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Mid-town Law Firm

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Law Firm

Andaris, Andaris, & Burgess
Andaris, Andaris, & Burgess, or AA&B, is the city of Andaris' only current law firm. Founded by Jaako Andaris, his twin brother Daneel Andaris, and their close friend Dumas Burgess, the firm has slowly grown to prominence in the city after its founding in Arc 690 and now has over 100 lawyers and multiple branches and offices.

Upon entrance to the office main, one will find themselves in a place at first glance not too dissimilar to a library, a stone building full of well-dressed, hushed workers manning lines upon lines of desks-- shuffling papers, answering letters, researching, collaborating, and in general going efficiently about their business. The walls are surrounded on all sides by loaded bookshelves and file drawers, and day and night the place is a flurry of activity. If in need of a lawyer, a person is encouraged to approach the front desk, where ringing a bell will bring forward any lesser member who is free to address the inquirer's needs. After assessing where the person most needs to be directed to, the member (usually an apprentice lawyer, though sometimes a plain secretary) will lead the prospective client to the appropriate branch of the office, through cream stone hallways bordered every few feet by regal wooden doors.

Civil Rights Branch
The civil rights branch of the office is the least staffed and least loved, looked down upon by nearly every member of every other office. It is seen by most as an unnecessary addition to the firm, as most people believe that slaves and the like do not deserve the rights of everyday citizens, and arguing for such --especially in court against slavers or the city itself-- is seen as stirring up trouble. Currently the office has two co-runners, young Artem Andaris, daughter of the firm's chief founder, and Irene Davies, a woman that most of the lawyers tend to ignore, thinking of her as incompetent and mousy. Due to its poor reputation, the civil rights branch tends to keep to itself and has become, over the years, very self-sufficient, its members sticking to their single-room, cramped little office located down the back side of the building. If not for an incredibly wealthy, anonymous patron who commonly donates money to fund the civil rights' cases, this branch of Andaris, Andaris, & Burgess would probably not exist at all.

Branches to be added as players see fit. Players are welcome to develop new branches of the office and new office NPC's.

Artem Andaris

Name: Artem Andaris
Created by: Quio
Race: Human
DOB: 37th of Saun, Arc 702
Title: Apprentice lawyer
Skills: Politics 30, Research 30, Leadership 20, Rhetoric 20

Other Information: Artem Andaris is the eldest and only child of one of the three founders of AA&B, Mr. Jaako Andaris. Jaako Andaris, though one of a trio, is the office's true founder in the sense that it is his company: he handles the top cases, attends functions to amend legislation, has a hand in funding the company, and in general is the top draw of Andaris, Andaris, & Burgess. More than once it has been pointed out that in the name of the firm, he represents the foremost Andaris.

Artem has a history of following in her father's footsteps. Her name was earned when Jaako demanded that his first child be a boy and heir to the law firm, but instead a daughter was born. Being a bulldog of a man, her father refused to change her name to something more suited a woman, and thus Artem was crowned. A young girl as stubborn as her father but far more political and devious-minded, Artem has excelled at law work due to her tenaciousness and ability to make small sacrifices in order to achieve her long-term goals. Where her father might be prone to wasting an opportunity in the short-run due to his inability to back down, Artem will take an immediate loss if it means setting her up for future victory. Despite being female and still quite young, she holds a place of honor in her father's company, allowed to do whatever work she decides to set her mind to.

Artem loves a challenge, and as such has currently set herself up as co-runner of the firm's civil rights office, the most disliked and underfunded area of the company. She sees her work there as an opportunity to soar; if she can flourish in such poor conditions and raise the civil rights office from its lowly place in the company, then she would have proved that she really can do anything.

Artem often uses her favor with her father to curry the civil rights office small favors and funds, enabling them to take on cases --and represent clients-- that they might not otherwise be able to afford.

Irene Davies

Name: Irene Davies
Created by: Quio
Race: Human
DOB: 12th of Ashan, Arc 658
Title: Lawyer
Skills: Politics 50, Negotiation 20, Research 20, Tactics 10

Other Information: To most who meet her, Irene Davies seems more the motherly type than the lawyerly. With a sweet face and kind disposition, one would have to wonder how she had even gotten into the business at all. And it is true: for a woman of the law, Irene can be quite wishy-washy. She lets herself be bullied by other senior members of the office, and when out of her element generally is downcast and uninspiring, keeping her words and ideals to herself.

That hesitance, however, flipflops to a quiet determination when it comes to defending the rights of society's 'subordinates'-- the poor, the homeless, criminals, and especially lower-class workers and slaves.

Irene Davies is quite the champion of the little guy and the underdog, and tirelessly fights to ensure that all are afforded what she sees to be the most basic of human rights and comforts. If she could have her way, slavery in the kingdom would be completely demolished; however, as things are, she understands that the best she can do is work towards altering the current legislation that says that some types of slaves do not deserve the protection of the law. It is certain that if she succeeded in her current goals, she would continue to work towards more and more rights for all people, regardless of their station and class.


Name: Alfred "Guttey" Morris
Created by: Quio
Race: Human
DOB: 23rd of Zi'da, Arc 662
Title: Steward Knight
Skills: Axes & Bludgeons: Cudgel 50, Mount: Jacadon 30, Investigation 45, Interrogation 25, Shield 20, Tactics 10

Other Information: Guttey started out his life as many aspiring to work for their country do: as a lowly squire. Through the years --mainly due to his diligence, street smarts, and cool head-- he slowly earned his way to the respectable title of Steward Knight. Unlike most knights, he worked closely with the Skyriders, and had a Skyrider partner who had long since been a Blazer, a rider of Jacadon. For many years the two worked closely together, completing missions large and small, Guttey working as the muscle and his partner handling the intelligence.

Misfortune struck when a quick scouting mission went sour and their group was attacked; his partner was fatally wounded and died. Guttey, not knowing he held in his arms a dead man, attempted to mount and flee upon the Blazer's jacadon. But the animal, in horrible distress over its rider's killing, promptly attacked, maiming Guttey upon the leg, hip, and hand. All in all it was a miracle that Guttey himself survived to watch the enraged animal vanish forever into the sky.

After the attack, due to his injuries --especially his dud leg and finger-less right hand-- he was considered unfit for his old duties. Eventually, after trying to teach himself to be ambidextrous and failing, Guttey retired from the active knights to a desk job and found himself a wife. The woman he married was an ex-slave, and through the years Guttey found himself reassigned again and again within the city until he eventually ended up as an enforcer and investigator for AA&B. Naturally he gravitated towards the civil rights office, and has been working for them, both as muscle and with his sharp mind, for a good many years now.

Price List

Contact mods for evaluation.
Credit: Quio
word count: 1404
A N D I T' S A L L J U S T S M A L L S T U F F, B A B Y.

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