

Finally, swathes of lace which fitted underneath the waves of the skirt and which she meticulously appliqued to the bodice. Finally, she trimmed the neckline and made straps for the shoulders. It took her the three trials that she said and, frankly, the hidden holster for the crossbow and the concealed dagger in the delicate belt buckle were the least of it. But she also made the matching hair decoration and she hoped that the woman liked it. Alfonse liked it and Faith had to admit that it looked pretty good.

When Lady De'mont came back, Faith sent her into the dressing room and asked if she needed help. Lady De'mont refused and so Faith waited outside.

"Could you come in here", came the call, just when Faith was starting to think that the woman might have legged it out of the window or something. She moved into the dressing room and there was Lady De'mont looking at herself in the mirror with a look of astonishment on her face. She looked at Faith and the young seamstress smiled.

"You look beautiful." Her fingers aches and her back had a knot in it. But the look on the woman's face was more than enough and the young former slave sent a prayer of thanks to Famula, for the ability to serve this woman in this way.
word count: 757
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Feminine Defences

Name: Faith

Psychology: People have different views on slavery
Padraig: Loves you
Sewing: Sewing in embroidery on a gown
Alfonse: Manipulative and cruel
Sapphire De’mont: Needs a ball gown
Sapphire De’mont: Wants her ball gown to conceal weapons
Business Management: Putting the customer first
Deception: How to conceal weapons in a dress
Deception: How to conceal a knife in a hairpiece
Sewing: Taking measurements
Sewing: Measuring twice to be certain
Business Management: Keeping the customer happy
Business Management: Never argue with a client
Detection: Analyzing a person’s gait
Sewing: Picking out colors to match complexion and eyes
Sewing: Sewing pleats
Sewing: Sewing in small details
Sewing: Sewing lace
Business Management: Complimenting the customer

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: +2 prayer to Famula x 2

Story: 5
Collaboration: N/A
Structure: 5

What a lovely job thread! I loved this little challenge of the Brienne of Tarthe like woman and Faith wanting to make her look and FEEL pretty, while still accomplishing everything the customer wanted. You did a good job working in some business management as you had intended. Very good job!

If you feel that I've missed anything or have any questions or comments, please PM me!
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