Vhalar 96
"The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday - but never today."
Ashira needed to process her dolls eyes. The berries would only stay usable for so long after all. After thinking about it, she'd decided to turn it into jam. Everett knew better than to take anything from her work room without knowing for absolute certain what it was, so there was no danger there. This of course brought up another hole in her education. Ashira had no idea how to make jam. Not really. You put the berries in a pot and then.. Something. Somehow they magically turned into jam. She needed to uncover and enact these mysterious middle steps. Luckily she knew somewhere that held almost any and all knowledge, for those who knew how to find it. The Library. Why not? She was a resident now, she was entitled to two books per week, and there was absolutely nothing suspicious about a woman, newly in charge of her own household fetching a book that taught her recipes.So she found herself within the Library, and in truth she was a little awed by the size and scope of it. Back home there'd been a bookshelf full of medical texts, often dog eared and stained from use. Blood on this page, tonic of one sort or another on that. The margins filled with notes and observations from other healers past and present.Useful yes, absolutely, but it was like a candle compared to a bonfire. For all that she'd intended to go straight for what she'd needed, Ashira found herself browsing the shelves, fingers running over the spines, reading the titles she could make out. Some were so embellished that even though they were in common she couldn't read them, others were in languages utterly alien to her. In spite of herself, she found herself in the fiction section, glancing around furtively before taking a closer look at some of the titles.
She pulled one of them off the shelf, reading the title 'Halycon and the Cylus Winds'. It was apparently part of a series, all centred on the titular heroine, Halycon. Flipping through the pages, she was stopped by a rather racy illustration of an attractive woman and man in an intimate embrace. It was clear they had just started to disrobe, but were not yet in a state that would be entirely inappropriate to illustrate. If the story carried on where the picture left of though... Blushing she snapped the book shut. She went to put it back on the shelf and. Hesitated. She transferred it to be carried under her arm and then moved to the other sections of the Library. She got two books. She only need one with instructions on how to make jam. The other could be whatever she wanted, and if she happened to want to know what Halycon did with the Cylus Winds, well that was no ones business but her own.
There was in fact quite a large section on cookery, and it took her some time to find a book with what she wanted. There were so many it was almost overwhelming. She'd risked a look inside one that promised fine gourmet dining, and found that although it was in Common, she had no idea what half the things it said actually meant. Braise this and sautee that. The drawings of the food looked quite nice, it had that going for it at least. Far beyond her current capabilities though and not what she needed. She slid it back into it's waiting slot and carried on. Eventually she found one called 'The Humble Farmers Kitchen Guide'. The words it used were for the most part quite small, if occasionally misspelled, and there were often picture instructions to go with the written. Now if it only had... Aha! She'd been flipping through the book and stopped, having reached a picture of several berries and a jar. The title of the page was simply 'Jam'. She skimmed it and came to the conclusion that yes, this was a recipe she could follow. It was simple and there were not many ingredients. All she had to do was to approach it as though she was mixing a medicine or potion and she should be fine.