Vhalar 78
Children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression.
Though she was still treating whatever patients showed up on her doorstep, Ashira found the work at the Skye Verath Lodge to be rewarding enough, both monetarily and in the soul deep sense of getting something done and with patients who didn't (couldn't!) complain, that it had become fairly regular. If she'd no patients of her own, didn't have plants to tend, mixtures to muddle or extract, scrivening to do or plans with Everett, she went to the Lodge as often as not.
She still hadn't got her own leathers though which was a sorry state of affairs. As much as your nose soon largely stopped working in self defense, or hers did anyway, putting on the clothes that stunk of both the beasts and more offensively someone elses sweat would never be enjoyable. She really had to get her own. Then she could clean them properly. Unfortunately her mental list of things she had to do was long enough that some didn't get seen to in a timely fashion. This was one of them. It wasn't really an issue, she would live, it was just distasteful. And if honesty were in effect... Ashira felt it was beneath her. Communal uniforms were only one step away from wearing someone elses cast-offs.
Eventually geared up and ready for the trial, she headed for the Jacadon stables.
"I thought I'd best warn you ahead of time."
"Ah?" Ashira queried, head turning to take in the Blazer. She still couldn't have said what his name was, though she recognized him easily enough. In her head he was just the man who went with Errol, who she remembered largely because Errol was a ridiculous name for a Jacadon and he'd been recovering from arrow wounds. Now healed, with only a scar to show and even that hidden beneath his feathers.
"We've a few young unbonded Jacadon in the stables, no manners, I'd leave those be. None of them are really injured so far as I know anyway."
"Ah? Isn't that... unusual?"
"Very! It was the rains, washed a batch of them out to sea, further than beasties that young ought to be. Luckily they were noticed and we may even have managed to get them all, though odds are good we lost a few. Most were returned to their parents but a few were either in too bad shape or no adult came for them so... they wound up here. Too valuable to lose any if we can help it!"
"So stay away from any younglings I see, got it."
"Mm, a nip from a pup is an inconvenience, a nip from a Jacadon chick.."
"I'd as rather not spend my trial trying to stitch myself up! Thank you! How is Errol? No incidents?"
"No! I don't think his scars bother him at all, he flies just like he used to. Ha! Take more than a few damned rebels to ground us!"
"I imagine it would." She smiled and then glanced around. The stables were much fuller than usual, and many of the people she didn't know, and extremely unusually, they didn't seem to be doing anything in particular, just... loitering. She gestured to them. "What's going on?"
"Aaah frig. Well it's them chicks. We've got all these bloody tits mooning about hoping they're going to bond one through proximity. As if any Jacadon were ever impressed enough by someone making sad eyes through a window to fly with them. Ha! Just cuss 'em out if they get in the way."
"That explains it. Thanks!" With a wave, Ashira moved to start her rounds.